Getting a 500 error on response when using the Fine Uploader - fine-uploader

I'm getting some errors when using the Fine Uploader library and can't figure out why.
Here's what's happening. This is the code I'm using on my page:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
element: document.getElementById("fineUploader"),
request: {
endpoint: "",
signature: {
endpoint: "/wp-content/themes/zone/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: "/wp-content/themes/zone/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php?success"
objectProperties: {
key: "filename"
iframeSupport: {
localBlankPagePath: "/wp-content/themes/zone/success.html"
cors: {
expected: true
chunking: {
enabled: true
resume: {
enabled: true
This code is uploading the file to S3 but I'm getting an error on the page:
In the UI of the uploader, I get an error message stating "Upload Failed" in the red box.
In the Developer Console, I get:
POST 500 (Internal Server Error)sendRequest # s3.fine-uploader.js:3936prepareToSend # s3.fine-uploader.js:4055send # s3.fine-uploader.js:4106qq.extend.sendSuccessRequest # s3.fine-uploader.js:9042(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:8184(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:702qq.nonTraditionalBasePrivateApi._onComplete # s3.fine-uploader.js:8188qq.uiPrivateApi._onComplete # s3.fine-uploader.js:6107options.onComplete # s3.fine-uploader.js:2266upload.cleanup # s3.fine-uploader.js:4566(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:4540(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:1126qq.each # s3.fine-uploader.js:665qq.extend.success # s3.fine-uploader.js:1125(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:1126qq.each # s3.fine-uploader.js:665qq.extend.success # s3.fine-uploader.js:1125(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:1126qq.each # s3.fine-uploader.js:665qq.extend.success # s3.fine-uploader.js:1125xhr.onreadystatechange # s3.fine-uploader.js:10063
s3.fine-uploader.js:256 [Fine Uploader 5.3.2] POST request for 0 has failed - response code 500qq.log # s3.fine-uploader.js:256qq.basePublicApi.log # s3.fine-uploader.js:1844(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:702onComplete # s3.fine-uploader.js:3862(anonymous function) # s3.fine-uploader.js:3970
s3.fine-uploader.js:256 [Fine Uploader 5.3.2] Your server indicated failure in its upload success request response for id 0!
What's strange is the file is uploaded. Have confirmed this by checking the bucket. It seems as if there is some error with the uploadSuccess: function. I'm using MAMP Pro Locally in case that matters.
Any ideas what may be happening? Thanks!

The 500 error is coming from your signature endpoint, and it is happening when your server attempts to handle Fine Uploader POST "success" request, which indicates that the file is safely in S3. The code attached to that endpoint server-side is failing in some way. You'll need to check your server logs to determine what the specific failure is. Perhaps you are attempting to make a call to S3 server-side as part of this call, and the associated IAM user does not have proper permissions. It could be this, or any number of other issues.


Source GraphQL API: HTTP error 400 Bad Request

I've set up an apollo federation architecture accessible via a gateway. I want to access it via gatsby using the official plugin gatsby-source-graphql. I've followed their documentation and attempted to include the plugin with the "simple" example.
When I run yarn build on my gatsby project I get the following termanal output:
success onPreInit - 0.048s
success initialize cache - 0.033s
success copy gatsby files - 0.139s
success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.239s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.258s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.003s
"gatsby-source-graphql" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
Source GraphQL API: HTTP error 400 Bad Request
Error: Source GraphQL API: HTTP error 400 Bad Request
- fetch.js:11 exports.fetchWrapper
- task_queues:96 processTicksAndRejections
My gatsby-config.js is this:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
url: "",
title: "XXXX",
description: "",
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphql',
options: {
typeName: 'Gateway',
fieldName: 'gateway',
url: 'https://XXXXXX'
The error "Source GraphQL API: HTTP error 400 Bad Request" is extremely vague, and I'm unable to get a more verbose message error.
What can I do to better understand this error and solve it?
The gatsby plugin will attempt to retreive the schema from your apollo-server. Ensure that introspection is enabled in production so this step does not fail.
{"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"},"level":"warn","locations":[{"column":3,"line":2}],"message":"GraphQL introspection is not allowed by Apollo Server, but the query contained __schema or __type. To enable introspection, pass introspection: true to ApolloServer in production"}
const server = new ApolloServer({
// other properties
introspection: true

What could cause a HPE_INVALID_METHOD error using fastify and nunjucks?

I disabled all plugins on the server except point-of-view.
fastify.register(require('point-of-view'), {
engine: {
nunjucks: require('nunjucks')
templates: 'server/views',
includeViewExtension: true
The handler is calling the view function.
reply.view('/v1/main', {
nonce: nanoid(1),
token: nanoid(1)
The complete error message is:
{"level":50,"time":1547208496144,"msg":"client error","pid":16013,"hostname":"jer-ryzentwo","err":{"type":"Error","message":"Parse Error","stack":"Error: Parse Error","bytesParsed":0,"code":"HPE_INVALID_METHOD","rawPacket":{"type":"Buffer","data":[22,3,1,2,0,1,0,1,105,3,3,167,247,206,59,236,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]}},"v":1}
{"level":50,"time":1547208496145,"msg":"client error","pid":16013,"hostname":"jer-ryzentwo","err":{"type":"Error","message":"Parse Error","stack":"Error: Parse Error","bytesParsed":0,"code":"HPE_INVALID_METHOD","rawPacket":{"type":"Buffer","data":[10,0,1,0,2,2,20]}},"v":1}
I cannot pinpoint the source of this issue.
Any idea what and why a HPE_INVALID_METHOD error is being generated?

Why isn't fineUploader sending an x-amz-credential property among the request conditions?

My server-side policy signing code is failing on this line:
credentialCondition = conditions[i]["x-amz-credential"];
(Note that this code is taken from the Node example authored by the FineUploader maintainer. I have only changed it by forcing it to use version 4 signing without checking for a version parameter.)
So it's looking for an x-amz-credential parameter in the request body, among the other conditions, but it isn't there. I checked the request in the dev tools and the conditions look like this:
0: {acl: "private"}
1: {bucket: "menu-translator"}
2: {Content-Type: "image/jpeg"}
3: {success_action_status: "200"}
4: {key: "4cb34913-f9dc-40db-aecc-a9fdf518a334.jpg"}
5: {x-amz-meta-qqfilename: "f86d03fb-1b62-4073-9458-17e1dfd8b3ae.jpg"}
As you can see, no credentials. Here is my client-side options code:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
debug: true,
element: document.getElementById('uploader'),
request: {
endpoint: '',
accessKey: 'mykey'
signature: {
endpoint: '/s3signaturehandler'
iframeSupport: {
localBlankPagePath: '/views/blankForIE9Support.html'
cors: {
expected: true,
sendCredentials: true
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: 'success.html'
What am I missing here?
I fixed this by altering my options code in one small way:
signature: {
endpoint: '/s3signaturehandler',
version: 4
I specified version: 4 in the signature section. Not that this is documented anywhere, but apparently the client-side code uses this as a flag for whether or not to send along the key information needed by the server.

Cannot fire Bigcommerce webhooks

so far I've managed to create two webhooks by using their official gem ( with the following events:
The destination URL is a localhost tunnel managed by ngrok (the https) version.
status_update_hook = Bigcommerce::Webhook.create(connection: connection, headers: { is_active: true }, scope: 'store/order/statusUpdated', destination: '')
uninstall_hook = Bigcommerce::Webhook.create(connection: connection, headers: { is_active: true }, scope: 'store/app/uninstalled', destination: '')
The webhooks seems to be active and correctly created as I can retrieve and list them.
I manually created an order in my store dashboard but no matter to which state or how many states I change it, no notification is fired. Am I missing something?
The exception that I'm seeing in the logs is:
ExceptionMessage: true is not a valid header value
The "is-active" flag should be sent as part of the request body--your headers, if you choose to include them, would be an arbitrary key value pair that you can check at runtime to verify the hook's origin.
Here's an example request body:
"scope": "store/order/*",
"headers": {
"X-Custom-Auth-Header": "{secret_auth_password}"
"destination": "",
"is_active": true
Hope this helps!

Changing the "Upload failed" Message

I would like to change the "Upload failed" message to one returned from my server-side processing.
I can see the message I want in the onError callback but I'm not sure how to used that instead of the default message.
Thoughts, examples or further reading advice welcome (new here).
The implementation of what you're trying to do depends on whether you are using Fine Uploader Basic/Core or Regular/UI. This is because UI mode offers some extra goodies for displaying error messages and such.
A few properties/options that may benefit you:
Fine Uploader Basic/Core mode
Message sent to the onError callback if no specific information about the error can be determined. This is used if the server indicates failure in the response but does not include an “error” property in the response and the error code is 200 (XHR only)
var uploader = new qq.FineUploaderBasic({
/* ... */
text: {
defaultResponseError: "Oh noes! Upload fail."
The documentation on 'text'
Fine Uploader Regular/UI mode
failedUploadTextDisplay.mode option
Valid values are “default” (display the text defined in failUploadText next to each failed file), “none” (don’t display any text next to a failed file), and “custom” (display error response text from the server next to the failed file or Blob).
failedUploadTextDisplay.responseProperty option
The property from the server response containing the error text to display next to the failed file or Blob. This is ignored unless mode is “custom”.
var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
/* ... */
text: {
defaultResponseError: "Oh noes! Upload fail."
failedUploadTextDisplay: {
mode: 'custom', // Display error responses from the server.
responseProperty: 'errorMsg' // Default is 'error', change this to match the
// property that contains the error message from
// your server
The documentation on failedUploadTextDisplay
For people who still use FineUploaded and above does not work, that is because the key is not changed to failUpload.
Usage for a custom message on UI end would be
text: {
failUpload: 'Your upload faile message goes here
More details can be found here -
If you want to display the server-side message, you can do it the below way:
failedUploadTextDisplay {
mode: 'custom',
responseProperty: 'server side error key goes here'
If you wish to completely remove it, i.e, not show the message below file if file upload has failed, use below
failedUploadTextDisplay {
mode: 'none'
