Remove slice element within a for - go

An idiomatic method to remove an element i from a slice a, preserving the order, seems to be:
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
I was wondering which would be the best way to do it inside a loop. As I understand, it is not possible to use it inside a range for:
for i := range a { // BAD
if conditionMeets(a[i]) {
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
However it is possible to use len(a). [EDIT: this doesn't work, see answers below]
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if conditionMeets(a[i]) {
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
Is there a better or more idiomatic way than using len or append?

Your proposed solution is incorrect. The problem is that when you remove an element from a slice, all subsequent elements are shifted. But the loop doesn't know that you changed the underlying slice and loop variable (the index) gets incremented as usual, even though in this case it shouldn't because then you skip an element.
And if the slice contains 2 elements which are right next to each other both of which need to be removed, the second one will not be checked and will not be removed.
So if you remove an element, the loop variable has to be decremented manually! Let's see an example: remove words that start with "a":
func conditionMeets(s string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(s, "a")
Solution (try it with all other examples below on the Go Playground):
a := []string{"abc", "bbc", "aaa", "aoi", "ccc"}
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if conditionMeets(a[i]) {
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
[bbc ccc]
Or better: use a downward loop and so you don't need to manually decrement the variable, because in this case the shifted elements are in the "already processed" part of the slice.
a := []string{"abc", "bbc", "aaa", "aoi", "ccc"}
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if conditionMeets(a[i]) {
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
Output is the same.
Alternate for many removals
If you have to remove "many" elements, this might be slow as you have to do a lot of copy (append() does the copy). Imagine this: you have a slice with 1000 elements; just removing the first element requires copying 999 elements to the front. Also many new slice descriptors will be created: every element removal creates 2 new slice descriptors (a[:i], a[i+1:]) plus a has to be updated (the result of append()). In this case it might be more efficient to copy the non-removable elements to a new slice.
An efficient solution:
a := []string{"abc", "bbc", "aaa", "aoi", "ccc"}
b := make([]string, len(a))
copied := 0
for _, s := range(a) {
if !conditionMeets(s) {
b[copied] = s
b = b[:copied]
This solution allocates a slice with the same length as the source, so no new allocations (and copying) will be performed. This solution can also use the range loop. And if you want the result in a, assign the result to a: a = b[:copied].
Output is the same.
In-place alternate for many removals (and for general purposes)
We can also do the removal "in place" with a cycle, by maintaining 2 indices and assigning (copying forward) non-removable elements in the same slice.
One thing to keep in mind is that we should zero places of removed elements in order to remove references of unreachable values so the GC can do its work. This applies to other solutions as well, but only mentioned here.
Example implementation:
a := []string{"abc", "bbc", "aaa", "aoi", "ccc"}
copied := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if !conditionMeets(a[i]) {
a[copied] = a[i]
for i := copied; i < len(a); i++ {
a[i] = "" // Zero places of removed elements (allow gc to do its job)
a = a[:copied]
Output is the same. Try all the examples on the Go Playground.


Reading from a slice of unknown length in Golang

I'm trying to replicate this algorithm for finding duplicates in an array in Golang. Here's the javascript version:
function hasDuplicateValue(array) {
let existingNumbers = [];
for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if(existingNumbers[array[i]] === 1) {
return true;
} else {
existingNumbers[array[i]] = 1;
return false;
On line 2, the algorithm creates an empty array of unknown length, and then adds 1 to an index in the array corresponding with each number that it finds (e.g. if it finds the number 3 in the array, it will add a 1 to index 3 in existing numbers.
I'm wondering — how do I replicate this in Golang (since we need to have slots allocated in the slice before reading it). Would I first need to find the max value in the array and then declare the existingNumbers slice to be of that same size?
Or is there a more efficient way of doing this (instead of searching through the array and finding the max value before constructing the slice).
I realized that I can't do this with a slice because I can't read from an empty value. However, as #icza suggested, it will work with a map:
func findDuplicates(list []int)(bool) {
temp := make(map[int]int)
for _, elem := range list {
if temp[elem] == 1 {
return true
} else {
temp[elem] = 1
return false
As comments, I would also suggest using a map to keep the state of the duplications, but we can use map[int]struct{} because empty structs are not consumed any memory in Go.
And also I have simplified the code a bit and it is as follows.
func findDuplicates(list []int) bool {
temp := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, elem := range list {
if _, ok := temp[elem]; ok {
return true
temp[elem] = struct{}{}
return false
Full code can be executed here

Slice order guarantee based on order of insertion

This is super trivial question but I could not find it asked here. Sorry if I missed it.
Can I count that the order in slice is always the order of insertion of elements in that slice?
I tested it with the following code:
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
func testOrder() {
sl := []int{}
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
sl = append(sl, i)
for i, el := range sl {
if el != i {
panic("Order not quaranteed")
Fill a slice with numbers and then check if the order of elements in the slice is as they were populated in it. I do this check 10000 times.
You're not inserting but appending. append() always appends the elements to the end of the slice, and it does not leave "holes". So yes, you can count on that your example will never panic with "Order not guaranteed".
Read more about the append() function in its doc:
Also in the Spec: Appending to and copying slices
Also read official blog post: The Go Blog: Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'
Slices and arrays are sequentially ordered structures. The order of elements will never change if you append to them, even if they are copied in memory.

What is the mechanism of using append to prepend in Go?

Suppose I have a slice slice of type int. While declaring, I set the third argument to size, which I believe reserves memory for at least size ints by setting the cap parameter of the slice.
Now, suppose I have an integer variable value. To add it to the slice at the end, I use
If the number of elements currently in the slice is less than size, then there will be no need to copy the entire underlying array to a new location in order to add the new element.
Further, if I want to prepend value to slice, as suggested here and here, I use
My question is, what happens in this case? If the number of elements is still less than size, how are the elements stored in the memory? Assuming a contiguous allocation when the make() function was invoked, are all existing elements right shifted to free the first space for value? Or is memory reallocated and all elements copied?
The reason for asking is that I would like my program to be as fast as possible, and would like to know if this is a possible cause for slowing it down. If it is so, is there any alternative way of prepending that would be more time efficient?
With reslicing and copying
The builtin append() always appends elements to a slice. You cannot use it (alone) to prepend elements.
Having said that, if you have a slice capacity bigger than length (has "free" space after its elements) to which you want to prepend an element, you may reslice the original slice, copy all elements to an index one higher to make room for the new element, then set the element to the 0th index. This will require no new allocation. This is how it could look like:
func prepend(dest []int, value int) []int {
if cap(dest) > len(dest) {
dest = dest[:len(dest)+1]
copy(dest[1:], dest)
dest[0] = value
return dest
// No room, new slice need to be allocated:
// Use some extra space for future:
res := make([]int, len(dest)+1, len(dest)+5)
res[0] = value
copy(res[1:], dest)
return res
Testing it:
s := make([]int, 0, 5)
s = append(s, 1, 2, 3, 4)
s = prepend(s, 9)
s = prepend(s, 8)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[1 2 3 4]
[9 1 2 3 4]
[8 9 1 2 3 4]
Note: if no room for the new element, since performance does matter now, we didn't just do:
res := append([]int{value}, dest...)
Because it does more allocations and copying than needed: allocates a slice for the literal ([]int{value}), then append() allocates a new when appending dest to it.
Instead our solution allocates just one new array (by make(), even reserving some space for future growth), then just set value as the first element and copy dest (the previous elements).
With linked list
If you need to prepend many times, a normal slice may not be the right choice. A faster alternative would be to use a linked list, to which prepending an element requires no allocations of slices / arrays and copying, you just create a new node element, and you designate it to be the root by pointing it to the old root (first element).
The standard library provides a general implementation in the container/list package.
With manually managing a larger backing array
Sticking to normal slices and arrays, there is another solution.
If you're willing to manage a larger backing array (or slice) yourself, you can do so by leaving free space before the slice you use. When prepending, you can create a new slice value from the backing larger array or slice which starts at an index that leaves room for 1 element to be prepended.
Without completeness, just for demonstration:
var backing = make([]int, 15) // 15 elements
var start int
func prepend(dest []int, value int) []int {
if start == 0 {
// No more room for new value, must allocate bigger backing array:
newbacking := make([]int, len(backing)+5)
start = 5
copy(newbacking[5:], backing)
backing = newbacking
dest = backing[start : start+len(dest)+1]
dest[0] = value
return dest
Testing / using it:
start = 5
s := backing[start:start] // empty slice, starting at idx=5
s = append(s, 1, 2, 3, 4)
s = prepend(s, 9)
s = prepend(s, 8)
// Prepend more to test reallocation:
for i := 10; i < 15; i++ {
s = prepend(s, i)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[1 2 3 4]
[9 1 2 3 4]
[8 9 1 2 3 4]
[14 13 12 11 10 8 9 1 2 3 4]
Analysis: this solution makes no allocations and no copying when there is room in the backing slice to prepend the value! All that happens is it creates a new slice from the backing slice that covers the destination +1 space for the value to be prepended, sets it and returns this slice value. You can't really get better than this.
If there is no room, then it allocates a larger backing slice, copies over the content of the old, and then does the "normal" prepending.
With tricky slice usage
Idea: imagine that you always store elements in a slice in backward order.
Storing your elements in backward order in a slice means a prepand becomes append!
So to "prepand" an element, you can simply use append(s, value). And that's all.
Yes, this has its limited uses (e.g. append to a slice stored in reverse order has the same issues and complexity as a "normal" slice and prepand operation), and you lose many conveniences (ability to list elements using for range just to name one), but performance wise nothing beats prepanding a value just by using append().
Note: iterating over the elements that stores elements in backward order has to use a downward loop, e.g.:
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// do something with s[i]
Final note: all these solutions can easily be extended to prepend a slice instead of just a value. Generally the additional space when reslicing is not +1 but +len(values), and not simply setting dst[0] = value but instead a call to copy(dst, values).
The "prepend" call will need to allocate an array and copy all elements because a slice in Go is defined as a starting point, a size and an allocation (with the allocation being counted from the starting point).
There is no way a slice can know that the element before the first one can be used to extend the slice.
What will happen with
slice = append([]int{value}, slice...)
a new array of a single element value is allocated (probably on stack)
a slice is created to map this element (start=0, size=1, alloc=1)
the append call is done
append sees that there is not enough room to extend the single-element slice so allocates a new array and copies all the elements
a new slice object is created to refer to this array
If appending/removing at both ends of a large container is the common use case for your application then you need a deque container. It is unfortunately unavailable in Go and impossible to write efficiently for generic contained types while maintaining usability (because Go still lacks generics).
You can however implement a deque for your specific case and this is easy (for example if you have a large container with a known upper bound may be a circular buffer is all you need and that is just a couple of lines of code away).
I'm very new to Go, so may be the following is very bad Go code... but it's an attempt to implement a deque using a growing circular buffer (depending on the use case this may be or may be not a good solution)
type Deque struct {
buffer []interface{}
f, b, n int
func (d *Deque) resize() {
new_buffer := make([]interface{}, 2*(1+d.n))
j := d.f
for i := 0; i < d.n; i++ {
new_buffer[i] = d.buffer[j]
d.buffer[j] = nil
if j == len(d.buffer) {
j = 0
d.f = 0
d.b = d.n
d.buffer = new_buffer
func (d *Deque) push_back(x interface{}) {
if d.n == len(d.buffer) {
d.buffer[d.b] = x
if d.b == len(d.buffer) {
d.b = 0
func (d *Deque) push_front(x interface{}) {
if d.n == len(d.buffer) {
if d.f == 0 {
d.f = len(d.buffer)
d.buffer[d.f] = x
func (d *Deque) pop_back() interface{} {
if d.n == 0 {
panic("Cannot pop from an empty deque")
if d.b == 0 {
d.b = len(d.buffer)
x := d.buffer[d.b]
d.buffer[d.b] = nil
return x
func (d *Deque) pop_front() interface{} {
if d.n == 0 {
panic("Cannot pop from an empty deque")
x := d.buffer[d.f]
d.buffer[d.f] = nil
if d.f == len(d.buffer) {
d.f = 0
return x

How to remove items from a slice while ranging over it?

What is the best way to remove items from a slice while ranging over it?
For example:
type MultiDataPoint []*DataPoint
func (m MultiDataPoint) Json() ([]byte, error) {
for i, d := range m {
err := d.clean()
if ( err != nil ) {
//Remove the DP from m
return json.Marshal(m)
As you have mentioned elsewhere, you can allocate new memory block and copy only valid elements to it. However, if you want to avoid the allocation, you can rewrite your slice in-place:
i := 0 // output index
for _, x := range s {
if isValid(x) {
// copy and increment index
s[i] = x
// Prevent memory leak by erasing truncated values
// (not needed if values don't contain pointers, directly or indirectly)
for j := i; j < len(s); j++ {
s[j] = nil
s = s[:i]
Full example:
Note this will leave old values after index i in the underlying array, so this will leak memory until the slice itself is garbage collected, if values are or contain pointers. You can solve this by setting all values to nil or the zero value from i until the end of the slice before truncating it.
I know its answered long time ago but i use something like this in other languages, but i don't know if it is the golang way.
Just iterate from back to front so you don't have to worry about indexes that are deleted. I am using the same example as Adam.
m = []int{3, 7, 2, 9, 4, 5}
for i := len(m)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
if m[i] < 5 {
m = append(m[:i], m[i+1:]...)
There might be better ways, but here's an example that deletes the even values from a slice:
m := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6}
deleted := 0
for i := range m {
j := i - deleted
if (m[j] & 1) == 0 {
m = m[:j+copy(m[j:], m[j+1:])]
Note that I don't get the element using the i, d := range m syntax, since d would end up getting set to the wrong elements once you start deleting from the slice.
Here is a more idiomatic Go way to remove elements from slices.
temp := s[:0]
for _, x := range s {
if isValid(x) {
temp = append(temp, x)
s = temp
Playground link:
Note: The example and playground links are based upon #tomasz's answer
One other option is to use a normal for loop using the length of the slice and subtract 1 from the index each time a value is removed. See the following example:
m := []int{3, 7, 2, 9, 4, 5}
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
if m[i] < 5 {
m = append(m[:i], m[i+1:]...)
i-- // -1 as the slice just got shorter
I don't know if len() uses enough resources to make any difference but you could also run it just once and subtract from the length value too:
m := []int{3, 7, 2, 9, 4, 5}
for i, s := 0, len(m); i < s; i++ {
if m[i] < 5 {
m = append(m[:i], m[i+1:]...)
Something like:
m = append(m[:i], m[i+1:]...)
You don't even need to count backwards but you do need to check that you're at the end of the array where the suggested append() will fail. Here's an example of removing duplicate positive integers from a sorted list:
// Remove repeating numbers
numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5}
for i, numbersCount, prevNum := 0, len(numbers), -1; i < numbersCount; numbersCount = len(numbers) {
if numbers[i] == prevNum {
if i == numbersCount-1 {
numbers = numbers[:i]
} else {
numbers = append(numbers[:i], numbers[i+1:]...)
prevNum = numbers[i]
I just implement a method which removes all nil elements in slice.
And I used it to solve a leetcode problems, it works perfectly.
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
* Val int
* Next *ListNode
* }
func removeNil(lists *[]*ListNode) {
for i := 0; i < len(*lists); i++ {
if (*lists)[i] == nil {
*lists = append((*lists)[:i], (*lists)[i+1:]...)
You can avoid memory leaks, as suggested in #tomasz's answer, controlling the capacity of the underlying array with a full slice expression. Look at the following function that remove duplicates from a slice of integers:
package main
import "fmt"
func removeDuplicates(a []int) []int {
for i, j := 0, 1; i < len(a) && j < len(a); i, j = i+1, j+1 {
if a[i] == a[j] {
copy(a[j:], a[j+1:])
// resize the capacity of the underlying array using the "full slice expression"
// a[low : high : max]
a = a[: len(a)-1 : len(a)-1]
return a
func main() {
a := []int{2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 9, 9}
a = removeDuplicates(a)
// [2 3 3 3 6 9 9]
// [2 3 6 9]
For reasons #tomasz has explained, there are issues with removing in place. That's why it is practice in golang not to do that, but to reconstruct the slice. So several answers go beyond the answer of #tomasz.
If elements should be unique, it's practice to use the keys of a map for this. I like to contribute an example of deletion by use of a map.
What's nice, the boolean values are available for a second purpose. In this example I calculate Set a minus Set b. As Golang doesn't have a real set, I make sure the output is unique. I use the boolean values as well for the algorithm.
The map gets close to O(n). I don't know the implementation. append() should be O(n). So the runtime is similar fast as deletion in place. Real deletion in place would cause a shifting of the upper end to clean up. If not done in batch, the runtime should be worse.
In this special case, I also use the map as a register, to avoid a nested loop over Set a and Set b to keep the runtime close to O(n).
type Set []int
func differenceOfSets(a, b Set) (difference Set) {
m := map[int]bool{}
for _, element := range a {
m[element] = true
for _, element := range b {
if _, registered := m[element]; registered {
m[element] = false
for element, present := range m {
if present {
difference = append(difference, element)
return difference
Try Sort and Binary search.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Our slice.
s := []int{3, 7, 2, 9, 4, 5}
// 1. Iterate over it.
for i, v := range s {
func(i, v int) {}(i, v)
// 2. Sort it. (by whatever condition of yours)
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool {
return s[i] < s[j]
// 3. Cut it only once.
i := sort.Search(len(s), func(i int) bool { return s[i] >= 5 })
s = s[i:]
// That's it!
fmt.Println(s) // [5 7 9]

How to check the uniqueness inside a for-loop?

Is there a way to check slices/maps for the presence of a value?
I would like to add a value to a slice only if it does not exist in the slice.
This works, but it seems verbose. Is there a better way to do this?
orgSlice := []int{1, 2, 3}
newSlice := []int{}
newInt := 2
newSlice = append(newSlice, newInt)
for _, v := range orgSlice {
if v != newInt {
newSlice = append(newSlice, v)
newSlice == [2 1 3]
Your approach would take linear time for each insertion. A better way would be to use a map[int]struct{}. Alternatively, you could also use a map[int]bool or something similar, but the empty struct{} has the advantage that it doesn't occupy any additional space. Therefore map[int]struct{} is a popular choice for a set of integers.
set := make(map[int]struct{})
set[1] = struct{}{}
set[2] = struct{}{}
set[1] = struct{}{}
// ...
for key := range(set) {
// each value will be printed only once, in no particular order
// you can use the ,ok idiom to check for existing keys
if _, ok := set[1]; ok {
fmt.Println("element found")
} else {
fmt.Println("element not found")
Most efficient is likely to be iterating over the slice and appending if you don't find it.
func AppendIfMissing(slice []int, i int) []int {
for _, ele := range slice {
if ele == i {
return slice
return append(slice, i)
It's simple and obvious and will be fast for small lists.
Further, it will always be faster than your current map-based solution. The map-based solution iterates over the whole slice no matter what; this solution returns immediately when it finds that the new value is already present. Both solutions compare elements as they iterate. (Each map assignment statement certainly does at least one map key comparison internally.) A map would only be useful if you could maintain it across many insertions. If you rebuild it on every insertion, then all advantage is lost.
If you truly need to efficiently handle large lists, consider maintaining the lists in sorted order. (I suspect the order doesn't matter to you because your first solution appended at the beginning of the list and your latest solution appends at the end.) If you always keep the lists sorted then you you can use the sort.Search function to do efficient binary insertions.
Another option:
package main
import ""
func main() {
var (
a intsets.Sparse
b bool
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // true
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // false
This option if the number of missing numbers is unknown
AppendIfMissing := func(sl []int, n []int {
cache := make(map[int]int)
for _, elem := range sl {
cache[elem] = elem
for _, elem := range n {
if _, ok := cache[elem]; !ok {
sl = append(sl, elem)
return sl
distincting a array of a struct :
func distinctObjects(objs []ObjectType) (distinctedObjs [] ObjectType){
var output []ObjectType
for i:= range objs{
if output==nil || len(output)==0{
} else {
for j:= range output{
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {
if !founded{
return output
where the struct here is something like :
type ObjectType struct {
fieldname1 string
fieldname2 string
the object will distinct by checked fields here :
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {
