Copy file full path in Xcode - xcode

I'm using Perforce for managing our code base. In Perforce, we need to check out a file before we can edit it. When I'm working in Xcode, sometimes I want to know the full path to the working file so that I can check it out in Perforce.
So here is my question:
Is there a shortcut, plugin or some other quick way to copy the full path of a file in Xcode?
What I have known:
I can Command+click on the file tile to show up the full path, but I cannot copy it.
In Visual Studio, we can right click on the file's tab and choose Copy Full Path to achieve this.
In Eclipse, we can Alt/Option + Enter to achieve this.
Actually my question is about how to achieve the equivalent Copy Full Path feature inside Xcode. Anyway, dragging the file to the terminal is also a very nice workaround.

You can copy it directly out of the File Inspector. The first section ("Identity and Type") of the File Inspector shows information about the selected file, or the file that contains the selected symbol, etc. You have Name, Type, Location, and Full Path. You can select the full path and copy it.
As a shortcut, a triple click on any part of the path will select the entire path. There's also a small icon with a light arrow on a dark background -- clicking that will open a Finder window with the file selected.

You can drag it to a terminal... Easy and fast...

on your editor XCode (you want to get the file path). Press:
xcode will open directory file path on Project Navigator (left side bar)
and then drag-and-drop file from Project Navigator to the terminal. it will give you the directory of the file.

You can use find command to copy file path:
cd myProject
find . -name myCodeFile.cpp

Extending Caleb's answer, here is a graphical demo:
Select a filename on the Project navigator from the left side Navigator panel.
Tap on Show File Inspector from the right side Inspectors panel. (marked with red box)
Copy the path from there. (marked with a bigger red box)


Can I open a file with `cd ~/../..` in Atom?

I opened up a large project in Atom. I'd like to travel to a file that is four folders deep into the project. Normally, I will go into the sidebar and flip open folders. Is there a way to open files programmatically? I'm thinking about the ability to use cd in terminal.
If you're trying to open a deeply nested file, try using the Fuzzy File Finder (Cmd-T on a Mac, Ctrl-T on Windows) to type in the name of the file. If you want to see it in the tree view after opening it, use the Reveal in Tree View feature (right click on the file tab and click Reveal in Tree View, or press Cmd-I with the file open).

How can I change the location of files in xcode project?

I put some files on the same level of *.xcodeproj file carelessly. When I move these files into the right location in Finder, Xcode tells me that these files are missing. So I delete the group which contains these files whose names have been read (I realize it is a mistake). And I drag these files from Finder into the xcode to build a new group. But when I try to run the project, Xcode still can't find these code. How can I solve the problem?
When you see a file that is red (or in the wrong place), you can easily correct the location of these files by using the file inspector (which appears along the right side panel of your Xcode window).
It looks like this:
Clicking on the Folder icon next to the name will bring up an open panel from which you can choose the correct location of the file.
There is an easier way to re-organize files through the Xcode project. You can use Synx, it automatically fixes file paths, through the Xcode project groups.
You can check Github page for Synx
After intalling Synx just run the command below
synx path/to/my/project.xcodeproj
I found the answer.
3 things
removed the reference to the red files
then dragged them back into the project
relinked all my .m and .h files just incase
then removed the .app reference and dragged it back in to the project.
removed any duplicates or red files in the build phases
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help
From my point of view i would definitely avoid the virtual folders in the Xcode.The disadventage of this approach is whe nthe project gets bigger and bigger you can not find corresponding files in your filesystem easy.Even you click on "Show in finder" you need to look for the file among tens of files.
My approach is creating the folder in the finder and then dragging it to project.when i need to create a new file in this subfolder is will be added there anyhow.
Drag the new files from the finder to the Xcode project file structure.
Remove the old files.
I had a lot of class and find a good solution for solve this problem :)
1- Select a file that you want to change the location (Red)
2- Select "show the file inspector" from right side in Xcode
3- Select wrong path or unexpected path and copy like this screenshot
4- Close your project
5- Go to your root project and right click on "project *.xcodeproj" and select "Show package contents"
6- Right click on "project.pbxproj" and open with TextEdit
7- In the file select "Find and replace" or click on " Option+Command+F " and find location that you copied and replace with "" empty
8- Save and open the Xcode :)

Xcode 4 file complete path

If I have any file open in Xcode and I would like to know the complete path to the file, how do I do that in Xcode 4? In Xcode 3 I could hover over the file name and get a tooltip with the complete path. I could also right-click a file name at the very top and get a pop-up window with the complete path. This is all gone in Xcode 4.
The annoyance is that when using the Xcode 4 search, it doesn't even show the complete path of the file in the results?!
The only solution I have currently found is to open the save as dialog and get the path from there! That definitely can't be the solution. What am I missing?
For files that are not part of the project you can use the File menu's Show in Finder option.
Update: Xcode 4.2 restored the ability to right-click or command-click on the file's name in the title bar to get a drop-down with the full path.
Show the file inspector utility (normally at the right hand side of the main window on my setup , to do that click the rightmost button of the "View" buttons menu). Click on your file in the navigator and the inspector will refresh with the information. Full path is disclosed and there is a button to open a new Finder window with the enclosing folder.

Files added to xcode project show red on another Mac

Files added to xcode project show red on another Mac. Both the windows while adding files to the project look the same. When I re-add them in the newly opened project, it starts working fine. I need to know what's causing this.
When you add files to Xcode project, you would see "Copy items to destination group's folder". By default it's unchecked. So it copies references. When you move the resource that you added to Xcode to a different location on same computer or open in another computer it looks for that reference which is missing. So you see missing items as red.
If you check that box "Copy items to destination group's folder" when prompted for, you wouldn't see that.
There can be another reason. If you or someone have accidentally removed file from the Project folder from finder but not Xcode, you would see same effect.
There is an option in the project selecting if files should be stored with absolute or relative paths; it may be set to absolute. If it is, other machines will only be able to find the files if they are in the exact same location and not just in the same location relative to the project file.
You can test this by adding a file and saving the project then checking it in a text editor. Right click on the project in Finder and click "Show package contents." You can then open project.pbxproj (or something like that) in any text editor. You can even use Xcode. Find the file you just added and see how it is storing the path.
I managed to get everything red by accidentally moving the project folder.
After moving the directory back all files were red-marked.
I resolved this by clicking on the project root on the left pane
Clicking the arrow pointing right next to the "Full path" on the right pane under Identity.
By selecting another option and back the project refreshed itself.
I guess it depends on your preferred work environment but i continuously copy all my files over to avoid the dreaded red triangles.
xcode buggyness, you should try this next time:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/

How to quickly add back missing file in xcode

I zipped up my project folder in xcode and moved it to a new computer. When I open up the project it has missing files (file appears red).
How can I add all these files back or re-link them. It is like 20+ files?
Why didnt xcode store the relative path?
Xcode may not update location for some files of your project when you copy/move it from one environment to another. The easiest way I found is something like this:
1-Select your files like this, if they are in different groups, then repeat the flow on each group separately:
2- Show the file inspector:
3- You may notice Xcode has an absolute path for them, which is something not useful, so click on the little icon near Multiple Values. navigate to the folder where your selected files are stored in the finder and click "Choose".
Also, don't forget to change the Location to Relative to Project. Now you will get something like this:
• Select all the missing files that are in one folder in Finder.
• Change Location to Relative to Group ( that's in the File Inspector View -> Utilities -> Show File Inspector )
• Click the choose file button; it is under the Location drop down menu; it is an image that looks like a very small window with a document inside it.
A Choose folder containing the selected references sheet should appear.
• find and select the folder containing the missing files in the finder, then click Choose
(Tested in In xCode v4.3.2)
I normally keep all my files related to the project inside one folder (nested where necessary) and yeah I frequently exchange project files (zip and move) with my peers and nothing like that has ever happened to me.
You can always just drag the files en masse back onto the XCode window, and they'll get re-added. If you have file-system folders that match your Xcode internal organization that makes it even easier.
The UI has changed. In Xcode 10, there's a tiny dot with an arrow in it next to the file path. This does nothing as far as I can tell.
There's an obscure folder icon offset up and to the right of that non-functional arrow... this actually is a button, and it DOES allow you to relink the file.
