Issues in elasticsearch server running in docker - elasticsearch

I am new to Docker. I have developed a webapp that needs elasticsearch server up and running, and the server itself listens for any user request. IN our workflow, we would like to see elasticsearch up and running, then logstash to be able to publish data (by reading the data we have with the help of logstash conf files), and finally launch the webapp we have. I am advised to use docker compose as it helps to compose multiple servers.
SO, we have three sub-directories, one for each es, logstash and webapp.
In my first step, I have in my elasticsearch dockerfile the below lines
FROM elasticsearch:latest
RUN plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Similarly, I have Dockerfile in other sub-directories as well.
I use the command 'docker-compose up' to start the process. Once, ES is built ad logstash will be built. When logstash is being built, it tries to publish data to ES. But it finds here that ES is not up and running.I see connection refused exception. Can someone tell why this error comes? The contents in the Dockerfile is ok?
I think, I am not using docker / docker-compose the way I should use. May be, couple of pointers to learning materials will be helpful. I find plenty but could not relate to the use case I have.

There are two phases when running up. The "build" phase, which runs docker build, and the "run" phase, which runs the equivalent of docker run. During the build phase there is no support for linking to other containers, so you won't be able to connect to them.
An easy solution is to run part of the setup during the "run" phase, but the downside is that it isn't cached and has to be performed each time.
To include it as part of the build phase, you can export the json that needs to be sent to ES, include it as part of the ES build, and then have a step that does something like this:
start es
wait for es to be available
run curl to PUT/POST the data to ES
stop es


Trouble running Elastic agent in a Kubernetes deployment with official Docker image

I'm trying to run only the Elastic agent as a deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. The reason I'm doing this is maybe an atypical usage of the Elastic agent: I only want to deploy the HTTP log endpoint integration and have other pods send logs to this Elastic agent. I'm not using it to collect cluster metrics (so the manifest they supply is not relevant to me).
I'm using the image Apparently, this image needs to write files and directories to /usr/share/elastic-agent/, which at first was leading to errors along the lines of failed: mkdir /usr/share/elastic-agent/state: read-only file system. So, I created an emptyDir volume and mounted it at /usr/share/elastic-agent. Now, that error disappears, but is replaced with a new error:
/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint: line 14: exec: elastic-agent: not found
The entrypoint of the image is
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/tini" "--" "/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint"]
and it is apparently unable to find /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.
A couple questions:
Why is it not finding the elastic-agent executable? It is definitely at that path.
More broadly: I am new to Elasticsearch -- this is only to set up a QA environment meant to test a product feature where we forward data from certain of our services to customers' Elastic Cloud deployments. I thought deploying the agent as a service in the same cluster where these services run would be the least painful way to do this. Is this not a good way to achieve what I describe in the first paragraph?
Assuming I can get the deployment to actually work, is this the way the next steps would go?
Create the "Custom HTTP Endpoint Logs" integration on the agent policy, listening on a given port and on all interfaces.
Map that port to an external port for the pod.
Send data to the pod at that external port.
The issue is that mounting the emptyDir volume to /usr/share overwrites the elastic-agent binary. Remove this volume and set readOnlyRootFilesystem: false.

Elasticsearch local instance

I was wondering if it is possible to distribute an elasticsearch instance packed within some sort of installer to run locally on a client's machine.
I know that elastic is ok to distribute, but I'm looking for some way to pack it up as a dependency in a larger project.
I guess docker container is the best solution for your use case.
You can see this project :
A requirement is the host/workstation targeted must have docker (+ optionnaly docker-composer) installed.
docker-compose allow to package a lot of container for example we could run a multi node cluster + kibana

Creating a Simple Hello World app in Kubernetes

Most software tech has a "Hello World" type example to get started on. With Kubernetes this seems to be lacking.
My scenario cannot be simpler. I have a simple hello world app made with Spring-Boot with one Rest controller that just returns: "Hello Hello!"
After I create my docker file, I build an image like this :
docker build -t helloworld:1.0 .
Then I run it in a container like this :
docker run -p 8080:8080 helloworld:1.0
If I open up a browser now, I can access my application here :
and it returns :
"Hello Hello!"
Great! So far so good.
Next I tag it (my docker-hub is called ollyw123, and the ID of my image is 776...)
docker tag 7769f3792278 ollyw123/helloworld:firsttry
and push :
docker push ollyw123/helloworld
If I log into Docker-Hub I will see
Now I want to connect this to Kubernetes. This is where I have plunged deep into the a state of confusion.
My thinking is, I need to create a cluster. Somehow I need to connect this cluster to my image, and as I understand, I just need to use the URL of the image to connect to (ie.
Next I would have to create a service. This service would then be able to expose my "Hello World!" rest call through some port. This is my logical thinking, and for me this would seem like a very simple thing to do, but the tutorials and documentation on Kubernetes is a mine field of confusion and dead ends.
Following on from the spring-boot kubernetes tutorial ( I have to create a deployment object, and then a service object, and then I have to "apply" it :
kubectl create deployment hello-world-dep --image=ollyw123/helloworld --dry-run -o=yaml > deployment.yaml
kubectl create service clusterip hello-world-dep --tcp=8080:8080 --dry-run -o=yaml >> deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
OK. Now I see a service :
But now what???
How do I push this to the cloud? (eg. gcloud) Do I need to create a cluster first, or is this already a cluster?
What should my next step be?
There are a couple of concepts that we need to go through regarding your question.
The first would be about the "Hello World" app in Kubernetes. Even this existing (as mentioned by Limido in the comments [link]), the app itself is not a Kubernetes app, but an app created in the language of your choice, which was containerized and it is deployed in Kubernetes.
So I would call it (in your case) a Dockerized SpringBoot HelloWorld app.
Okay, now that we have a container we could simply deploy it running docker, but what if your container dies, or you need to scale it up and down, manage volumes, network traffic and a bunch of other things, this starts to become complicated (imagine a real life scenario, with hundreds or even thousands of containers running at the same time). That's exactly where the Container Orchestration comes into place.
Kubernetes helps you managing this complexity, in a single place.
The third concept that I'd like to talk, is the create and apply commands. You can definitely find a more detailed explanation in here, but both of then can be used to create the resource in Kubernetes.
In your case, the create command is not creating the resources, because you are using the --dry-run and adding the output to your deployment file, which you apply later on, but the following command would also create your resource:
kubectl create deployment hello-world-dep --image=ollyw123/helloworld
kubectl create service clusterip hello-world-dep --tcp=8080:8080
Note that even this working, if you need to share this deployment, or commit it in a repository you would need to get it:
kubectl get deployment hello-world-dep -o yaml > your-file.yaml
So having the definition file is really helpful and recommended.
Great... Going further...
When you have a deployment you will also have a number of replicas that is expected to be running (even when you don't define it - the default value is 1). In your case your deployment is managing one pod.
If you run:
kubectl get pods -o wide
You will get your pod hello-world-dep-hash and an IP address. This IP is the IP of your container and you can access your application using it, but as pods are ephemeral, if your pod dies, Kubernetes will create a new one for you (automatically) with a new IP address, so if you have for instance a backend and its IP is constantly changing, you would need to manage this change in the frontend every time you have a new backend pod.
To solve that, Kubernetes has the Service, which will expose the deployment in a persistent way. So if your pod dies and a new one comes back, the address of your service will continue the same, and all the traffic will be automatically routed to your new pod.
When you have more than one replica of your deployment, the service also load balance the load across all the available pods.
Last but not least, your question!
You have asked, now what?
So basically, once you have your application containerized, you can deploy it almost anywhere. There are N different places you can get it. In your case you are running it locally, but you could get your deployment.yaml file and deploy your application in GKE, AKS, EKS, just to quote the biggest ones, but all cloud providers have some type of Kubernetes service available, where you can spin up a cluster and start playing around.
Actually, to play around I'd recommend Katakoda, as they have scenarios for free, and you can use the cluster to play around.
Wow... That was a long answer...
Just to finish, I'd recommend the Network Introduction in Katakoda, as there are different types of Services, depending on your scenario or what you need, and the tutorial is goes through the different types in a hands-on approach.
In the context of Kubernetes, Cluster is the environment where your PODS and Services are running. Think of it like a VM environment where you setup your Web Server and etc.. (although I don't like my own analogy)
If you want to run the same thing in GCloud, then you create a Kubernetes cluster there and all you need to do is to apply your YAML files that contains the Service and Deployment there via the CLI that Google Cloud provides to interact with your Cluster.
In order to interact with GCloud GKS Cluster via your local command prompt, you need to get the credentials for that cluster. This official GCloud document explain how to retrieve your cluster credential. once done, you can start interacting with the Kubernetes instance running in GCloud via kubectl command using your command prompt.
The service that you have is of type clusterIP which is only accessible from within the kubernetes cluster. You need to either use NodePort or LoadBalanacer type service or ingress to expose the application outside the remote kubernetes cluster(a set of VMs or bare metal servers in public or private cloud environment with kubernetes deployed on them) or local minikube/docker desktop. Once you do that you should be able to access it using a browser or curl

Running netflix conductor with standalone elastic search?

How to configure Netflix conductor to run standalone elastic search rather than embedded elastic search ?
if you have a just make sure you have these pointing to the valid elasticsearch you have up and running:
Then should be able to run conductor up with that config:
java conductor-server-2.15.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
You can inspect this as an example, swapping the elastic container by your own, modifying the It will be copied in when you run:
check out
inside the repo just do
docker-compose up
Check out for other options.
To add external elastic search we need to follow code changes as mentioned in
below link.
And rebuild jar and run conductor server again with properties.
if you still get errors , I suggest to follow below link
You can use the standalone installation of elasticsearch2 or elasticsearch5 because the associated support classes are already provided with Netflix Conductor binary.
To configure externally you have to do the following
Install and configure standalone elasticsearch. By default the
installation would expose 2 ports 9200/http or 9300/tcp.
Update file with the host and port so that the
communication will start happening with the standalone instance of
Hope this helps.

New Relic log when running elasticsearch daemon

I installed the New Relic java agent with elasticsearch (Not the elasticsearch new-relic plugin, mind you).
when running elasticsearch with either:
sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch
sudo service elasticsearch start
It works fine, and the data flows to my dashboard.
However, whern running as a service, the logfile in /usr/share/elasticsearch/newrelic/log is not written to, so I cannot debug what is happening to new relic.
Any idea why?
But why do you need to see the NewRelic agent's log in the first place? For what it's worth, you may want to be aware of
