kendo grid - cannot reload & have server side validation - kendo-ui

I need to refresh the grid on a grid row add. I do this via the onRequestEnd() which I use to invoke kendoGrid's dataSource read() - Which works.
But I also use server side validation and use the grid's error event to cancel the popup closure - This works, but only if I comment out the onRequestsEnd's dataSource.Read().
Basically I can't do both, the onRequestEnd event fires before the error event, & it doesn't contain any error information, so I cant conditionally do the grid refresh.
Any ideas as to how I can refresh the grid only if the crud (row add) is successful, & have the normal server side validation behaviour.
dataSource ....
.Events(events => events.Error("myLib.error"))
.Events(e => e.RequestEnd("myLib.onRequestEnd"))
myLib ...
error: function (args) {
if (args.errors) {
var grid = $("#myGrid").data("kendoGrid");"dataBinding", function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // cancel popup closure
// on Grid's DataSource CRUD action completing
onRequestEnd: function (e) {
if ((e.type === 'create' || e.type === 'update' || (e.type === 'destroy'))) {


Add change event to all cells in specified column of Kendo Grid

I want to add a change event to all cells in a specified column using Kendo UI. Something like:
this.myGridVariable.table.on("change", "--InsertMyColumnNameHere--", (e) => { this.doStuff(e) });
I thought this worked:
this.myGridVariable.table.on("change", "[name=ColumnName]", (e) => { this.doStuff(e) });
but it doesn't, at least not with the latest update.
You need to specify what change event you mean:
The HTMLElement change event in JavaScript, which is fired for <input>, <select>, and <textarea>, but not a table cell, see
The Kendo Model or DataSource change event documented here:
I believe you'll want the second one. You can't bind it to a single field, but it has e.field and you can execute code depending on its value.
add .Events(e => { e.Change("onEdit"); }) under .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
onEdit is a javascript function. In this function add this code -->
function onEdit(e) { if (e.action == "itemchange") { doStuff } }

Prompting user before paging Kendo grid

Is there a way I can create something like a "are you sure?" when the user tries to page a kendo grid.
However, there is no event like "beforePaging" or something.
I found this question with the exact same issue but the answer there doesn't do anything for me (using requestStart).
I tried to add an event listener for the paging buttons and it went ok, but I can't cancel the paging event as it is not directly bound to the paging:
$(document).on("click", ".k-pager-numbers li a", function (e) {
alert("Handler for .click() called");
The above is called, but the preventDefault doesn't prevent paging, as e is not the actual paging event.
There is now good or proper way for this, but you can use code below. Put in on DataSource requestStart event.
requestStart: function(e) {
if (e.type == "read" && this.hasChanges()) {
if (confirm("You need to fill information before...") == false) {

Kendo UI droppable drop event not firing

I have a simple application that binds to a view model using Knockout JS. It uses a foreach loop that fires the Knockout afterAdd event when a new item is added to the view model. The result is supposed to be a Kendo draggable that can be dropped on a target. For some reason I can't get the drop event on the target to fire.
<button data-bind="click: $root.add">Add</button>
Drop target
var ViewModel = function () {
this.operations = ko.observableArray([]);
this.add = function () {
this.bind = function () {
hint: function (e) {
$("#console").append("<li>firing hint</li>");
return e.clone();
drop: function (e) {
$("#console").append("<li>firing drop</li>");
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
The problem is that you're instantiating the KendoDropTarget widget multiple times. If I click the Add button in your example kendoDropTarget() is invoked three times. If I add a guard against this (see the drop event works as expected.

Invoking Page Refresh from Kendo Grid Update

I am using a Kendo-grid with inline editing Let's call this Grid3. The Grid is displaying a list of items from a referenced property of the page's view model. When an item on the grid has been saved, I would like to invoke a complete page refresh (or a refresh two other grids, Grid1 and Grid2 on the page). The reason is that when an items has been updated in the grid, values displayed in other grids are affected.
Any ideas?
Call at those grids you want to refresh.
dataSource : dataSource,
save: function(e) {;;
Alternatively place the call into your datasource complete.
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
update: {
complete: function (jqXhr, textStatus) {;;
This can be accomplished using the RequestEnd event.
The Kendo Grid declaration would have something like:
.DataSource(datasource => datasource
.Model(model => model.Id(fi => fi.Id))
.Read(read => read.Action("Buildings_ReadForecast", "Plan", new {buildingId = Model.BuildingID}))
.Events(events => events.Error("error_handler"))
.Events(events => events.RequestEnd("OnRequestEnd_Grid"))
Then create the javascript method like:
function OnRequestEnd_Grid(e) {
if (e.type === "update") {
var forecastgrid = $('#ForecastGrid').data('kendoGrid');
var planGrid = $('#PlanGrid').data('kendoGrid');;;
That's it!

ASP.NET MVC - How to prevent double click submit with jquery.validate.unobtrusive lib?

I need to avoid the double click submitting behavior. I'm using the client validation with the unobtrusive library. I have the following code for avoiding the double clic:
jQuery.fn.preventDoubleSubmit = function () {
var alreadySubmitted = false;
return jQuery(this).submit(function () {
if (alreadySubmitted)
return false;
else {
alreadySubmitted = true;
Unfortunately, if my form has some validable fields (for example, a required field), the code above is still being fired, hence, even if I correct any mistakes on the form, I won't be able to submit it again.
How can I fire the double click code after the validation has been succesfully done?
You can also use the JQuery One event.
I have found that I could get past most guards against double-clicks by double-clicking fast. Using the one event is the only true way to make sure the event is only fired once. I don't think this technique will work "out of the box" with an input type=submit tag. Instead, you can simply use an input type=button or JQueryUI's .button().
$("#submitButton").one("click", function(event) {
If you need to re-wire the event on a validation error (or other circumstance), I recommend that you create a function for the event handler. The function isn't necessary in this example because all the event handler does is submit the form, but in more complicated scenarios you may want to avoid repeating yourself.
function submitClick(event) {
$("#submitButton").one('click', function(event) {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$('#theForm').submit(function(event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
$('#submitButton').one('click', function(event) { submitClick(event); });
You could obviously add the disabling code here if you wanted to give feedback to the user that the button doesn't work anymore. One great side-effect of using the One event is that you don't actually have to make the button disabled, you can use a style of your own.
function submitClick(event) {
$("#submitButton").one('click', function(event) {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$('#theForm').submit(function(event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
$('#submitButton').one('click', function(event) { submitClick(event); });
JQuery One Event:
I solved it with the following code:
var tryNumber = 0;
jQuery('input[type=submit]').click(function (event) {
var self = $(this);
if (self.closest('form').valid()) {
if (tryNumber > 0) {
alert('Your form has been already submited. wait please');
return false;
else {
NOTE: You can also replace the:
return false;
line, for:
self.attr('disabled', true);
BUT, if you use the name of your submit buttons on your controller for extra logic, they will be sent as null. (you can use an additional hidden field to charge them before submitting)
that's it, hope it helps
EDIT: Thanks to these posts:
jquery newbie: combine validate with hidding submit button
Why not just use:
function disableButtons() {
var form = $(this);
var btns = $("input:submit", form);
if (!form.valid()) {
// allow user to correct validation errors and re-submit
} else {
btns.attr("disabled", "disabled");
to disable your buttons and activate it using:
$("form").bind("submit", disableButtons);
Based on Ryan P's popular answer I created the following generic solution that also works with my ajax form.
decorate your custom submit button with the following class:
<button type="button" class="one-click-submit-button">Submit</button>
Add the following to your javascript file:
function OneClickSubmitButton() {
$('.one-click-submit-button').each(function () {
var $theButton = $(this);
var $theForm = $theButton.closest('form');
//hide the button and submit the form
function tieButtonToForm() {
$'click', function () {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$theForm.submit(function (event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
since this is an ajax form we want to reload the handlers if we fail server validation.
function MyForm_OnSuccess() {
if (true if your form passed validation logic) {
//do something since your form submitted successfully
} else { //validation failed on server
OneClickSubmitButton(); //reinitialize the button logic
Obviously if you don't have ajax forms you can omit the whole OneClickSubmitButton function business and run $('.one-click-submit-button').each(... directly.
I have a form that uses MVC3 unobtrusive validation, and a viewmodel with a [RemoteAttribute].
It looks to me like the form's submit event only fires after all validation has passed. I'm currently using this, and it seems to work:
<input type="submit" value="Submit the Form"
data-app-disable-on-submit="true" />
$('form').live('submit', function() {
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
I set breakpoints on both the remote attribute validation action method and the HttpPost action method. Clicking the submit button the first time hits the breakpoint on the validation action method. At this point, the button is still enabled. I can click it multiple times, and after resuming the validation method, the HttpPost is hit only once. When the HttpPost is hit, the submit button is disabled.
Right you are Alex. So an updated version of the above would look like this:
$('form').on('submit', function() {
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('form').submit(function () {
$('input[type="submit"]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
I use a different approach to this. Not wiring to the click event of the button, but to the submit event of the form. Works like a charm to prevent multiple simultaneous submits of forms.
function initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits(selector) {
if (!selector) {
selector = 'form'; // No selector supplied, apply to all forms on the page
// Make sure all forms that conform to selector are marked as not submitting
var $form = $(this);
$'submitting', false);
// Attach to submit event of all forms that conform to selector
$(selector).off('submit').on('submit', function (e) {
var $form = $(this);
if (!$form.valid || $form.valid()) { // Make sure to only process when the form is valid or jquery validation is not used
if ($'submitting')) {
// form is already submitting. Classic case of double click on one of the submit buttons of the form. Stop the submit
return false;
} else {
// All ok, mark the form as submitting and let the form perform the submit
$'submitting', true);
return true;
On document ready i call initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits() to init all forms on the page.
Only thing to remember is that when u use a ajax form post is to call the initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits('#formId') on the OnComplete event of the AjaxOptions settings. Because otherwise the form will still be marked as submitting when its done. When a 'normal' form post is used this is not an issue.
Extends answers by Alex and Ryan P to accounts for situations where jQuery Validation might be missing and where multiple submit buttons exist in a single form.
oneClickSubmitButton = function () {
$('input[type=submit], button[type=submit], input[type=image]').each(function () {
var $theButton = $(this);
var $theForm = $theButton.closest('form');
//hide the button and submit the form
function tieButtonToForm() {
$'click', function () {
$theForm.submit(function (event) {
// Only proceed for the clicked button
if (!$theButton.hasClass("ui-state-disabled"))
// If jQuery Validation is not present or the form is valid, the form is valid
if (!$theForm.valid || $theForm.valid())
// Re-wire the event
I was able to fix a similar issue with a couple of lines of code. I prefer this if you don't want to "alert" to user that they double clicked and just silently ignore the second click.
I just made a global javascript variable that I toggled when my function was executing during a critical section. This kept subsequent function calls from re-executing the same section.
var criticalSection = false;
SomeOnClickEventFired = function () {
if (!criticalSection)
criticalSection = true;
//Ajax Time
criticalSection = false;
