use smo to clone azure SQL database? - clone

I'm writing a program to test update scripts for Azure sql.
The idea is to
- first clone a database (or fill a clone with the source schema and content)
- then run the update script on the clone
Locally I have this working, but for azure I have the probem that I don't see any file names. If I restore one database to another on the same azure "server", don't I have to rename the data files during restore too?
For local restore I do this:
restore.Devices.AddDevice(settings.BackupFileName, DeviceType.File);
restore.RelocateFiles.Add(new RelocateFile("<db>", Path.Combine(settings.DataFileDirectory, settings.TestDatabaseName + ".mdf")));
restore.RelocateFiles.Add(new RelocateFile("<db>_log", Path.Combine(settings.DataFileDirectory, settings.TestDatabaseName + "_1.ldf")));
Is something similar required for cloning a database on azure?
Lots of Greetings!

You can create a database as a copy of [source]:
CREATE DATABASE database_name [ COLLATE collation_name ]
| AS COPY OF [source_server_name].source_database_name
(<edition_options> [, ...n])
<edition_options> ::=
MAXSIZE = { 100 MB | 500 MB | 1 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 … 150…500 } GB
| EDITION = { 'web' | 'business' | 'basic' | 'standard' | 'premium' }
{ 'basic' | 'S0' | 'S1' | 'S2' | 'S3'
| 'P1' | 'P2' | 'P3' | 'P4'| 'P6' | 'P11'
| { ELASTIC_POOL(name = <elastic_pool_name>) } }


Laravel connection with postgres doesn't work properly

I'm just setting up a new Laravel installation with a postgressql server using a role with NO superuser privileges (test). I'm using Manjaro to test and I've installed php 8 and enabled/installed php-pgsql with pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions uncommented at /etc/php/php.ini
Laravel does seem to detect the table but it can't run migrations. These are the commands I'm using:
php artisan migrate:install (this one works)
php artisan migrate:status (this one doesn't work, it can't find the migrations table)
Also this is my .env (the relevant piece):
This is what I get from the test user within laravel:
test=> \l
postgres | postgres | UTF8 | es_CL.utf8 | es_CL.utf8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8 | es_CL.utf8 | es_CL.utf8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8 | es_CL.utf8 | es_CL.utf8 | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
test | test | UTF8 | es_CL.utf8 | es_CL.utf8 |
For command migrate:status, Laravel calls this method in internal class PostgresGrammar in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars.
* Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
* #return string
public function compileTableExists()
return "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = ? and table_name = ? and table_type = 'BASE TABLE'";
If you see it select records from information_schema which needs proper permissions to work. The user, in your case test, needs to be the owner of the schema, which is test in your case, to get any rows from information_schema.tables which are related to your schema.
run this command to change the owner of the schema:
alter schema `test` owner to `test`;
Or the user needs to be a member of a group that owns the schema.
Usage grant is not sufficient. The user does not need to be a superuser. The user can own a table in a schema, but that is not sufficient either.
What permissions are required to return rows from information_schema.schemata?
PostgresGrammar Implementation

Snowflake Not Accepting File Format In Bulk Load

I am creating some new ETL tasks for our data pipeline. We have currently have several hundred loading data from various S3 buckets.
So it would go like this:
create or replace stage ETL_STAGE url='s3://bucketname/'
file_format = csv_etl;
create or replace file format csv_etl
type = 'CSV'
field_delimiter = ','
skip_header = 1
copy into db.schema.table
from #ETL_STAGE/Usage
on_error = 'continue'
However, whenever I use this my file format is not only not not escaping the enclosed double quotes it is not even skipping the header so I get this:
Pretty perplexed by this as I am 99% certain the formatting options are correct here.
| "Usage Task Name" | "Value" | "etl_uuid" | "etl_deviceServer" | "etl_timestamp" |
| "taskname" | "0" | "adfasdfasdf" | "hostserverip" | "2020-04-06 2124" |
Run below command by including file_format. This applied the file format while loading file:
copy into db.schema.table
from #ETL_STAGE/Usage
on_error = 'continue'
file_format = csv_etl;

Protect Responsive FileManager from direct access

I am using responsive FileManager 9.14.0 with TinyMCE 5.0.16 and Laravel 6 running on Nginx 1.16.1
I have the following folder structure:
| public
| |- uploads
| |- thumbs
| |- filemanager
| |- js
| | |- tinymce
| | | |- plugins
| | | | |- responsivefilemanager
| | | | | |- plugin.min.js
I use laravel authentication to protect a 'create' page where the user can add text using tinyMCE and upload images using RFM as tyniMCE plugin.
But RFM is accessible directly if with the following URL
How can I prevent this behavior. I want RFM to be accessible only from the tinyMCE editor.
im not familier with laravel but ...
in Responsive File Manager 9.0 there is a folder called config that contain config.php
| public
| |- uploads
| |- thumbs
| |- filemanager
| | |- config
| | | |- config.php
| |- js
| | |- tinymce
| | | |- plugins
| | | | |- responsivefilemanager
| | | | | |- plugin.min.js
open config.php and change
define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', false); // TRUE or FALSE -------- to ------> define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', true); // TRUE or FALSE
this force Responsive File Manager to use Aaccess Key to prevent all attempt from being accessed to your files and folders.
in same file at line 190 add your users auth_key for whom they need to use file-manager .
for example :
username: jim auth_key: a1s2d3f4g5h6j7k8l9mm
username: lisa auth_key: zqxwd3f4vrbth6j7btny
so line 190 should rewrite like line below:
'access_keys' => array( "a1s2d3f4g5h6j7k8l9" , "zqxwd3f4vrbth6j7btny"),
go to your form and add a button/link to access RESPONSIVE FILE MANAGER
<a href="<?php echo {{{your authenticated user AUTH_KEY}}}; ?> </a>
if there is no {{{your authenticated user AUTH_KEY}}} there is 2 way:
1)) add a column auth_key to your users table and generate auth_key that should be equal for users they want to access to responsive file manager in both database and config.php file.
2)) use username instead of auth_key so your config at line 19 will be:
'access_keys' => array( "jim" , "lisa"),
and now your responsive file manager access link will be like this:
<a href=" ></a>
jim is static here u should make it dynamic by call function to return authenticated user USERNAME and put it after &akey= in link
now if akey value in link find in access_key array the responsive file manager page will be work otherwise it show you ACCESS DENIED!!!
If it's still relevant, I can show you how I did it in Laravel 8
I proceeded from the opposite - if the user logged in under the admin, then there is no need to check it and therefore USE_ACCESS_KEYS do FALSE, otherwise - TRUE
And therefore, if he is NOT authenticated as an administrator, then he will NOT get access to the ResponsiveFileManager.
To do this, add such a function in the responsive_filemanager / filemanager / config / config.php file somewhere at the beginning of the file.
( Specify your own paths to the files '/vendor/autoload.php' and '/bootstrap/app.php' )
function use_access_keys() {
require dirname(__DIR__, 4) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once dirname(__DIR__, 4) . '/bootstrap/app.php';
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture();
if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('admin')) {
return false;
return true;
and then this line:
define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', false);
replace with this:
define('USE_ACCESS_KEYS', use_access_keys());
And one moment.
If after that, when opening the FileManager, the following error suddenly pops up: "Undefined variable: lang"
then open responsive_filemanager / filemanager / dialog.php
find the array $get_params and in it change like this:
'lang' => 'en',

Wrong chars using PDO ODBC connection to DB2 on Windows

I’m setting up a new server, and I'm updating some old script (PHP 5+) to PHP 7.
I'm connecting to a DB2 database via PDO ODBC and reading a CHAR field with CCSID 870 and saving it on a MySQL mediumtext field in a table with CHARSET=utf8. But i got wrong characters on MySQL database and event in PHP console.
I tried to switch to odbc_connect() like the old script but the results was the same.
Even saving the field in a txt file the results is the same.
utf8_encode & utf8_decode doesn't help.
Here an example of code:
$as = new PDO("odbc:MYODBC",$user, $psw);
$res = $as->query("SELECT FIELD FROM MYTABLE");
$rows = $res->fetchAll();
$mysql = new PDO("mysql:host=srvip;dbname=mydbname;charset=utf8",$user, $psw);
$mysql->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$ins = $mysql->prepare("INSERT INTO my_MySQL_TABLE (FIELD) VALUES (?)");
I expect the results on MySQL to be Wąż, but the actual output is W?? or WÈØ.
Edit on 2019-06-06
| Source | String | HEX |
| DB2 | Wąż | E6A0B2 |
| MySQL | W?? | 573F3F |
| MySQL C/P Insert | Wąż | 57C485C5BC |
The last version is a simple copy-paste to MySQL using a GUI
Edit on 2019-06-07
C:\Users\ME\>echo %DB2CODEPAGE%
C:\Users\ME\>acs.exe /PLUGIN=cldownload /system=MYSYS /sql="SELECT FIELD as char,HEX(FIELD) as hex FROM TABLE" /display=1
W?? E6A0B2
If I use /clientfile=test.txt instead of /display=1 Notepad++ show me the file as UTF-8

Stuck building gatsby-starter-netlify-cms

I recently switched from react static to gatsby & hit a wall. When I install & build gatsby-starter-netlify-cms I get an error:
success open and validate gatsby-configs — 0.049 s
success load plugins — 1.757 s
success onPreInit — 53.736 s
success delete html and css files from previous builds — 0.013 ssuccess initialize cache — 0.725 s
success copy gatsby files — 4.323 s
success onPreBootstrap — 0.261 s
success source and transform nodes — 1.672 s
success building schema — 6.302 s
success createPages — 0.634 s
success createPagesStatefully — 0.525 s
success onPreExtractQueries — 0.211 s
success update schema — 1.565 s
error GraphQL Error Field "image" must not have a selection since type "String" has no subfields.
file: C:/Users/Jason/Dropbox/Documents/Projects/jamamuuga-s-portfolio-gatsby-netlifycms/src/templates/product-page.js
1 |
2 | query ProductPage($id: String!) {
3 | markdownRemark(id: { eq: $id }) {
4 | frontmatter {
5 | title
> 6 | image {
| ^
7 | childImageSharp {
8 | fluid(maxWidth: 2048, quality: 100) {
9 | ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
10 | }
11 | }
12 | }
13 | heading
14 | description
15 | intro {
16 | blurbs {
error Command failed with exit code 1.
I tried with both yarn & npm seperately to no avail.
You should check your markdown files and find files which have empty values for the field image, or values that point to non existing image. Frontmatter of a markdown file referes to the top of the file which containes some metadata of the file and is surrounded with ---. For example:
//my coment: list of some other variables follow, like heading, title....
