Unable to generate PMD Reports in multi-format - maven

I want to generate PMD Reports using maven in .csv and .xml format. I edited my pom.xml as below:
Please let me know if I am following the correct configuration.

<formats> not exist :
Execute : mvn clean pmd:pmd -Dformat=csv
Execute : mvn clean pmd:pmd -Dformat=xml

Try this:
<goal>pmd or check or cpd-check</goal>


Maven plugins via profile are not executed in specified phase

My requirement to execute testng.xml file to run the automation scripts and send the mail once execution is completed. I'll define like what tests to run from testng.xml file.
So I've decided to use maven profiles concept for running the testng.xml file and for sending execution reports as below. When i run the command using
"mvn test -P Code_Compile,Run_Tests,Mail_Reports", below mentioned profiles are not executed. Please let me know what I'm missing here.
<id>send a mail</id>
<subject>Latest Automation Report...</subject>
<htmlMessage><![CDATA[<p>Hi, Please find enclosed latest Automation reports.</p>]]></htmlMessage>
I've tried to include only plugins inside build tag instead of profiles by setting the phase as "test" for each plugin as shown below and tried to run "mvn test" command.As you can see below I've included test in each plugin.This try also didn't pick the execution of plugins. Please help me in solving this problem either via profiles or via plugins.
<id>send a mail</id>
<subject>Latest Automation Report...</subject>
<htmlMessage><![CDATA[<p>Hi, Please find enclosed latest Automation reports.</p>]]></htmlMessage>
If you run mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:1.3:list -P Code_Compile,Run_Tests,Mail_Reportsthis will output the plugins maven is executing and their execution ids, You might see from the output of the command that your executions are probably not overriding the default executions (as these have different ids).
Instead of defining your Code_Compile profile use the default properties defined here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/examples/set-compiler-source-and-target.html
Also if you want to use a specific version of the compiler use pluginManagement to define that.

Maven-replacer-plugin is not invoked with maven-war-plugin

I am trying to replace string %APP_NAME% with enviroment variable in jdbc.properties using maven. I have following configuration:
<!-- First step is to disable the default-war build step. -->
<!-- Second step is to create an exploded war. Done in prepare-package -->
<!-- Last step is to make sure that the war is built in the package
phase -->
<!-- <compilerArgument>-Xlint:all</compilerArgument> -->
When i invoke:
mvn clean package
mvn clean install
the replacer plugin is not called. Can anyone can please explain why and what can I do to let it work? Or if replacer is not compatible with future war plugin can anyone explain me any other way to replace some string in jdbc.properties before building war? I saw also ant plugin but with same config it is not called too.. Example below..
<replace dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources">
<include name="**/jdbc.properties" />
<replacefilter token="%APP_NAME%" value="${env.BRANCH_NAME}"/>
The plugin is defined in a <pluginManagement> block:
Find the <build><plugins> block for the POM where replacer needs to run, and add the following:
Plugin Management is rather like a template for what should happen when the plugin is invoked. If the plugin is not referenced in the <build><plugins> block, nothing will happen.

While generating test coverage jenkins sends me errors and does not generate the folder or file

I generated this error: coverage results were found using the pattern '**/target/site/cobertura/coverage.xml
here is my pom.xml
<artifactId>cobertura-maven-plugin </artifactId>
<configuration >
<formats >
<format> xml </format>
Am I wrong or is the error in the handle part?
A hint:
Could not find goal 'coverage' in plugin org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.6 among available goals cobertura, instrument, clean, check, help, dump-datafile -> [Help 1]
Use this :

Maven: Reporting warnings during regular compile, but not for generated sources

We have a Maven project that uses WSDL files that are turned into Java source files and later compiled.
When this project used Ant, we compiled the generated Java source file and the normal developer written Java source files separately. This allowed me to turn on deprecation and warnings on compiling the developer written Java files, but off for compiling the WSDL generated Java files. I want the developers to fix their warnings and deprecations, but I can't hold the developers responsible for code that the WSDLs generated.
Now, we've moved the project over to Maven, and I would like to do the same thing: Compile the WSDL generated Java source code without the warnings and compile the developer written Java source code with the warnings. Is it possible to do with Maven? (I mean without writing it in Ant and embedding that in the pom.xml).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<version>2.0.4</version> <!--package version-->
<!-- COMPILE -->
Okay, I figured out how to do this, but I am not enamored with the solution:
Define two separate maven-compiler-plugin executions. One called default-compile where I compile the WSDL code, and one called main-compile where I compile the rest of the code.
Use <includes/> and <excludes> in the main-compiler-plugin execution configurations to include and exclude the code I want to compile.
I still need the build-helper-maven-plugin to define two separate source.
The default-compile is always executed (I couldn't figure out a way to turn it off) even if I don't have a configuration default-compile. That would automatically compile everything before looking at my two defined maven-compile-plugin plugin executions. To get around this, I named the WSDL compile default-compile.
Here's the mavin-compiler-plugin configuration:
I found David W.'s answer very useful. Unfortunately, I could not find an easy way to separate generated-sources for my current project using <includes>/<excludes> (and <testIncludes>/<testExcludes> for default-testCompile), since they appear to be checked against paths relative to compileSourceRoots.
The solution that worked best for me is to specify <compileSourceRoots> for each <execution>:
This has the advantage of no longer requiring build-helper-maven-plugin (since ${project.compileSourceRoots} is ignored), but the disadvantage that since ${project.compileSourceRoots} is ignored, compileSourceRoot for each generator plugin must be added to an <execution> explicitly or it will not be compiled.

yuicompressor maven plugin and maven-war-plugin

I've been struggling with getting this plugin to play nicely with the maven-war-plugin for a couple of hours now and I thought it was time to ask for help. I have the plugin defined as follows:
If I remove nosuffix=true then I can see the compressed/minified -min.js files get into the war as expected, but with this flag on they are being overwritten by the maven-war-plugin (I'm assuming) when it builds the war file. I really need the file names to remain the same though ... does anyone have an idea of what I need to change in order to use the same filenames and still get the minified versions into the final war?
OK. I finally figured this out. You need to define a <webappDirectory> in the yuicompressor plugin that can then be referenced as a <resource> in the maven-war-plugin. In the example below I'm using <directory>${project.build.directory}/min</directory>
Just configure 'warSourceExcludes' on the WAR plugin.
I would like to add the configuration which worked for me:
First, to fix m2e complaining about the 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle' I added the following in the parent pom taken from this post:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse
m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
Then in the war pom I put:
This generates the minified css and js files in the project build target directory while excluding the original files.
I hope this saves someone time.
this is my configuration, and it works fine in my maven web project:
<!-- js/css compress -->
<!-- war -->
The approach I use is a bit different.
First, I've configured my IDE to run mvn process-resources before the compilation/packaging. This way the files are created before the war is assembled.
It is very important to set <nosuffix>false</nosuffix> and <outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> so the files can be created in the same directory without replacing your original source files.
<outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> <!-- by default the plugin will copy the minimized version to target directory -->
As Jakob Kruse say, you must deal with the *.js, but no *.min.js, so my configurations is below, please notice the use of %regex[] :
Without pom.xml change
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress
To force compress every js and css files and fail if warning
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.force=true \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.failOnWarning=true \
For more options:
