How to pass a param through a Ajax request - ajax

My objective is to save the current cursor position and append new values to it for every new button we enter.To achive it i am trying to send a ajax request and update my back end coordinated every time is focus out of the input field.
I am succesfull i calling the java script function before calling by backing bean action method.But for some reason i am unable to see my request param values when ever i make a ajax request.
<p:inputText id="testing1" value="#{}">
<p:ajax event="keyup" onstart="callOnAjax();" listener="#{dropDownView.assignCity()}" execute="#this" update="out1" >
<f:param value="test" name="#{articlePromo.promocionArticuloId}"/>
<h:inputHidden id="x" value="#{bean.x}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function callOnAjax(){
$("#detailsPanel").bind("keydown keypress mousemove", function() {
var $form = jQuery(this).closest("form");
alert("Current position: " + $(this).caret().start);
And in my dropDownView Controller
public void assignCity()
System.out.println("positon of x"+getX()+"position of y"+y);
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String id = context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{articlePromo.promocionArticuloId}", String.class);
city =country;
I tried all different approaches using hidden as well.But i dont see the value in my controller.I even hard coded the request param value and hidden attribute value.But still not succesfull.Any help is much appreciated.


PrimeFaces: Dialog closes on validation errors [duplicate]

Minimal example dialog:
<p:dialog header="Test Dialog"
<p:inputText value="#{mbean.someValue}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Save"
What I want to be able to do is have the mbean.saveMethod somehow prevent the dialog from closing if there was some problem and only output a message through growl. This is a case where a validator won't help because there's no way to tell if someValue is valid until a save is submitted to a back end server. Currently I do this using the visible attribute and point it to a boolean field in mbean. That works but it makes the user interface slower because popping up or down the dialog requires hitting the server.
The onsuccess runs if ajax request itself was successful (i.e. there's no network error, uncaught exception, etc), not if action method was successfully invoked.
Given a <p:dialog widgetVar="yourWidgetVarName">, you could remove the onsuccess and replace it by PrimeFaces RequestContext#execute() inside saveMethod():
if (success) {
Note: PF() was introduced in PrimeFaces 4.0. In older PrimeFaces versions, you need yourWidgetVarName.hide() instead.
If you prefer to not clutter the controller with view-specific scripts, you could use oncomplete instead which offers an args object which has a boolean validationFailed property:
<p:commandButton ...
oncomplete="if (args && !args.validationFailed) PF('yourWidgetVarName').hide()" />
The if (args) check is necessary because it may be absent when an ajax error has occurred and thus cause a new JS error when you try to get validationFailed from it; the & instead of & is mandatory for the reason explained in this answer, refactor if necessary to a JS function which you invoke like oncomplete="hideDialogOnSuccess(args, 'yourWidgetVarName')" as shown in Keep <p:dialog> open when validation has failed.
If there is however no validation error and the action method is successfully triggered, and you would still like to keep the dialog open because of e.g. an exception in the service method call, then you can manually trigger validationFailed to true from inside backing bean action method by explicitly invoking FacesContext#validationFailed(). E.g.
Using the oncomplete attribute from your command button and really simple script will help you a lot.
Your dialog and command button would be something similar to this:
<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog">
<h:form id="dialogView">
<p:commandButton id="saveButton" icon="ui-icon-disk"
update=":dataList :dialogView"
oncomplete="handleDialogSubmit(xhr, status, args)" />
An the script would be something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleDialogSubmit(xhr, status, args) {
if (args.validationFailed) {;
} else {
I've just googled up this solution. Basically the idea is to use actionListener instead of button's action, and in backing bean you add callback parameter which will be then check in button's oncomplete method. Sample partial code:
JSF first:
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{myBean.doAction}"
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed && args.saved) schedulesDialog.hide();" />
Backing bean:
public void doAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// do your stuff here...
if (ok) {
RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().addCallbackParam("saved", true);
} else {
RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().addCallbackParam("saved", false);
Hope this helps someone :)
I use this solution:
JSF code:
<p:dialog ... widgetVar="dlgModify" ... >
<p:commandButton value="Save" update="#form" actionListener="#{AdminMB.saveTable}" />
<p:commandButton value="Cancel" oncomplete="PF('dlgModify').hide();"/>
Backing bean code:
public void saveTable() {
RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
I believe this is the cleanest solution.
Doing this you don't need to change your buttons code.
This solution overrides the hide function prototype.
$(document).ready(function() {
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.originalHide = PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide; // keep a reference to the original hide()
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide = function() {
var ajaxResponseArgs = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[2]; // accesses oncomplete arguments
if (ajaxResponseArgs && ajaxResponseArgs.validationFailed) {
return; // on validation error, prevent closing
This way, you can keep your code like:
<p:commandButton value="Save" oncomplete="videoDetalheDialogJS.hide();"
actionListener="#{videoBean.saveVideo(video)}" />
The easiest solution is to not have any "widget.hide", neither in onclick, neither in oncomplete. Remove the hide functions and just put
for the dialog tag

strange jsf panelgroup binding -> h:selectOneMenu validation Exception

lets start simple:
- an easy search form
- two h:selectOneMenu components are declared inside a form
- the second selectOneMenu, is refreshed base on selecting an item of the first selectOneMenu (with ajax)
For this, i use a central Bean in request scope, because the two selectOneMenus are declared on many other pages, so i dont need to define the two following methods multiple times:
public List<BranchenRubrik> getLst_branchenRubrik() {
if(lst_branchenRubrik == null) {
Session session = hibernate.InitSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
this.lst_branchenRubrik = session.createQuery("from BranchenRubrik").list();
return lst_branchenRubrik;
// Loading Subkats with parameter
public List<BranchenRubrikSub> getBranchenRubrikSub(long p_parent) {
List<BranchenRubrikSub> lst_branchenRubrikSub = new ArrayList<BranchenRubrikSub>();
if(p_parent > 0) {
Session session = hibernate.InitSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
lst_branchenRubrikSub = session.createQuery("from BranchenRubrikSub BRS WHERE = :p1").setLong("p1",p_parent).list();
return lst_branchenRubrikSub;
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{searchBean2.fvz.branchenRubrikID}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Bitte wählen" itemValue="0"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{pageSupport.lst_branchenRubrik}" var="rubrik" itemValue="#{}" itemLabel="#{rubrik.rubrik}"/>
<f:ajax render="uiBranchenSubKat"/>
<h:outputText value="Unterkategorie" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="uiBranchenSubKat" value="#{searchBean2.fvz.branchenRubrikSubID}">
<f:selectItems value="#{pageSupport.getBranchenRubrikSub(searchBean2.fvz.branchenRubrikID)}" var="brs" itemLabel="#{brs.rubrik}" itemValue="#{}"/>
this works fine, i can submit the form and all data are saved and will be re-displayed.
Now, i want to include an h:panelGroup with binding to a methode, which build a pagination menue.
If i include the h:panelGroup binding="#{searchBean2.paginationMenu}"/> then, i cant submit the form, because it says that the value for the second h:selectOneMenu is not valid.
if i remove the "h:panelGroup binding" all working as expected.
The h:panelgroup can also binded to an empty methode "return new HtmlPanelGroup()"
then, the error occurs again.
looks like, that the component binding, breaks some validation.
thanks for your time

When to use valueChangeListener or f:ajax listener?

What's the difference between the following two pieces of code - with regards to listener placement?
<h:selectOneMenu ...>
<f:selectItems ... />
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.listener}" />
<h:selectOneMenu ... valueChangeListener="#{bean.listener}">
<f:selectItems ... />
The valueChangeListener will only be invoked when the form is submitted and the submitted value is different from the initial value. It's thus not invoked when only the HTML DOM change event is fired. If you would like to submit the form during the HTML DOM change event, then you'd need to add another <f:ajax/> without a listener(!) to the input component. It will cause a form submit which processes only the current component (as in execute="#this").
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.value}" valueChangeListener="#{bean.changeListener}">
<f:selectItems ... />
<f:ajax />
When using <f:ajax listener> instead of valueChangeListener, it would by default executed during the HTML DOM change event already. Inside UICommand components and input components representing a checkbox or radiobutton, it would be by default executed during the HTML DOM click event only.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.value}">
<f:selectItems ... />
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" />
Another major difference is that the valueChangeListener method is invoked during the end of the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase. At that moment, the submitted value is not been updated in the model yet. So you cannot get it by just accessing the bean property which is bound to the input component's value. You need to get it by ValueChangeEvent#getNewValue(). The old value is by the way also available by ValueChangeEvent#getOldValue().
public void changeListener(ValueChangeEvent event) {
Object oldValue = event.getOldValue();
Object newValue = event.getNewValue();
// ...
The <f:ajax listener> method is invoked during INVOKE_APPLICATION phase. At that moment, the submitted value is already been updated in the model. You can just get it by directly accessing the bean property which is bound to the input component's value.
private Object value; // +getter+setter.
public void ajaxListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
System.out.println(value); // Look, (new) value is already set.
Also, if you would need to update another property based on the submitted value, then it would fail when you're using valueChangeListener as the updated property can be overridden by the submitted value during the subsequent UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase. That's exactly why you see in old JSF 1.x applications/tutorials/resources that a valueChangeListener is in such construct been used in combination with immediate="true" and FacesContext#renderResponse() to prevent that from happening. After all, using the valueChangeListener to execute business actions has actually always been a hack/workaround.
Summarized: Use the valueChangeListener only if you need to intercept on the actual value change itself. I.e. you're actually interested in both the old and the new value (e.g. to log them).
public void changeListener(ValueChangeEvent event) {
changeLogger.log(event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue());
Use the <f:ajax listener> only if you need to execute a business action on the newly changed value. I.e. you're actually interested in only the new value (e.g. to populate a second dropdown).
public void ajaxListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
selectItemsOfSecondDropdown = populateItBasedOn(selectedValueOfFirstDropdown);
If you're actually also interested in the old value while executing a business action, then fall back to valueChangeListener, but queue it to the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase.
public void changeListener(ValueChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getPhaseId() != PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION) {
Object oldValue = event.getOldValue();
Object newValue = event.getNewValue();
System.out.println(newValue.equals(value)); // true
// ...
for the first fragment (ajax listener attribute):
The "listener" attribute of an ajax tag is a method that is called on the server side every time the ajax function happens on the client side. For instance, you could use this attribute to specify a server side function to call every time the user pressed a key
but the second fragment (valueChangeListener) :
The ValueChangeListener will only be called when the form is submitted, not when the value of the input is changed
*you might like to view this handy answer

Keep p:dialog open when a validation error occurs after submit

Minimal example dialog:
<p:dialog header="Test Dialog"
<p:inputText value="#{mbean.someValue}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Save"
What I want to be able to do is have the mbean.saveMethod somehow prevent the dialog from closing if there was some problem and only output a message through growl. This is a case where a validator won't help because there's no way to tell if someValue is valid until a save is submitted to a back end server. Currently I do this using the visible attribute and point it to a boolean field in mbean. That works but it makes the user interface slower because popping up or down the dialog requires hitting the server.
The onsuccess runs if ajax request itself was successful (i.e. there's no network error, uncaught exception, etc), not if action method was successfully invoked.
Given a <p:dialog widgetVar="yourWidgetVarName">, you could remove the onsuccess and replace it by PrimeFaces RequestContext#execute() inside saveMethod():
if (success) {
Note: PF() was introduced in PrimeFaces 4.0. In older PrimeFaces versions, you need yourWidgetVarName.hide() instead.
If you prefer to not clutter the controller with view-specific scripts, you could use oncomplete instead which offers an args object which has a boolean validationFailed property:
<p:commandButton ...
oncomplete="if (args && !args.validationFailed) PF('yourWidgetVarName').hide()" />
The if (args) check is necessary because it may be absent when an ajax error has occurred and thus cause a new JS error when you try to get validationFailed from it; the & instead of & is mandatory for the reason explained in this answer, refactor if necessary to a JS function which you invoke like oncomplete="hideDialogOnSuccess(args, 'yourWidgetVarName')" as shown in Keep <p:dialog> open when validation has failed.
If there is however no validation error and the action method is successfully triggered, and you would still like to keep the dialog open because of e.g. an exception in the service method call, then you can manually trigger validationFailed to true from inside backing bean action method by explicitly invoking FacesContext#validationFailed(). E.g.
Using the oncomplete attribute from your command button and really simple script will help you a lot.
Your dialog and command button would be something similar to this:
<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog">
<h:form id="dialogView">
<p:commandButton id="saveButton" icon="ui-icon-disk"
update=":dataList :dialogView"
oncomplete="handleDialogSubmit(xhr, status, args)" />
An the script would be something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleDialogSubmit(xhr, status, args) {
if (args.validationFailed) {;
} else {
I've just googled up this solution. Basically the idea is to use actionListener instead of button's action, and in backing bean you add callback parameter which will be then check in button's oncomplete method. Sample partial code:
JSF first:
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{myBean.doAction}"
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed && args.saved) schedulesDialog.hide();" />
Backing bean:
public void doAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// do your stuff here...
if (ok) {
RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().addCallbackParam("saved", true);
} else {
RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().addCallbackParam("saved", false);
Hope this helps someone :)
I use this solution:
JSF code:
<p:dialog ... widgetVar="dlgModify" ... >
<p:commandButton value="Save" update="#form" actionListener="#{AdminMB.saveTable}" />
<p:commandButton value="Cancel" oncomplete="PF('dlgModify').hide();"/>
Backing bean code:
public void saveTable() {
RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
I believe this is the cleanest solution.
Doing this you don't need to change your buttons code.
This solution overrides the hide function prototype.
$(document).ready(function() {
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.originalHide = PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide; // keep a reference to the original hide()
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide = function() {
var ajaxResponseArgs = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[2]; // accesses oncomplete arguments
if (ajaxResponseArgs && ajaxResponseArgs.validationFailed) {
return; // on validation error, prevent closing
This way, you can keep your code like:
<p:commandButton value="Save" oncomplete="videoDetalheDialogJS.hide();"
actionListener="#{videoBean.saveVideo(video)}" />
The easiest solution is to not have any "widget.hide", neither in onclick, neither in oncomplete. Remove the hide functions and just put
for the dialog tag

h:outputLink with f:ajax - method called, but link not shown

This does not work
<h:form style="display: inline;">
<h:outputLink value="#{}" >
<f:ajax event="click" immediate="true" listener="#{titlesBean.titleClicked(}" />
What I want it to do is when clicked to call #{titlesBean.titleClicked(} and then go to the link. The method is called but it doesn't go to the link. There are several other ways to do it (with commandLink and then a redirect, but I would like to know why this is not working).
This is the method itself:
public String titleClicked(long titleId) {
this.titlesManager.addXtoRating(titleId, 1);
return null;
Note: this is only a sidenote, but I accidentally found out that this works:
<script type="text/javascript">
<h:form style="display: inline;">
<h:outputLink styleClass="share" value="">
<img src="images/facebook-icon.jpg" />
<f:ajax event="click" immediate="true" listener="#{titlesBean.titleLiked(}" />
Check out the styleClass="share"
Update: (I have less than 100 rep, so I cannot answer my own question for 8 hours, this is how to put it delicately - stupid).
I waited for a while, but nobody answered.
So this is my hacked solution ( I don't like it at all, but it works):
<h:form style="display: inline;">
<h:outputLink target="_blank" styleClass="click8" value="#{}" >
<f:ajax event="click" immediate="true" listener="#{titlesBean.titleLiked(}" />
And this is the important part:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.click8').click(function (event){
var url = $(this).attr("href");, "_blank");
Note: this has to be in the header, otherwise I had a major bug with the link opening a thousand windows.
It does not work because there's means of a race condition here. Two HTTP requests are been sent simultaneously in the same window. One ajax to the server and one normal to the given link. The one which finishes sooner wins. You want to send the HTTP requests in sync. First the ajax one to the server and when it returns, then the normal one to the given link.
As to your hacky solution, it works because it uses JavaScript to open the URL in a new window instead of the current one and then blocks the link's default action, so the normal response just arrives in a completely separate window while the ajax response still arrives in the initial window. So there's no means of a race condition of two HTTP requests in the initial window anymore.
As to the final solution, this is not possible with standard set of JSF 2.0 components. Using <h:commandLink> and then doing a redirect is indeed doable, but the link is this way not crawlable by searchbots and it fires effectively a POST request, which is IMO more worse than your new window solution.
If you would really like to open the link in the current window, hereby keeping the target URL in the link's href, then I'd suggest to create a simple servlet which does the link tracking and redirecting job and let jQuery manipulate the link target during onclick.
Something like this
<a rel="ext" id="ext_#{}" href="#{}">read more</a>
(HTML element IDs may not start with a digit! Hence the ext_ prefix, you can of course change this whatever way you want.)
$(function() {
jQuery('a[rel=ext]').click(function(e) {
var link = jQuery(this);
var url = 'track'
+ '?id=' + encodeURIComponent(link.attr('id'))
+ '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(link.attr('href'));
if (link.attr('target') == '_blank') {;
} else {
window.location = url;
public class TrackServlet extends HttpServlet {
private TrackService trackService;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String id = request.getParameter("id");
String url = request.getParameter("url");
if (id == null || url == null) {
trackService.track(id.replaceAll("\\D+", "")); // Strips non-digits.
