Stuck at Checkout magento - magento

I am looking for some help. I am new into magento, and I don't have a lot of experience programming/debugging. So I will appreciate any help; as I have been trying to figure this out for the last 2 days.
I have two problems, Here they are:
1) I add a product to the cart, then I go to the REGULAR checkout (NOT the express checkout), where I am asked to register; I click on the "register" button where I am asked to fill in the "billing information". After filling in all the billing information I hit on the "Continue" button and...
... Nothing happens. It stays stuck there.
2) When selecting the REGULAR checkout, I have noticed that the "YOUR CHECKOUT PROGRESS" doesn't show any of the progress; and it shows only the tittle instead.
I must tell you this:
a) When changing the theme to rwd/default the Checkout works perfectly. Therefore I have understood that there is a file (or a script) that is not working properly inside the custom theme. But I can't figure out which file/ script it is.
b) when chaging the theme to rwd/default the "checkout progress" column appears on the right and not on the left <-- just wondering is this piece of information may help to fix the problem.
I am new into debugging so I still have a lot to learn. So any guide and specific help is more then welcome. Thank you in advance.
I am using magento
This is the store:


Prestashop 1.7 product list, product view changes

I'm trying to add some extra row after product image in prestashop 1.7 product list page.
I want to add manufacturer title above product title.
Already tried:
Change product-list.tpl code.
but nothing happened.
Here is product image with some info about my problem:
Maybe some one know how to achieve this? Thanks.
You have to edit this file:
Under the block named product_thumbnail (also external to block if you want)
Ok, I found something by my self. I'm not so sure why it happened but it was some of ".../app/cache/dev/..." - files.
Step by step:
1. Download website file
2. Search for specific classes
3. Found those classes on two files product.tpl and f33as2f1a2sf5asfa2sfasf20132.file.product.tpl.php
4. Then back to my ftp found that second file with long name and change a code there...
5. It works
Maybe its nasty work-around, so that's why I'm asking for more information for those who know more about things like this. Maybe there is something in back office (prestashop dashboard) settings... Developer/production mode or something? because by my opinion is just a nasty work around and I want to know more and learn more about it. Thanks. <- UPDATE: -> its useless to edit cache files, you need to make changes ant clear cache from terminal || or admin dashboard.
UPDATE BELOW (in comments)--->>>

PayPal Express Review Order Page In Magento - Where I can edit code for design layout

My magento template is forcing me to have a final REVIEW ORDER page when checking out. I want to be able to edit the design of that page, but I cannot find what file the code is in. UGGH. Can someone help me? See screenshot.
I want to be able to change the font size of the words "REVIEW ORDER" to make it stand out more.
The file you are looking for resides on
But before making changes to it,its good practice of overwriting it to you theme and making changes there.
Hope, this is what you are looking for.

How can I code a more simplified VirtueMart purchase/checkout sequence?

I'm almost positive this topic has been addressed somewhere because my question feels so rudimentary. That said, I haven't had any luck searching, so here's the question:
I am using VM to sell ONE item only (digital download), and the default "Add to Cart" then "View Cart" 2-step process is cumbersome. What I want is the ability to change "Add to Cart" to a button that says "Purchase" (I don't need help here) and change the coding for the button so that ONE item is added to the cart and the user is taken automatically to the checkout page.
If there is a simple URL format to achieve this, that's my preference, because then I could just manually code out my own product page (like a Joomla article, rather than in VirtueMart) and then add my own "Purchase" button. However, if I have to modify PHP, that's fine too, I just need to get pointed in the right direction.
If someone could direct me to the proper resource for this? I can't believe I haven't been able to find something so rudimentary, and I suspect I'm not using the right search terms.
assuming you are using Joomla 1.5
here is an extension:
see demos, I'm sure it will be fine for you
Compatible with VirtueMart 1.1.x (VM2 version is ongoing)
5/5 votes from 6 users

Subtotal, Shipping, Discount and Grand Total Missing in Magento

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I am not a Magento developer but am having to fix my site after my "developer" left me with most of the work to do.
Currently in my checkout screen i'm not seeing any values other than that of the actual product item value - no subtotals, discounts, shipping or the grand total. They all appear ok on the emails that are sent though (luckily).
I'm not using the default Magento package but from what i can see all the .phtml files seem to be there in the base directories and are not in my new design directories - so i would have assumed all would work ok. But alas, no. Is there anywhere i should be looking/tweaking etc etc? Have googled about as much as i can but to no avail.
I'm sure it must be something simple (!?) if all appear on the emails ok. Any ideas would be great!
I realise this is fairly old now but just in case anyone else comes across this I had this problem and for me all I had to do some enable the Mage_Tax module in System > Configuration > Advanced
It is difficult to answer your question without more insight, but here is what can be a starting point:
Login to your shop's admin panel.
In System menu click on Configuration.
From the Current Configuration Scope box select your Website.
Now in the menu on left-hand side under Configuration > Advanced (almost to the bottom of the screen)
Click on Developer
Now in the main panel, click on Debug.
For the field Template Path Hints select Yes.
Now reload your website (front-end) and you will see from which template is each part of the page being loaded.
Also if Magento's cache is enabled, you will need to clear that. I would suggest that this cache be disabled during development and/or on non-production versions of your site.

Google Checkout button not appearing on cart page

Hope you guys don't mind me asking this question, but I find myself at a loss to why this is happening and need some suggestions on how I might resolve the issue. If I shouldn't ask these kinds of questions, please let me know.
Currently I am working on a Magento 1.9 site that was upgraded from 1.8 and when I enabled Google Checkout, the button doesn't appear on the cart page (/checkout/cart/). I went back to the default template that Magento uses and it still didn't work.
I then tried enabling Google Checkout on a clean copy of Magento 1.9 and it worked. Then I tried replacing the core mage checkout folder with the ones from the clean copy of Magento and that didn't work.
So I have test the layout, template and core mage checkout files and nothing happens.
I also tried accessing Google Checkout directly with this piece of code:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('googlecheckout/link')->setTemplate('googlecheckout/link.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
First, turn the default template on for testing, just to be sure. Clear all your caches and try again. Make sure that there aren't any "hidden" elements on the page displaying it. It may be helpful to turn on template hints to see if the block exists as anticipated but does not render any content, or if the block actually does not exist as anticipated.
If no joy, check to make sure that Google's critera are met. Taking a look at that template and block, there are a few checks that need to pass to get checkout:
Every single product in the cart must return false to $item->getProduct()->getEnableGooglecheckout() (otherwise, ti looks like the template wants to display an image)
Report back if you still have problems :)
