In Oracle, how to list all the tables in *my* schema that *I* created (without having DBA privileges) - oracle

I'm an Oracle11XE user with privileges to create and drop tables and procedures. I create a few tables, then while visiting the restroom, MIB zap me with a memory wipe (I foolishly looked into the light). Returning to sit at my workstation, I realize I need to query the database with my regular user privs, and figure out what that table or tables I created and the DBA has mysteriously gone missing.

You can use USER_TABLES view to get all the tables currently in your schema:
select table_name
from user_tables
If, additionally, you are interested in knowing when the tables were created, then you can use the USER_OBJECTS view where OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'. That view includes the CREATED column.
select object_name, created
from user_objects
where object_type = 'TABLE'


Identify system table in Oracle 11

Is there a way to identify the system tables in Oracle 11g?
If I call SQLTables() API, I will get a list of all tables available. What I'd like is to identify what table is internal Oracle and which one is user-made.
I'm connecting with the system account. (a dba one).
Query e.g. DBA_TABLES (which means that you have access to all tables in that database), using the OWNER column name as filter. For example:
select owner, table_name
from dba_tables
where owner in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM');
For more owners, query DBA_USERS:
select * from dba_users;
and include any you want into the first query.

What Oracle privilege is to be granted to a role so it allows users to see tables in Oracle SQL Developer schema

Using Oracle 12c, I have a role which I have granted basic CRUD operations to using Oracle SQL Developer. The problem is, users of the group can not see the list of tables in Oracle SQL Developer. All they see is the branch that shows a tables node but there is no plus sign to expand and see the tables for the one schema they need to work with. What other privilege needs to be granted to the group so they can see all the table nodes for their schema when using Oracle SQL Developer? Thanks in advance.
If I understood you correctly, you
created a role
granted certain privileges to that role
created bunch of users
granted role (from step 1) to those users
but they still don't see anything.
If that's so, they won't see anything regardless of what you grant - it is because they don't have those objects in theirs schemas.
What you (or they) should/could do is to precede table name with owner name while selecting data from those tables. Suppose that there's a table named EMPLOYEE and your users want to select data from it - they should run select * from robertcode.employee (presuming that user robertcode owns that table)
Although it works, users won't be happy because they don't know table names. Therefore, create a script which they will run in their schemas - that script will create synonyms to your tables.
In order to do that, write query which will create query:
SQL> select 'create synonym ' || table_name || ' for ' || table_name ||';'
2 from user_tables;
create synonym EMP for EMP;
create synonym BONUS for BONUS;
create synonym SALGRADE for SALGRADE;
create synonym DEPT for DEPT;
Copy/paste all those create synonym ... statements into an e-mail message and let them create synonyms for themselves.
They still won't see anything under the Tables node (because those users don't have tables (until they create them in their own schema), but will see something in Synonyms.

Finding tablespace size on oracle without dba_* metatables

I need to find the current tablespace size for a db in Oracle 10g. Looking around, I've found many scripts that determine size using tables like dba_extents, but the database I'm using has none of these dba_* tables.
(I'm using this as a proxy for finding table size, which is complicated because most of the table size is in blobs.)
The DBA_* views are part of the "Static Data Dictionary Views" Generally there are three versions of every view, DBA_ that shows everything, ALL_ that shows what you have access to, and USER_ that will show what you own, and will not have the OWNER column.
For example DBA_TABLES has all tables, ALL_TABLES are the table you can select from, and USER_TABLES are the tables you own.
The views are documented in "Static Data Dictionary Views". A good resource if you need to translate from DBA_ to ALL_ or USER_.
Unfortunately _EXTENTS only comes in a DBA and USER version. So if want information on objects you can access but do not own, you will need to ask your resident DBA for help.
The dba_* views are part of the data dictionary, which exists in every Oracle database. They're in the sys schema, and if you can't query them, it probably just means you don't have SELECT access to them.
If the table you want to check is in your schema, you can replace e.g. dba_extents with user_extents and the query should work.
Here's my suggestion for a script to tell the size of a table in your schema (indexes included):
select segment_name, segment_type, bytes/1024/1024 as size_in_mb
from user_segments
where segment_name = :YOUR_TABLE
or segment_name in (select segment_name from user_lobs where table_name = :YOUR_TABLE)
or segment_name in (select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = :YOUR_TABLE);

SQLDeveloper Trigger Error report - ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I put this code into SQL Developer's Worksheet:
before INSERT
on testDSNa
referencing new as new
for each ROW
I get this:
Error report -
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Would anyone know why? This has worked for 3 previous tables until I tried to run the DDL to create a 4th. Alternatively, is there a better way to set up an autoincrementing PK?
The problem was lack of schema. Oracle Definition of a schema :
Collection of database objects, including logical structures such as
tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, synonyms, indexes,
clusters, and database links. A schema has the name of the user who
controls it.
If you want to know the objects accessible without alias. You have to look on [USER_OBJECTS]. Which describes the relational objects owned by the current user :
If you want to know the objects accessible to the current user :
In your case to see your objects in the list of available tables you need:
You can also alter the session to avoid alias :
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = User;
For priviliges/ roles views you can look at :
The last method but not the most secure to avoid alias. Is to log on with a user that has the same name as the schema.
Hoping that it can help
I was getting the same issue.
Solution: What I observed that my table which I created was surrounded by double quotes, which made it case sensitive.
So for each time I refer to my table, I need to surround it by double quotes.
before INSERT
on "testDSNa"
referencing new as new
for each ROW
refer this link: What exactly do quotation marks around the table name do?

oracle 11g dispaly user created tables

Hi I m new to oracle using 11g exprs edition and familiar with mysql. We can use the below code to display all databases in mysql
show databases;
What is the corresponding command in Oracle. Or how can i display all databases. Also We have
use mydatabase;
to chanage database in mysql. How can i change database in oracle. I tried to display all owners and their tables using the following command
select table_name, owner from all_tables;
It working fine. But when I tried to display tables I have created, by adding a where cluase
select table_name, owner from all_tables where owner='root';
it shows no rows were selected. Why this happens? Also I am facing the same problem with most of the queries when using the where clause. Without where clause it works fine. but when using it, the result is no rows selected for example
select * from all_tab_comments where owner='root';
select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints where table_name='location';
Is there anything special in oracle for where clause or the problem with my query.
Your username is very unlikely to be root; it could however be ROOT, in which case you could do:
select table_name, owner from all_tables where owner='ROOT';
The owner name is case-sensitive, and all objects including users and table names are upper-case by default (unless they're created with double-quotes, which is a bad idea). If you're connected as that user, to see only your own tables you can also do:
select table_name from user_tables;
And there is the dba_tables view which also shows you tables you don't have permissions on, but you can only see that with elevated privileges.
Oracle doesn't have 'databases' in the same sense as other products. You probably means schemas, as the logical grouping of objects. And schemas and users are essentially synonymous.
To get a list of all schemas you can query dba_users (if you have the right privileges), or to get a list of schemas that have objects - as you may have users who only use objects in other schemas - you can do:
select distinct owner from dba_objects;
... or all_objects to again only see things you have permissions for. To see what kind of objects:
select owner, object_type, count(*) from dba_objects group by owner, object_type;
The documentation explains the static data dictionary views which hold all of this information. You won't be able to see all of them though, unless you're connected as a privileged user.
There will be a lot of differences between the two products; you might be better off trying to find a tutorial that works through them rather than using trial and error and trying to understand what's gone wrong at each step. Or at least familiarise yourself with the Oracle documentation so you can research issues.
First, there is going to be a terminology difference when you change platforms. What MySQL calls a "database" is most similar to what Oracle calls a "schema". If you are using Oracle XE, you can only have one database (using Oracle terminology) on the machine. You can have many schemas within that database.
The owner in all_tables is the name of the schema that owns the table. Assuming that you created an Oracle user root (which seems like an odd choice for a database user) and assuming that you did not create a case-sensitive user name in all lower case (which would create a ton of issues down the line), the owner will always be upper-case.
SELECT owner, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE owner = 'ROOT'
In Oracle, you do not generally change from one schema to another. You either fully qualify the table name
FROM schema_name.table_name
or you create synonyms (public or private) for objects that you want to reference
CREATE SYNONYM synonym_name
FOR schema_name.table_name;
FROM synonym_name
If you really want to, however, you can change your current schema for name resolution purposes
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = <<schema name>>
use the view : tabs
select * from tabs;
