magento import images using the csv - magento

I am trying to import product using csv in magento everything works fine but images is not showing in backend. I tried by uploading the images in the media/import folder and giving the path in csv as /imagename.jpg. but its not working.

i have done it. i just deleted the column small_image, thumbnail, image.
and now it works fine.


Stuck with image import using magento

I m importing magento product with native magento import profile. All the product imported successfully but image is not imported.
I have also put the images on media/import folder and in csv write image name like /image1.jpg but it still giving null image after successfully imported csv.
what will be the issue please help
I hope you have done trying below things
All required images are placed in media/import
setting 777 permission to media/import
Putting "/." in your csv coloumn
"image", "_media_image"("thumbnail", "small_image" if you want to)
Putting "_media_attribute_id"="88" & "_media_is_disabled"=0 on every image row aaccordingly.

How to Import the External url images to the magento Using CSV

I am new to magento, I have around 6000 Products have to import them through CSV.. but the images are in the URL format.. how to import them to magento... I am using magento Version 1.8.1
Consider the path is exm/one/image.jpg
then u need to create a folder exm in your media folder in that exm create one folder and finally in that one folder place your image.
Then continue importing.
Hope it will work

Bulk image upload via CSV in magento

I can upload bulk product information via csv but cannot understand how to upload bulk product images via CSV file. Suppose I have 500 images. Then please explain me how can I upload that images via CSV file?
Your CSV file with your products should have columns where you would put the products such as '_media_image' and 'thumbnail'.
The way I've learned that it should work is that you dump your images into /media/import then in the above mentioned image columns you would put "/image_name.jpg" for the product's image.
See: Magento import products with images for some more information.
In magento i have tryied to import all my product that are on my localhost to my live site but i was unable to do that. After a logn research and gooling i find my solution to import bulk product in magento. Go through this link.
Hope this will help you in exporting and importing product in bulk.

Magento Image does not exist

i am installing latest version of magento( when i trying magento import csv file it shows an error image does not exist i am using the fallowing steps
1) enter data in products and export in to csv file after that entering the data in to csv file again importing
2) images are placed at media->catalog->product->products i tried with the different image url paths
3)images are also placed at media->import and image url paths
i tried with out image in csv file using 2nd method data will be imported
but with image url not able to import the data with images
I also had the same problem and found this thread for the image to be imported has be /image.jpg without folders.
A few additions made by my own observations:
When you import products with images to magento make sure, the directory media/catalog/product is empty
Upload your product images to the directory media/import/product/ (create it if necessary)
Ensure that your image-paths in the csv-file have a leading /
upload your file and get your products imported with images.
This solution worked for me, after several others failed.
(Tested on Magento

How to connect images to magento when importing by xml file

I have imported 100 products in Magento without an image via xml file. (I didn't have the pictures)
Now I also have images and want to import them to Magento, so in the XML file I have placed the images in the map /a/l/ and also on my server I have placed them in the map /a/l/.
(/a/l/ is also the map where the images are stored when adding them manually in magento. I have copied this line from some other products.)
When importing the xml file by running the profile in popup I get the message "Image does not exist"
So I can't get the image import working.
Does anyone have a solution?
Put the images in /media/import/ directory instead. Magento will find them there and move them to the appropriate place for you.
Browse through your csv file to check your image path, and place it into /media/import/
