Any good IDE for Ruby on windows? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I began learning Ruby this morning, so please forgive me if my questions sound silly ;=)
I had experience programming C++ with visual studio before, so I want to ask if there are IDEs like VS for ruby. (I noticed that I can write python with VS, but not ruby...)
Also, my friend told me that Eclipse can be used for ruby, but debug is painful, because you can not watch the value of a variable in eclipse.
Since I have thousands of lines of ruby code to read and understand, it will really be helpful if someone recommend me a good IDE to debug with.
Thanks in advance.

Rubymine is the only real IDE I know of (trial for 30 days), but most of the people use a texteditor like Sublime Text, eventually expanded with addons for the language you program in.
I wouldn't advise Eclipse unless you are allready familiar with it, a lot to configure and slow.
You don't really need an IDE for debuging, take a look here.

IMHO, all IDEs that supports Ruby are
IntelliJ IDEA
RubyMine is the best IDE, it supports some great features like refactoring
But I use vim , which is you know beyond the best IDE :)

Netbeans actually support Ruby but i don't know if it brings more options than Eclipse. Check it out :

If you are already comfortable with Eclipse, you can use Aptana, it's web dev counterpart.

Many ruby developers use a full-featured text editor instead of an "IDE". I would guess using a text editor is more popular among ruby devs than using an IDE.
The difference between text editor and IDE can be somewhat blurry, but generally a text editor has fewer language integration features than an IDE. Although sometimes features approaching what one would expect from an IDE are available. As ruby is not compiled, compilation/packaging features are not generally required from a text editor/IDE.
SublimeText is a popular text editor among rubyists, that runs on Windows as well as OSX and Linux.
There is at least one ruby debugger plugin for SublimeText; I have not used it myself.


Why doesn't Ruby have a GUI? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Ruby is hard when all they have is a command prompt. Any idea as to what I might be doing wrong? None of the tutorials mention about opening a program with a GUI although they explain the code as if you already have one opened.
It sounds like you might be getting a programming language (Ruby) mixed up with an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Elicpse, Netbeans or Visual Studio which are all graphical interfaces (GUIs) that help you write programs (in Java, C++, Ruby etc).
Because Ruby is an interpreted language with a powerful command line interface REPL (read–eval–print loop) I'd say that most people would say the best way to learn Ruby is to get familiar with the command line and fire up the interpreter and start playing. Using the interpreter will allow you to start from the basics like just running 2+2 and seeing the result instantly.
If you don't feel comfortable diving in to a command line then perhaps you could try something like Aptana Studio IDE. There will be a learning curve for that as well so perhaps if you just want to start from the absolute basics maybe try using the Try Ruby website. It provides a web based "console" for you to try out and learn the ruby basics.
Finally, if you do want to learn ruby the best way, and you are on Windows then I suggest downloading Cygwin and running the Ruby interpreter there. There are plenty of tutorials on how to get cygwin and ruby installed, Wikibooks provides a good start.

Ruby GUI Development on Mac/Linux and Windows [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have following concern:
I should creat a application for a documentation tool (Tex/Word files to a final PDF). This tool requires a GUI and I would really love to write it in my fav programming lang Ruby.
The main problem while asking my friend google was: every question was asked 3+ years ago and/or the libraries are outdated.
So is there a nice way to get a GUI with Ruby on Mac/Linux and Windows (it would not bother me to create two different interfaces). Or are some better solutions out there (please no .java)
(Ruby on Rails could be a solution, but only browserbased ...)
Would be happy for your Ideas and Solutions :)
Best Regards
I grepped #ruby channel logs and found that people often recommend Shoes framework for Ruby GUI apps.
Since Shoes makes use of JRuby, it requires Java to run. It shouldn't be a problem if your software is intended for regular people, as Java is installed on most computers anyway.
Some tutorial:
While there are some Ruby solutions for GUI, I would go for writing a Rails Web application and wrapping it with node-webkit instead. You will have a separate window for the application so it's kind of a native app, not a webapp. ;)
Please note you will need to bundle both node.js and Ruby binaries for the platforms you want to support. The most popular approach for node-webkit wrapped apps is AngularJS - then you don't have to bundle Ruby.
I have created a Gem LibUI for creating small GUI tools in Ruby. You can try it out if you like.

Modern version of WinDiff? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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VB6 came with WinDiff.
Is there a free modern version of WinDiff available that is able to ignore case?
Along with WinMerge and the WinDiff from the latest SDK, I also have SourceGear's free DiffMerge.
I use WinMerge (which hasn't changed for a while either -- don't ignore blank lines; that exercises bugs) most, especially its ability to open two blank editable pages and you can paste anything, such as from a Remote Desktop to a machine that does not have any visual diff installed, and the differences automatically (or manually if you prefer) update.
DiffMerge's feature I like is its display of differences, which seems to cater for spuriously different line breaks better.
And, to answer your question, the WinDiff from the latest SDK (or at least the one included with Visual Studio 2010), WinMerge, and DiffMerge can all ignore case.
WinDiff is part of the Windows SDK, it still ships with it. But no, the SDK is targeted to programmers that write code in case-sensitive languages, C and C++.
The source code of WinDiff was once part of the SDK samples. You can still get it from this web page, assuming you're into hacking C code and have an old compiler laying around. You'll need to adapt line.c, the line_gethashcode() and line_compare() functions. Lower-casing the line is easiest.
Well, that was the programmer's answer. Plenty of other fish in the sea, Beyond Compare typically gets a lot of nods.

Windows Forms C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have just started to learn C++, and I would like to learn how to make Windows Forms C++ applications.
Could anyone recommend some good ebooks?
I have a small converter program that I have made. It runs from the console, but I would like to make a nice GUI for it.
The form is quickly made in Visual Studio, but then I need to insert some code. This is were I got stuck.
I haven't been able to find any tutorial. Well found some, but they used C# or VB.NET.
As jdehaan said, Windows Forms is a .NET component and is not pure C++, it is definitely different. If you need to decide which to use, the book Beginning Visual C++ 2008 was helpful for me, as it teaches C++/CLI and regular Windows C++ forms. I'm not sure how hard this would be to find online.
If you are serious about Windows Forms programming and do not need easy interoperability between native and managed code, I would definitely suggest you just go with learning C#. Visual C++ feels Frankenstein-ish to me, and support is definitely waning in the editor. The managed versions of the languages are so similar that if you are going to learn .NET, C# would be the better choice.

What's the best AIR & Ruby integration tool/framework? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Well, I tried Shoes, Titanium, and RubyFX (or was it FXRuby?) and am not yet quite happy with the stability and cross-platform support from any of them as desktop application GUI tools. Next in line is Adobe AIR. Anyone know what the best tool is that will integrate Ruby and Adobe AIR? Is it even possible?
I think the better question might have been "is there an AIR/Ruby integration framework?" because I don't recall ever having seen such a thing...
Did you consider Google as a possible first port-of-call? ;-)
First result I got was some info at RubyInside.
However, the fact that this question is (as I write this) the #8 search result suggests that there may may not be much to find.
Beyond that, I'd also suggest taking a look at WxRuby, which seems - from a Windows-only perspective so far - to produce nicely native-looking UIs.
Have you considered using jRuby and Swing? Using Ruby really makes Swing much more pleasant to work with.
It appears that at the time of writing, there are no Ruby/AIR frameworks.
I'd agree that there isn't a framework that answers your question, per se. But if you have a majority your rails stuff written, a good 'service wrapper' that you might want to look at is weborb. We use it for our C# classes and it's only about 10Bil times faster than flat xml service calls (You'll still receive xml, but it will be serialized/deserialized --- may the FSM bless AMF.)
True, you'd still have to write a UI, which, by the wording of your question, I'm guessing you wanted to avoid.
Is this the sort of thing you are looking for?
