How to do OptionContext parsing on an instance? - command-line-arguments

I'm trying to get options parsing using OptionContext to work.
My code so far:
public class Options : GLib.Object {
public string option_output = "";
public Options () {
public void parse (string args[]) throws OptionError {
// string option_output;
const OptionEntry[] options = {
{ "output", 'o', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME,
ref option_output, "file name for encoded output (required);",
"FILE" },
var opt_context = new OptionContext ("- vpng2theora");
opt_context.set_help_enabled (true);
opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null);
unowned string[] temp_args = args;
foreach (var arg in temp_args) {
print ("arg: %s\n", arg);
opt_context.parse (ref temp_args);
print (option_output);
int main (string[] args) {
Options opts = new Options ();
opts.parse (args);
return 0;
As it stands this doesn't compile because:
error: Value must be constant
If I remove the const altogether:
OptionEntry[] options = {
{ "output", 'o', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME,
ref option_output, "file name for encoded output (required);",
"FILE" },
The error is:
error: Expected array element, got array initializer list
The only way I can get around this problem is declaring the option_output as a static class field, but that defeats the purpose of instantiation.
Is there any way to have the OptionContext parsing work on an instance instead of a static class?

The following will work:
public class Options : GLib.Object {
public string option_output = "";
public bool parse (ref unowned string[] args) {
var options = new OptionEntry[2];
options[0] = { "output", 'o', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME,
ref option_output, "file name for encoded output (required);",
"FILE" };
options[1] = {null};
var opt_context = new OptionContext ("- vpng2theora");
opt_context.set_help_enabled (true);
opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null);
foreach (var arg in args) {
print ("arg: %s\n", arg);
bool result= true;
try {
opt_context.parse (ref args);
print( option_output );
} catch {
result = false;
return result;
int main (string[] args) {
Options opts = new Options ();
if (!opts.parse (ref args)) { return -1; }
return 0;
The options parsing will remove the optional arguments and then you can parse the required ones, such as the filenames to process. That's why I've kept the original args passed to the parse function. So you will get a cleaned set of args back, that you can then parse again for the required arguments. I found "CLI design: Putting flags to good use" a useful read.
options is an array of structs. I don't understand well enough why setting the size of the array is necessary, but it works for me.


gweather_location_get_city_name: assertion 'loc != NULL' failed

I'm trying to fetch my location using GeoClue and GWeather.
I want to display the name of my city in the blank space.
public class Epoch.LabelsGrid : Gtk.Grid {
public Gtk.Label face1_label;
public Gtk.Label face2_label;
public Gtk.Label face3_label;
public Gtk.Label face4_label;
public GClue.Location? geo_location {get; private set; default = null;}
public GWeather.Location location;
private GClue.Simple simple;
construct {
face1_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
face1_label.label = dgettext ("libgweather-locations", location.get_city_name ());
face1_label.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
face1_label.hexpand = true;
face1_label.margin_top = 6;
face1_label.set_ellipsize (END);
face1_label.set_max_width_chars (12);
face2_label = new Gtk.Label ("Paris");
face2_label.set_markup ("<span font_desc='Inter 14'><b>Paris</b></span>");
face2_label.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
face2_label.hexpand = true;
face2_label.margin_top = 6;
face2_label.set_ellipsize (END);
face2_label.set_max_width_chars (12);
face3_label = new Gtk.Label ("London");
face3_label.set_markup ("<span font_desc='Inter 14'><b>London</b></span>");
face3_label.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
face3_label.hexpand = true;
face3_label.margin_top = 6;
face3_label.set_ellipsize (END);
face3_label.set_max_width_chars (12);
face4_label = new Gtk.Label ("New York");
face4_label.set_markup ("<span font_desc='Inter 14'><b>New York</b></span>");
face4_label.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
face4_label.hexpand = true;
face4_label.margin_top = 6;
face4_label.set_ellipsize (END);
face4_label.set_max_width_chars (12);
public async void seek () {
try {
simple = yield new GClue.Simple ("com.gihhub.Suzie97.epoch", GClue.AccuracyLevel.CITY, null);
} catch (Error e) {
warning ("Failed to connect to GeoClue2 service: %s", e.message);
simple.notify["location"].connect (() => {
on_location_updated.begin ();
on_location_updated.begin ();
public async void on_location_updated () {
geo_location = simple.get_location ();
location = location.find_nearest_city (geo_location.latitude, geo_location.longitude);
This is the code.
The code compiles but while executing the program, (com.github.Suzie97.epoch:30386): GWeather-CRITICAL **: 13:21:03.758: gweather_location_get_city_name: assertion 'loc != NULL' failed this warning is displayed.
I found this code snippet on an app by Daniel Fore called Nimbus (Link to nimbus repo)
public void on_location_updated (double latitude, double longitude) {
location = GWeather.Location.get_world ();
location = location.find_nearest_city (latitude, longitude);
if (location != null) {
weather_info.location = location;
weather_info.update ();
stack.visible_child_name = "weather";
Do I need to do something similar to this?
According to the error message, gweather_location_get_city_name () is emitting an error because the location is NULL (loc != NULL is false). Look at where you're calling get_city_name (). It's at the very top of your constructor, before location is set to anything. You need to wait until you have a location before you try to use it.
Then you should use something like the Nimbus code. It handles the case when simple.get_location () returns NULL (if it can't find your location), and also initializes the GWeather location so it can call find_nearest_city ().

Implementation of IValueProvider leads to UITestControlNotAvailableException

I'm struggling a bit with UI Automation for an WindowsStore app. I get an UITestControlNotAvailableException as soon as I implement IValueProvider. If I remove the implementation it works.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestControlNotAvailableException (The control is not available or not valid.)
InnerException: Points to a call to testControl.Name (Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.get_Name())
InnerException: An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040201)
The StackTrace looks like this:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Uia.UiaUtility.MapAndThrowException(Exception e, IUITechnologyElement element, Boolean useRethrowException)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Uia.UiaUtility.GetAutomationPropertyValue[T](AutomationElement element, AutomationProperty property)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Uia.UiaElement.GetAutomationPropertyValue[T](AutomationProperty automationProperty)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Uia.UiaElement.get_NativeWindowHandle()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Uia.UiaElement.get_WindowHandle()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.get_IsRefetchRequired()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.EnsureValid(Boolean waitForReady, Boolean refetch)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.GetPropertyValuePrivate(String propertyName)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.GetPropertyPrivate(String propertyName)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.GetPropertyOfType[T](String propertyName)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.UITestControl.get_Name()
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.GetElementString(UITestControl element, Int32 level) in ...
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.WalkTree(UITestControl element, Int32 level) in ...
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.WalkTree(UITestControl element, Int32 level) ...
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.WalkTree(UITestControl element, Int32 level) ...
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.WalkTree(UITestControl element, Int32 level) ...
at UITest.Framework.Windows.TestGround.PrintTree(Modes mode, XamlWindow window) in ...
On the app side I use this code to get information about the control:
public class CanvasAP : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IValueProvider
public CanvasAP(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Canvas owner) : base(owner)
protected override AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore()
return AutomationControlType.Custom;
protected override string GetClassNameCore()
return "Canvas";
protected override object GetPatternCore(PatternInterface patternInterface)
if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.Value)
return this;
return base.GetPattern(patternInterface);
#region Implementation of IValueProvider
bool IValueProvider.IsReadOnly => true;
string IValueProvider.Value
var str = "Test";
var owner = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Canvas)Owner;
foreach (var child in owner.Children)
str += $"{child.GetType()}";
return str;
void IValueProvider.SetValue(string value)
On the UI Automation client side I use this code to get information about the control:
private static string GetElementString(UITestControl element, Int32 level = 0)
var xaml = element as XamlControl;
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < level; i++)
str += " ";
str += $"{element.ControlType} {element.ClassName} {element.Name} {xaml?.AutomationId ?? ""}\n";
return str;
Found the bug that I had made - it was in calling base.GetPattern instead of base.GetPatternCore.
protected override object GetPatternCore(PatternInterface patternInterface)
if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.Value)
return this;
return base.GetPatternCore(patternInterface);

A List of Field Names as a String Array - LINQ Expressions

Hello MVC and LINQ Experts,
I have a Model that looks like this:
public class SomeClass : IValidatableObject
public string SomeString { get; set; }
public string SomeString2 { get; set; }
public int SomeInteger { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
//... IF there is some error...THEN
yield return new ValidationResult("Some Error Message.", GetFieldNames(() => new []{ this.SomeString }));
As you can see, I am calling GetFieldNames that takes an expression, and returns to you the expression members as a string array. According to a book I read recently, the way to link an error to a field is to pass it as a string as follows:
yield return new ValidationResult("Some Error Message.", new []{ "SomeString" }));
But I wanted to be Strongly Typed, so here is the method that I wrote:
public static string[] GetFieldNames(Expression<Func<object[]>> exp)
//Build a string that will in the end look like this: field1,field2,field3
//Then we split(',') it into an array and return that string array.
string fieldnames = "";
MemberExpression body = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
if (body == null)
NewArrayExpression ubody = (NewArrayExpression)exp.Body;
foreach(MemberExpression exp2 in ubody.Expressions)
fieldnames += exp2.Member.Name + ",";
fieldnames = fieldnames.TrimEnd(',');
if(fieldnames.Length > 0)
return fieldnames.Split(',');
return new string[]{};
Current Usage:
GetFieldNames(() => new[] { this.SomeString , this.SomeString2 });
{ "SomeString" , "SomeString2" }
This works fine.
The problem is that if I use it as follows, it gives me an error (compile time):
GetFieldNames(() => new[] { this.SomeString , this.SomeInteger });
No best type found for implicitly-typed array
My Desired Output:
{ "SomeString" , "SomeInteger" }
I can't pass in an array of object because int is not a complex type.
How can I pass the function an expression array with int and string?
You could try passing an array of objects (which is what your expression expects) instead of trying to use an array initializer syntax:
GetFieldNames(() => new object[] { this.SomeString, this.SomeInteger });
This allows you to pass arbitrary object types.
You could define an interface IFieldName that enables usage in your list, and then implement it in different classes (int, error, string, etc.) for the actual types that occur in your processing.
This is roughly equivalent to defining an rray of object, but restores type-safety.
With the help of Darin Dimitri (the idea to pass a new object[] instead of new []
The following code will make sure that your IValidatableObject can now be strongly typed instead of just an array of strings.
public static string[] GetFieldNames(Expression<Func<object[]>> exp)
string fieldnames = "";
MemberExpression body = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
if (body == null)
NewArrayExpression ubody = (NewArrayExpression)exp.Body;
foreach (Expression exp2 in ubody.Expressions)
if (exp2 is MemberExpression) {
fieldnames += ((MemberExpression)exp2).Member.Name + ",";
else {
var op = ((UnaryExpression)exp2).Operand;
fieldnames += ((MemberExpression)op).Member.Name + ",";
fieldnames = fieldnames.TrimEnd(',');
if(fieldnames.Length > 0)
return fieldnames.Split(',');
return new string[]{};
GetFieldNames(() => new object[] { this.SomeString, this.SomeInteger }));
Usage for MVC Validation:
yield return new ValidationResult("Some Error.", GetFieldNames(() => new object[] { this.SomeString, this.SomeInteger }));

Trying to save comma-separated list

Trying to save selections from a CheckBoxList as a comma-separated list (string) in DB (one or more choices selected). I am using a proxy in order to save as a string because otherwise I'd have to create separate tables in the DB for a relation - the work is not worth it for this simple scenario and I was hoping that I could just convert it to a string and avoid that.
The CheckBoxList uses an enum for it's choices:
public enum Selection
Not to be convoluted, but I use [Display(Name="Choice 1")] and an extension class to display something friendly on the UI. Not sure if I can save that string instead of just the enum, although I think if I save as enum it's not a big deal for me to "display" the friendly string on UI on some confirmation page.
This is the "Record" class that saves a string in the DB:
public virtual string MyCheckBox { get; set; }
This is the "Proxy", which is some sample I found but not directly dealing with enum, and which uses IEnumerable<string> (or should it be IEnumerable<Selection>?):
public IEnumerable<string> MyCheckBox
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Record.MyCheckBox)) return new string[] { };
return Record
.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(r => r.Trim())
.Where(r => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(r));
Record.MyCheckBox = value == null ? null : String.Join(",", value);
To save in the DB, I am trying to do this in a create class:
proxy.MyCheckBox = record.MyCheckBox; //getting error here
but am getting the error:
Cannot implicitly convert 'string' to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'
I don't know, if it's possible or better, to use Parse or ToString from the API for enum values.
I know that doing something like this will store whatever I put in the ("") into the DB, so it's just a matter of figuring out how to overcome the error (or, if there is an alternative):
proxy.MyCheckBox = new[] {"foo", "bar"};
I am not good with this stuff and have just been digging and digging to come up with a solution. Any help is much appreciated.
You can accomplish this using a custom user type. The example below uses an ISet<string> on the class and stores the values as a delimited string.
public class CommaDelimitedSet : IUserType
const string delimiter = ",";
#region IUserType Members
public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
if (ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return true;
var xSet = x as ISet<string>;
var ySet = y as ISet<string>;
if (xSet == null || ySet == null)
return false;
// compare set contents
return xSet.Except(ySet).Count() == 0 && ySet.Except(xSet).Count() == 0;
public int GetHashCode(object x)
return x.GetHashCode();
public object NullSafeGet(IDataReader rs, string[] names, object owner)
var outValue = NHibernateUtil.String.NullSafeGet(rs, names[0]) as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outValue))
return new HashSet<string>();
var splitArray = outValue.Split(new[] {Delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return new HashSet<string>(splitArray);
public void NullSafeSet(IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
var inValue = value as ISet<string>;
object setValue = inValue == null ? null : string.Join(Delimiter, inValue);
NHibernateUtil.String.NullSafeSet(cmd, setValue, index);
public object DeepCopy(object value)
// return new ISet so that Equals can work
// see
var set = value as ISet<string>;
if (set == null)
return null;
return new HashSet<string>(set);
public object Replace(object original, object target, object owner)
return original;
public object Assemble(object cached, object owner)
return DeepCopy(cached);
public object Disassemble(object value)
return DeepCopy(value);
public SqlType[] SqlTypes
get { return new[] {new SqlType(DbType.String)}; }
public Type ReturnedType
get { return typeof(ISet<string>); }
public bool IsMutable
get { return false; }
Usage in mapping file:
Map(x => x.CheckboxValues.CustomType<CommaDelimitedSet>();

How do I apply a default IComparable<T> in a Linq OrderBy clause

I have a type which has a default sort order as it implements IComparable<T> and IComparable. I'm not getting the results I expect from LINQ , basically it looks as if the IComparable<T> which the type implements is not being applied.
I thought I would get the result I want with an expression in the form:
var result = MyEnumerable<T>.OrderBy(r => r);
where T itself implements IComparable<T>. It's not happening.
I can see related questions where specific IComparable<T> classes are specified for the sort, but I can't find one which uses the default IComparable<T> implemented by T itself.
My syntax is clearly incorrect. What is the correct syntax please?
Thanks in advance.
OrderBy uses the default comparer Comparer<T>.Default which in turn will default to use the IComparable<T> implementation for T, or the non-generic IComparable if the former does not exist.
This code works:
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<Stuff>
new Stuff("one"),
new Stuff("two"),
new Stuff("three"),
new Stuff("four")
var sorted = list.OrderBy(x => x);
foreach (var stuff in sorted)
public class Stuff : IComparable<Stuff>
public string Name { get; set; }
public Stuff(string name)
Name = name;
public int CompareTo(Stuff other)
return String.CompareOrdinal(Name, other.Name);
public static class GenericSorter
public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> Sort<T>(IEnumerable<T> toSort, Dictionary<string, SortingOrder> sortOptions)
IOrderedEnumerable<T> orderedList = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortingOrder> entry in sortOptions)
if (orderedList != null)
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenBy");
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenByDescending");
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderBy");
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderByDescending");
return orderedList;
private static IOrderedEnumerable<T> ApplyOrder<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string property, string methodName)
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
Expression expr = param;
foreach (string prop in property.Split('.'))
expr = Expression.PropertyOrField(expr, prop);
Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), expr.Type);
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, expr, param);
MethodInfo mi = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(
method => method.Name == methodName
&& method.IsGenericMethodDefinition
&& method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2
&& method.GetParameters().Length == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), expr.Type);
return (IOrderedEnumerable<T>)mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { source, lambda.Compile() });
