Error installing Telerik Appbuilder CLI on Windows - telerik

I am trying to install the telerik appbuilder CLI to my windows machine. the first error i was getting was cl.exe could not be found. i solved this by modifying my install of visual studio community 2015 to include C++ and now i am getting alot more red in the cmd prompt window. i am trying to install the appbuilder using
npm install -g appbuilder
and here is a screenshot of the cmd window
am i missing some dependencies?
the guide on how to set this up a is only the install line and after spending some time searching around. im not finding any others having problems setting appbuilder up.

Can you check your version of node.js? At the moment of writing, AppBuilder CLI works with node.js 0.10.x and 0.12.x. Support for node.js 4.2.1 will be available in the 2.14 release, which is currently scheduled for releasing at the beginning of November 2015. Note that due to bug in V8 which crashes node, node 4.0.x will never be supported.
The reason for these messages is that AppBuilder CLI has dependencies written in C++. To build them, you need to satisfy all requirements for building c++ node modules, i.e. install Visual Studio, Python 2.7, node-gyp and configure them to be available on the command line. More information is available here: . Until our official support for node 4.2.1 is out, you may try this approach. Or, if possible, switch to node 0.12


#Ubuntu Install .net core 5 framework

I installed .net6 but i need to have installed .net5
So, I removed .net6 and I installed .net5.
Now, when I run 'dotnet build' command I have the error:
A fatal error occurred. The folder [/usr/lib/dotnet/dotnet6-6.0.108/host/fxr] does not exist
Do you have some idea to help me, please.
.NET 5 has reached its End of Life. If you are using it, you are on your own; don't expect any fixes for security issues that discovered every few weeks.
Anyway, sounds like you are using Ubuntu 22.04.
If so, you are out of luck. There's no simple way to install or run .NET 5 there. .NET 5 needs OpenSSL 1.0 or 1.1. Ubuntu 22.04 only has OpenSSL 3.0. Even if you install and manage to run .NET 5, it wont work and you will get OpenSSL errors.
Your best course of action is to install an older version of Ubuntu, such as 20.04.
Your specific error in this case is quite unrelated to above, though. Your error is because you seem to have installed some packages from Ubuntu's package repository and some packages from Microsoft's package repository. See for details. In particular you want to follow the steps in "Mixed state scenario 2: Use PMC packages after installing native Jammy packages". But that's not needed on Ubuntu 20.04 or similar OS that you need to make .NET 5 work at all.

How do I upgrade appium in my Visual studio

I am writing my tests in C# with Appium and specflow. I am using Visual studio as my IDE.
If I want to upgrade my appium to the latest version how do I do it?
All new Appium methods for FaceID authentication are available in Appium version V1.10.1
Want to know how do I upgrade to that version of Appium.
Usually we update all the softwares through Nuget packages but for Appium only thinhg I see is Appium.Webdriver with latest version being and this doe not contain latest appium code.
Any help in guiding me is much appreciated.
you can use node.js command line for upgrade the appium you just need to install node.js then it contains node.js command line so you can install or upgrade the appium text

Visual studio can't detect latest typescript version

I have just updated my Typescript version through npm to V3.2.2 after I discovered that VS is using 2.6 and I need something from V2.9 at least.
I verified this with the tsc --version command, which gives me "Version 3.2.2" as output.
Now, however, when I want to update the Version for my project through the project properties in VS2017, I am still only able to use the old 2.6 version.
I tried this through the following guide:
With this help, I went to the csproj and manually updated the version number to the desired one. After restarting VS, I get a message stating that the (now) V3.2.2 is unavailable, and whether I want to downgrade to 2.6 again.
What am I doing wrong here?
I am using VS2017, V15.6.1

Joyent Node.js The software is missing from your system. You may also have to configure it after installation

i have installed nodejs manually and from visual studio 2015 installation , but every time i check for apache cordova dependency cheker i get
Joyent Node.js The software is missing from your system. You may also have to configure it after installation
Same issue. I had installed Node.js version 6.9.1 manually. After uninstalling via Windows (Control Panel->Programs and Features->NodeJs->Uninstall), I was able to go to Control Panel->Programs and Features->VS2015->"Change"->"Modify" and was given the option to install the Joyent version. Prior to the uninstall, Joyent nodejs was not an option when trying to Change/Modify VS2015.

Corlib not in sync when building Unity games with mdtool in OSX

Unity3D, a popular game engine, packages a version of mono (and monodevelop) with its install. Recently I installed Xamarin Studio, keen to play with it. Later I followed some online guides for building unity's SLN files via the command line from the sln's directory:
/Applications/Unity/ build -t:Build
I got this error:
Rewriting config files...
Corlib not in sync with this runtime: expected corlib version 636, found 96.
Loaded from: /Applications/Unity/
Download a newer corlib or a newer runtime at
I figured that Xamarin Studio had brought a new mono runtime with it, and that was version 636. The mdtool I was running expected verison 96, because Unity ships with an older version of mono (.net 3.5 I think?).
So I uninstalled Xamarin Studio, and re-installed Unity to hopefully overwrite the mono runtime with the old version. Still get the error.
I notice above that the mscorlib.dll is not pulled from Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current, but 2.10.2. Why is that? How can I make this build work? Any more information I can give you?
