how to publish a web application with all configuration of application? - visual-studio-2010

i am working on an web application which is used to send data to devices which is connected in a network(LAN). software is able to send data when it is published through visual studio 2010 and when i am publishing on IIS 6 this software is not able to send data on devices.

(From MSDN)
To publish a Web application project
In the Build menu, click Publish ProjectName.
The Publish Web dialog box is displayed.
Click the ellipsis button (…) to browse to the location that you
want to publish the Web application project to.
Select the Replace matching files with local copies check box or the Delete all existing files prior to publish check box.
Select how you want to copy the Web application project files to the new location by using Only files needed to run this application, All project files, or All files in the source project folder.
You can include files from the App_Data folder by selecting the corresponding check box.
Click OK to publish the Web application project.
In the task bar, Publish succeeded is displayed when publishing has finished.
Make any configuration changes that are required for the Web application at the target location.
For more information, see How to: Configure Published Web Site Projects.
Hope it helps


How to deploy a Web API to my web host?

I'm building a RESTful Web API on my local machine and it works nicely. I want to put it on my GoDaddy web host account now. I did this once by copy and paste file by file to the FTP site they gave me. That worked, but it is slow and painful to do and to update when I make changes. Is there a quicker way to publish (in Visual Studio) from my local copy to my FTP site? If not, can you tell me which files I need to deploy for the Web API to work? I don't think it needs all the .cs files, but I'm not sure what files it must have.
OK, I found this link about publishing a website in Visual Studio:;k%28TargetFrameworkMoniker-.NETFramework
It didn't really solve everything for me, but I started playing around with the controls in Visual Studio. I was able to publish my local website to FTP by right-clicking on the project node in Server Explorer and click Publish... or click Build -> Publish in the Visual Studio menu. Fill in your FTP connection information, enter the target folder under Site Path and leave Destination URL blank (don't know, don't care). I also unchecked "Include all databases..." in the Project Properties Page for Package/Publish Web because I didn't want to rebuild my destination database. It worked.

Build not publishing Web API project in Visual Studio Team Services (was VS Online)

I have created a VS build definition on Team Services. The build runs successfully when I queue it and it also outputs the dlls for all the projects in the solution except the service layer which I have created using Web Api2.
when I download the artifacts from the drop location, I have folders holding the dlls for the data layer, the business layer and other helper projects. What I don't have is the main service layer dll which I can deploy to my IIS.
Here is a screenshot of my publish settings.
What could I be missing ?
It seems that you are using the default settings for the build definition. With these settings, the contents for "Copy Files" task is "**\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)**" while web api project does not have buildconfiguration folder. So it cannot find the files for web api project. To copy these files, add one more "Copy Files" task and configure the settings as following:
If you want the deployment files for the project, you need to set you build definition as following:
Add arguments /p:DeployOnBuild=true;OutDir="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)" for Visual Studio Build step.
Remove Copy Files step.
Set Path to Publish to $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\\_PublishedWebsites for Publish Build Artifacts step.
Then you should get the deployment files in the drop folder.
Open the Configuration Manager in VisualStudio and ensure the WebAPI project is included for the configuration (Debug, Release, etc) that you are building.

Deploying VirtoCommerce.Manager to Azure from Visual Studio

I am working with Virto Commerce server 2.4.561 and I'm having a great deal of difficulty successfully publishing to Azure from Visual Studio. Based on the documentation provided, it's not clear to me what the appropriate method is. Most guidance related to Azure assumes that I am using Git deployment. But in this case I am not. I am coding locally on my dev machine and I would like to be able to use web deployment to deploy directly to Azure from Visual Studio. However, the guidance found here seems to suggest that if you want to do your own deployment, you need to use deploy.cmd. I'm not exactly sure why that is. I can only guess that it has something to do with how the modules need to be packaged up.
I am able to run deploy.cmd and it appears to succeed, but I end up with an artifacts folder with 2,000+ files and folders in it and I am left to use old-school FTP to sync all those files up with the Azure website. Is this how it is meant to be done? I have tried to deploy directly from Visual Studio to Azure, and it appears to succeed, but the site does not behave correctly. Specifically, the custom modules I've built don't load correctly.
What is the right way to do this?
There is a way to publish your custom module directly from Visual Studio, but you still need a working Virto Commerce in Azure beforehand, and the easiest way to set it up is to use the Deploy to Azure button in GitHub.
In the Azure portal create a new virtual application /MyModule with
physical path site\wwwroot\admin\Modules\MyModule. It will be used
for publishing a custom module.
Download the source code from GitHub with the same version as you have published to Azure, add your custom module to the solution and build it.
In Visual Studio right-click on your module project and select Publish.
On the Profile screen select Microsoft Azure Web Apps as a publish target and select your Azure Web App.
On the Connection screen select Web Deploy as a publish method and add /Module to the site name. So your site name should look like this: myvc/MyModule.
On the Preview screen click the Start Preview button and make sure the file list contains only files related to your module and the action is Add for each of them.
When you click the Publish button, Visual Studio will upload all module files to the physical directory configured for the virtual application myvc/MyModule. For subsequent publishing it will upload only modified files.
Update: You should restart the Web App via the Azure portal after publishing in order to load the new version of your code into the application. Thanks to N1njaB0b for reminding.

Azure - Publishing from VStudio

Using VStudio 2010 wizard to set up basic 'Hello World' web role, works under emulator but when importing publish file from azure management portal get error
'publishsettings does not contain valid publish settings for Windows Azure'.
Have set up web site, storage and cloud service in Azure latest management portal (preview version) so unclear what problem is.
If you are using Windows Azure Websites (Preview) and using Visual Studio Publish wizard for your application you would need to download the publish file from your website located as shows below:
After that you can just use this .publishsettings file in VS Publish wizard and there not even a single click needed and your website will be published.
Please see my latest blog: Deploying Windows Azure Website using Visual Studio Web Publish wizard
I had the same issue.
Seems like the publishsettings files related to specific sites/services/apps are always rejected.
The solution seems to be to get a publishsettings file for your entire Azure account instead, and after that you're able to access your sites/services/apps or create new ones and publish to them.
This is performed using the following steps:
. Right click the project in VS10 and open 'Publish...' (the Azure
publish settings)
. Go to the Summary tab. Here you are able to download a publish settings file related to your Azure account. This file is named something like 'three month free evaluation period 1-1-2013-credentials.publishsettings' rather than the publish settings file for a particular site, which would be named somethiung like ''. Import that file - it will work!
3. Now go to the settings tab. Here you can select a cloud service (select existing or you can create a new one) and assign some settings.
. When the configuration is complete and you've clicked the Next button, VS10 will start deploying your project to the selected service. This is displayed in the 'Windows Azure Activity Log' output window in VS10.

Visual stuidio publish query

Q1. How can I (if I can) publish a website project with source code? Whenever I publish my website, it converts .cs files to DLLs in bin folder. But I want it to pe published with cs files and all refered external DLLs
Q2. When I publish a web application project, it gives publish/package settings options which is not available for website projects. This setting tab does give options to copy with source code but it creates many other unwanted files like config.debug, config.release etc. How can I make it publish application with files already in the project and nothing new.
Use "Copy site" instead of "Publish site" (right click on the web project or click "Web site" menu).
