Checking the version of an ipython library from Terminal? - terminal

I'm using iPython from the Anaconda distribution and I want to know how to check the version of some of the libraries from Terminal (using Mac), for example scikit_learn, but don't know the commands...
could someone advise? Thanks!

With anaconda, you can find information about the version with the following command:
conda list <package name>
for instance:
conda list scipy
will return (on my system, from my default environment)
# packages in environment at /Users/reblochonmasque/anaconda3:
scipy 0.15.1 np19py34_0
for your specific question, use:
conda list scikit-learn
To find what versions are available for your system, use:
conda info scikit-learn
if you find that you need to update the library, first update conda
conda update conda
then, updating anaconda will update all your libraries (those installed by conda)
conda update anaconda
if you only want to update this specific library (but you may have to deal with dependencies)
conda update -n <environment name> scikit_learn
If you ever need to revert to a previous version:
first find out the history of the versions you updated to
conda list -r scikit-learn
then choose the revision you want to revert to (the number will be from the list given by the command above):
conda install --revision=4 scikit-learn


Installing networkx v2.4 for python3.7 via anaconda on Windows 10

I installed Anaconda3 (version 2019.10-Windowsx86_64) on my PC last week. It comes with networkx v2.3, but I would like to upgrade to v2.4, which should be available on Anaconda according to conda search and Anaconda's website.
I first tried the Anaconda navigator, but can't get it to work. It indicates that networkx can be updated. However, when I click Apply the navigator spends a bit of time "solving package specifications" and then gives me the empty pop-up shown below.
I also tried using conda prompt. Using conda install networkx, conda update networkx, conda install -c anaconda networkx does not result in v2.4 being installed. I also tried conda install networkx=2.4, which takes forever and then reports a very long list of package conflicts. I find this confusing because I just installed Anaconda and haven't tampered with any configs yet.
Grateful for any help on understanding what is going on and how I can attempt to fix it!
I also tried conda install networkx=2.4, which takes forever and then reports a very long list of package conflicts.
This is the key here. anaconda comes with many packages pre-installed and some of these might depend on networkx==2.3 since they might not be compatible with the newest version.
What you can do is create a new environment that has the required version of networkx:
conda create -n myenv python=<your desired python version> networkx==2.4
which will create a new environment where you can only install the packages that you need and make sure that networkx==0.24 is satisfied.
You can try this in jupyter notebook in case you are working on jupyter notebook.
!pip install networkx==2.4
I had 2.5 v installed. But something wasn't working and had to degrade it to 2.4 and above method worked.
Try this:
pip install --upgrade networkx

Why anaconda3 install python 2.7

I downloaded and installed Anaconda3-2019.03-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg which should normally install python 3.7. But oddly this is not the case :
(base) iMac-de-Bibi:~ ac$ which python
(base) iMac-de-Bibi:~ ac$ /Users/ac/anaconda3/bin/python --version
Python 2.7.16 :: Anaconda, Inc
Any help would be appreciated
Note : it's my first anaconda installation on this machine
You might have mistakenly downloaded and installed the wrong Anaconda distribution.
You might have changed the Python version in the base environment after the initial installation, by doing something like this:
conda activate base
conda install python=2.7
Update: As reported in a comment, installing pyside downgrades Python.
Have you correctly activated the base environment, and not messed with PATH or PYTHONPATH? I'm not sure about it, but python might be a script that calls the actual Python interpreter. It could pick the wrong one if search paths are off.
In general, I recommend to install Miniconda and create custom environments. Then you can choose whichever Python version you want for each environment, and don't care which one is in the base environment.

The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully

I tried to update or install new packages from anaconda and lately, this message has appeared:
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following package are causing the inconsistency:
- defaults/win-32::anaconda==5.3.1=py37_0
I tried with conda clean --all and then conda update --all but it persists.
Conda Info
active environment : base
active env location : C:\Users\NAME\Continuum
shell level : 1
user config file : C:\Users\NAME\.condarc
populated config files : C:\Users\NAME\.condarc
conda version : 4.6.11
conda-build version : 3.17.7
python version :
base environment : C:\Users\NAME\Continuum (writable)
channel URLs :
package cache : C:\Users\NAME\Continuum\pkgs
envs directories : C:\Users\NAME\Continuum\envs
platform : win-32
user-agent : conda/4.6.11 requests/2.21.0 CPython/3.7.3 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17763
administrator : False
netrc file : None
offline mode : False
I had faced the same problem. Simply running
conda install anaconda
solved the problem for me.
saw this on Google Groups
This message was added in conda 4.6.9, previously there was no indication when conda detected an inconsistent environment unless conda was run in debug mode. It is likely that your environment was inconsistent for some time but the upgrade to conda made it visible. The best option it to run "conda install package_name" for the inconsistent packages to let conda try to restore consistency.
and it really works for me.
Maybe you should try conda install anaconda in your situation.
The inconsistencies are caused due to different versions of the packages, and their clashing dependencies.
conda update --all
This command updates all the packages, and then conda solves the inconsistency on its own.
Had this same problem and none of the other solutions worked for me. Ended up having to uninstall and reinstall conda, then reinstall all of my libraries.
Ultimate solutions:
conda activate base
conda install anaconda
conda update --all
Works on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 (credits to #MF.OX for ubuntu).
Removed following problems for me:
The environment is inconsistent
WARNING conda.base.context:use_only_tar_bz2(632)
If the other solutions don't work, reverting the environment can fix this.
Use conda list --revisions, pick a revision number, and use conda install --revision [#] going back step-by-step until everything works again.
Given a situation like the following,
> conda update -c intel --all
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: |
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following packages are causing the inconsistency:
- intel/win-64::ipython==6.3.1=py36_3
- intel/win-64::prompt_toolkit==1.0.15=py36_2
As mentioned in other answers, the idea is to have some sort of re-installation to occur for the inconsistent packages.
Thus, with a few copy-&-paste's, you could:
> conda install intel/win-64::ipython==6.3.1=py36_3
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: /
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following packages are causing the inconsistency:
- intel/win-64::ipython==6.3.1=py36_3
- intel/win-64::prompt_toolkit==1.0.15=py36_2
## Package Plan ##
environment location: c:\conda
added / updated specs:
- ipython
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
jedi intel/win-64::jedi-0.12.0-py36_2
parso intel/win-64::parso-0.2.0-py36_2
pygments intel/win-64::pygments-2.2.0-py36_5
wcwidth intel/win-64::wcwidth-0.1.7-py36_6
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
(and you would have to repeat for all the packages)
My “Shortcut”
Alternatively, cook up an (ugly) one-liner (this should work for Windows as well as other platforms)
Note: by "ORIGINAL_COMMAND", I'm referring to any command that gives you the error message (without any other side-effects, ideally)
<ORIGINAL_COMMAND> 2>&1 | python -c "import sys,re,conda.cli; conda.cli.main('conda','install','-y',*re.findall(r'^\s*-\s*(\S+)$',,re.MULTILINE))"
Expanding the above one-liner:
from re import findall, MULTILINE
from sys import stdin
from conda.cli import main
"conda", "install", "-y",
"--force", # Maybe add a '--force'/'--force-reinstall' (I didn't add it for the one-liner above)
*findall(r"^\s*-\s*(\S+)$",, MULTILINE) # Here are the offenders
I was getting an environment is inconsistent error when I tried to update my base conda environment. I'm using miniconda. Unfortunately, none of the answers above worked for me.
What did work for me was:
conda activate base
conda install conda --force-reinstall
conda install conda --force-reinstall
conda update --all
(Yes, for some reason it was necessary to run conda install conda --force-reinstall twice!)
The command conda install -c anaconda anaconda did the trick for me. For my setup, I need to specify the channel otherwise it would not work. After running the command in the terminal, I was prompted to update a list of packages that was found to be inconsistent. Without this step, I was not able to install or update any packages with conda install <package_name> or conda update <package_name respectively.
What worked for me was to
`conda remove <offending_packagename>`,
`conda update --all`
and then finally
`conda install <offending_packagename>`.
I had this problem for ages. The conda install anaconda might work, but it takes just way too long -- more than 24 hours on my machine.
Here is a solution that worked for me in under 5 minutes:
Remove all the unneeded packages -- being careful to leave the ones that are essential for conda to operate.
Then, use conda install anaconda.
But how?? there is a lot of them!
This is what I have done:
Make a fresh envinroment with python, fairly bare-bone. then, list the packages in there:
conda create -n fresh python
conda activate fresh
conda list
Save the output, you will need it.
1b. go back to the base envinroment:
conda deactivate
use the following snippet to generate a conda command that will remove all the inconsistent packages:
(good packages are)
exclusion_text = '''
_libgcc_mutex 0.1 main
_openmp_mutex 4.5 1_gnu
anyio 2.2.0 py39h06a4308_1
argon2-cffi 20.1.0 py39h27cfd23_1
async_generator 1.10 pyhd3eb1b0_0
... and more! get this from a good environment.
Note the usage of triple quotes (''') to use a multiline-string in python.
bad_packages_text = '''
-> py36_0.tar.bz2/linux-64::spyder==3.2.6=py36_0
- defaults/noarch::jupyterlab_server==1.1.4=py_0
- defaults/linux-64::argh==0.26.2=py37_0
... and more! get this by copy-pasting the "The following packages are causing the inconsistency." message.
then, in python, process this:
exclusions = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in exclusion_text_lines if line !='']
bad_packages_lines = bad_packages_text.split('\n')
bad_packages = [line.split('::')[1].split('==')[0] for line in bad_packages_lines if line!='']
exclusions.append('conda') # make sure!
finally, construct the life-saving command:
command_line = 'conda remove '
for bad_package in bad_packages:
if bad_package not in exclusions:
command_line = f'{command_line} {bad_package}'
Since in solving the environment, all the packages on the remove list can be ignored, conda no longer needs to consider their versions, and the process is fast.
Possibly someone can refactor this method to make it easier -- or better yet, upgrade conda to enable quick reset base command.
This worked for me -- it took me longer to write this post than to execute these actions.
Good luck!
To those of us who have miniconda and can't/don't want to install anaconda: the accepted answer works when adapted.
conda install conda
conda update --all
Would have commented, but my rep is too low.
conda install anaconda
conda clean --all
conda update --all
fix the problem for me
To solve this message I had to run conda update --all in my base environment three times after each other.
Every time the number of inconsistent packages decreased until conda said:
# All requested packages already installed.
I'm on macOS Big Sur 11.6 using conda version 4.10.3.
In my case, none of the above worked. But this did the trick in less than a minute:
1- I downloaded again the lastest installer (miniconda in my case)
2- Run the installer with the -u option:
bash -u
3- Answer yes to all questions and let the installer finish
4- Then I could run conda update conda -all
Hope this helps...
You probably installed anaconda with python 2.7 but later you used python 3.x. Thus, you are getting an error message. In my case, I solved the problem by activating anaconda with python 2.7:
conda create --name py2 python=2.7
Try to have a look to the environment management
By using something along the lines
conda create --name astra python=3.5
conda activate astra
conda install -c astra-toolbox astra-toolbox
You can see that you can even specify target python version. Now play with the new packages installed. When unsatisfied, you can always do
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n astra
If you install everything to the base env and something gets broken, then probably better is not to install conda at all and go with default python managing it through pip.
In my environment.
conda install anaconda
conda update --all
Then it works correctly.

Unable to open h2o in anaconda

after following the instruction in, I was able to install h2o v I was also able to use command line instructions mentioned in the above website and test that it is working.
import h2o
However, when I launch anaconda spyder, I am not able to import h2o. How do I link the h2o I have installed and bring it into Spyder python?
I have already tried {conda install -c anaconda h2o } which is mentioned on, but that installs older ver 3.10 of h2o and that did not work either.
thanks for your help.
I believe the problem is due to your python environment. When you install Anaconda, you need to use anaconda pip, to ensure that the installed packages are available in conda.
The short answer is you can install the lastest stable version of H2O ( as of today) using conda via h2oai channel instead of anaconda channel (h2o maintains it's own channel):
conda install -c h2oai h2o
this should solve your issue.
But more generally, the packages will appear in conda if you use anaconda pip. You can check which pip is being used by doing
which pip
and making sure that the path to the pip is within your anaconda distribution; something like /home/<userdir>/anaconda/bin/pip instead of /usr/bin/pip
Same is true also for Python. Try checking if starting Python in terminal points to anaconda Python by doing which python. If that's not the case, than you would need to add the conda installation of Python to your PATH variable. Please refer to conda docs for instructions
It would have been helpful if you had included information regarding your operating system in the question.

How to update anaconda's version in pyenv

I'd like to know how to update anaconda in pyenv, inheriting third-party modules I installed to the former version.
I'm now using anaconda3-2.5.0 and would like to use anaconda3-4.0.0. I manage it with pyenv. If I just install the new version via pyenv, is the third party modules I installed inherited to the new version? How can I do that? Should I be careful to make a list of modules I installed, whenever I install a new module, in order to reinstall them at once to the environment(version).
Sorry for my poor English.
Updating your existing python env isn't something pyenv can help you with, but it can help you manage a new python env using the latest Anaconda, and then you can reformulate that too match your needs.
There are two ways you could approach this problem;
update your anaconda3-2.5.0 in place
create a new anaconda3-4.0.0 and re-install what you need there.
Personally I prefer the second option as you can ensure that you environment is reproducible (for instance if you need to work on a new machine or with another developer), but I'll demonstrate both methods.
1. inplace update
Just use conda to update all your packages (including anaconda):
$ conda update -n <the name of your env> anaconda
$ conda update -n <the name of your env> python package_a package_b ...
pyenv will still believe that anaconda3-2.5.0 is installed, but you'll know better.
2. new install
First get a record of what you've already installed in your python environment;
$ conda list --export > conda-requirements.txt
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Then install the desired (new) python interpreter in pyenv
$ pyenv install anaconda3-4.0.0
and finally re-create your env setup
$ conda create -n <new env name> --file conda-requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
