What's is a reliable way to detect if user has enabled this API?
CGWindowListCreateImage returns a valid object even if screen recording API is disabled. There are multiple combinations possible (kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow, kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenBelowWindow) and only some will return NULL.
- (CGImageRef)createScreenshotImage
NSWindow *window = [[self view] window];
NSRect rect = [window frame];
rect.origin.y = NSHeight([[window screen] frame]) - NSMaxY([window frame]);
CGImageRef screenshot = CGWindowListCreateImage(
0,//(CGWindowID)[window windowNumber],
return screenshot;
The only reliable way is through CGDisplayStreamCreate which is risky as Apple always changes privacy settings every year.
- (BOOL)canRecordScreen
if (#available(macOS 10.15, *)) {
CGDisplayStreamRef stream = CGDisplayStreamCreate(CGMainDisplayID(), 1, 1, kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, nil, ^(CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus status, uint64_t displayTime, IOSurfaceRef frameSurface, CGDisplayStreamUpdateRef updateRef) {
BOOL canRecord = stream != NULL;
if (stream) {
return canRecord;
} else {
return YES;
All of the solutions presented here have a flaw in one way or another. The root of the problem is that there's no correlation between your permission to know about a window (via the name in the window list), your permission to know about the process owner of the window (such as WindowServer and Dock). Your permission to view the pixels on screen is a combination of two sparse sets of information.
Here is a heuristic that covers all the cases as of macOS 10.15.1:
BOOL canRecordScreen = YES;
if (#available(macOS 10.15, *)) {
canRecordScreen = NO;
NSRunningApplication *runningApplication = NSRunningApplication.currentApplication;
NSNumber *ourProcessIdentifier = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:runningApplication.processIdentifier];
CFArrayRef windowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
NSUInteger numberOfWindows = CFArrayGetCount(windowList);
for (int index = 0; index < numberOfWindows; index++) {
// get information for each window
NSDictionary *windowInfo = (NSDictionary *)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windowList, index);
NSString *windowName = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowName];
NSNumber *processIdentifier = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowOwnerPID];
// don't check windows owned by this process
if (! [processIdentifier isEqual:ourProcessIdentifier]) {
// get process information for each window
pid_t pid = processIdentifier.intValue;
NSRunningApplication *windowRunningApplication = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier:pid];
if (! windowRunningApplication) {
// ignore processes we don't have access to, such as WindowServer, which manages the windows named "Menubar" and "Backstop Menubar"
else {
NSString *windowExecutableName = windowRunningApplication.executableURL.lastPathComponent;
if (windowName) {
if ([windowExecutableName isEqual:#"Dock"]) {
// ignore the Dock, which provides the desktop picture
else {
canRecordScreen = YES;
If canRecordScreen is not set, you'll need to put up some kind of dialog that warns the user that they'll only be able to see the menubar, desktop picture, and the app's own windows. Here's how we presented it in our app xScope.
And yes, I'm still bitter that these protections were introduced with little regard to usability.
Apple provides direct low level api to check for access and grant access. No need to use tricky workarounds.
/* Checks whether the current process already has screen capture access */
#available(macOS 10.15, *)
public func CGPreflightScreenCaptureAccess() -> Bool
Use the above functions to check for screen capture access.
if access is not given use the below function to prompt for access
/* Requests event listening access if absent, potentially prompting */
#available(macOS 10.15, *)
public func CGRequestScreenCaptureAccess() -> Bool
Screenshot taken from documentation
#marek-h posted a good example that can detect the screen recording setting without showing privacy alert.
Btw, #jordan-h mentioned that this solution doesn't work when the app presents an alert via beginSheetModalForWindow.
I found that SystemUIServer process is always creating some windows with names: AppleVolumeExtra, AppleClockExtra, AppleBluetoothExtra ...
We can't get the names of these windows, before the screen recording is enabled in Privacy preferences. And when we can get one of these names at least, then it means that the user has enabled screen recording.
So we can check the names of the windows (created by SystemUIServer process) to detect the screen recording preference, and it works fine on macOS Catalina.
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <libproc.h>
bool isScreenRecordingEnabled()
if (#available(macos 10.15, *)) {
bool bRet = false;
CFArrayRef list = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionAll, kCGNullWindowID);
if (list) {
int n = (int)(CFArrayGetCount(list));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
NSDictionary* info = (NSDictionary*)(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(list, (CFIndex)i));
NSString* name = info[(id)kCGWindowName];
NSNumber* pid = info[(id)kCGWindowOwnerPID];
if (pid != nil && name != nil) {
int nPid = [pid intValue];
int lenPath = proc_pidpath(nPid, path, PROC_PIDPATHINFO_MAXSIZE);
if (lenPath > 0) {
path[lenPath] = 0;
if (strcmp(path, "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServer") == 0) {
bRet = true;
return bRet;
} else {
return true;
I'm not aware of an API that's specifically for getting the screen recording permission status. Besides creating a CGDisplayStream and checking for nil, the Advances in macOS Security WWDC presentation also mentioned that certain metadata from the CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() API will not be returned unless permission is granted. So something like this does seem to work, although it has the same issue of relying on implementation details of that function:
private func canRecordScreen() -> Bool {
guard let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.optionOnScreenOnly], kCGNullWindowID) as? [[String: AnyObject]] else { return false }
return windows.allSatisfy({ window in
let windowName = window[kCGWindowName as String] as? String
return windowName != nil
As of Nov19 chockenberry has correct answer.
As #onelittlefish pointed out the kCGWindowName is being omitted in case user has not enabled the screen recording access in privacy pane. This method also doesn't trigger the privacy alert.
- (BOOL)canRecordScreen
if (#available(macOS 10.15, *)) {
CFArrayRef windowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
NSUInteger numberOfWindows = CFArrayGetCount(windowList);
NSUInteger numberOfWindowsWithName = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < numberOfWindows; idx++) {
NSDictionary *windowInfo = (NSDictionary *)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windowList, idx);
NSString *windowName = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowName];
if (windowName) {
} else {
//no kCGWindowName detected -> not enabled
break; //breaking early, numberOfWindowsWithName not increased
return numberOfWindows == numberOfWindowsWithName;
return YES;
The most favorable answer is not exactly right, he left out some sences, like sharing state.
we can find the answer in WWDC(https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/701/?time=1007)
Here are some excerpts from WWDC:
the window name and sharing state are not available, unless the user has preapproved the app for screen recording. And this is because some apps put sensitive data such as account names or more likely web page URLs in the window's name.
- (BOOL)ScreeningRecordPermissionCheck {
if (#available(macOS 10.15, *)) {
CFArrayRef windowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
NSUInteger numberOfWindows = CFArrayGetCount(windowList);
NSUInteger numberOfWindowsWithInfoGet = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < numberOfWindows; idx++) {
NSDictionary *windowInfo = (NSDictionary *)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windowList, idx);
NSString *windowName = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowName];
NSNumber* sharingType = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowSharingState];
if (windowName || kCGWindowSharingNone != sharingType.intValue) {
} else {
NSNumber* pid = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowOwnerPID];
NSString* appName = windowInfo[(id)kCGWindowOwnerName];
NSLog(#"windowInfo get Fail pid:%lu appName:%#", pid.integerValue, appName);
if (numberOfWindows == numberOfWindowsWithInfoGet) {
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
return YES;
As of MacOS 10.15.7 the heuristics of obtaining window-names for visible windows, and so know we have screen-capture permission, doesn't always work. Sometimes we just don't find valid windows we can query, and would wrongly deduce we don't have permissions.
However, I found another way to directly query (using sqlite) the Apple TCC database - the model where permissions are persisted. The screen-recording permissions are to be found in the "System level" TCC database ( residing in /Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC.db). If you open the database using sqlite, and query: SELECT allowed FROM access WHERE client="com.myCompany.myApp" AND service="kTCCServiceScreenCapture" you'll get your answer.
Two downsides comparing to other answers:
to open this TCC.db database, your app must have "Full Disk Access" permission. It doesn't need to run with 'root' privileges, and root privileges won't help if you don't have the "Full disk access".
it takes about 15 millisec to run, which is slower than querying the window list.
The up side -- it's a direct query of the actual thing, and does not rely on any windows, or processes to exist at the time of query.
Here's some draft code to do this:
NSString *client = #"com.myCompany.myApp";
sqlite3 *tccDb = NULL;
sqlite3_stmt *statement = NULL;
NSString *pathToSystemTCCDB = #"/Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC.db";
const char *pathToDBFile = [pathToSystemTCCDB fileSystemRepresentation];
if (sqlite3_open(pathToDBFile, &tccDb) != SQLITE_OK)
return nil;
const char *query = [[NSString stringWithFormat: #"SELECT allowed FROM access WHERE client=\"%#\" AND service=\"kTCCServiceScreenCapture\"",client] UTF8String];
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(tccDb, query , -1, &statement, nil) != SQLITE_OK)
return nil;
BOOL allowed = NO;
while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW)
allowed |= (sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0) == 1);
if (statement)
if (tccDb)
return #(allowed);
Working for me.
Code from: https://gist.github.com/code4you2021/270859c71f90720d880ccb2474f4e7df
import Cocoa
struct ScreenRecordPermission {
static var hasPermission: Bool {
static func permissionCheck() -> Bool {
if #available(macOS 10.15, *) {
let runningApplication = NSRunningApplication.current
let processIdentifier = runningApplication.processIdentifier
guard let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.optionOnScreenOnly], kCGNullWindowID)
as? [[String: AnyObject]],
let _ = windows.first(where: { window -> Bool in
guard let windowProcessIdentifier = (window[kCGWindowOwnerPID as String] as? Int).flatMap(pid_t.init),
windowProcessIdentifier != processIdentifier,
let windowRunningApplication = NSRunningApplication(processIdentifier: windowProcessIdentifier),
windowRunningApplication.executableURL?.lastPathComponent != "Dock",
let _ = window[String(kCGWindowName)] as? String
else {
return false
return true
else {
return false
return true
static func requestPermission() {
if #available(macOS 10.15, *) {
CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1), .optionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID, [])
# how to use
# print("hasPermission: ", ScreenRecordPermission.hasPermission)
The above answer is not working fine. Below is the correct answer.
private var canRecordScreen : Bool {
guard let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.optionOnScreenOnly], kCGNullWindowID) as? [[String: AnyObject]] else { return false }
return windows.allSatisfy({ window in
let windowName = window[kCGWindowName as String] as? String
let isSharingEnabled = window[kCGWindowSharingState as String] as? Int
return windowName != nil || isSharingEnabled == 1
I have developed a Mac app which I want to start as soon as the Mac is started. How can I achieve this functionality programmatically?
I know about launchd, but can't find a working example.
This code below was developed from an excellent blog post by Tim Schroeder: The Launch At Login Sandbox Project. Actually more or less borrowed completely from there-- it looks like I only ever had to change the log messages and strings in there, so it's pretty rock solid if I never screwed with it.
Where my opinion differs with that post is that there should be no "helper" app, even if you want the app to launch without a GUI at login. It's unnecessary. If you want your app to have a background mode that runs at login or when the use closes the GUI, you should switch the app to accessory mode as detailed in my answer here. You don't need to deal with subprojects and compiling separate executables. Just have one.
Anyways, Tim's eminently useful code. It uses a segmented control on a preferences panel to toggle the app on/off. The segmentedControl value uses cocoa-bindings to bind the control value to NSUserDefaults, so all that's seen here is registering/unregistering the app as a login item, and error checking/alerting.
- (IBAction)toggleRunAtLogin:(NSSegmentedControl*)sender {
NSLog(#"toggling run at login");
NSUInteger clickedSegment = [sender selectedSegment];
if (clickedSegment == 0) { // ON
// Turn on launch at login
NSLog(#"... to ON");
if (!SMLoginItemSetEnabled ((__bridge CFStringRef)#"com.yourCo.yourApp", YES)) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:#"An error ocurred"
informativeTextWithFormat:#"Couldn't add App to launch at login item list."];
[alert runModal];
if (clickedSegment == 1) { // OFF
// Turn off launch at login
NSLog(#"... to OFF");
if (!SMLoginItemSetEnabled ((__bridge CFStringRef)#"com.yourCo.yourApp", NO)) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:#"An error ocurred"
informativeTextWithFormat:#"Couldn't remove App from launch at login item list."];
[alert runModal];
A great example of the implementation of this can be found at https://github.com/nfarina/feeds/blob/master/Feeds/LoginItems.m
#import "LoginItems.h"
#implementation LoginItems
// Copied from https://github.com/carpeaqua/Shared-File-List-Example
- (void)enableLoginItemWithLoginItemsReference:(LSSharedFileListRef )theLoginItemsRefs ForPath:(NSString *)appPath {
// We call LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL to insert the item at the bottom of Login Items list.
CFURLRef url = (CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath];
LSSharedFileListItemRef item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(theLoginItemsRefs, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, NULL, NULL, url, NULL, NULL);
if (item)
- (void)disableLoginItemWithLoginItemsReference:(LSSharedFileListRef )theLoginItemsRefs ForPath:(NSString *)appPath {
UInt32 seedValue;
CFURLRef thePath = NULL;
// We're going to grab the contents of the shared file list (LSSharedFileListItemRef objects)
// and pop it in an array so we can iterate through it to find our item.
CFArrayRef loginItemsArray = LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(theLoginItemsRefs, &seedValue);
for (id item in (NSArray *)loginItemsArray) {
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, (CFURLRef*) &thePath, NULL) == noErr) {
if ([[(NSURL *)thePath path] hasPrefix:appPath]) {
LSSharedFileListItemRemove(theLoginItemsRefs, itemRef); // Deleting the item
// Docs for LSSharedFileListItemResolve say we're responsible
// for releasing the CFURLRef that is returned
if (thePath != NULL) CFRelease(thePath);
if (loginItemsArray != NULL) CFRelease(loginItemsArray);
- (BOOL)loginItemExistsWithLoginItemReference:(LSSharedFileListRef)theLoginItemsRefs ForPath:(NSString *)appPath {
BOOL found = NO;
UInt32 seedValue;
CFURLRef thePath = NULL;
// We're going to grab the contents of the shared file list (LSSharedFileListItemRef objects)
// and pop it in an array so we can iterate through it to find our item.
CFArrayRef loginItemsArray = LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(theLoginItemsRefs, &seedValue);
for (id item in (NSArray *)loginItemsArray) {
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, (CFURLRef*) &thePath, NULL) == noErr) {
if ([[(NSURL *)thePath path] hasPrefix:appPath]) {
found = YES;
// Docs for LSSharedFileListItemResolve say we're responsible
// for releasing the CFURLRef that is returned
if (thePath != NULL) CFRelease(thePath);
if (loginItemsArray != NULL) CFRelease(loginItemsArray);
return found;
// Our code
+ (LoginItems *)userLoginItems {
static LoginItems *userItems = nil;
return userItems ?: (userItems = [LoginItems new]);
- (BOOL)currentAppLaunchesAtStartup {
NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
LSSharedFileListRef loginItems = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, NULL);
BOOL exists = [self loginItemExistsWithLoginItemReference:loginItems ForPath:appPath];
return exists;
- (void)setCurrentAppLaunchesAtStartup:(BOOL)currentAppLaunchesAtStartup {
NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
LSSharedFileListRef loginItems = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, NULL);
if (loginItems) {
if (!self.currentAppLaunchesAtStartup)
[self enableLoginItemWithLoginItemsReference:loginItems ForPath:appPath];
[self disableLoginItemWithLoginItemsReference:loginItems ForPath:appPath];
I found the solution
- (void)enableLoginItemWithLoginItemsReference:(LSSharedFileListRef)theLoginItemsRefs ForPath:(NSString *)appPath {
// We call LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL to insert the item at the bottom of Login Items list.
CFURLRef url = (__bridge CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath];
LSSharedFileListItemRef item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(theLoginItemsRefs, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, NULL, NULL, url, NULL, NULL);
if (item)
- (void)disableLoginItemWithLoginItems {
UInt32 seedValue;
CFURLRef thePath = NULL;
NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
// Create a reference to the shared file list.
LSSharedFileListRef loginItems = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, NULL);
// We're going to grab the contents of the shared file list (LSSharedFileListItemRef objects)
// and pop it in an array so we can iterate through it to find our item.
CFArrayRef loginItemsArray = LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(loginItems, &seedValue);
for (id item in (__bridge NSArray *)loginItemsArray) {
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (__bridge LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, (CFURLRef*) &thePath, NULL) == noErr) {
if ([[(__bridge NSURL *)thePath path] hasPrefix:appPath]) {
LSSharedFileListItemRemove(loginItems, itemRef); // Deleting the item
// Docs for LSSharedFileListItemResolve say we're responsible
// for releasing the CFURLRef that is returned
if (thePath != NULL) CFRelease(thePath);
if (loginItemsArray != NULL) CFRelease(loginItems);
- (BOOL)loginItemExistsWithLoginItemReference:(LSSharedFileListRef)theLoginItemsRefs ForPath:(NSString *)appPath {
BOOL found = NO;
UInt32 seedValue;
CFURLRef thePath = NULL;
// We're going to grab the contents of the shared file list (LSSharedFileListItemRef objects)
// and pop it in an array so we can iterate through it to find our item.
CFArrayRef loginItemsArray = LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(theLoginItemsRefs, &seedValue);
for (id item in (__bridge NSArray *)loginItemsArray) {
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (__bridge LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, (CFURLRef*) &thePath, NULL) == noErr) {
if ([[(__bridge NSURL *)thePath path] hasPrefix:appPath]) {
found = YES;
// Docs for LSSharedFileListItemResolve say we're responsible
// for releasing the CFURLRef that is returned
if (thePath != NULL) CFRelease(thePath);
if (loginItemsArray != NULL) CFRelease(loginItemsArray);
return found;
I've just implemented a share-button, that has a share menu:
[_shareButton sendActionOn:NSLeftMouseDownMask];
And has this action connected:
-(IBAction)share:(id)sender {
NSArray *shareArray = #[#"testShare"];
NSSharingServicePicker *sharingServicePicker = [[NSSharingServicePicker alloc] initWithItems:shareArray];
sharingServicePicker.delegate = self;
[sharingServicePicker showRelativeToRect:[sender bounds]
Now to my question, I don't want Facebook and Twitter to be an option in the menu. I only want E-Mail and Messages to be available. Also I would like to add "Print", but don't know if I can do that.
Is that possible?
(Don't have enough rep points to add 'NSSharingService' as a tag)
Solved it by using proposedSharingServices.
- (NSArray *)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray *)proposedServices{
// Find and the services you want
NSMutableArray *newProposedServices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (NSSharingService *sharingService in proposedServices) {
if ([[sharingService title] isEqualToString:#"Email"] || [[sharingService title] isEqualToString:#"Message"]) {
[newProposedServices addObject:sharingService];
NSArray *services = newProposedServices;
NSSharingService *customService = [[NSSharingService alloc] initWithTitle:#"Print" image:[NSImage imageNamed:#"PrintImage"] alternateImage:nil handler:^{
// Do whatever
services = [services arrayByAddingObject:customService];
return services;
Comparing a proposed service to a new named instance works. Here's a trivial Swift code from my project:
let excludedNames = [
var excludedServices = [NSSharingService]()
for name in excludedNames {
if let service = NSSharingService(named: name) {
excludedServices += [service]
return proposedServices.filter {
No need to use a private name property.
Rather then trying to say what you don't want simply return a list of what you do want.
- (NSArray<NSSharingService *> *)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray<NSSharingService *> *)proposedServices
NSArray *result = #[[NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail], [NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage]];
return result;
A slightly different approach via proposedSharingServices:
- (NSArray*)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray *)proposedServices {
NSArray *excludedServices = #[NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook,
NSArray *sharingServices = [proposedServices filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"NOT (name IN %#)", excludedServices]];
return sharingServices;
Here's a better way - no private API access required.
NSArray *excludedServices = #[NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook,
NSMutableArray *includedServices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSSharingService *service in proposedServices) {
if ([excludedServices indexOfObject:service] == NSNotFound) {
[includedServices addObject:service];
return includedServices;
Hy all, i have developed an application that searches a table view connected to a sqlite database.
A search Bar is added onto of the application and the search is working fine, but when i type, i need only the items STARTING by the letter typed appear.
This is my code till now :
-(void)searchBar:(UISearchBar*)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString*)text
if(text.length == 0)
isFiltered = FALSE;
isFiltered = true;
filteredTableData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (Author* author in theauthors)
{ //[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELECT * from books where title LIKE %#", searchBar.text];
NSRange nameRange = [author.name rangeOfString:text options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
NSRange descriptionRange = [author.genre rangeOfString:text options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if(nameRange.location != NSNotFound || descriptionRange.location != NSNotFound)
[filteredTableData addObject:author];
[self.tableView reloadData];
It was actually pretty simple. I just had to change the options file from options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch to option:NSAnchoredSearch
It worked like a charm
Sample code is
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(activeSpaceDidChange:) name:NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification object:nil];
- (void) activeSpaceDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// code to check if current workspace is dashboard?
I want to check whether the current space is dashboard or not? Any idea?
The first think i have tried is get to the current space id according to this answer: Detecting when a space changes in Spaces in Mac OS X . The problem here is that the key kCGWindowWorkspace is deprecated in OSX 10.8. So there is no direct way to get this information.
In my solution now i check for different windows or owners which are only one the dashboard space or on all other spaces:
The user is on the dashboard if there is one window which kCGWindowName ends with .wdgt/
The user is not on the dashboard if there is one window with kCGWindowName == System Status Item Clone, kCGWindowOwnerName == SystemUIServer | Finder
So why i'm not just using the .wdgt/ check? -- Because if there is now widget on the dashboard this not working
So why i'm using more than one window check? -. Because i'm not jet sure which window is always on all spaces. At least System Status Item Clone and Finder are not always there.
Here my implementation is add this function as category to NSWorkspace
- (BOOL) userIsOnDashboardSpace {
NSArray* windowsInSpace = (__bridge NSArray *) CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionAll | kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
NSUInteger indexOfWidget = [windowsInSpace indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(NSDictionary* obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ([obj objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowName]) {
NSString *name = (NSString *)[obj objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowName];
if ([name isEqualToString:#"System Status Item Clone"]) {
*stop = true;
return false;
if ([name hasSuffix:#".wdgt/"]) {
*stop = true;
return true;
if ([obj objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowOwnerName]) {
NSString *name = (NSString *)[obj objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowOwnerName];
if ([name isEqualToString:#"SystemUIServer"]) {
*stop = true;
return false;
if ([name isEqualToString:#"Finder"]) {
*stop = true;
return false;
return false;
return indexOfWidget != NSNotFound;