Calculate Geolocation on line between two GeoLocations - algorithm

I have two known Google Geolocation points A and B. I need to return GeoLocation point C which is on AB line and on distance x from point A:
Geolocation returnGeolocationC(Geolocation A, Geolocation B, double x) {
return C;
I know that I can use Haversine formula and I can calculate AB distance and therefore I also have AC and CB distance. Any idea or hint how to implement this?
Edit: Line is straight, no need to consider roads.

Well, this is a good problem which solution will depend on the area of interest, for instance:
Consider the situation faced by a botanist studying a stand of oak trees on a small plot of land. One component of the data analysis involves determining the location of these trees and calculating the distance betwee
n them. In this situation, straight line or Euclidean distance is the most logical choice. This only requires the use of the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the shortest distance between two points:
straight_line_distance = sqrt ( ( x2 - x1 )**2 + ( y2 - y1 )**2 );
The variables x and y refer to co-ordinates in a two-dimensional plane and can reflect any unit of measurement, such as feet or miles.
Consider a different situation, an urban area, where the objective is to calculate the distance between customers’ homes and various retail outlets. In this situation, distance takes on a more specific meaning, usually road distance, making straight line distance less suitable. Since streets in many cities are based on a grid system, the typical trip may be approximated by what is known as the Manhattan, city block or taxi cab distance (Fothering-
ham, 2002):
block_distance = ( abs( x2 - x1 ) + abs( y2 - y1 ) ) ;
Instead of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle that was calculated for the straight line distance, the above formula simply adds the two sides that form the right angle. The straight line and city block formulae are closely related, and can be generalized by what are referred to as the Minkowski metrics, which in this case are restricted to two dimensions:
minkowski_metric = ( abs(x2 - x1)**k + abs(y2 - y1)**k )**(1/k);
The advantage of this formula is that you only need to vary the exponent to get a range of distance measures. When k = 1, it is equivalent to the city block distance; when k=2, it is the Euclidean distance. Less commonly,
other values of k may be used if desired, usually between 1 and 2. In some situations, it may have been determined that actual distances were greater than the straight line, but less than the city block, in which case a value such as "1.4" may be more appropriate. One of the interesting features of the Minkowski metric is that for values considerably larger than 2 (approaching infinity), the distance is the larger of two sides used in the city block calculation, although this is typically not applicable in a geographic context.
So pseudocode would be something like the following:
distance2d (x1, y1, x2, y2, k)
(max( abs(x2 - x1), abs(y2 - y1) ) * (k > 2))
((abs(x2 - x1)**k + abs(y2 - y1)** k )**(1/ k)) * (1 <=k<=2)
If 1 <= k <=2, the basic Minkowski metric is applied, since (1 <= k <=2) resolves to 1 and (k > 2) resolves to 0. If k > 2, an alternate formula is applied, since computations become increasingly intensive for large values of k. This second formula is not really necessary, but is useful in demonstrating how modifications can be easily incorporated in distance measures.
The previous distance measures are based on the concept of distance in two dimensions. For small areas like cities or counties, this is a reasonable implification. For longer distances such as those that span larger countries
or continents, measures based on two dimensions are no longer appropriate, since they fail to account for the curvature of the earth. Consequently, global distance measures need to use the graticule, the co-ordinate system
comprised of latitude and longitude along with special formulae to calculate the distances. Lines of latitude run in an east to west direction either above or below the equator. Lines of longitude run north and south through the poles, often with the Prime Meridian (running through Greenwich, England) measured at 0°. Further details of latitude and longitude are available (Slocum et al., 2005). One issue with using latitude and longitude is that the co-ordinates may require some transformation and preparation before they are suitable to use in distance calculations. Coordinates are often expressed in the sexagesimal system (similar to time) of degrees, minutes, and seconds, in which each degree consists of 60 minutes and each
minute is 60 seconds. Furthermore, it is also necessary to provide and indication of the position relative to the equator (North or South) and the Prime Meridian (East or West). The full co-ordinates may take on a variety of formats; below is a typical example that corresponds approximately to the city of Philadelphia:
39° 55' 48" N 75° 12' 12" W
As you mentioned Harvesine, and also I am extending a lot, we can compare results using law of cosines and Harvesine, so pseudocode:
ct = constant('pi')/180 ;
radius = 3959 ; /* 6371 km */
#Both latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees ;
lat1 = 36.12;
long1 = -86.67;
lat2 = 33.94;
long2 = -118.40 ;
#Law of Cosines ;
a = sin(lat1*ct) * sin(lat2*ct) ;
b = cos(lat1*ct) * cos(lat2*ct) * cos((long2-long1) *ct);
c = arcos(a + b) ;
d = radius * c ;
put 'Distance using Law of Cosines ' d
# Haversine ** ;
a2 = sin( ((lat2 - lat1)*ct)/2)**2 +
cos(lat1*ct) * cos(lat2*ct) * sin(((long2 - long1)*ct)/2)**2
c2 = 2 * arsin(min(1,sqrt(a2))) ;
d2 = radius * c2 ;
put 'Distance using Haversine formula =' d2
In addition to the constant that will be used to convert degrees to radians, the radius of the earth is required, which on average is equal to 6371 kilometres or 3959 miles. The Law of Cosines uses spherical geometry to
calculate the great circle distance for two points on the globe. The formula is analogous to the Law of Cosines for plane geometry, in which three connected great arcs correspond to the three sides of the triangle. The Haversine formula is mathematically equivalent to the Law of Cosines, but is often preferred since it is less sensitive to round-off error that can occur when measuring distances between points that are located very close tog
ether (Sinnott, 1984). With the Haversine, the error can occur for points that are on opposite sides of the earth, but this is usually less of a problem.

You can find a really easy formula at this link.
Since you have the distance from one of the points and not the fraction of the distance on the segment you can slightly modify the formula:
x = A*cos(lat1)*cos(lon1) + B*cos(lat2)*cos(lon2)
y = A*cos(lat1)*sin(lon1) + B*cos(lat2)*sin(lon2)
z = A*sin(lat1) + B*sin(lat2)
where x is the required distance and d is the distance between A and B (that you can evaluate with Haversine), both divided by the Earth radius.
You can also use another formula for sin(d):
nx = cos(lat1)*sin(lon1)*sin(lat2) - sin(lat1)* cos(lat2)*sin(lon2)
ny = -cos(lat1)*cos(lon1)*sin(lat2) + sin(lat1)* cos(lat2)*cos(lon2)
nz = cos(lat1)*cos(lon1)*cos(lat2)*sin(lon2) - cos(lat1)*sin(lon1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon2)
sind = sqrt(nx^2+ny^2+nz^2)
It's more complex than the Haversine formula, but you can memoize some of the factors in the two steps.
As the OP posted a non working Java implementation, this is my corrections to make it work.
private static GpsLocation CalcGeolocationWithDistance(GpsLocation pointA, GpsLocation pointB, double distanceFromA)
{ //distanceFromA = 2.0 km, PointA and PointB are in Europe on 4.0km distance.
double earthRadius = 6371000.0;
double distanceAB = CalcDistance(pointA.Latitude, pointA.Longitude, pointB.Latitude, pointB.Longitude);
//distance AB is calculated right according to Google Maps (4.0 km)
double a = Math.Sin((distanceAB - distanceFromA) / earthRadius) / Math.Sin(distanceAB / earthRadius);
double b = Math.Sin(distanceFromA / earthRadius) / Math.Sin(distanceAB / earthRadius);
double x = a * Math.Cos(pointA.Latitude * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Cos(pointA.Longitude * Math.PI / 180) + b * Math.Cos(pointB.Latitude * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Cos(pointB.Longitude * Math.PI / 180);
double y = a * Math.Cos(pointA.Latitude * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Sin(pointA.Longitude * Math.PI / 180) + b * Math.Cos(pointB.Latitude * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Sin(pointB.Longitude * Math.PI / 180);
double z = a * Math.Sin(pointA.Latitude * Math.PI / 180) + b * Math.Sin(pointB.Latitude * Math.PI / 180);
double lat = Math.Atan2(z, Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
double lon = Math.Atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI;
//lat and lon are mo more placed somewhere in Africa ;)
return new GpsLocation(lat, lon);


Trilateration with approximated distances using latitude and longitude

I can't quite figure this one out.
I am trying to approximate the location (latitude / longitude) of a beacon based on 3 distance measurements from 3 fixed locations. However the distance readings available may have an error of up to 1 km.
Similar questions regarding trilateration have been asked here (with precise measurements), here, here (distance measurement errors in Java, but not in lat/lon coordinates and no answers) as well as others. I also managed to dig up this paper dealing with imperfect measurement data, however it for one assumes a cartesian coordinate system and is also rather mathematical than close to a usable implementation.
So none of above links and answers are really applicable to the following problem:
All available distance measurements are approximated in km (where data most frequently contains readings in-between 1 km and 100 km, in case this matters)
Measurement errors of up to 1 km are possible.
3 distance measurements are performed based on 3 fixed (latitude / longitude known) positions.
target approximation should also be a latitude / longitude combination.
So far I have adapted this Answer to C#, however I noticed that due to the measurement inaccuracies this algorithm does not work (as the algorithm assumes the 3 distance-circles to perfectly intersect with each other):
public static class Trilateration
public static GeoLocation Compute(DistanceReading point1, DistanceReading point2, DistanceReading point3)
// not my code :P
// assuming elevation = 0
const double earthR = 6371d;
//using authalic sphere
//if using an ellipsoid this step is slightly different
//Convert geodetic Lat/Long to ECEF xyz
// 1. Convert Lat/Long to radians
// 2d. Convert Lat/Long(radians) to ECEF
double xA = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point1.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Cos(Radians(point1.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double yA = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point1.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Sin(Radians(point1.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double zA = earthR * Math.Sin(Radians(point1.GeoLocation.Latitude));
double xB = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point2.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Cos(Radians(point2.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double yB = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point2.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Sin(Radians(point2.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double zB = earthR * (Math.Sin(Radians(point2.GeoLocation.Latitude)));
double xC = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point3.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Cos(Radians(point3.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double yC = earthR * (Math.Cos(Radians(point3.GeoLocation.Latitude)) * Math.Sin(Radians(point3.GeoLocation.Longitude)));
double zC = earthR * Math.Sin(Radians(point3.GeoLocation.Latitude));
// a 64 bit Vector3 implementation :)
Vector3_64 P1 = new(xA, yA, zA);
Vector3_64 P2 = new(xB, yB, zB);
Vector3_64 P3 = new(xC, yC, zC);
//from wikipedia
//transform to get circle 1 at origin
//ransform to get circle 2d on x axis
Vector3_64 ex = (P2 - P1).Normalize();
double i = Vector3_64.Dot(ex, P3 - P1);
Vector3_64 ey = (P3 - P1 - i * ex).Normalize();
Vector3_64 ez = Vector3_64.Cross(ex, ey);
double d = (P2 - P1).Length;
double j = Vector3_64.Dot(ey, P3 - P1);
//from wikipedia
//plug and chug using above values
double x = (Math.Pow(point1.DistanceKm, 2d) - Math.Pow(point2.DistanceKm, 2d) + Math.Pow(d, 2d)) / (2d * d);
double y = ((Math.Pow(point1.DistanceKm, 2d) - Math.Pow(point3.DistanceKm, 2d) + Math.Pow(i, 2d) + Math.Pow(j, 2d)) / (2d * j)) - ((i / j) * x);
// only one case shown here
double z = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point1.DistanceKm, 2d) - Math.Pow(x, 2d) - Math.Pow(y, 2d));
//triPt is a vector with ECEF x,y,z of trilateration point
Vector3_64 triPt = P1 + x * ex + y * ey + z * ez;
//convert back to lat/long from ECEF
//convert to degrees
double lat = Degrees(Math.Asin(triPt.Z / earthR));
double lon = Degrees(Math.Atan2(triPt.Y, triPt.X));
return new GeoLocation(lat, lon);
private static double Radians(double degrees) =>
degrees * Math.Tau / 360d;
private static double Degrees(double radians) =>
radians * 360d / Math.Tau;
Above code most often than not does not work in my case, and instead only returns "Not a number" as it tries to take the square root of a negative number when calculating the final z value (due to measurement inaccuracies).
In my case measurements may return data like this (visualized with some random online tool):
where only 2 or even none of the distance circles intersect:
What I am looking for is the an algorithm returning the best possible approximation of the target location based on three distance measurements with a known maximum error of 1 km or further approaches I could take.
I have also thought of iterating over points on the circles to then determining the minimum average distance to all the points on the other circles but the 3-dimensional sphere geometry of the earth is giving me a headache. Also there's probably a way better and simpler approach to this which I just can't figure out right now.
As this is more of an algorithmic problem, rather than any language-specific thing, I appreciate any help in whatever programming language, pseudo code or natural language.
If you have access to a scientific computing library which provides non-linear optimization utilities, then you could try finding the point which minimizes the following:
(||x - p_1|| - r_1)^2 + (||x - p_2|| - r_2)^2 + (||x - p_3|| - r_3)^2 + (||x - p_earth|| - r_earth)^2
where p_i is the location (in Cartesian coordinates) of the ith location you measure from, r_i is the corresponding distance reading, p_earth is the location of the Earth, r_earth is the radius of the earth, and ||a|| denotes the norm/length of the vector a.
Each term in the expression is trying to minimize the residual radius error.
This can of course be modified to suit your needs - e.g. if constrained optimization is available, you could encode the requirement that the point be on the surface on the earth as a constraint rather than a term to optimize for. If spherical earth model isn't accurate enough, you could define an error from the Earth's surface, or just project your result onto the Earth if that is accurate enough.

Obtaining a region of evenly distributed points on a sphere

There are several questions on this site about distributing points on the surface of a sphere, but all of these are based on actually generating all of the points on that sphere. My favorite thus far is the golden spiral discussed in Evenly distributing n points on a sphere.
I need to cover a sphere in trillions of points, but only ever need to actually generate a tiny region of the surface (earth down to ~10 meters, looking at a roughly 1 km^2 area). The points generated for that region must match the points that would be generated for the entire sphere (i.e., stitching small regions together must yield the same result as generating a larger region), and generation should be pretty fast.
My attempts to use the golden spiral with such a large number of points have been thwarted by floating point precision issues.
The best I've managed to come up with is generating points at equally spaced latitudes and calculating longitudinal spacing based on the circumference at that latitude. The result is far from satisfactory however (especially the resulting horizontal rings of points).
Does anyone have a suggestion for generating a small region of distributed points on the surface of a sphere?
The vertices of a geodesic sphere would work well in this application.
You start with an icosahedron, divide each face into a triangular mesh of whatever resolution you like, and project the points onto the surface of the sphere.
The Fibonacci sphere approximation is quite easy to generalize efficiently to a subset of points computation, as the analytic formulas are very straight-forward.
The below code computes the subset of points shown below for a trillion points in a few seconds of runtime on my weak laptop and a relatively under optimised python implementation.
Code to compute the above is below, and includes a means to verify the subset computation is exactly the same as a brute-force computation (however don't try it for trillion points, it will never finish unless you have a super-computer!)
Please note, the use of 128-bit doubles is an absolute requirement when you do the computation over more than about a billion points as there are major quantisation artefacts otherwise!
Runtime scales with r' * N where r' is the ratio of the subset to that of the full sphere. Thus, a very small r' can be computed very efficiently.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as ax3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def fibonacci_sphere_pts(num_pts):
ga = (3 - np.sqrt(5)) * np.pi # golden angle
# Create a list of golden angle increments along tha range of number of points
theta = ga * np.arange(num_pts)
# Z is a split into a range of -1 to 1 in order to create a unit circle
z = np.linspace(1 / num_pts - 1, 1 - 1 / num_pts, num_pts)
# a list of the radii at each height step of the unit circle
radius = np.sqrt(1 - z * z)
# Determine where xy fall on the sphere, given the azimuthal and polar angles
y = radius * np.sin(theta)
x = radius * np.cos(theta)
return np.asarray(list(zip(x,y,z)))
def fibonacci_sphere(num_pts):
x,y,z = zip(*fibonacci_sphere_subset(num_pts))
# Display points in a scatter plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.scatter(x, y, z)
def fibonacci_sphere_subset_pts(num_pts, p0, r0 ):
Get a subset of a full fibonacci_sphere
ga = (3 - np.sqrt(5)) * np.pi # golden angle
x0, y0, z0 = p0
z_s = 1 / num_pts - 1
z_e = 1 - 1 / num_pts
# linspace formula for range [z_s,z_e] for N points is
# z_k = z_s + (z_e - z_s) / (N-1) * k , for k [0,N)
# therefore k = (z_k - z_s)*(N-1) / (z_e - z_s)
# would be the closest value of k
k = int(np.round((z0 - z_s) * (num_pts - 1) / (z_e - z_s)))
# here a sufficient number of "layers" of the fibonacci sphere must be
# selected to obtain enough points to be a superset of the subset given the
# radius, we use a heuristic to determine the number but it can be obtained
# exactly by the correct formula instead (by choosing an upperbound)
dz = (z_e - z_s) / (num_pts-1)
n_dk = int(np.ceil( r0 / dz ))
dk = np.arange(k - n_dk, k + n_dk+1)
dk = dk[np.where((dk>=0)&(dk<num_pts))[0]]
# NOTE: *must* use long double over regular doubles below, otherwise there
# are major quantization errors in the output for large number of points
theta = ga * dk.astype(np.longdouble)
z = z_s + (z_e - z_s ) / (num_pts-1) *dk
radius = np.sqrt(1 - z * z)
y = radius * np.sin(theta)
x = radius * np.cos(theta)
idx = np.where(np.square(x - x0) + np.square(y-y0) + np.square(z-z0) <= r0*r0)[0]
return x[idx],y[idx],z[idx]
def fibonacci_sphere_subset(num_pts, p0, r0, do_compare=False ):
Display fib sphere subset points and optionally compare against bruteforce computation
x,y,z = fibonacci_sphere_subset_pts(num_pts,p0,r0)
if do_compare:
subset = zip(x,y,z)
subset_bf = fibonacci_sphere_pts(num_pts)
x0,y0,z0 = p0
subset_bf = [ (x,y,z) for (x,y,z) in subset_bf if np.square(x - x0) + np.square(y-y0) + np.square(z-z0) <= r0*r0 ]
subset_bf = np.asarray(subset_bf)
if np.allclose(subset,subset_bf):
print('PASS: subset and bruteforce computation agree completely')
print('FAIL: subset and bruteforce computation DO NOT agree completely')
# Display points in a scatter plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.scatter(x, y, z)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="fibonacci sphere")
"numpts", type=int, help="number of points to distribute along sphere"
args = parser.parse_args()
# hard-coded point to query with a tiny fixed radius
p0 = (.5,.5,np.sqrt(1. - .5*.5 - .5*.5)) # coordinate of query point representing center of subset, note all coordinates fall between -1 and 1
r0 = .00001 # the radius of the subset, a very small number is chosen as radius of full sphere is 1.0

Area between two lines inside the square [-1,+1] x [-1,+1]

I'm working on a project in Matlab and need to find the area between two lines inside of the square [-1,+1]x[-1,+1] intersecting in a point (xIntersection,yIntersection). So the idea is to subtract the two lines and integrate between [-1, xIntersection] and [xIntersection, +1], sum the results and if it's negative, change its sign.
For details on how I find the intersection of the two lines check this link.
I'm using Matlab's function integral(), here a snippet of my code:
xIntersection = ((x_1 * y_2 - y_1 * x_2) * (x_3 - x_4) - (x_1 - x_2) * (x_3 * y_4 - y_3 * x_4) ) / ((x_1 - x_2) * (y_3 - y_4) - (y_1 - y_2) * (x_3 - x_4));
d = #(x) g(x) - f(x);
result = integral(d, -1, xIntersection) - int( d, xIntersection, 1)
if(result < 0),
result = result * -1;
Note that I defined previously in the code g(x) and f(x) but haven't reported it in the snippet.
The problem is that I soon realized that the lines could intersect either inside or outside of the square, furthermore they could intersect the square on any of its sides and the number of possible combinations grows up very quickly.
These are just 4 cases, but considering that f(+1), f(-1), g(+1), g(-1) could be inside the interval [-1,+1], above it or under it and that the intersection could be inside or outside of the square the total number is 3*3*3*3*2 = 162.
Obviously in each case the explicit function to integrate in order to get the area between the two lines is different, but I can't possibly think of writing a switch case for each one.
Any ideas?
I think my answer to your previous question still applies, for the most part.
If you want to compute the area of the region bounded by the smaller angle of the two lines and the boundaries of the square, then you can forget about the intersection, and forget about all the different cases.
You can just use the fact that
the area of the square S is equal to 4
the value of this integral
A = quadgk(#(x) ...
abs( max(min(line1(x),+1),-1) - max(min(line2(x),+1),-1) ), -1, +1);
gives you the area between the lines (sometimes the large angle, sometimes the small angle)
the value of of min(A, S-A) is the correct answer (always the small angle).
Assuming “between the lines” means “inside the smaller angle formed by the lines”:
With the lines l and h, S := [-1,+1]x[-1,+1] and B as the border of S.
Transform l to the form l_1 + t*l_2 with l_1 and l_2 beeing vectors. Do the same for h.
If the intersection is not inside S, find the 4 intersections of l and h with B. Sort them so you get a convex quadrilateral. Calculate its area.
Find the intersection point p and find the intersection angle α between l_2 and h_2. and then check:
If α in [90°,180°] or α in [270°,360°], swap l and h.
If α > 180°, set l_2 = −l_2
Set l_1 := h_1 := p. Do once for positive t and negative t
(forwards and backwards along l_2 and h_2 from p):
Find intersections s_l and s_h of l and h with B.
If on same border of B: compute area of triangle s_l, s_h, p
If on adjacent borders of B: find the corner c of B in between the hit borders and once again sort the four points s_l, s_h, p and c so you get an convex quadrilateral and calculate it’s area.
If on opposite borders, find the matching side of B (you can do this by looking at the direction of s_l-p). Using its two corner points c_1 and c_2, you now have 5 points that form a polygon. Sort them so the polygon is convex and calculate its area.
This is still quite a few cases, but I don’t think there’s a way around that. You can simplify this somewhat by also using the polygon formula for the triangle and the quadrilateral.
How to sort the points so you get a convex polygon/quadrilateral: select any one of them as p_1 and then sort the rest of the points according to angle to p_1.
If you define an intersection function and a polygon_area that takes a list of points, sorts them and returns the area, this algorithm should be rather simple to implement.
edit: Image to help explain the comment:
Hey guys thanks for your answers, I also thought of an empirical method to find the area between the lines and wanted to share it for the sake of discussion and completeness.
If you take a large number of random points within the square [-1,+1]x[-1,+1] you can measure the area as the fraction of the points which fall in the area between the two lines.
Here's a little snippet and two images to show the different accuracy of empirical result obtained with different number of points.
minX = -1;
maxX = +1;
errors = 0;
size = 10000;
for j=1:size,
%random point in [-1,+1]
T(j,:) = minX + (maxX - minX).*rand(2,1);
%equation of the two lines is used to compute the y-value
y1 = ( ( B(2) - A(2) ) / ( B(1) - A(1) ) ) * (T(j,1) - A(1)) + A(2);
y2 = (- W(1) / W(2)) * T(j,1) -tresh / W(2);
if(T(j,2) < y1),
%point is under line one
Y1 = -1;
%point is above line one
Y1 = +1;
if(T(j,2) < y2),
%point is under line two
Y2 = -1;
%point is above line two
Y2 = +1;
if(Y1 * Y2 < 0),
errors = errors + 1;
area = (errors / size) / 4;
And here are two images, it sure takes longer than the solution posted by #Rody but as you can see you can make it accurate.
Number of points = 2000
Number of points = 10000

Line Passing Through Given Points

I am trying to find the angle of the outer line of the object in the green region of the image as shown in the image above…
For that, I have scanned the green region and get the points (dark blue points as shown in the image)...
As you can see, the points are not making straight line so I can’t find angle easily.
So I think I have to find a middle way and
that is to find the line so that the distance between each point and line remain as minimum as possible.
So how can I find the line so that each point exposes minimum distance to it……?
Is there any algorithm for this or is there any good way other than this?
The obvious route would be to do a least-squares linear regression through the points.
The standard least squares regression formulae for x on y or y on x assume there is no error in one coordinate and minimize the deviations in the coordinate from the line.
However, it is perfectly possible to set up a least squares calculation such that the value minimized is the sum of squares of the perpendicular distances of the points from the lines. I'm not sure whether I can locate the notebooks where I did the mathematics - it was over twenty years ago - but I did find the code I wrote at the time to implement the algorithm.
n = ∑ 1
sx = ∑ x
sx2 = ∑ x2
sy = ∑ y
sy2 = ∑ y2
sxy = ∑ x·y
You can calculate the variances of x and y and the covariance:
vx = sx2 - ((sx * sx) / n)
vy = sy2 - ((sy * sy) / n)
vxy = sxy - ((sx * sy) / n)
Now, if the covariance is 0, then there is no semblance of a line. Otherwise, the slope and intercept can be found from:
slope = quad((vx - vy) / vxy, vxy)
intcpt = (sy - slope * sx) / n
Where quad() is a function that calculates the root of quadratic equation x2 + b·x - 1 with the same sign as c. In C, that would be:
double quad(double b, double c)
double b1;
double q;
b1 = sqrt(b * b + 4.0);
if (c < 0.0)
q = -(b1 + b) / 2;
q = (b1 - b) / 2;
return (q);
From there, you can find the angle of your line easily enough.
Obviously the line will pass through averaged point (x_average,y_average).
For direction you may use the following algorithm (derived directly from minimizing average square distance between line and points):
Usual linear regression will not work here, because it assumes that variables are not symmetric - one depends on other, so if you will swap x and y, you will have another solution.
The hough transform might be also a good option:
You might try searching for "total least squares", or "least orthogonal distance" but when I tried that I saw nothing immediately applicable.
Anyway suppose you have points x[],y[], and the line is represented by a*x+b*y+c = 0, where hypot(a,b) = 1. The least orthogonal distance line is the one that minimises Sum{ (a*x[i]+b*y[i]+c)^2}. Some algebra shows that:
c is -(a*X+b*Y) where X is the mean of the x's and Y the mean of the y's.
(a,b) is the eigenvector of C corresponding to it's smaller eigenvalue, where C is the covariance matrix of the x's and y's

circle-circle collision

I am going to develop a 2-d ball game where two balls (circles) collide. Now I have the problem with determining the colliding point (in fact, determining whether they are colliding in x-axis/y-axis). I have an idea that when the difference between the y coordinate of 2 balls is greater than the x coordinate difference then they collide in their y axis, otherwise, they collide in their x axis. Is my idea correct? I implemented this thing in my games. Normally it works well, but sometimes, it fails. Can anyone tell me whether my idea is right? If not, then why, and is any better way?
By collision in the x axis, I mean the circle's 1st, 4th, 5th, or 8th octant, y axis means the circle's 2nd, 3rd, 6th, or 7th octant.
Thanks in advance!
Collision between circles is easy. Imagine there are two circles:
C1 with center (x1,y1) and radius r1;
C2 with center (x2,y2) and radius r2.
Imagine there is a line running between those two center points. The distance from the center points to the edge of either circle is, by definition, equal to their respective radii. So:
if the edges of the circles touch, the distance between the centers is r1+r2;
any greater distance and the circles don't touch or collide; and
any less and then do collide.
So you can detect collision if:
(x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 <= (r1+r2)^2
meaning the distance between the center points is less than the sum of the radii.
The same principle can be applied to detecting collisions between spheres in three dimensions.
Edit: if you want to calculate the point of collision, some basic trigonometry can do that. You have a triangle:
| \
| \ sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) = r1+r2
|y2-y1| | \
| \
| X \
(x1,y2) +------+ (x2,y2)
The expressions |x2-x1| and |y2-y1| are absolute values. So for the angle X:
|y2 - y1|
sin X = -------
r1 + r2
|x2 - x1|
cos X = -------
r1 + r2
|y2 - y1|
tan X = -------
|x2 - x1|
Once you have the angle you can calculate the point of intersection by applying them to a new triangle:
| \
b | \ r2
| \
| X \
cos X = --
a = r2 cos X
From the previous formulae:
|x2 - x1|
a = r2 -------
r1 + r2
Once you have a and b you can calculate the collision point in terms of (x2,y2) offset by (a,b) as appropriate. You don't even need to calculate any sines, cosines or inverse sines or cosines for this. Or any square roots for that matter. So it's fast.
But if you don't need an exact angle or point of collision and just want the octant you can optimize this further by understanding something about tangents, which is:
0 <= tan X <= 1 for 0 <= X <= 45 degrees;
tan X >= 1 for 45 <= X <= 90
0 >= tan X >= -1 for 0 >= X => -45;
tan X <= -1 for -45 >= X => -90; and
tan X = tan (X+180) = tan (X-180).
Those four degree ranges correspond to four octants of the cirlce. The other four are offset by 180 degrees. As demonstrated above, the tangent can be calculated simply as:
|y2 - y1|
tan X = -------
|x2 - x1|
Lose the absolute values and this ratio will tell you which of the four octants the collision is in (by the above tangent ranges). To work out the exact octant just compare x1 and x2 to determine which is leftmost.
The octant of the collision on the other single is offset (octant 1 on C1 means octant 5 on C2, 2 and 6, 3 and 7, 4 and 8, etc).
As cletus says, you want to use the sum of the radii of the two balls. You want to compute the total distance between the centers of the balls, as follows:
Ball 1: center: p1=(x1,y1) radius: r1
Ball 2: center: p2=(x2,y2) radius: r2
collision distance: R= r1 + r2
actual distance: r12= sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 )
A collision will happen whenever (r12 < R). As Artelius says, they shouldn't actually collide on the x/y axes, they collide at a particular angle. Except, you don't actually want that angle; you want the collision vector. This is the difference between the centers of the two circles when they collide:
collision vector: d12= (x2-x1,y2-y1) = (dx,dy)
actual distance: r12= sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy )
Note that you have already computed dx and dy above when figuring the actual distance, so you might as well keep track of them for purposes like this. You can use this collision vector for determining the new velocity of the balls -- you're going to end up scaling the collision vector by some factors, and adding that to the old velocities... but, to get back to the actual collision point:
collision point: pcollision= ( (x1*r2+x2*r1)/(r1+r2), (y1*r2+y2*r1)/(r1+r2) )
To figure out how to find the new velocity of the balls (and in general to make more sense out of the whole situation), you should probably find a high school physics book, or the equivalent. Unfortunately, I don't know of a good web tutorial -- suggestions, anyone?
Oh, and if still want to stick with the x/y axis thing, I think you've got it right with:
if( abs(dx) > abs(dy) ) then { x-axis } else { y-axis }
As for why it might fail, it's hard to tell without more information, but you might have a problem with your balls moving too fast, and passing right by each other in a single timestep. There are ways to fix this problem, but the simplest way is to make sure they don't move too fast...
This site explains the physics, derives the algorithm, and provides code for collisions of 2D balls.
Calculate the octant after this function calculates the following: position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a; position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a
This function calulates the velocities after a 2D collision vaf, vbf, waf and wbf from information about the colliding bodies
#param double e coefficient of restitution which depends on the nature of the two colliding materials
#param double ma total mass of body a
#param double mb total mass of body b
#param double Ia inertia for body a.
#param double Ib inertia for body b.
#param vector ra position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a in absolute coordinates (if this is
known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).
#param vector rb position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body b in absolute coordinates (if this is
known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).
#param vector n normal to collision point, the line along which the impulse acts.
#param vector vai initial velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector vbi initial velocity of centre of mass on object b
#param vector wai initial angular velocity of object a
#param vector wbi initial angular velocity of object b
#param vector vaf final velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector vbf final velocity of centre of mass on object a
#param vector waf final angular velocity of object a
#param vector wbf final angular velocity of object b
CollisionResponce(double e,double ma,double mb,matrix Ia,matrix Ib,vector ra,vector rb,vector n,
vector vai, vector vbi, vector wai, vector wbi, vector vaf, vector vbf, vector waf, vector wbf) {
double k=1/(ma*ma)+ 2/(ma*mb) +1/(mb*mb) - ra.x*ra.x/(ma*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(ma*Ib) - ra.y*ra.y/(ma*Ia)
- ra.y*ra.y/(mb*Ia) - ra.x*ra.x/(mb*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(mb*Ib) - rb.y*rb.y/(ma*Ib)
- rb.y*rb.y/(mb*Ib) + ra.y*ra.y*rb.x*rb.x/(Ia*Ib) + ra.x*ra.x*rb.y*rb.y/(Ia*Ib) - 2*ra.x*ra.y*rb.x*rb.y/(Ia*Ib);
double Jx = (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x)( 1/ma - ra.x*ra.x/Ia + 1/mb - rb.x*rb.x/Ib)
- (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib);
double Jy = - (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib)
+ (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) ( 1/ma - ra.y*ra.y/Ia + 1/mb - rb.y*rb.y/Ib);
Vaf.x = Vai.x - Jx/Ma;
Vaf.y = Vai.y - Jy/Ma;
Vbf.x = Vbi.x - Jx/Mb;
Vbf.y = Vbi.y - Jy/Mb;
waf.x = wai.x - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia;
waf.y = wai.y - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia;
wbf.x = wbi.x - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib;
wbf.y = wbi.y - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib;
I agree with provided answers, they are very good.
I just want to point you a small pitfall: if the speed of balls is high, you can just miss the collision, because circles never intersect for given steps.
The solution is to solve the equation on the movement and to find the correct moment of the collision.
Anyway, if you would implement your solution (comparisons on X and Y axes) you'd get the good old ping pong!
The point at which they collide is on the line between the midpoints of the two circles, and its distance from either midpoint is the radius of that respective circle.
