How to add escape sequence to String variables? - ruby

When adding one escape character to string and printing the output does not replace escape character in the output string
indent = '\t'
message = 'Hello there'
message = "#{indent} #{message}"
From the above code output printed is as below
\t Hello there
What is wrong with this code? What is the way to achieve the intended output?

You have to use " instead ' in:
indent = '\t'
irb(main):001:0> indent = '\t'
=> "\\t"
irb(main):002:0> indent = "\t"
=> "\t"


Replacing escape quotes with just quotes in a string

So I'm having an issue replacing \" in a string.
My Objective:
Given a string, if there's an escaped quote in the string, replace it with just a quote
So for example:
"hello\"74" would be "hello"74"
simp"\"sons would be simp"sons
jump98" would be jump98"
I'm currently trying this: but obviously that doesn't work and messes everything up, any assistance would be awesome
str.replace "\\"", "\""
I guess you are being mistaken by how \ works. You can never define a string as
a = "hello"74"
Also escape character is used only while defining the variable its not part of the value. Eg:
a = "hello\"74"
# => "hello\"74"
puts a
# hello"74
However in-case my above assumption is incorrect following example should help you:
a = 'hello\"74'
# => "hello\\\"74"
puts a
# hello\"74
# => "hello\"74"
puts a
# hello"74
The above gsub will replace all instances of \ however OP needs only to replace '" with ". Following should do the trick:
# => "hello\"74"
puts a
# hello"74
You can use gsub:
word = 'simp"\"sons';
print word.gsub(/\\"/, '"');
//=> simp""sons
I'm currently trying str.replace "\\"", "\"" but obviously that doesn't work and messes everything up, any assistance would be awesome
str.replace "\\"", "\"" doesn't work for two reasons:
It's the wrong method. String#replace replaces the entire string, you are looking for String#gsub.
"\\"" is incorrect: " starts the string, \\ is a backslash (correctly escaped) and " ends the string. The last " starts a new string.
You have to either escape the double quote:
puts "\\\"" #=> \"
Or use single quotes:
puts '\\"' #=> \"
content = <<-EOF
puts content.gsub('\\"', '"')

Replace string characters with a single comma

I want to remove unwanted symbols from this string:
myString ="##106#107#Hello##106#World##")
and separate each word with a comma. The desired result is:
"Hello, World"
Any ideas on how to achieve my desired result? What I tried is this:
myString.gsub!(/[##0123456789]/, ',')
print myString + "\n"
# => ",,,,,,,,,,Hello,,,,,,World,,"
There are a couple of ways:
myString.scan(/[a-zA-Z]+/).join(', ')
=> "Hello, World"
myString.gsub(/(\A)?[^a-zA-Z]+(\z)?/){$1 || $2 ? "" : ", "}
# => "Hello, World"

How to use Ruby's gsub function to replace excessive '\n' on a string

I have this string:
string = "SEGUNDA A SEXTA\n05:24 \n05:48\n06:12\n06:36\n07:00\n07:24\n07:48\n\n08:12 \n08:36\n09:00\n09:24\n09:48\n10:12\n10:36\n11:00 \n11:24\n11:48\n12:12\n12:36\n13:00\n13:24\n13:48 \n14:12\n14:36\n15:00\n15:24\n15:48\n16:12\n16:36 \n17:00\n17:24\n17:48\n18:12\n18:36\n19:00\n19:48 \n20:36\n21:24\n22:26\n23:15\n00:00\n"
And I'd like to replace all \n\n occurrences to only one \n and if it's possible I'd like to remove also all " " (spaces) between the numbers and the newline character \n
I'm trying to do:
string.gsub(/\n\n/, '\n')
but it is replacing \n\n by \\n
Can anyone help me?
The real reason is because single quoted sting doesn't escape special characters (like \n).
string.gsub(/\n/, '\n')
It replaces one single character \n with two characters '\' and 'n'
You can see the difference by printing the string:
[302] pry(main)> puts '\n'
=> nil
[303] pry(main)> puts "\n"
=> nil
[304] pry(main)> string = '\n'
=> "\\n"
[305] pry(main)> string = "\n"
=> "\n"
I think you're looking for:
string.gsub( / *\n+/, "\n" )
This searches for zero or more spaces followed by one or more newlines, and replaces the match with a single newline.

Why does '\n' not work, and what does $/ mean?

Why doesn't this code work:
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = '\n') {|s| p s}
while this works?
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = $/) {|s| p s}
A 10 second google yielded this:
$/ is the input record separator, newline by default.
The first one doesn't work because you used single quotes. Backslash escape sequences are ignored in single quoted strings. Use double quotes instead:
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = "\n") {|s| p s}
First, newline is the default. All you need is
"hello \nworld".each_line {|s| p s}
Secondly, single quotes behave differently than double quotes. '\n' means a literal backslash followed by the letter n, whereas "\n" means the newline character.
Last, the special variable $/ is the record separator which is "\n" by default, which is why you don't need to specify the separator in the above example.
Simple gsub! your string with valid "\n" new line character:
text = 'hello \nworld'
text.gsub!('\n', "\n")
After that \n character will act like newline character.

How to add string "\n" literally at the end of each line in Ruby?

Here is a string str:
str = "line1
We would like to add string "\n" to the end of each line:
str = "line1 \n
line2 \n
line3 \n"
A method is defined:
def mod_line(str)
s = ""
str.each_line do |l|
s += l + '\\n'
The problem is that '\n' is a line feed and was not added to the end of the str even with escape \. What's the right way to add '\n' literally to each line?
String#gsub/String#gsub! plus a very simple regular expression can be used to achieve that:
str = "line1
str.gsub!(/$/, ' \n')
puts str
line1 \n
line2 \n
line3 \n
The platform-independent solution:
str.gsub(/\R/) { " \\n#{$~}" }
It will search for line-feeds/carriage-returns and replace them with themselves, prepended by \n.
\n needs to be interpreted as a special character. You need to put it in double quotes.
Your attempt:
only escapes the backslash, which is actually redundant. With or without escaping on the backslash, it gives you a backslash followed by the letter n.
Also, your method mod_line returns the result of str.each_line, which is the original string str. You need to return the modified string s:
def mod_line(str)
And by the way, be aware that each line of the original string already has "\n" at the end of each line, so you are adding the second "\n" to each line (making it two lines).
This is the closest I got to it.
def mod_line(str)
s = ""
str.each_line do |l|
s += l
p s
Using p instead of puts leaves the \n on the end of each line.
