Firefox extension: Refer to object defined in bootstrap.js from XUL file - firefox

I'm trying to contribute to a Firefox extension I use, but I have no idea what I'm doing :)
I've got a dialog powered by a XUL document to gather some data from the user. That's all fine and good. But when the user confirms the dialog, I need to call a function defined on an object that's defined in my bootstrap.js file. Is that possible to do directly? e.g., in the XUL file:
<prefpanes id="my-pane" xmlns="">
function myCallback() {
PassFF.myAction(); // PassFF is undefined here
<button id="my-button" oncommand="myCallback();" />
If that's not possible, is it possible to register a callback when I open the document in the first place? Something like this:
var dialog = window.openDialog("chrome://passff/content/mypane.xul",
dialog.addEventListener('close', function(event) {
PassFF.myAction(); // PassFF is defined here, but the event doesn't fire
I've tried things like importing the bootstrap.js script in my XUL document with another script tag, adding another "content" line to the manifest to expose the file, different events (unload, command, click) but couldn't figure out any of these approaches either.
Any tips?

You can use, for example, platform observer mechanics.
this is "signals.js" file (module):
let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["addSignalListener", "removeSignalListener", "emitSignal", "signalNamePrefix"];
const {utils:Cu, classes:Cc, interfaces:Ci, results:Cr} = Components;
function genUUID () {
let uuidgen = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
if (!uuidgen) throw new Error("no UUID generator available!");
return uuidgen.generateUUID().toString().replace(/[^-a-z0-9]/ig, "");
const signalNamePrefix = "signal-"+genUUID()+"-";
const obs = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
let observers = {};
function addSignalListener (name, cback) {
if (typeof(name) !== "string" || !name) throw new Error("invalid signal name");
if (typeof(cback) !== "function") throw new Error("callback function expected");
// check if already here
if (cback in observers) {
let names = observers[cback];
if (name in names) return; // nothing to do
} else {
observers[cback] = {};
let observer = {
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
topic = topic.substr(signalNamePrefix.length); // remove prefix
if (data && data.length) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
} else {
data = null;
cback(topic, data);
obs.addObserver(observer, signalNamePrefix+name, false);
observers[cback][name] = observer;
function removeSignalListener (name, cback) {
if (typeof(name) !== "string" || !name) throw new Error("invalid signal name");
if (typeof(cback) !== "function") throw new Error("callback function expected");
// find observer
let names = observers[cback];
if (names === undefined) return; // nothing to do
if (!(name in names)) return; // nothing to do
try { obs.removeObserver(observers[cback][name], name); } catch (e) {}
function emitSignal (name, data) {
if (typeof(name) !== "string" || !name) throw new Error("invalid signal name");
data = (typeof(data) === "undefined" ? null : (data !== null ? JSON.stringify(data) : null));
obs.notifyObservers(null, signalNamePrefix+name, data);
sample use:
addSignalListener("mysignal", function (signame, data) {
dump("MYSIGNAL("+signame+"): "+data+"\n");
for (let [k, v] of Iterator(data)) dump(" ["+k+"]=["+v+"]\n");
emitSignal("mysignal", {any:42, data:[669], here:"wow!"});
here just import "signals.js" in your "bootstrap.js", and add signal listener. then import "signals.js" in your dialog js, and emit signal with the data you need.


failing to reset language selection after sync

I am facing a problem which I am not aware how to resolve. Let me describe elaborately below:
I have a commonViewModel kendo class where event like save, cancel are written. I am facing problem with the save event of this class.
save: function () {
var that = this;
var routeLanguage = "";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", true);
console.log("form is valid, sending the save request!");
if (vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage")) {
routeLanguage = "/" + vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage");
else if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (lang.get("IsActive") === true) {
//sätt cv-visning till det språk jag senast redigerade på detta item
routeLanguage = "/" + lang.LanguageId;
//if i call the function _loadDefaultLanguageSelection here, it
// works. because, the datasource is not synced yet.
//Make sure the datasource are syncing changes to the server (includes all crud)
return that.dataSource.sync().fail(function (e) {
//i need to do something here to be in the same language tab. But
//as i am changing directly in to model, it is not possible. But
//saving directly to model is essential because that model is
//shared to other viewmodel for language tab synching purpose.
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
console.log("form rejected");
}).done(function () {
if (that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
var name = that.get("model.Name");
if (name.length > 12)
name = name.substring(0, 11) + "...";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
that.set("isSelected", false);
// it is called from here right now. but it is failing because
// model is updated but not synced in that function
router.navigate(that.nextRoute + routeLanguage);
_loadDefaultLanguageSelection: function () {
var that = this;
if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (!that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
lang.set("IsActive", lang.get("LanguageId") === vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage"));
So, my question is, how can i resolve this problem. one solution is i will have to sync twice. that is not nice. So, I am looking for efficient solution.

MongoDb: Got My AJAX Response, but how to Convert it?

I need the server's response in the right format to allow me to traverse it like a list of MongoDb documents.
The console.log shows the data I want as [{"_id": "0YHYT54", etc.}], so it's all there.
However, it is string, making my attempt to traverse it as a MongoDb document fail.
function clientChanged(selectInput) {
if (selectInput.selectedIndex === -1)
selectInput.selectedIndex = 0;
selectedClientId = selectInput.options[selectInput.selectedIndex].value;
getClientMatters(selectedClientId, (matters) => {
console.log("returned Type: " + typeof matters);
<-- I need to process the returned data here, but it is string.
function getClientMatters(clientId, cb) {
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};"GET", "../matters/getByClientId?clientId=" + clientId, true);
Here is my model, which returns the data from the server:
Matters.getOpenMattersByClientId(clientId, function (err, matters) {
if (err) {
return res(err);
} else {
return res.json(matters);
Also, this is my first attempt at using AJAX to get my MongoDB data. If the above code reveals other issues, any tips would be appreciated.

Bootstrap typeahead suggestions replaced when navigation

I'm using Bootstrap Typeahead to suggest som search results. The results are returned from a ajax ressource, and since this resource creates a delay, I'm experiencing a unfortunate effect.
If typing a 4 letter word, the suggestions will appear after 2 letters, I can then go through the results with the keys up/down, but suddenly the suggestions will reload because the last request has finished.
Is there any way to "cancel" any remaining, if user is currently using the keys up/down to go through the suggestions?
items: 4,
source: function (query,process) {
map = {};
$.getJSON('/app_dev.php/ajax/autosuggest/'+query, function (data) {
vehicles = [];
$.each(data, function(i,vehicle){
map[vehicle.full] = vehicle;
updater: function (item) {
// do something here when item is selected
highlighter: function (item) {
return item;
matcher: function (item) {
return true;
I think the following will satisfy your needs (its hard to reproduce exactly) :
There is no easy way to abort a delayed response, but you could extend typeahead as I figured out here (without modifying bootstrap.js)
The concept is to catch keydown, detect if the event is KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN, set a flag is_browsing, and then abort process if is_browsing is true (that is, if the user has hitted KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN and no other keys afterwards).
Extending typeahead :
// save the original function object
var _superTypeahead = $.fn.typeahead;
// add is_browsing as a new flag
$.extend( _superTypeahead.defaults, {
is_browsing: false
// create a new constructor
var Typeahead = function(element, options) {
_superTypeahead.Constructor.apply( this, arguments )
// extend prototype and add a _super function
Typeahead.prototype = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype, {
constructor: Typeahead
, _super: function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments)
// call bootstrap core
_superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args)
//override typeahead original keydown
, keydown: function (e) {
this._super('keydown', e)
this.options.is_browsing = ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38])>-1)
//override process, abort if user is browsing
, process: function (items) {
if (this.options.is_browsing) return
this._super('process', items)
// override the old initialization with the new constructor
$.fn.typeahead = $.extend(function(option) {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
option = args.shift()
// this is executed everytime element.modal() is called
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
var data = $'typeahead'),
options = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option)
if (!data) {
$'typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') {
data[option].apply( data, args )
}, $.fn.typeahead);
This typeahead-extension could be placed anywhere, eg in a <script type="text/javascript"> -section
Testing the extension :
<input type="text" id="test" name="test" placeholder="type some text" data-provide="typeahead">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var url='typeahead.php';
items : 10,
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get(url, { query: query }, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
A "serverside" PHP script that returns a lot of randomized options with forced delay, typeahead.php :
header('Content-type: application/json');
sleep(3); //delay execution in 3 secs
for ($count=0;$count<30000;$count++) {
if ($JSON!='') $JSON.=',';
//create random strings
$JSON='{ "options": ['.$JSON.'] }';
echo $JSON;
It really seems to work for me. But I cannot be sure that it will work in your case. Let me now if you have success or not.

AngularJs 2 promises inside a watch the second one never works

I have 2 lists in my application and the user is supposed to drag and drop items from one list to another.
When the user drops an element from one of the lists to the other list a request has to be made to the server side code to update a field in the database (SelectedForDiscussion).
This is the code in my controller:
$scope.$watch("questionsDiscuss", function (value) {
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsDiscuss).Where(function (item) { return !item.SelectedForDiscussion }).FirstOrDefault()
if (question != undefined) {
questionSelectionService.UpdateQuestionSelectionStatus(question.Id, true)
.then(function (output) {
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsDiscuss)
.Where(function (item) { return item.Id == })
var index = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsDiscuss).IndexOf(question);
if (question != undefined)
if ( != "success") {
$scope.questionsDiscuss.splice(index, 1);
$scope.questionsReceived.splice(0, 0, question);
else {
question.SelectedForDiscussion = true;
$scope.questionsDiscuss[index] = question;
else {
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsReceived).Where(function (item) { return item.SelectedForDiscussion }).FirstOrDefault();
if (question != undefined) {
questionSelectionService.UpdateQuestionSelectionStatus(question.Id, false)
.then(function (output) {
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsReceived)
.Where(function (item) { return item.Id == })
var index = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsReceived).IndexOf(question);
if (question != undefined)
if ( != "success") {
$scope.questionsReceived.splice(index, 1);
$scope.questionsDiscuss.splice(0, 0, question);
else {
question.SelectedForDiscussion = false;
$scope.questionsReceived[index] = question;
}, true);
I have 4 javascript breakpoint placed at the following lines within Firebug:
2 of them at the following lines:
if (question != undefined) {
One at:
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsDiscuss)
.Where(function (item) {
return item.Id ==
And the other at:
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsReceived)
.Where(function (item) {
return item.Id ==
The following happens:
The breakpoints at:
if (question != undefined) {
are always reached.
The breakpoint at
var question = $.Enumerable.From($scope.questionsDiscuss)
.Where(function (item) {
return item.Id ==
is also reached.
The other is never reached.
Both responses are OK(response code 200).
Everything should work perfectly but the then clause in the second promise is never reached.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
The serverside appplication is an ASP.NET MVC application written in C#.
Edit 1:
I figured out why this was happening and I have a work around for it. I am stil interested in an actual solution.
The problem is angularjs throws an error then swallows it when calling $http for the second time. The error is:
digest alredy in progress
I think this is because in my directive I have this code:
dndfunc = function (scope, element, attrs) {
// contains the args for this component
var args = attrs.dndBetweenList.split(',');
// contains the args for the target
var targetArgs = $('#' + args[1]).attr('dnd-between-list').split(',');
// variables used for dnd
var toUpdate;
var target;
var startIndex = -1;
// watch the model, so we always know what element
// is at a specific position
scope.$watch(args[0], function (value) {
toUpdate = value;
}, true);
// also watch for changes in the target list
scope.$watch(targetArgs[0], function (value) {
target = value;
}, true);
// use jquery to make the element sortable (dnd). This is called
// when the element is rendered
items: 'div',
start: function (event, ui) {
// on start we define where the item is dragged from
startIndex = ($(ui.item).index());
stop: function (event, ui) {
var newParent = ui.item[0];
// on stop we determine the new index of the
// item and store it there
var newIndex = ($(ui.item).index());
var toMove = toUpdate[startIndex];
// we need to remove him from the configured model
toUpdate.splice(startIndex, 1);
if (newParent == args[1]) {
// and add it to the linked list
target.splice(newIndex, 0, toMove);
} else {
toUpdate.splice(newIndex, 0, toMove);
// we move items in the array, if we want
// to trigger an update in angular use $apply()
// since we're outside angulars lifecycle
connectWith: '#' + args[1]
And there are 2 calls to apply at the end which trigger a new digest cycle I think.
Anyway I fixed it by adding this call before the calls to apply:
if (scope.updateLists != undefined)
And moved all the code from the watch into the updateLists function.
Also because people have mentioned the service as having something to do with it I am pasting the relevant code within it:
GetQuestionsReceived: function (eid, criteria, page, rows) {
var promise = this.GetQuestionsReceivedInternal(eid,criteria, page, rows).then(function (response) {
// The return value gets picked up by the then in the controller.
return response;
// Return the promise to the controller
return promise;
GetQuestionsReceivedInternal: function (eid, criteria, page, rows) {
return $http({ method: 'GET',
url: '../QuestionManagement/GetQuestions?eventId='+eid+'&page=1&rows=5&'+serialize(criteria)
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
results = data;
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
if (window.console && console.log) {
console.log("Could not obtain questions received. Error:" + data + "Status:" + status + "Headers:" + headers + "Config:" + config);
GetQuestionsDiscuss: function (eid,criteria, page, rows) {
var promise = this.GetQuestionsDiscussInternal(eid,criteria, page, rows).then(function (response) {
// The return value gets picked up by the then in the controller.
return response;
// Return the promise to the controller
return promise;
GetQuestionsDiscussInternal: function (eid,criteria, page, rows) {
return $http({ method: 'GET',
url: '../QuestionManagement/GetQuestions?eventId=' + eid + '&page=1&rows=5&' + serialize(criteria)
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
response = data;
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
if (window.console && console.log) {
console.log("Could not obtain questions received. Error:" + data + "Status:" + status + "Headers:" + headers + "Config:" + config);
You have two very similar blocks of code, which could be generalized and placed in a function wrapper, leaving behind a very simple calling function.
If you can get everything into that form, then I think you will find it easier to debug.
Here is an attempt to do so :
function updateSelectionStatus(qA, qB, bool) {
var en = $.Enumerable.From(qA);
var question = en.Where(function (item) {
return bool ? !item.SelectedForDiscussion : item.SelectedForDiscussion;
if(question) {
questionSelectionService.UpdateQuestionSelectionStatus(question.Id, bool).then(function (output) {
if ( == "success") {
question.SelectedForDiscussion = bool;
else {
qA.splice(en.IndexOf(question), 1);
return question;
$scope.$watch("questionsDiscuss", function (value) {
if (!updateSelectionStatus($scope.questionsDiscuss, $scope.questionsReceived, true) {
updateSelectionStatus($scope.questionsReceived, $scope.questionsDiscuss, false);
}, true);
I may have made some false assumptions and simplified too much (eg. purging the inner $.Enumerable.From, which appears to reselect the same question as the outer), so you may well need to rework my code.
I'm advocating a principle here, rather than offering a solution.

Firefox, Mozilla validator error

I am getting this one error when I use the Mozilla validator:
This is the JS file:
const STATE_START = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
const STATE_STOP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
// Version changes:
// It used to get the lists from a PHP file, but that was putting too much of a strain on the servers
// now it uses xml files.
// Randomizes the servers to load balance
// Mozilla editor suggested no synchronous file gets, so changed it to asynchronous
// Added one more server to help with the updates (
// Edited some redirect code that some idiots were spreading FUD about.
var xmlDoc = null;
var quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url='';
var countXmlUrl = 0;
//var xmlUrl = '';
var xmlUrl = new Array(4);
xmlUrl[0] = '';
xmlUrl[1] = '';
xmlUrl[2] = '';
xmlUrl[3] = '';
xmlUrl.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})
var realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
var notificationUrl = '';
var root_node = null;
var second_node = null;
var timervar = null;
var mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
//Calling the interface for preferences
var prefManager = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var quickfilter_mafiaafire =
// get the domain name from the current url
var urlbar = window.content.location.href;
domain_name_parts = urlbar.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1].split('.');
if(domain_name_parts.length >= 3){
domain_name_parts[0] = '';
var dn = domain_name_parts.join('.');
if(dn.indexOf('.') == 0)
return dn.substr(1);
return dn;
// send ajax request to server for loading the xml
request_xml:function ()
http_request = false;
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {
if (!http_request)
return false;
http_request.onreadystatechange = this.response_xml;'GET', realXmlUrl, true);
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
// receive the ajax response
response_xml:function ()
if (http_request.readyState == 4)
if(http_request.status == 404 && countXmlUrl<=3)
realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
if (http_request.status == 200)
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
var urlBar = window.content.location.href;
//check if url bar is blank or empty
if (urlBar == 'about:blank' || urlBar == '' || urlBar.indexOf('http')<0)
return false;
//1. get domain
processing_domain = this.get_domain_name();
//Couldn't fetch the XML config, so returning gracefully
if(xmlDoc == null)
return false;
root_node = '';
// Parsing the xml
root_node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('filter');
second_node = '';
second_node = root_node[i];
if(second_node.getElementsByTagName('realdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == processing_domain)
mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
mafiaafireFilterUrl = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
timervar = setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
//window.content.location.href = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//timervar = setInterval("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(quickfilter_mafiaafire.filterUrl)",1000);
// This function is called for showing the notification
// Firefox default notification interface
var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
notificationBox.appendNotification('You are being redirected', "", "chrome://quickfilter/content/filter.png", notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [{
accessKey: '',
label: ' click here for details',
callback: function() {
// Showing the notification Bar
window.content.location.href = notificationUrl;
var qucikFilterRedirectCount = '';
//Read the value from preferrences
qucikFilterRedirectCount = prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.quickfilter_redirect_count");
if(qucikFilterRedirectCount % 15 == 0)
// Disable for now, can comment this entire section but this is the easier fix incase we decide to enable it later
//window.content.location.href = quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url+"?d="+mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
qucikFilterRedirectCount = parseInt(qucikFilterRedirectCount)+1;
var quickfilter_urlBarListener = {
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
//Called when the location of the window being watched changes
onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI)
// This fires when the location bar changes; that is load event is confirmed
// or when the user switches tabs. If you use myListener for more than one tab/window,
// use aProgress.DOMWindow to obtain the tab/window which triggered the change.
//Notification indicating the state has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress.
onStateChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus)
if(aFlag & STATE_START)
// This fires when the load event is initiated
if(aFlag & STATE_STOP)
// This fires when the load finishes
//Notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress
onProgressChange: function() {},
//Notification that the status of a request has changed. The status message is intended to be displayed to the user.
onStatusChange: function() {},
//Notification called for security progress
onSecurityChange: function() {},
onLinkIconAvailable: function() {}
var quickfilter_extension = {
init: function()
//Initiating the progressListerner
gBrowser.addProgressListener(quickfilter_urlBarListener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT);
//Load the block list xml form server
uninit: function()
// Remove the progressListerner
// window.addEventListener("load", function () { TheGreatTest1.onFirefoxLoad(); }, false);
// this function is Called on window Onload event
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) {
}, false);
Can you tell me how to squash that error please?
It looks like the offending line is setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
The setTimeout function can take a string (which then essentially gets eval'd) or a function (which gets called). Using a string is not recommended, for all the same reasons that using eval is not recommended. See
In this case, the simplest fix would be to change it to setTimeout(function() { quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(); },1500);
