Jenkins plugin auto import - bash

Fairly new to the use of Jenkins, but I am looking for a way to get test results and feed it back into Jenkins.
What this means is, I have a bash scripts that collects metrics on a number of applications and checks to see whether or not the files exist. I collect this data to a plain text file, basically with counters 1/5, 2/5, 5/10 etc.
The output can be however I want it, but I was wondering if there is a good/clean process that can take this data file and output it nicely inside of Jenkins web interface?
We also use Trac as well.. so if there is a Trac plugin that can do something similar, that would be good too.

The best practices would say to escape them and use them as parameters to a parameterized jenkins build or a file save/capture. Parameters are finicky and subject to url encoding, so I would personally do file passing using a shared filesystem such as S3. Your best bet is


Go CD failure message available in environment

There is a list of env variables available for GoCD at:
However I'm looking for something like: GO_BUILD_ERROR or similar.
I would like to have the failure reason or message when a build fails to pass this to an external script or message.
There seems to be nothing in the documentation.
GoCD doesn't have any such variables. The reason I feel is mostly because GoCD is very generic in terms of what commands constitute a build for a material. You might want to parse the logs manually to figure that out.
Also in the context of GoCD environment variables are used as input to the stages and not as output from them. If you're planning to build a plugin / wrapper for the commands that run consider storing them as properties in the jobs that way they can also be queried upon later if required.

Google Cloud Logs Export Names

Is there a way to configure the names of the files exported from Logging?
Currently the file exported includes colons. This are invalid characters as a path element in hadoop, so PySpark for instance cannot read these files. Obviously the easy solution is to rename the files, but this interferes with syncing.
Is there a way to configure the names or change them to no include colons? Any other solutions are appreciated. Thanks!
At this time, there is no way to change the naming convention when exporting log files as this process is automated on the backend.
If you would like to request to have this feature available in GCP, I would suggest creating a PIT. This page allows you to report bugs and request new features to be implemented within GCP.

Store data in selenium webdriver

Im looking for a way to store data in selenium for use in future tests.
Im using jenkins, maven + selenium and testng.
How can i store some data, lets say i want to run test, get some data from website (weather forecast). Store it somewhere and next day run test to check if forecast match todays weather.
I can store it in txt file, and parse by regex but im sure there is better way to do it?
You have to consider what "selenium webdriver" is in this context. It is a Java app. It "exists" only when it is running. Once the run stops, it is purged from memory, including all data it held. If you are using JUnit or TestNG (as you specified), then this data is purged even more frequently: after every the class.
To accomplish what you are asking, you will need something external to your tests. You can certainly utilize a txt file as you suggested. A spreadsheet might do for your purposes. Most applications utilize an entire database.
You also mentioned Jenkins. This will make the external storage a more interesting problem, as Jenkins often purges the current working directory before each run.

Hudson - how to trigger a build via file using the filename and file contents

Currently I'm working in a continuous integration server solution using Hudson.
Now I'm looking for a build job which will be triggered every time it finds a file in a specific directory.
I've found some plugins which allow Hudson to watch and poll files from a directory (File Found Trigger, FSTrigger and SCM File Trigger) but none of them allow me to get the filename and file contents from the file found and use these values during the build execution (My idea would pass these values to a shell script)
Do you guys know if this is something possible to do via any other Hudson plugin? or maybe I'm missing something.
Two valid solutions:
As suggested by Christopher, read the values from the file via Shell/Batch commands at the beginning of your build-script.(The downside is that Hudson will not be aware of those values in any way)
Use the Envfile Plugin to read the content of the file and interperate it as a set of key-value pairs.
Note that if the File Found Trigger "eats" the flag-file, you may need to create two files -
one to hold the key-value pairs and another to serve as a flag for the File Found Trigger.

How to trigger a hudson job by another job which is in a different hudson

I have job A in Hudson A and Job B in Hudson B. I want to trigger job A by Job B.
In your job B configuration, check the Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) checkbox and provide a token.
The help text there shows you the URL you can call to trigger a build from remote scripts (e.g. from a shell script in Hudson job A).
However, that would trigger job B no matter what the result of job A is.
Morechilli's answer is probably the best solution.
I haven't used Hudson but I would guess your simplest approach would be to use the URL trigger:
I think there is a latest build url that could be used for this.
In the latest versions of Hudson, the lastSuccessfultBuild/ HTML page will contain the elapased time since it was built, which will be different for each call. This causes the URL Change Trigger to spin.
One fix is to use the xml, json, or python APIs to request only a subset of the information. Using the 'tree' request parameter, the following URL will return an XML document containing only the build number of the last successful build.
Using this URL restored the behavior I expected from the URL Change Trigger.
Personally, I find the easiest way to do this is to watch the build timestamp:
I'm using wget to trigger the build:
wget --post-data 'it-just-need-to-be-a-POST-request'
--auth-no-challenge --http-user=myuser --http-password=mypassword
There's other ways how you can trigger a build, see the REST and other APIs of jenkins.
But this works great on unix.
