rc-update command can not be found in docker gentoo image - gentoo

My docker image is tianon/gentoo-stage3:latest
And my host system is centos7 and my docker version is Docker version 1.6.0, build 4749651
When I run this image , I found I can not use rc-update command. ls -l /sbin/rc* show empty result.
I have no idea what package I need to install.

rc-update is provided by the sys-apps/openrc package. Why you don't have it is a mystery without knowing more about the image / setup. The image may be using systemd, but that doesn't necessarily rule out the openrc package being installed.
You should run: ps -p 1 -o command. That will give you an indication of your init system. If it says systemd, whatever you are trying to do with rc-update should probably be done with the systemctl command instead.
If you are indeed using sysvinit / openrc, I suggest you update your openrc package by emerge -a openrc That will restore the rc-update command.


Docker setup on WSL for a Laravel website

I have entered into the WSL terminal the following command:
docker compose build --no-cache && docker compose up
This is what happened:
I have not downloaded anything outside of Docker on this computer and I have cloned this "backend" from the repository.
I have no experience in Docker or Laravel.
What methods should I start with to fix this?
The option -g in the groupadd command needs to be numerical, you can't use use the word sail.
See Ubuntu's documentation about that command and option here.

Is it possible to install CNTK on a macbook?

It is possible to install Microsoft CNTK on a macbook? I have OS X El Capitan. The official Microsoft documentation at https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/wiki/Setup-CNTK-on-your-machine doesn't provide any information for mac users.
Thank you
As of June 2017, you can only run CNTK on OSX using Docker (which will run a Linux container)
Documentation from Microsoft is available here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cognitive-toolkit/CNTK-Docker-Containers
If you want to run the CPU version of CNTK (as opposed to a GPU enabled) you'll need to pull a particular version of the docker container. See: https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/cntk/
I recommend using the following for CPU CNTK:
docker pull microsoft/cntk:2.0-cpu-python3.5
Once you've pulled the container above, you can use Jupyter Notebooks to look at tutorials etc:
First, run the container:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name cntk-jupyter-notebooks -t microsoft/cntk:2.0-cpu-python3.5
Then run this command:
docker exec -it cntk-jupyter-notebooks bash -c "source /cntk/activate-cntk && jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip= --notebook-dir=/cntk/Tutorials --allow-root"
You'll want to access the shell to run CNTK commands. You can attach a bash shell using docker.
Get your container id
docker ps
Then attach a shell
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
While it might not be supported on Mac directly, you can always use a virtual machine to get around.
You can setup docker in your local environment.
Follow its documentations on how to install on Docker
We currently support both Linux and Windows. Mac support is on our ToDo or would be interested in community contribution.
I'm currently building CNTK on a linux machine without root access, installing every dependency with linuxbrew (a fork of homebrew). So I think is possible to build on MacOS natively. You can try building it from source with CNTK linux manual to build from source. Let me know if you have any issue.

Run a docker image on Windows results in "oci runtime error: exec: "bash": executable file not found in $PATH."

I'm running Docker on Windows ("Docker Toolbox", not "Docker for Windows").
I've built an image with a rails app inside. It works properly on my Mac OS but stucks on production on Windows.
Using Docker 1.12 and docker-machine 0.8.0 on both machines.
When I create a machine and try to run the container from image, I do:
docker run -it myRepo:myTag bash
which opens me a interactive terminal on Mac OS, but Windows 7 and Windows Server 2011 are both responding with:
"Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: exec: "bash":
executable file not found in $PATH."
I use the MINGW64 shell via the Docker Quickstart Terminal but the old cmd.exe returns the same.
Can anybody help me with this issue? I've tried several hours to find a solution but there are too few answers for Windows.
Thank you in advance!
I also use Windows 7 with MINGW64. Here is what I get using nginx as example:
$docker run -it nginx bash
cannot enable tty mode on non tty input
I don't think you can open a tty using MINGW64.
You can try:
$docker run -i nginx bash
You will so no prompt or any indication you are inside the container. Just run ls and it should work inside your container.
Another option is to try to use winpty for the tty:
$ winpty docker run -it myRepo:myTag bash
Have you tried?
$ winpty docker run -it myRepo:myTag /bin/bash
I haven't got the problem you are mentioning but I have seen it before when I was mapping volumes.
If you are mapping volumes using MINGW64, you will need to add an extra / before the local mapping. For example:
docker run -p 8080:80 -v "/$PWD":/var/share/nginx/html nginx
Let me know your findings.

How can I keep a docker debian container open?

I want to use a debian Docker container to test something, and by this I mean execute some commands in the debian bash console. I tried downloading the image using docker pull debian and then running it using docker run debian, but I get no output. What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't the docker container stay open until I close it?
You need to explicitly run bash:
docker run -it debian /bin/bash
The -i means "run interactively", and -t means "allocate a pseudo-tty".
A good place to read a bit more is the section Running an interactive shell in the Quickstart documentation.

TensorFlow docker dev workflow on mac

There is an official guide on how to install it that doesn't say much about actually developing in it.
From what I understand, there is a quite big challenge in developing with Docker in general. Not to mention there could be deeper technical complications about going with it for TensorFlow, maybe mostly thanks to GPUs. So there is a lot of stuff to after pulling the docker image...
Does anyone have a step by step guide on how to get development going here?
You could mount a local directory to the docker container so that you can still use your preferred editor in osx. Here's a command to start the container with a mounted directory and run a command:
docker run --name tensorflow --rm -v /Users/me/Code/web/tensorflow_dev:/tensorflow_dev b.gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow /bin/sh -c 'cd /tensorflow_dev && python mnist.py'
-v will mount the local directory and the -c will run the specified command. So your flow might look like:
Edit python script in your favorite editor
Run the above command to excute your script
However, I actually use pycharm so that I can place breakpoints and run the python script interactively within the editor.
Hope this helps.
