Laravel-localization redirect issue - laravel

I'm trying to set up a good localization system in a Laravel App. Basically what I am after is this:
If a user is logged in and selects a language, I want to store that value and next time he logs in, the system automatically redirects him with the correct locale in the url.
If a user is not logged in, but have selected a language, I want that stored in the sessions, and use that session to correctly set the locale.
If the user has not selected a language, I want to use to set the locale.
I am able to store the selected values in my Users table and sessions. The problem is how to handle the redirects. I tried to set up a beforeFilter like this:
if(\Auth::check()) {
$user = \User::find(\Auth::user()->id);
if($user->localization != NULL) {
} else if(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none') != 'none') {
\LaravelLocalization::setLocale(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none'));
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none')));
} else {
$ip = \Request::getClientIp();
$thestrings = '' . $ip . '?' . '';
$country = file_get_contents($thestrings);
if ($country == 'NO') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'no'));
} else if ($country == 'SE') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'se'));
} else if ($country == 'DK') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'dk'));
} else {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'en'));
}else if(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none') != 'none') {
\LaravelLocalization::setLocale(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none'));
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL(\Session::get('theSetLocale', 'none')));
} else {
$ip = \Request::getClientIp();
$thestring = '' . $ip . '?' . '';
$country = file_get_contents($thestring);
if ($country == 'NO') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'no'));
} else if ($country == 'SE') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'se'));
} else if ($country == 'DK') {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'dk'));
} else {
\Redirect::to(\LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL( 'en'));
While this does not work, it might help you guys understand what I am trying to achieve.


How to add another array value in codeigniter using getRecords

The orignial code was like this , I want to get landline_no value also in getRecords, How to do that
public function checklead() {
$lead = $_POST['number'];
$check = $this->common_model->getRecords('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead));
if(count($check) > 0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead));
if($lead->assignto_self != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
} else if($lead->assignto_se != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';}
What I have achieved so far,but not getting array values from getRecords
$lead = $_POST['number'];
$check = $this->common_model->getRecords('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead),array("landline_no"=>$lead));
//echo "<pre>";
//echo $check[0]['landline_no'];exit;
if(count($check) > 0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead,"landline_no"=>$check[0]['landline_no']));
Code for getRecords:
function getRecords($table,$db = array(),$select = "*",$ordercol = '',$group = '',$start='',$limit=''){
if($limit != '' && $start !=''){
if($group != ''){
$q=$this->db->get_where($table, $db);
return $q->result_array();
// Get Recored row
public function getRecored_row($table,$where)
$q = $this->db->where($where)
return $q->row();
Check my answer: This code also working well, i have written, but i am not sure , this logic is correct or not kindly check this one.
public function checklead() {
$lead = $_POST['number'];
echo "<pre>";
//echo $check;
//print_r($check); exit;
$p= $check[0]['phone_no'];
$l= $check[0]['landline_no'];
// exit;
if(count($p) > 0 || count($l)>0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$p));
$lead1 = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("landline_no"=>$l));
if($lead->assignto_self != 0 || $lead1->assignto_self != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
} else if($lead->assignto_se != 0 || $lead1->assignto_se != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';
}else if($lead->assignto_tl != 0 || $lead1->assignto_tl != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_tl;
$key = '';
} else if($lead->uploaded_by != 0 || $lead1->uploaded_by != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->uploaded_by;
$key = 'Uploaded by';
$user = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('admin',array("id"=>$assignto));
$role = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('role',array("id"=>$user->role));
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('message' => 'This Lead Already exist with '.$user->name.' ('.$role->role.') '.' ','class' => 'danger'));
} else {
There does not seem to be any reason to use getRecords(). The $check value has no useful purpose and creating it is a waste of resources.
We don't need $check because getRecord_row() will return the "lead" if found so the only check needed is to see if getRecord_row() returns anything. getRecord_row() uses the database function row() which returns only one row or null if no rows are found. Read about row() here.
If what you want is to find the "lead" that has either a "phone_no" or a "landline_no" equal to $_POST['number'] then you need to use a custom string for the where clause. (See #4 at on this documentation page.) You need a custom string because getRecord_row() does not allow any other way to ask for rows where a='foo' OR b='foo'. Here is what I think you are looking for.
public function checklead()
// use input->post() it is the safe way to get data from $_POST
$phone = $this->input->post('number');
// $phone could be null if $_POST['number'] is not set
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads', "phone_no = $phone OR landline_no = $phone");
// $lead could be null if nothing matches where condition
if($lead->assignto_self != 0)
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
else if($lead->assignto_se != 0)
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';
The main difference between getRecords() and getRecord_row() is the number of records (rows of data) to return. getRecord_row() will return a maximum of one record while getRecords() might return many records.
getRecords() accepts arguments that allow control of what data is selected ($db, $select), how it is arranged ($ordercol, $group), and the number of rows to retrieve ($limit) starting at row number x ($start) .

Laravel redirect inside of middleware?

I have a middleware check by login, how many games has the user, I want to show another view if user have more than one game, but I got everytime redirect error if user has more than one:
This is in case $assigned_games > 1
$games = Auth::user()->userGames;
$assigned_games = count($games);
if ($assigned_games == 1) {
return $next($request);
} elseif ($assigned_games > 1) {
return redirect()->route('games.board');
} elseif ($assigned_games < 1) {
echo "no game bought";
I tried also only with return route('games.board') but it don't work.
How can I set correct redirect here?
if both your route is inside middleware then you should check the current route and if its same as you are redirecting you shouldn't redirect to avoid redirect loop
$games = Auth::user()->userGames;
$assigned_games = count($games);
if ($assigned_games == 1) {
return $next($request);
} elseif ($assigned_games > 1 && \Route::currentRouteName() != 'games.board') {
return redirect()->route('games.board');
} elseif ($assigned_games < 1) {
echo "no game bought";
} else {
return $next($request);

Modify the MY_Router.php file for QUERY STRING Codeigniter 3.0.6

I use codeigniter 3.0.6 query string like
How ever having two get methods for directory and controller is a bit long.
Question Is there any way to modify the protected function
_set_routing() function using a MY_Router.php to get it so it will pick up the directory and controller by using one query only like example below.
// If need to get function
What have tried so far
class MY_Router extends CI_Router {
protected function _set_routing()
// Load the routes.php file. It would be great if we could
// skip this for enable_query_strings = TRUE, but then
// default_controller would be empty ...
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'config/routes.php'))
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/routes.php'))
// Validate & get reserved routes
if (isset($route) && is_array($route))
isset($route['default_controller']) && $this->default_controller = $route['default_controller'];
isset($route['translate_uri_dashes']) && $this->translate_uri_dashes = $route['translate_uri_dashes'];
unset($route['default_controller'], $route['translate_uri_dashes']);
$this->routes = $route;
// Are query strings enabled in the config file? Normally CI doesn't utilize query strings
// since URI segments are more search-engine friendly, but they can optionally be used.
// If this feature is enabled, we will gather the directory/class/method a little differently
if ($this->enable_query_strings)
// If the directory is set at this time, it means an override exists, so skip the checks
if ( ! isset($this->directory))
$_route = isset($_GET['route']) ? trim($_GET['route'], " \t\n\r\0\x0B/") : '';
if ($_route !== '')
echo $_route;
// Routing rules don't apply to query strings and we don't need to detect
// directories, so we're done here
// Is there anything to parse?
if ($this->uri->uri_string !== '')
$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
$config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
$config['controller_trigger'] = 'c';
$config['function_trigger'] = 'm';
$config['directory_trigger'] = 'd';
// Modifyed in MY_Router.php
$config['route'] = 'route';
I have it working
class MY_Router extends CI_Router {
protected function _set_routing() {
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'config/routes.php'))
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/routes.php'))
// Validate & get reserved routes
if (isset($route) && is_array($route))
isset($route['default_controller']) && $this->default_controller = $route['default_controller'];
isset($route['translate_uri_dashes']) && $this->translate_uri_dashes = $route['translate_uri_dashes'];
unset($route['default_controller'], $route['translate_uri_dashes']);
$this->routes = $route;
if ($this->enable_query_strings) {
if ( ! isset($this->directory))
$route = isset($_GET['route']) ? trim($_GET['route'], " \t\n\r\0\x0B/") : '';
if ($route !== '')
$part = explode('/', $route);
if ( ! empty($part[1])) {
// Testing function atm
if ( ! empty($_GET['function']))
$this->uri->rsegments = array(
1 => $this->class,
2 => $this->method
} else {
// Routing rules don't apply to query strings and we don't need to detect
// directories, so we're done here
// Is there anything to parse?
if ($this->uri->uri_string !== '')

Call to undefined function mcrypt_decrypt() - CometChat Laravel

Hi I've already installed the CometChat, but I'm facing the following error:
Call to undefined function mcrypt_decrypt() in /home/vagrant/changeglobe/public/cometchat/integration.php on line 89
I'm using Homestead with Nginx for Laravel. I have read at many places that I need to enable mycrypt, but did not found any correct. Please let me know about this issue if you know. Thank you.
Try replacing the getUserID() function in /cometchat/integration.php file with the code below:
function getUserID() {
$userid = 0;
if (!empty($_SESSION['basedata']) && $_SESSION['basedata'] != 'null') {
$_REQUEST['basedata'] = $_SESSION['basedata'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['basedata'])) {
if (function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') && defined('ENCRYPT_USERID') && ENCRYPT_USERID == '1') {
$key = "";
if( defined('KEY_A') && defined('KEY_B') && defined('KEY_C') ){
$key = KEY_A.KEY_B.KEY_C;
$uid = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), base64_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['basedata'])), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))), "\0");
if (intval($uid) > 0) {
$userid = $uid;
} else {
$userid = $_REQUEST['basedata'];
if (!empty($_COOKIE['laravel_session'])) {
$session= cookie_decrypt($_COOKIE['laravel_session']);
$data = file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/storage/framework/sessions/'.$session);
if (!empty($data)) {
$k = explode(';i:',$data);
$m = explode(';s:',$k[1]);
$userid = $m[0];
$userid = intval($userid);
return $userid;
If you are still facing issues please create a support ticket and our team will assist you.

Ignoring Codeigniter's _remap for certain URLs?

I use Codeigniter's _remap function to remap all urls to This works for 99% of cases, but I'd like it to ignore certain URLS (specifically /admin,/contact,/submit,/top,/browse). These URLs have content I'd like to display.
How would I achieve this?
public function _remap($urlname)
if($urlname == "index") {
// If this is the index, redirect to the most recent startup
redirect("s/".$this->Startup_model->getMostRecent(), 'refresh');
} else {
// If they didn't go to the index, find the startup they were after
$id = $this->Startup_model->matchName($urlname);
// Check to see if the name they entered was a real startup, if not redirect to missing page
if($id == null) {
$data['urlname'] = $urlname;
$this->load->view('content/missing', $data);
} else {
// They got the name right! Load the page...
$data['values'] = $this->Startup_model->buildStartup($id);
// If there was no next startup avaiable, pass that info through
$next = $this->Startup_model->findNext($id);
if($next == null) {
$next = '343z61v';
// If there was no previous startup avaiable, pass that info through
$previous = $this->Startup_model->findPrevious($id);
if($previous == null) {
$previous = '343z61v';
$data['next'] = $next;
$data['previous'] = $previous;
$this->load->view('content/startup', $data);
Try this:
function _remap($urlname, $params = array())
if(is_callable(array($this, $urlname))){ //If the function exists, is called, if not using the usual
return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $urlname), $params);
}elseif($urlname == "index") {
// If this is the index, redirect to the most recent startup
redirect("s/".$this->Startup_model->getMostRecent(), 'refresh');
} else {
// If they didn't go to the index, find the startup they were after
$id = $this->Startup_model->matchName($urlname);
// Check to see if the name they entered was a real startup, if not redirect to missing page
if($id == null) {
$data['urlname'] = $urlname;
$this->load->view('content/missing', $data);
} else {
// They got the name right! Load the page...
$data['values'] = $this->Startup_model->buildStartup($id);
// If there was no next startup avaiable, pass that info through
$next = $this->Startup_model->findNext($id);
if($next == null) {
$next = '343z61v';
// If there was no previous startup avaiable, pass that info through
$previous = $this->Startup_model->findPrevious($id);
if($previous == null) {
$previous = '343z61v';
$data['next'] = $next;
$data['previous'] = $previous;
$this->load->view('content/startup', $data);
Function index() should not exist
So you're asking how to selectively not remap certain urls? If so, add this to your if statement before the else:
else if (in_array($urlname, array('admin', 'contact', 'etc')))
