jQuery DataTables loaded on onclick with ajax data - ajax

I have a MVC 5 application utilizing the DataTables jquery library. I've worked with this before, but have always had the table load immediately with the page load. Currently, I want the page to load and allow the user to add text into a search field, call an AJAX function, and then display the returned data.
The error I'm receiving is 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nTable' of null' on page load.
Up to this point I've caught a few errors: Too much data being returned and the wrong order for what's expected back. These are fixed, but I still get the same error.
I know my AJAX method returns data, and I know my click events are firing.
Here's my client side code, with a quick low-down:
I have a public 'sf' variable to house the datatable instance (.DataTable, not .dataTable). Then I setup the table, with no data field. When the user clicks the search button, the ajax method fires, retrieves data (verified with Fiddler), and within the success method calls the function to add those rows to the to the table.
var sf;
$(document).ready(function () {
function SetupSalesForceTable() {
sf = $('#salesForceAccounts').DataTable(
"destroy": true
, "processing": true
, "columns": [
{ "data": "Id" },
{ "data": "AccountNumber" },
{ "data": "Name" }
function LoadSalesForceSearchData() {
var search = $("#salesForceSearch").val();
"type": "GET"
, "data": { search: search }
, "url": "#Url.Action(MyMethod, MyController)"
, success: function (data) { AddRecordsToTable(data); }
, error: function () { alert('there was an error! '); }
function AddRecordsToTable(data) {
} </script>
As I said, I've worked with DataTables before, but everything was put into the page load, and it works fine. This time, things are a bit different and I'm not sure what I'm missing. Am I missing any required parts, or have anything incorrectly configured? Thanks for your help!

Arrrrg... From another question here where I asked/learned about data and dataSrc, I realized that my separate ajax call created a wrapper around my data and was one level deeper than I was assigning. Ooops.
Here's what my AJAX controller method does (and no, these are not the real method names I use), and I'm returning just a collection of objects. This works!
public ActionResult LoadSalesForceSearchTable(string search)
var model = this.MyRepo.MyMethod(search);
var json = this.Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return json;
Below does NOT work with how I have my DataTables object setup. Originally, I was doing this which was adding a wrapper to the data, called 'data' that I needed with the way I used my previous datatable. Because my data was one level deeper than I was assigning, I was getting nothing.
public ActionResult LoadSalesForceSearchTable(string search)
var model = this.MyRepo.MyMethod(search);
var json = this.Json(new { data = model}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return json;
Hope this helps you!


AspNetBoilerplate Ajax repose error despite 200 response code

Im having some unexpected problems with a ajax call within the aspnetboilerplate system.
I want to return an array to populate a select list,
The ajax call fires correctly and hits the controller. The controller returns the results as a model successfully, except it continually hits an error.
here is my controller action:
public async Task<List<DialectDto>> GetAllDialects(int Id)
var language = await _languageAppService.GetLanguage(Id);
return language.Dialects;
Here is my ajax call
var languageId = $(this).val();
url: abp.appPath + 'Language/GetAllDialects?Id=' + languageId,
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (content) {
error: function (e) {
Inspecting the return object in javascript clearly shows a 200 result with all the data in the responsetext property.
Other posts suggest that the content type isnt specified correctly and this is likely the a json parse error. Ive tried setting the dataType property to both 'json' and 'text' but still get the same response
I just had the same problem in one project. I'm using AspNet Boilerplate on a web .NET5 project.
Just like in your case I had a call to a controller method in my JavaScript code that returned 200 code, while in JS I had a parse error and then the "success" code was not executed. To solve the problem I changed the return value of my controller method. I used to return an IActionResult value (i.e. the Ok() value for ASP.NET). Then I changed the return value to another object (a DTO in my case) and everything went right afterwards. For reference:
Before (not working):
public async Task<IActionResult> Method([FromBody] YourClass input)
// method logic
return Ok();
After (working):
public async Task<DtoClass> Method([FromBody] YourClass input)
// method logic
return dtoClass;
I also tested that returning a JsonResult class works with the framework just like this (e.g. return new JsonResult(result)).
Hope this helps somebody else in the future :)

Update Ember model live via action

I'm new to Ember.js and keep struggling on a simple task. My goal is to achieve live update of the page content after action is triggered. I'm quite lost in Ember logics regarding route-controller-model relationship in this case.
So my template.hbs is something like:
<button {{action 'getContent'}}>Get Content</button>
My controller accepts some params from user form and makes the AJAX call:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
somedata: 'hello',
actions: {
getContent: function () {
var self = this;
// ... standart call with some query data
success: function(result) {
self.set('somedata', result);
My route model returns only controller params, so if I get it right as controller properties get updated, there must be a simple step to update the current model and display all changes to the template.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return params;
Can you guys give me a tip how this process is regularly built in Ember?
You are looking for self.set('model.somedata', results).
Your code as it stands is setting the somedata property on the controller, which doesn't affect anything.
Yeah it's a bit confusing, here's how I think of it...
First Ember sets up the route.
The route has multiple hooks that are used to get and process the model (i.e. beforeModel, model, afterModel). Ember will always look for these as part of it's opinionated nature.
There is also a setupController hook that will fire after all the model hooks. As part of the setupController hook, the controller will be created and the model will be passed to the controller.
Once that happens, I've found it helpful to think of the model as no longer being part of the route, but the controller instead.
Controllers will be deprecated. So IMO do not use controllers.
Handle that action in your route. If you bind value to the object returned by model hook, your data and page will be updated when you update the value.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
somedata: null,
model: function(params) {
return {
params: params,
somedata: this.get('somedata')
actions: {
getContent: function () {
var _this = this;
success: function(result) {
_this.set('somedata', result);

Ajax call return json to model I can use data from in my own function

New to Backbone, so I may be over/under complicating things. (built spa's with my own functions in the past)
Psudo code of what I used to do:
url: "get json result"
parse json
call Update(json.a, json.b)
function Update(a, b){
//do something with a/b var's
For a more abstract idea of what I am envisioning atm. If I click an update button, I want it to hit the server and return a success/fail status along with an Id and a message (imagining all in json format).
Found a few examples, but none seem to fit so far.
To do that, you'd use a Backbone model:
var Message = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "messages"
var myMessage = new Message();
myMessage.save({}, {
success: function(model, response, options){
// code...
error: function(model, xhr, options){
// code...
Basically: the model configures the API call, and save will use backbone's sync layer to handle the actual AJAX. You can pass success and error callbacks to the `save function.
The first parameter to the save function are the attributes which are to be saved (see http://backbonejs.org/#Model-save), which seem to need to be empty according to your question.
Since the model instance has no id attribute, the save call will trigger a POST request to the API. If by any chance you actually need to provide an id (so that a PUT call gets triggered instead), simply do
myMessage.save({id: 15}, {
success: function(model, response, options){
// code...
error: function(model, xhr, options){
// code...

Controller action method call have the parameter as NULL while calling javascript in MVC3

I use MVC3.
I have `
function userLocation_change()
var text = $("#userLocation").val();
var url = '#Url.Action("GetAllLocations", "Home")';
var data = text;
$.post(url, data, function (result) {
Here is my controller action:
public JsonResult GetAllLocations(string userlocation)
///...some code...
return Json(..Something.., JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The problem is whenever the controller function is called "userlocation" parameter does have a NULL value. I want the data value would be passed to the controller action.
Could somebody plz tell me why this happens? Any update would be much appreciated.
You need to pass the parameter to the #Url.Action specifically via this overload method for Url.Action. You can use the RouteValueDictionary inline constructor with to instantiate.
Edit: realize now that you need that link to be populated at run time, but the Url.Action method generates the link at render time. I would suggest adding it to the query string and then reading it from the query string in your controller method. I suspect there is a more elegant way.. but I know this works.
something like: var url = '#Url.Action("GetAllLocations", "Home")?userlocation=' + $("#userLocation").val();
Modify your jQuery post function call as:
{ userlocation: text },
This is because, you have to send data to the Controller's action method using JavaScript literal. You can view the full listing of different ways to call Controller's action using JavaScript here: http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/jquery_posting_to.ashx
Your action has a string input parameter named userlocation, hence while sending the data to the action, you should specify this, like done in the code below.
Here I am using data: { userlocation: text},
function userLocation_change()
var text = $("#userLocation").val();
var url = '#Url.Action("GetAllLocations", "Home")';
url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: { userlocation: text},
success: function (result) {
Hopes this solves your null problem.

Retrieve values from getJSON() call in jQuery

I have an ajax call in my jquery to my MVC controller:
$.getJSON('/mysite/controller/dosomething', { postId: id }, function (data) {
The 'data' that I am returning is in the form of a JsonResult, and consists of a simple custom object with 1 property called 'Message' and another property called 'Count'. Both of these values are assigned and I am returning them as follows (edited for brevity):
public JsonResult DoSomething(int postId)
var response = new MyAjaxResponseModel {Message = "Hello world!", Count = 66};
return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my jQuery, I then want to be able to look at both values in the Json response, but I don't know the proper way to get at these values?
data.Message, data.Count in the callback you're passing to $.getJSON()? To inspect the structure of your data object, you can use console.log(data) (also, in that callback)
