Is there an easy way to display whole rational numbers for example:
(average '(1 2 3 4)) ;returns 2 1/2
I would like it to return 5/2. Thank you.
This is DrRacket-specific behavior. It customizes the Racket print handler to print out certain values in "pretty" ways, some of which aren't even plain text. For example, DrRacket will print images as pictures in the REPL, and it will print syntax objects as fully interactive widgets that display source information along with the datum structure.
Racket reserves the print function to be customized, and it doesn't guarantee the output of such a function. If you want consistent output, use write, which will always produce plain text unless explicitly altered by the programmer.
(write (/ 5 2)) ; => 5/2
Note that in the REPL, print will use the same textual representation that write uses for exact, rational numbers.
You can use numerator and denominator to get the pieces you want. Something like:
(let* ((avg (average '(1 2 3 4)))
(num (numerator avg))
(den (denominator avg)))
(printf "~a/~a~n" num den)))
From my understanding, it is not legal to modify a list created using quote:
(let ((numbers '(3 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Illegal.
What about lists created using quasiquote? Is it legal to modify lists created using quasiquote?
(let ((numbers `(3 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Legal?
(let ((numbers `(,(+ 1 2) 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Legal?
The short answer is no, this isn't "legal", and certainly this should never be done in a program that aims to be portable. R6RS and R7RS have almost identical language around this, so I'll just quote from R6RS, Section 11.17 Quasiquotation:
A quasiquote expression may return either fresh, mutable objects or literal structure for any structure that is constructed at run time during the evaluation of the expression. Portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal.
Section 4.2.8 of R7RS has the same language, except that it says "newly allocated" instead of "fresh".
Since it is an error to attempt to modify literals in Scheme, it is an error to modify the result of a quasiquote form. This is something that you may seem get away with sometimes, but it will bite you sooner or later. The real catch here is that "portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal". Other portions may or may not be literal.
More specifically for OP posted code, `(3 2 1) is guaranteed to evaluate to a list literal by the semantics of quasiquote described in Section 11.17 of R6RS:
Semantics: If no unquote or unquote-splicing forms appear within the <qq template>, the result of evaluating (quasiquote <qq template>) is equivalent to the result of evaluating (quote <qq template>).
R7RS contains similar language in Section 4.2.8. Since (quote (3 2 1)) creates a list literal, the expression `(3 2 1) must also evaluate to a list literal.
On the other hand, OP code `(,(+ 1 2) 2 1) must evaluate (+ 1 2) and insert that result into the resulting structure. In this case, unquote is used via the , operator, so the resulting list structure may or may not be a list literal.
To take one more example, consider the quasiquoted expression `(,(+ 1 2) (2 1)). Here the main result is a list structure which may or may not be a list literal, but the element (2 1) of the resulting structure is guaranteed to be a list literal since it does not need to be rebuilt in the construction of the final result.
I'm going through this Scheme tutorial and in section 3 (Making Lists) the guy says you should write '() to represent an empty list. But for every test I've wrote seems that it has the very same effect as using just ().
Also, as far as I understand, the quote means the interpreter won't evaluate the expression, but seems that the interpreter knows what's after the ' symbol, because doing this (cons 1 '()) yields (1), while doing this (cons 1 'abc) yields (1 . abc), so it knows '() is an empty list but 'abc is not.
Some Scheme implementations permit bare () as a synonym for '(), but only the quoted form is standard.
As for your second question: consider
(define abc '(1 2 3))
(define def '(1 2 3))
(cons 0 'abc)
(cons 0 'def)
(cons 0 abc)
(cons 0 def)
In the first two expressions, abc and def are not evaluated, so they stay symbols. In the latter two, they are evaluated to the objects they stand for, which are both equal to the list (1 2 3).
TL;DR: To make sure your applications work as as designed you should quote the empty list since it's unsure if it will work otherwise. see the long answer below.
As for how Scheme works for quoted values, quoting '(+ 3 4 5) makes an expression a constant that is not to be evaluated. It much like making a string with code in it, like "if( a == 0 ) return 4;" in Java or C. The difference is that a quoted expression are structured data rather than byte sequences.
(cons 1 'abc) and (cons 1 '()) does the same. A cons has two placeholders for values and those two expressions sets two values in the exact same manner. It's only display (and the repl) that knows that a list that ends with () should display differently and not (1 . ()) like it actually is stored.
The long answer about the need to quote the empty list
It all boils down to the standard you're using. Most implementations today are R5RS and it requires the empty list be quoted since the empty list is not an expression. Implementations might still allow it though since it won't interfere with a proper Scheme application. Heres a quote from the R5RS report:
Note: In many dialects of Lisp, the empty combination, (), is a
legitimate expression. In Scheme, combinations must have at least one
subexpression, so () is not a syntactically valid expression.
This actually happened in R3RS (under Procedure calls) so it's been around for a while. When looking for it in R6RS however it seems to have disappeared from the section making me think they have reverted it so that it would be self evaluating. However, I cannot find it in the language changes part.
When looking at the R7RS draft (NB: PDF), the part from R5RS is back so I guess this was an error in the R6RS report. This might be the reason racket (and probably other implementors) allow () as an expression in R6RS to be sure it will work even when the report is ambiguous about it.
Given an expression in the form of : (* 3 (+ x y)), how can I evaluate the expression so as to put it in the form (+ (* 3 x) (* 3 y))? (note: in the general case, 3 is any constant, and "x" or "y" could be terms of single variables or other s-expressions (e.g. (+ 2 x)).
How do I write a lambda expression that will recursively evaluate the items (atoms?) in the original expression and determine whether they are a constant or a term? In the case of a term, it would then need to be evaluated again recursively to determine the type of each item in that term's list.
Again, the crux of the issue for me is the recursive "kernel" of the definition.
I would obviously need a base case that would determine once I have reached the last, single atom in the deepest part of the expression. Then recursively work "back up", building the expression in the proper form according to rules.
Coming from a Java / C++ background I am having great difficulty in understanding how to do this syntactically in Scheme.
Let's take a quick detour from the original problem to something slightly related. Say that you're given the following: you want to write an evaluator that takes "string-building" expressions like (* 3 "hello") and "evaluates" it to "hellohellohello". Other examples that we'd like to make work include things like
(+ "rock" (+ (* 5 "p") "aper")) ==> "rockpppppaper"
(* 3 (+ "scis" "sors")) ==> "scissorsscissorsscissors"
To tackle a problem like this, we need to specify exactly what the shape of the inputs are. Essentially, we want to describe a data-type. We'll say that our inputs are going to be "string-expressions". Let's call them str-exprs for short. Then let's define what it means to be a str-expr.
A str-expr is either:
(+ <str-expr> <str-expr>)
(* <number> <str-expr>)
By this notation, we're trying to say that str-exprs will all fit one of those three shapes.
Once we have a good idea of what the shape of the data is, we have a better guide to write functions that process str-exprs: they must case-analyze those three alternatives!
;; A str-expr is either:
;; a plain string, or
;; (+ str-expr str-expr), or
;; (* number str-expr)
;; We want to write a definition to "evaluate" such string-expressions.
;; evaluate: str-expr -> string
(define (evaluate expr)
[(string? expr)
[(eq? (first expr) '+)
[(eq? (first expr) '*)
where the '...'s are things that we'll be filling in.
Actually, we know how to fill in a little more about the '...': we know that in the second and third cases, the inner parts are themselves str-exprs. Those are prime spots where recurrence will probably happen: since our data is described in terms of itself, the programs that process them will also probably need to refer to themselves. In short, programs that process str-exprs will almost certainly follow this shape:
(define (evaluate expr)
[(string? expr)
... expr
[(eq? (first expr) '+)
... (evaluate (second expr))
... (evaluate (third expr))
[(eq? (first expr) '*)
... (second expr)
... (evaluate (third expr))
That's all without even doing any real work: we can figure this part out just purely because that's what the data's shape tells us. Filling in the remainder of the '...'s to make this all work out is actually not too bad, especially when we also consider the test cases we've cooked up. (Code)
It's this kind of standard data-analysis/case-analysis that's at the heart of your question, and it's one that's covered extensively by curricula such as HTDP. This is not Scheme or Racket specific: you'd do the same kind of data analysis in Java, and you see the same kind of approach in many other places. In Java, the low-mechanism used for the case analysis might be done differently, perhaps with dynamic dispatch, but the core ideas are all the same. You need to describe the data. Once you have a data definition, use it to help you sketch out what the code needs to look like to process that data. Use test cases to triangulate how to fill in the sketch.
You need to break down your problem. I would start by following the HtDP ( approach. What are your inputs? Can you specify them precisely? In this case, those inputs are going to be self-referential.
Then, specify the output form. In fact, your text above is a little fuzzy on this: I think I know what your output form looks like, but I'm not entirely sure.
Next, write a set of tests. These should be based on the structure of your input terms; start with the simplest ones, and work upward from there.
Once you have a good set of tests, implementing the function should be pretty straightforward. I'd be glad to help if you get stuck!
How can I convert 42.0 to 42.00 in Scheme?
For Example (In Scheme):
When I do (/ 20.00 2), I get 10.0. I want 10.00 as the result of above instead of 10.0
Óscar's solution works well, but an even easier solution is to use SRFI-48, which provides additional format directives.
(display (format "~0,2F" (/ 20.00 2)))
The objects represented by 10.0 and 10.00 are the same. There is no such thing as a fixed-precision decimal number in R5RS Scheme. What do you need the fixed precision for? If it is relevant for output, you need to do formatted printing of some sort. Check your Scheme implementation's documentation about a printf or format function. If, on the other hand, you actually need decimal arithmetic, you will need to either use exact ratios and round explicitly according to the rules you want to use, or use integers and treat them as units of size 1/100.
The numbers 10.0 and 10.00 are exactly the same. Maybe you want to format your output to a string with a fixed number of decimals to the right of the dot? try this:
(define (right-pad number len)
(let* ((nstr (number->string number))
(diff (- len (string-length nstr)))
(pads (if (> diff 0) (make-string diff #\0) "")))
(string-append nstr pads)))
Use it like this:
(display (right-pad (/ 20.00 2) 5))
> 10.00
Notice that the len parameter indicates the total amount of chars desired in the resulting string, including the dot. This solution has the advantage of being independent from external libraries.
If you use racket, I think that could help.
(~r pi #:precision 4)
Is there a way to construct a self-referential data structure (say a graph with cycles) in lisp or scheme? I'd never thought about it before, but playing around I can find no straightforward way to make one due to the lack of a way to make destructive modification. Is this just an essential flaw of functional languages, and if so, what about lazy functional languages like haskell?
In Common Lisp you can modify list contents, array contents, slots of CLOS instances, etc.
Common Lisp also allows to read and write circular data structures. Use
? (setf *print-circle* t)
; a list of two symbols: (foo bar)
? (defvar *ex1* (list 'foo 'bar))
; now let the first list element point to the list,
; Common Lisp prints the circular list
? (setf (first *ex1*) *ex1*)
#1=(#1# BAR)
; one can also read such a list
? '#1=(#1# BAR)
#1=(#1# BAR)
; What is the first element? The list itself
? (first '#1=(#1# BAR))
#1=(#1# BAR)
So-called pure Functional Programming Languages don't allow side-effects. Most Lisp dialects are not pure. They allow side-effects and they allow to modify data-structures.
See Lisp introduction books for more on that.
In Scheme, you can do it easily with set!, set-car!, and set-cdr! (and anything else ending in a bang ('!'), which indicates modification):
(let ((x '(1 2 3)))
(set-car! x x)
; x is now the list (x 2 3), with the first element referring to itself
Common Lisp supports modification of data structures with setf.
You can build a circular data structure in Haskell by tying the knot.
You don't need `destructive modification' to construct self-referential data structures; e.g., in Common Lisp, '#1=(#1#) is a cons-cell that contains itself.
Scheme and Lisp are capable of making destructive modifications: you can construct the circular cons above alternatively like this:
(let ((x (cons nil nil)))
(rplaca x x) x)
Can you let us know what material you're using while learning Lisp/Scheme? I'm compiling a target list for our black helicopters; this spreading of misinformation about Lisp and Scheme has to be stopped.
Yes, and they can be useful. One of my college professors created a Scheme type he called Medusa Numbers. They were arbitrary precision floating point numbers that could include repeating decimals. He had a function:
(create-medusa numerator denominator) ; or some such
which created the Medusa Number that represented the rational. As a result:
(define one-third (create-medusa 1 3))
one-third => ; scheme hangs - when you look at a medusa number you turn to stone
(add-medusa one-third (add-medusa one-third one-third)) => 1
as said before, this is done with judicious application of set-car! and set-cdr!
Not only is it possible, it's pretty central to the Common Lisp Object System: standard-class is an instance of itself!
I upvoted the obvious Scheme techniques; this answer addresses only Haskell.
In Haskell you can do this purely functionally using let, which is considered good style. One nice example is regexp-to-NFA conversion. You can also do it imperatively using IORefs, which is considered poor style as it forces all your code into the IO monad.
In general Haskell's lazy evaluation lends itself to lovely functional implementations of both cyclic and infinite data structures. In any complex let binding, all things bound may be used in all definitions. For example translating a particular finite-state machine into Haskell is a snap, no matter how many cycles it may have.
CLOS example:
(defclass node ()
((child :accessor node-child :initarg :child)))
(defun make-node-cycle ()
(let* ((node1 (make-instance 'node))
(node2 (make-instance 'node :child node1)))
(setf (node-child node1) node2)))
Tying the Knot (circular data structures in Haskell) on StackOverflow
See also the Haskell Wiki page: Tying the Knot
Hmm, self referential data structures in Lisp/Scheme, and SICP streams are not mentioned? Well, to summarize, streams == lazily evaluated list. It might be exactly the kind of self reference you've intended, but it's a kind of self reference.
So, cons-stream in SICP is a syntax that delays evaluating its arguments. (cons-stream a b) will return immediately without evaluating a or b, and only evaluates a or b when you invoke car-stream or cdr-stream
From SICP,
(define fibs
(cons-stream 0
(cons-stream 1
(add-streams (stream-cdr fibs)
This definition says that fibs is a
stream beginning with 0 and 1, such
that the rest of the stream can be
generated by adding fibs to itself
shifted by one place:
In this case, 'fibs' is assigned an object whose value is defined lazily in terms of 'fibs'
Almost forgot to mention, lazy streams live on in the commonly available libraries SRFI-40 or SRFI-41. One of these two should be available in most popular Schemes, I think
I stumbled upon this question while searching for "CIRCULAR LISTS LISP SCHEME".
This is how I can make one (in STk Scheme):
First, make a list
(define a '(1 2 3))
At this point, STk thinks a is a list.
(list? a)
> #t
Next, go to the last element (the 3 in this case) and replace the cdr which currently contains nil with a pointer to itself.
(set-cdr! (cdr ( cdr a)) a)
Now, STk thinks a is not a list.
(list? a)
> #f
(How does it work this out?)
Now if you print a you will find an infinitely long list of (1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 ... and you will need to kill the program. In Stk you can control-z or control-\ to quit.
But what are circular-lists good for?
I can think of obscure examples to do with modulo arithmetic such as a circular list of the days of the week (M T W T F S S M T W ...), or a circular list of integers represented by 3 bits (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 ..).
Are there any real-world examples?