How to integrate Spring AOP in CDI - any examples - spring

I would implement a Spring aspect in a j2ee application, can someone post some tutorials?
I've just used Spring in web application but I've not idea how to invoke a cross cutting concern in CDI container.
Thanks in advance

Is there a special need for combining Spring and CDI? If not, I'd suggest to stick to standard Java EE as long as you can solve your problem with it and only if not, look for external components (and even then, you should first check the "sort-of-standard" CDI extensionf from the Apache Deltaspike project.
Cross-cutting concerns can be solved via pure CDI - check our for example the Java EE 7 tutorial about the topic.
Small note: Don't use J2EE anymore if not maintaining an ancient application.


Spring MVC vs Java EE

So I'm about to learn Spring MVC. But what I don't understand is why should I use Spring MVC if I can implement the MVC pattern using a single servlet conroller and JSPs? What advantages does Spring MVC provide over simple java MVC pattern?
Actually yes, you can do it. Question is if you should do it. Spring MVC gives you better organization of your code.
Pure MVC Frameworks like Spring MVC are obsolete today. When combined with templating engines like Thymeleaf, it lacks functionality and developers usually reinvent JSF. For single-page apps based on some popular JS frameworks that need REST backend, JAX-RS is way cleaner and better than Spring MVC REST.
So no, today you don't need Spring MVC and can stick with pure Java EE. For simple, toy-like applications where servlets are enough, you don't really need it but it may be better to use it. For anything serious, MVC is outdated and Spring has nothing to offer.
Edit 2017: Spring offers JAX-RS integration. However, it has several pitfalls, for example Spring won't automatically register classes annotated with #Path for you. Details can be found in Dzone Article
The best way to realize that it's better to play with these technologies for yourself, if you want to try spring MVC I recommend you start with spring boot because you can create projects with more agility without configuring xml files
Spring Boot
Some Features
Create stand-alone Spring applications
Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven configuration
Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and
externalized configuration
Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration
One of the ideas applied in Spring (not invented by Spring) is
Do not reinvent a wheel.
Having a single controller is not a good idea I'd say - breaking separation of concerns principle.
You can learn more about MVC from Spring documentation.

Java EE or Spring for PrimeFaces project - any difference?

I'm planning a project which will use Primefaces to generate its UI.
I understand that PrimeFaces as JSF library is somewhat more at home with Java EE than Spring, although there seems to be a lot of examples of using it together with Spring.
Are there any notable disadvantages of using Spring instead of Java EE for the DAO and service layer in a PrimeFaces project?
It complicates the things, Java EE is complex enough for application developers(you need time to open dark parts and see the lights or i hope it:)) so my opinion if you don't have a requirement about it, don't use Spring and JSF together to better understand your bean lifecycle. You can find good dicussion in this source. I prefer to use HTML+Bootstrap and Spring MVC or use Seam Framework for JSF or no framework just use pure Java EE support with primafaces(JSF) can be good.

Whats the difference between Spring and Spring MVC?

I know this is not a programmatic questions.
I am a n00b to this area coming from Java EE background and could not find the difference between the two online (may be I am not a good surfer)
Could someone please share the info?
Spring is a framework alternative to Java EE with three parts:
Dependency injection
Aspect oriented programming.
Libraries for web MVC, persistence, messaging, etc.
Spring MVC is for web MVC. It's one of the many libraries built into Spring. You can use other alternatives (e.g. Struts, SEAM, etc.) if you wish and still use Spring.
spring is enterprise framework designed to solve all your problems for enterprise applications. At present they call it as Spring IO, which can be found at website.
However, Spring MVC is a framework part of the whole stack available to solve the enterprise solutions. This is framework for writing web applications.

Spring advantages over current Java EE

It's a short question without a trivial answer. The Java EE Framework does not evolve so fast, but it includes more and more features, some of them taken directly from other open source projects like spring and hibernate. Can you list some of the reasons why you still use spring instead of just relying on the standard Java EE features, and maybe comment each reason with a few words?
Thanks in advance!
You can go through sites below to know more :
spring forum
Spring vs Java EE
Why Java EE Lost and Spring Won

Spring Framework, Spring Security - possible to use Spring Security without Spring Framework?

Ive been working now with the Spring Framework 3.0.5 and Spring Security 3.0.5 for several time. I know that Spring Framework uses DI and AOP. I also know that Spring Security uses DI, for example when writing custom handlers or filters. Im not sure whether Spring Security also uses AOP - so my first question is: does it?
Well, Id also like to know how Spring Security can be used for non-spring-based applications. Its written in their documentation that this is possible. Well, I wonder how - it seems like it uses DI, so how should it work in a simple java web application? I guess at least a web container which supports dependency injection is needed, correct? (Which one could that be?)
Thank you for answering :-)
documentation says:
"documentation says: "Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for J2EE-based enterprise software applications. There is a particular emphasis on supporting projects built using The Spring Framework, which is the leading J2EE solution for enterprise software development. If you're not using Spring for developing enterprise applications, we warmly encourage you to take a closer look at it. Some familiarity with Spring - and in particular dependency injection principles - will help you get up to speed with Spring Security more easily.""
j2ee-based enterprise software applications......... emphasis on supporting projects using spring framework...... well this means it should be possible to work with it without Spring Framework itself!
Even though we use Spring to configure Spring Seurity, your application doesn't have to be Spring-based. Many people use Spring Security with web frameworks such as Struts, for example.
This is from the spring security homepage. well....
Does it use AOP ?
Yes spring-security uses AOP for its method security (you'd have to search the page to find it).
Can you use spring-security without spring ?
Generally no.
As you need to define spring beans for several spring-security elements.
But! You can use Acegi security without spring as far as I know. Which should give you close to the same functionality.
Can you secure a non-J2EE application
Anything that can run in a servlet container can be secured with spring-security. You just need Spring's IoC/DI.
This answer can help you on the minimal spring-security dependencies.
