iOS - App icon is not showing in Watch Companion app - xcode

For some reason my icon of app has never appeared in companion app for Apple Watch.
Icon is appearing in iPhone and Apple Watch Dashboard.
I have provided 58*58(29*29#2x) and 76*76(29*29#3x) which are required for Companion Settings.
From Target Watch, i have selected my asset for Apple Watch.
After doing all that still the icon is not appearing in Companion Settings. What i need to do to make it appear?

The WatchKit does not share the Images.xcassets file from the main target app.
When adding a WatchKit to your project, it will create 2 folders <projectname> WatchKit Extension & <projectname> WatchKit App.
You will need to add the Icons for the watch in the Images.xcassets file in the WatchKit App folder.
This should solve your problem.

I didn't find anything regarding this issue elsewhere. Resetting the iPhone and Watch 1-2 times solved this problem.

I found my project show watch companion app icon right on iOS9.2, but doesn't show the icon on iOS9.1. you can update you IOS version to 9.2,then check if the icon show.


Archived macOS app launches with blank window

I have a macOS app with a ViewController that renames and resizes the app window, has several buttons, and a WKWebView that loads a default webpage on launch.
The project itself is an .xcworkspace file, since it includes the CocoaPod SwiftSoup for HTML scraping.
The app runs great in the simulator. When it launches, it looks like this:
I want to run this app on my Mac outside of Xcode. I am not planning on releasing it to the App Store, it is just for my personal use.
I archive the project with Products > Archive, then select "Distribute App", then "Copy App" to create a directory with the archived app. This all works great.
When I launch the app, I just get an incorrectly sized blank title-less window, without the buttons or WKWebView from my Storyboard:
The app isn't hanging. I can open the "About" menu item, etc., so I know the app is running. it just doesn't seem to be using my Storyboard to draw the UI.
What would cause an archived app to differ from the app running in the simulator?
The funny thing is that I WAS able to archive this same app back in November under High Sierra, so I'm guessing the issue is either Cocoa Pods and/or Mojave related.
My debugging leads me to suspect either CocoaPods or Mojave related
My debug:
1) While debugging, I restored a version of the project from November. When I archive that restored project, I get the same blank non running app.
2) I AM able to archive another brand new project that doesn't use Cocoa Pods, so my guess is that this is either CocoaPods and/or Mojave related issue...
Any suggestions on how to proceed debugging, or help resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
I am using Xcode 10.2.1 under Mojave 10.14.5.
This problem is caused by WKWebView.
So, you need remove WKWebView from IB and then create it with code and add it to the view.

Watch app - can't see simulators under active schemes

I've created a Watch App in XCode, blank app, can't see the scheme to launch watch simulator.
I've also looked into settings under build/Architecture etc. and changed them from iOS to watchOS but still unable to get it working.
The question, how to make this test project run in a watch simulator. (screenshot 1)
on a side note, under WatchFramework I do see simulators. (screenshot 2)
I've had this happen sometimes when switching between Xcode betas.
Have a look under Build Settings and Deployment for the Watch App Target and make sure the correct version of watchOS is selected.
Also double check SWIFT_VERSION and TARGET_DEVICE at the bottom under User-Defined

Xcode9 WARNING ITEMS-90704, ERROR ITMS-90022

ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not
contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120'
pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a
1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the
Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review."
I set the appropriate image (PNG format) in all fields of the xcassets file.
But one error and warning comes out.
Xcode 9.0 release version
Xcode 9 has new icon sizes. Please check the Images.xcassets file: AppIcon
In my case, it indicates a missing of AppStore Icon;
Xcode9 added a new icon in AppIcon called App Store iOS 1024pt, so add the icon missing resolved this issue.
In my case, the 90704 message said, "iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review." This indicates that having the store icon as part of the store listing as I've always had it is enough. But Apple wouldn't accept my app until I also added the store icon to the app itself (in the AppIcon asset catalog).
My app has a watch extension, and I also had to add the store icon to the watch extension's asset catalog.
Don't forget to increment your build number after adding the icons, or Apple will then reject the app for having a duplicate build number.
We had this issue when tried to submit the app from macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
Everything was okay when we switched to stable macOS 10.12.6
Probably it's a bug of APFS/Xcode 9/CocoaPods...
You can archive your application by Xcode 9 and upload this archive by Xcode 8. Or you can edit Info.plist file in the archive and switch the value of field 'BuildMachineOSBuild' to 16A323. Why this? I don't know, but it works. I found this solution here:
After uploading you see only warning.
Probably Apple fixed this bug. Now my archives are uploaded correctly without any modifications.

app icon is missing for iTunes app accelerator in Xcode Organizer (appcelerator)

When I build my titanium app in appcelerator, the app icon is missing from the organiser when I build it for app store submission
How can I resolve this thanks
In itunes connect, this is how it appears after I select the build:
Icon is missing.
Yes we need to have the iTunesArtwork(512X512) and iTunesArtwork#2x(1024X1024) in the folder Resource->iphone-> here we need to have that 2 files.
I've met the same problem recently. I don't know the real reason behind that, but I find that if I change the extension of the image file directly from jpg to png, the AppIcon will not show in the organizer. However, if I open the image with the preview application, export png version of the image and add it to Xcode, the AppIcon will show in the organizer.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
Do you have the iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork#2x images in the root of your Titanium project? They are simply png images without the extension. They go in the same folder as the tiapp.xml.
Check alpha channel for all app icons. If alpha channel is exist then just remove alpha channel and then try it.
For iOS Only
If you are using Ti SDK >= 5.0.0 GA you must make an Icon called DefaultIcon.png and Ti will make all icons you want automatically !.
You are recommended to add a 1024 x 1024 PNG image, named DefaultIcon.png placed in the project's root folder, which is used to generate all or only omitted icons for the project. New Titanium projects will have the DefaultIcon.png file.
For iOS and Android it`s awesome tool from

Xcode 6.2 and watch device in simulator

In Xcode 6.2 and just testing the initial build of a watch app with no buttons, labels, text fields, just insuring that a blank app runs after adding the WatchApp as the target and selecting the watch in simulator hardware I get the following error.
Asset Catalog set AppIcon has an unassinged image and
Ambiguous Content The app icon set "ApplIcon has unassigned image.
The simulator pops up with both the IPhone 6 and Watch images but I get these two errors
This is a known issue, please see Xcode 6.2 Release Notes
When creating a new Apple Watch app target, the newly created asset
catalog includes an "Unassigned" slot in the catalog's app icon.
Select the "Unassigned" slot and delete it using the Delete key.
The same is - at this moment- in Xcode 6.3.
