lsort -unique -command for objects - sorting

I have a list of rectangles, and, I need to report an error if there are overlapping ones.
So, I've decided to use lsort -command to sort my list and, then, compare new and old lists' lengths. If they're not equal, then, there are overlapping rectangles.
Here is the piece of code that does the work:
package require Itcl
::itcl::class Region {
public method print { name } {
puts "$name: $x1_ $y1_ $x2_ $y2_"
public method X1 { } { return $x1_ }
public method Y1 { } { return $y1_ }
public method X2 { } { return $x2_ }
public method Y2 { } { return $y2_ }
# The x1 coordinate of the region
public variable x1_ ""
# The y1 coordinate of the region
public variable y1_ ""
# The x2 coordinate of the region
public variable x2_ ""
# The y2 coordinate of the region
public variable y2_ ""
# two regions will be equal <=> when they overlap each other
proc compareRegs { region1 region2 } {
return [ expr {[$region1 X2] <= [$region2 X1] || [$region1 Y2] <= [$region2 Y1] } ]
# reg1 and reg2 don't overlap
Region reg1
reg1 configure -x1_ 5.5 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 6.5 -y2_ 5.7014
Region reg2
reg2 configure -x1_ 3.567 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 3.767 -y2_ 5.7014
# reg2 = reg3
Region reg3
reg3 configure -x1_ 3.567 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 3.767 -y2_ 5.7014
# create a usual list
set myList { reg1 reg2 reg3 }
# sort the list
set mySortedList [lsort -unique -command compareRegs $myList]
puts "start mySortedList"
foreach reg $mySortedList {
$reg print "reg"
puts "end mySortedList"
# mySortedList = {reg2}
if { [llength $mySortedList] != [llength $myList] } {
puts "ERROR: Regions must not overlap"
# let's see what's going on
# reg2 < reg1 is true
puts "result of reg1 < reg2: [compareRegs reg1 reg2]"
puts "result of reg2 < reg1: [compareRegs reg2 reg1]"
# reg2 = reg3 is true
puts "result of reg2 < reg3: [compareRegs reg2 reg3]"
puts "result of reg3 < reg2: [compareRegs reg3 reg2]"
# i.e, in sorted list we should have {reg2 reg1}
Seems lsort -unique -command is not working correctly or I'm doing something wrong.
How can I fix this? Or maybe there are better solutions?
Thanks in advance!

The problem is in your comparison function. Comparison functions need to return three possible values: -1 (or in fact any integer less than zero) if the first value is larger, 0 if the values are equal, and 1 (really an integer greater than zero) if the second value is larger. But the expr operators you are using (<= and ||) give boolean results, i.e., produce just 0 or 1 as values. That's just not going to work.
We need a different approach to the comparisons:
proc compareRegs { region1 region2 } {
# Compare the X values by subtracting them from each other
set cmp [expr {[$region2 X1] - [$region1 X2]}]
if {$cmp != 0.0} {
# Convert to an integer (-1 or 1)
return [expr {$cmp < 0.0 ? -1 : 1}]
# Compare the Y values by subtracting them from each other
set cmp [expr {[$region2 Y1] - [$region1 Y2]}]
if {$cmp != 0.0} {
# Convert to an integer (-1 or 1)
return [expr {$cmp < 0.0 ? -1 : 1}]
# Both equal; return an integer zero
return 0
Yes, this code is a bit long. Should work though.


Remove consecutive duplicates in a string to make the smallest string

Given a string and the constraint of matching on >= 3 characters, how can you ensure that the result string will be as small as possible?
edit with gassa's explicitness:
If I remove the B's first,
AAAA[BBB]AC -- > AAAAAC, then I can remove all of the A's from the resultant string and be left with:
[AAAAA]C --> C
If I just remove what is available first (the sequence of A's), I get:
A tree would definitely get you the shortest string(s).
The tree solution:
Define a State (node) for each current string Input and all its removable sub-strings' int[] Indexes.
Create the tree: For each int index create another State and add it to the parent state State[] Children.
A State with no possible removable sub-strings has no children Children = null.
Get all Descendants State[] of your root State. Order them by their shortest string Input. And that is/are your answer(s).
Test cases:
string result = FindShortest("AAAABBBAC"); // AC
string result2 = FindShortest("AABBAAAC"); // AABBC
string result3 = FindShortest("BAABCCCBBA"); // B
The Code:
Note: Of-course everyone is welcome to enhance the following code in terms of performance and/or fixing any bug.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string result = FindShortest("AAAABBBAC"); // AC
string result2 = FindShortest("AABBAAAC"); // AABBC
string result3 = FindShortest("BAABCCCBBA"); // B
// finds the FIRST shortest string for a given input
private static string FindShortest(string input)
// all possible removable strings' indexes
// for this given input
int[] indexes = RemovableIndexes(input);
// each input string and its possible removables are a state
var state = new State { Input = input, Indexes = indexes };
// create the tree
// get the FIRST shortest
// i.e. there would be more than one answer sometimes
// this could be easily changed to get all possible results
var result =
.Where(d => d.Children == null || d.Children.Length == 0)
.OrderBy(d => d.Input.Length)
return result;
// simple get all descendants of a node/state in a tree
private static IEnumerable<State> Descendants(State root)
var states = new Stack<State>(new[] { root });
while (states.Any())
State node = states.Pop();
yield return node;
if (node.Children != null)
foreach (var n in node.Children) states.Push(n);
// creates the tree
private static void GetChildren(State state)
// for each an index there is a child
state.Children = state.Indexes.Select(
i =>
var input = RemoveAllAt(state.Input, i);
return input.Length < state.Input.Length && input.Length > 0
? new State
Input = input,
Indexes = RemovableIndexes(input)
: null;
foreach (var c in state.Children)
// find all possible removable strings' indexes
private static int[] RemovableIndexes(string input)
var indexes = new List<int>();
char d = input[0];
int count = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < input.Length; i++)
if (d == input[i])
if (count >= 3)
indexes.Add(i - count);
// reset
d = input[i];
count = 1;
if (count >= 3)
indexes.Add(input.Length - count);
return indexes.ToArray();
// remove all duplicate chars starting from an index
private static string RemoveAllAt(string input, int startIndex)
string part1, part2;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
int i = endIndex;
for (; i < input.Length; i++)
if (input[i] != input[startIndex])
endIndex = i;
if (i == input.Length && input[i - 1] == input[startIndex])
endIndex = input.Length;
part1 = startIndex > 0 ? input.Substring(0, startIndex) : string.Empty;
part2 = endIndex <= (input.Length - 1) ? input.Substring(endIndex) : string.Empty;
return part1 + part2;
// our node, which is
// an input string &
// all possible removable strings' indexes
// & its children
public class State
public string Input;
public int[] Indexes;
public State[] Children;
I propose O(n^2) solution with dynamic programming.
Let's introduce notation. Prefix and suffix of length l of string A denoted by P[l] and S[l]. And we call our procedure Rcd.
Rcd(A) = Rcd(Rcd(P[n-1])+S[1])
Rcd(A) = Rcd(P[1]+Rcd(S[n-1]))
Note that outer Rcd in the RHS is trivial. So, that's our optimal substructure. Based on this i came up with the following implementation:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
string remdupright(string s, bool allowEmpty) {
if (s.size() >= 3) {
auto pos = s.find_last_not_of(s.back());
if (pos == string::npos && allowEmpty) s = "";
else if (pos != string::npos && s.size() - pos > 3) s = s.substr(0, pos + 1);
return s;
string remdupleft(string s, bool allowEmpty) {
if (s.size() >= 3) {
auto pos = s.find_first_not_of(s.front());
if (pos == string::npos && allowEmpty) s = "";
else if (pos != string::npos && pos >= 3) s = s.substr(pos);
return s;
string remdup(string s, bool allowEmpty) {
return remdupleft(remdupright(s, allowEmpty), allowEmpty);
string run(const string in) {
vector<vector<string>> table(in.size());
for (int i = 0; i < (int)table.size(); ++i) {
table[i].resize(in.size() - i);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)table[0].size(); ++i) {
table[0][i] = in.substr(i,1);
for (int len = 2; len <= (int)table.size(); ++len) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < (int)in.size() - len + 1; ++pos) {
string base(table[len - 2][pos]);
const char suffix = in[pos + len - 1];
if (base.size() && suffix != base.back()) {
base = remdupright(base, false);
const string opt1 = base + suffix;
base = table[len - 2][pos+1];
const char prefix = in[pos];
if (base.size() && prefix != base.front()) {
base = remdupleft(base, false);
const string opt2 = prefix + base;
const string nodupopt1 = remdup(opt1, true);
const string nodupopt2 = remdup(opt2, true);
table[len - 1][pos] = nodupopt1.size() > nodupopt2.size() ? opt2 : opt1;
assert(nodupopt1.size() != nodupopt2.size() || nodupopt1 == nodupopt2);
string& res = table[in.size() - 1][0];
return remdup(res, true);
void testRcd(string s, string expected) {
cout << s << " : " << run(s) << ", expected: " << expected << endl;
int main()
testRcd("BAABCCCBBA", "B");
testRcd("AABBAAAC", "AABBC");
testRcd("AAAA", "");
testRcd("AAAABBBAC", "C");
You can check default and run your tests here.
Clearly we are not concerned about any block of repeated characters longer than 2 characters. And there is only one way two blocks of the same character where at least one of the blocks is less than 3 in length can be combined - namely, if the sequence between them can be removed.
So (1) look at pairs of blocks of the same character where at least one is less than 3 in length, and (2) determine if the sequence between them can be removed.
We want to decide which pairs to join so as to minimize the total length of blocks less than 3 characters long. (Note that the number of pairs is bound by the size (and distribution) of the alphabet.)
Let f(b) represent the minimal total length of same-character blocks remaining up to the block b that are less than 3 characters in length. Then:
p1 <- previous block of the same character
if b and p1 can combine:
if b.length + p1.length > 2:
f(b) = min(
// don't combine
(0 if b.length > 2 else b.length) +
f(block before b),
// combine
f(block before p1)
// b.length + p1.length < 3
p2 <- block previous to p1 of the same character
if p1 and p2 can combine:
f(b) = min(
// don't combine
b.length + f(block before b),
// combine
f(block before p2)
f(b) = b.length + f(block before b)
// b and p1 cannot combine
f(b) = b.length + f(block before b)
for all p1 before b
The question is how can we efficiently determine if a block can be combined with the previous block of the same character (aside from the obvious recursion into the sub-block-list between the two blocks).
Python code:
import random
import time
def parse(length):
return length if length < 3 else 0
def f(string):
chars = {}
blocks = [[string[0], 1, 0]]
chars[string[0]] = {'indexes': [0]}
chars[string[0]][0] = {'prev': -1}
p = 0 # pointer to current block
for i in xrange(1, len(string)):
if blocks[len(blocks) - 1][0] == string[i]:
blocks[len(blocks) - 1][1] += 1
p += 1
# [char, length, index, f(i), temp]
blocks.append([string[i], 1, p])
if string[i] in chars:
chars[string[i]][p] = {'prev': chars[string[i]]['indexes'][ len(chars[string[i]]['indexes']) - 1 ]}
chars[string[i]] = {'indexes': [p]}
chars[string[i]][p] = {'prev': -1}
#print blocks
#print chars
memo = [[None for j in xrange(len(blocks))] for i in xrange(len(blocks))]
def g(l, r, top_level=False):
#print "(l, r): (%s, %s)" % (l,r)
if l == r:
return parse(blocks[l][1])
if memo[l][r]:
return memo[l][r]
result = [parse(blocks[l][1])] + [None for k in xrange(r - l)]
if l < r:
for i in xrange(l + 1, r + 1):
result[i - l] = parse(blocks[i][1]) + result[i - l - 1]
for i in xrange(l, r + 1):
#print "\ni: %s" % i
[char, length, index] = blocks[i]
#p1 <- previous block of the same character
p1_idx = chars[char][index]['prev']
#print "(p1_idx, l, p1_idx >= l): (%s, %s, %s)" % (p1_idx, l, p1_idx >= l)
if p1_idx < l and index > l:
result[index - l] = parse(length) + result[index - l - 1]
while p1_idx >= l:
p1 = blocks[p1_idx]
#print "(b, p1, p1_idx, l): (%s, %s, %s, %s)\n" % (blocks[i], p1, p1_idx, l)
between = g(p1[2] + 1, index - 1)
#print "between: %s" % between
#if b and p1 can combine:
if between == 0:
if length + p1[1] > 2:
result[index - l] = min(
result[index - l],
# don't combine
parse(length) + (result[index - l - 1] if index - l > 0 else 0),
# combine: f(block before p1)
result[p1[2] - l - 1] if p1[2] > l else 0
# b.length + p1.length < 3
#p2 <- block previous to p1 of the same character
p2_idx = chars[char][p1[2]]['prev']
if p2_idx < l:
p1_idx = chars[char][p1_idx]['prev']
between2 = g(p2_idx + 1, p1[2] - 1)
#if p1 and p2 can combine:
if between2 == 0:
result[index - l] = min(
result[index - l],
# don't combine
parse(length) + (result[index - l - 1] if index - l > 0 else 0),
# combine the block, p1 and p2
result[p2_idx - l - 1] if p2_idx - l > 0 else 0
#f(b) = b.length + f(block before b)
result[index - l] = min(
result[index - l],
parse(length) + (result[index - l - 1] if index - l > 0 else 0)
# b and p1 cannot combine
#f(b) = b.length + f(block before b)
result[index - l] = min(
result[index - l],
parse(length) + (result[index - l - 1] if index - l > 0 else 0)
p1_idx = chars[char][p1_idx]['prev']
#print l,r,result
memo[l][r] = result[r - l]
"""if top_level:
return (result, blocks)
return result[r - l]
if len(blocks) == 1:
return ([parse(blocks[0][1])], blocks)
return g(0, len(blocks) - 1, True)
"""s = ""
for i in xrange(300):
s = s + ['A','B','C'][random.randint(0,2)]"""
print f("abcccbcccbacccab") # b
print f("AAAABBBAC"); # C
print f("CAAAABBBA"); # C
print f("AABBAAAC"); # AABBC
print f("BAABCCCBBA"); # B
print f("aaaa")
The string answers for these longer examples were computed using jdehesa's answer:
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
total = t1-t0
print total
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
total = t1-t0
print total
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
total = t1-t0
print total
Another scala answer, using memoization and tailcall optimization (partly) (updated).
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.annotation._
object StringCondense extends App {
def groupConsecutive (s: String, sofar: List[String]): List[String] = s.toList match {
// def groupConsecutive (s: String): List[String] = s.toList match {
case Nil => sofar
// case Nil => Nil
case c :: str => {
val (prefix, rest) = (c :: str).span (_ == c)
// Strings of equal characters, longer than 3, don't make a difference to just 3
groupConsecutive (rest.mkString(""), (prefix.take (3)).mkString ("") :: sofar)
// (prefix.take (3)).mkString ("") :: groupConsecutive (rest.mkString(""))
// to count the effect of memoization
var count = 0
// recursively try to eliminate every group of 3 or more, brute forcing
// but for "aabbaabbaaabbbaabb", many reductions will lead sooner or
// later to the same result, so we try to detect these and avoid duplicate
// work
def moreThan2consecutive (s: String, seenbefore: HashSet [String]): String = {
if (seenbefore.contains (s)) s
count += 1
seenbefore += s
val sublists = groupConsecutive (s, Nil)
// val sublists = groupConsecutive (s)
val atLeast3 = sublists.filter (_.size > 2)
atLeast3.length match {
case 0 => s
case 1 => {
val res = sublists.filter (_.size < 3)
moreThan2consecutive (res.mkString (""), seenbefore)
case _ => {
val shrinked = (
for {idx <- (0 until sublists.size)
if (sublists (idx).length >= 3)
pre = (sublists.take (idx)).mkString ("")
post= (sublists.drop (idx+1)).mkString ("")
} yield {
moreThan2consecutive (pre + post, seenbefore)
(shrinked.head /: shrinked.tail) ((a, b) => if (a.length <= b.length) a else b)
// don't know what Rcd means, adopted from other solution but modified
// kind of a unit test **update**: forgot to reset count
testRcd (s: String, expected: String) : Boolean = {
count = 0
val seenbefore = HashSet [String] ()
val result = moreThan2consecutive (s, seenbefore)
val hit = result.equals (expected)
println (s"Input: $s\t result: ${result}\t expected ${expected}\t $hit\t count: $count");
// some test values from other users with expected result
// **upd:** more testcases
def testgroup () : Unit = {
testRcd ("baabcccbba", "b")
testRcd ("aabbaaac", "aabbc")
testRcd ("aaaa", "")
testRcd ("aaaabbbac", "c")
testRcd ("abcccbcccbacccab", "b")
testRcd ("AAAABBBAC", "C")
testRcd ("CAAAABBBA", "C")
testRcd ("AABBAAAC", "AABBC")
testRcd ("BAABCCCBBA", "B")
testRcd ("AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC", "C") // 377 subcalls reported by Yola,
testRcd ("AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC", "C") // 4913 when preceeded with AAABBB
def testBigs () : Unit = {
// for generated input, but with fixed seed, to compare the count with
// and without memoization
import util.Random
val r = new Random (31415)
// generate Strings but with high chances to produce some triples and
// longer sequences of char clones
def genRandomString () : String = {
(1 to 20).map (_ => r.nextInt (6) match {
case 0 => "t"
case 1 => "r"
case 2 => "-"
case 3 => "tt"
case 4 => "rr"
case 5 => "--"
}).mkString ("")
def testRandom () : Unit = {
(1 to 10).map (i=> testRcd (genRandomString, "random mode - false might be true"))
// testBigs
Comparing the effect of memoization lead to interesting results:
Updated measurements. In the old values, I forgot to reset the counter, which leaded to much higher results. Now the spreading of results
is much more impressive and in total, the values are smaller.
No seenbefore:
Input: baabcccbba result: b expected b true count: 4
Input: aabbaaac result: aabbc expected aabbc true count: 2
Input: aaaa result: expected true count: 2
Input: aaaabbbac result: c expected c true count: 5
Input: abcccbcccbacccab result: b expected b true count: 34
Input: AAAABBBAC result: C expected C true count: 5
Input: CAAAABBBA result: C expected C true count: 5
Input: AABBAAAC result: AABBC expected AABBC true count: 2
Input: BAABCCCBBA result: B expected B true count: 4
Input: AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC res: C expected C true count: 377
Input: AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC r: C expected C true count: 4913
Input: r--t----ttrrrrrr--tttrtttt--rr----result: rr--rr expected ? unknown ? false count: 1959
Input: ttrtt----tr---rrrtttttttrtr--rr result: r--rr expected ? unknown ? false count: 213
Input: tt----r-----ttrr----ttrr-rr--rr-- result: ttrttrrttrr-rr--rr-- ex ? unknown ? false count: 16
Input: --rr---rrrrrrr-r--rr-r--tt--rrrrr result: rr-r--tt-- expected ? unknown ? false count: 32
Input: tt-rrrrr--r--tt--rrtrrr------- result: ttr--tt--rrt expected ? unknown ? false count: 35
Input: --t-ttt-ttt--rrrrrt-rrtrttrr result: --tt-rrtrttrr expected ? unknown ? false count: 35
Input: rrt--rrrr----trrr-rttttrrtttrr result: rrtt- expected ? unknown ? false count: 1310
Input: ---tttrrrrrttrrttrr---tt-----tt result: rrttrr expected ? unknown ? false count: 1011
Input: -rrtt--rrtt---t-r--r---rttr-- result: -rrtt--rr-r--rrttr-- ex ? unknown ? false count: 9
Input: rtttt--rrrrrrrt-rrttt--tt--t result: r--t-rr--tt--t expectd ? unknown ? false count: 16
real 0m0.607s (without testBigs)
user 0m1.276s
sys 0m0.056s
With seenbefore:
Input: baabcccbba result: b expected b true count: 4
Input: aabbaaac result: aabbc expected aabbc true count: 2
Input: aaaa result: expected true count: 2
Input: aaaabbbac result: c expected c true count: 5
Input: abcccbcccbacccab result: b expected b true count: 11
Input: AAAABBBAC result: C expected C true count: 5
Input: CAAAABBBA result: C expected C true count: 5
Input: AABBAAAC result: AABBC expected AABBC true count: 2
Input: BAABCCCBBA result: B expected B true count: 4
Input: AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC rest: C expected C true count: 28
Input: AAABBBAAABBBAAABBBAAABBBC C expected C true count: 52
Input: r--t----ttrrrrrr--tttrtttt--rr----result: rr--rr expected ? unknown ? false count: 63
Input: ttrtt----tr---rrrtttttttrtr--rr result: r--rr expected ? unknown ? false count: 48
Input: tt----r-----ttrr----ttrr-rr--rr-- result: ttrttrrttrr-rr--rr-- xpe? unknown ? false count: 8
Input: --rr---rrrrrrr-r--rr-r--tt--rrrrr result: rr-r--tt-- expected ? unknown ? false count: 19
Input: tt-rrrrr--r--tt--rrtrrr------- result: ttr--tt--rrt expected ? unknown ? false count: 12
Input: --t-ttt-ttt--rrrrrt-rrtrttrr result: --tt-rrtrttrr expected ? unknown ? false count: 16
Input: rrt--rrrr----trrr-rttttrrtttrr result: rrtt- expected ? unknown ? false count: 133
Input: ---tttrrrrrttrrttrr---tt-----tt result: rrttrr expected ? unknown ? false count: 89
Input: -rrtt--rrtt---t-r--r---rttr-- result: -rrtt--rr-r--rrttr-- ex ? unknown ? false count: 6
Input: rtttt--rrrrrrrt-rrttt--tt--t result: r--t-rr--tt--t expected ? unknown ? false count: 8
real 0m0.474s (without testBigs)
user 0m0.852s
sys 0m0.060s
With tailcall:
real 0m0.478s (without testBigs)
user 0m0.860s
sys 0m0.060s
For some random strings, the difference is bigger than a 10fold.
For long Strings with many groups one could, as an improvement, eliminate all groups which are the only group of that character, for instance:
aa bbb aa ccc xx ddd aa eee aa fff xx
The groups bbb, ccc, ddd, eee and fff are unique in the string, so they can't fit to something else and could all be eliminated, and the order of removal is will not matter. This would lead to the intermediate result
aaaa xx aaaa xx
and a fast solution. Maybe I try to implement it too. However, I guess, it will be possible to produce random Strings, where this will have a big impact and by a different form of random generated strings, to distributions, where the impact is low.
Here is a Python solution (function reduce_min), not particularly smart but I think fairly easy to understand (excessive amount of comments added for answer clarity):
def reductions(s, min_len):
Yields every possible reduction of s by eliminating contiguous blocks
of l or more repeated characters.
For example, reductions('AAABBCCCCBAAC', 3) yields
# Current character
curr = ''
# Length of current block
n = 0
# Start position of current block
idx = 0
# For each character
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if c != curr:
# New block begins
if n >= min_len:
# If previous block was long enough
# yield reduced string without it
yield s[:idx] + s[i:]
# Start new block
curr = c
n = 1
idx = i
# Still in the same block
n += 1
# Yield reduction without last block if it was long enough
if n >= min_len:
yield s[:idx]
def reduce_min(s, min_len):
Finds the smallest possible reduction of s by successive
elimination of contiguous blocks of min_len or more repeated
# Current set of possible reductions
rs = set([s])
# Current best solution
result = s
# While there are strings to reduce
while rs:
# Get one element
r = rs.pop()
# Find reductions
r_red = list(reductions(r, min_len))
# If no reductions are found it is irreducible
if len(r_red) == 0 and len(r) < len(result):
# Replace if shorter than current best
result = r
# Save reductions for next iterations
return result
assert reduce_min("BAABCCCBBA", 3) == "B"
assert reduce_min("AABBAAAC", 3) == "AABBC"
assert reduce_min("AAAA", 3) == ""
assert reduce_min("AAAABBBAC", 3) == "C"
EDIT: Since people seem to be posting C++ solutions, here is mine in C++ (again, function reduce_min):
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
void reductions(const string &s, unsigned int min_len, vector<string> &rs)
char curr = '\0';
unsigned int n = 0;
unsigned int idx = 0;
for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it)
if (curr != *it)
auto i = distance(s.begin(), it);
if (n >= min_len)
rs.push_back(s.substr(0, idx) + s.substr(i));
curr = *it;
n = 1;
idx = i;
n += 1;
if (n >= min_len)
rs.push_back(s.substr(0, idx));
string reduce_min(const string &s, unsigned int min_len)
unordered_set<string> rs { s };
string result = s;
vector<string> rs_new;
while (!rs.empty())
auto it = rs.begin();
auto r = *it;
reductions(r, min_len, rs_new);
if (rs_new.empty() && r.size() < result.size())
result = move(r);
rs.insert(rs_new.begin(), rs_new.end());
return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
assert(reduce_min("BAABCCCBBA", 3) == "B");
assert(reduce_min("AABBAAAC", 3) == "AABBC");
assert(reduce_min("AAAA", 3) == "");
assert(reduce_min("AAAABBBAC", 3) == "C");
return 0;
If you can use C++17 you can save memory by using string views.
EDIT 2: About the complexity of the algorithm. It is not straightforward to figure out, and as I said the algorithm is meant to be simple more than anything, but let's see. In the end, it is more or less the same as a breadth-first search. Let's say the string length is n, and, for generality, let's say the minimum block length (value 3 in the question) is m. In the first level, we can generate up to n / m reductions in the worst case. For each of these, we can generate up to (n - m) / m reductions, and so on. So basically, at "level" i (loop iteration i) we create up to (n - i * m) / m reductions per string we had, and each of these will take O(n - i * m) time to process. The maximum number of levels we can have is, again, n / m. So the complexity of the algorithm (if I'm not making mistakes) should have the form:
O( sum {i = 0 .. n / m} ( O(n - i * m) * prod {j = 0 .. i} ((n - i * m) / m) ))
|-Outer iters--| |---Cost---| |-Prev lvl-| |---Branching---|
Whew. So this should be something like:
O( sum {i = 0 .. n / m} (n - i * m) * O(n^i / m^i) )
Which in turn would collapse to:
O((n / m)^(n / m))
So yeah, the algorithm is more or less simple, but it can run into exponential cost cases (the bad cases would be strings made entirely of exactly m-long blocks, like AAABBBCCCAAACCC... for m = 3).

Generate random number within specified range without REDUNDANCY in TCL

hi I need to generate 30 random numbers without any repeatations of numbers in TCL.
Here is the code to generate random number which works fine, but will generate redundant numbers.
proc myRand { min max } {
set maxFactor [expr [expr $max + 1] - $min]
set value [expr int([expr rand() * 100])]
set value [expr [expr $value % $maxFactor] + $min]
return $value
for {set i 1} {$i < 31} {incr i} {
upvar 0 fnode($i) fnod($i)
set fnod($i) [myRand 1 20] ;# random number is generated between 1 to 20
Anyone please help out.
To generate a list of random numbers without repetitions, you've got to put in code to explicitly prevent them. In general, random sequences most certainly can contain repetitions, just as if you toss a coin, it will sometimes come up heads twice (or more) in a row.
set r -1; # Some value that definitely isn't in the sequence
for {set i 1} {$i < 31} {incr i} {
upvar 0 fnode($i) fnod($i)
while {$r == [set r [myRand 1 20]]} {
# Empty body
set fnod($i) $r; # Random number is generated between 1 to 20
Note that if you're picking 30 values from a collection of 20 numbers, you'll necessarily (by the pigeonhole principle) get some repetitions. But we can prevent values from occurring twice in a row.
Your random number generator is slightly horrifying too. This is the idiomatic version:
proc myRand {min max} {
set range [expr {$max - $min + 1}]
return [expr {$min + int(rand() * $range)}]
Code to generate a sequence of unique random numbers could be written like this, but it won't work unless $nnums is less than or equal to $rmax.
set nnums 30
set rmax 20
set nums {}
if {$nnums > $rmax} {
puts "You can't get $nnums unique values from a range of 1 to $rmax!"
} else {
while {[llength $nums] < $nnums} {
set n [myRand 1 $rmax]
if {$n ni $nums} {lappend nums $n}
set nums [linsert $nums 0 {}]
for {set i 1} {$i <= $nnums} {incr i} {
set fnod($i) [lindex $nums $i]
(When I started writing this answer, I was to preoccupied to notice that you were trying to get 30 unique numbers from a 1-20 range, which is impossible, as others have pointed out.)
There are some other problems with your code. You don't need to do nested calls to expr:
expr [expr $max + 1] - $min
# is the same as
expr {$max + 1 - $min}
so your random number generator can be written like this:
proc myRand {min max} {
expr {int(rand() * 100) % ($max + 1 - $min) + $min}
but that is still more calculations than necessary. This version is better:
proc myRand {min max} {
expr {int(rand() * ($max + 1 - $min)) + $min}
You can also use this:
package require math
::math::random 1 21
(Note 21, not 20!)

What way is faster to populate a list with unique values in Tcl?

I want to create a list of unique values. The values are taken from different sources and. There are 2 ways to populate my final list.
Put all the values in and then perform lrmdups:
set finalList [list ]
foreach selcetion $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
lappend finalList $i
set finalList [lrmdups $finalList]
or check if a value exists in the list, and only if it doesn't add it:
set finalList [list ]
foreach selcetion $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
if {[lsearch $finalList $i] == -1} {
lappend finalList $i
Which of the two methods is faster?
Use the time command to test the performance of Tcl code. Ensure you place your code in a procedure to gain the benefit of having it byte-compiled then use the time command to run the test a number of times and get an average time per iteration. For instance, here is an example that shows why expr expressions should always be braced.
% proc a {} {expr 1 + 2 + 3}
% proc b {} {expr {1 + 2 + 3}}
% time a 1000
4.491 microseconds per iteration
% time b 1000
0.563 microseconds per iteration
To deal with the specific task - I would add each new value into an array and let that eat the duplicates and then just turn it into a list at the end.
proc getUniques {wantedSize} {
array set uniques {}
while {[array size uniques] != $wantedSize} {
set uniques([getNewValue]) {}
return [array names uniques]
I also use the time command to benchmark. Here is my code, which I added two more methods, one to use array and the other uses struct::set to eliminate duplicates.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require Tclx
package require struct::set
proc removeDupMethod {selectionList} {
set finalList [list ]
foreach selection $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
lappend finalList $i
set finalList [lrmdups $finalList]
return $finalList
proc searchBeforInsertMethod {selectionList} {
set finalList [list ]
foreach selection $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
if {[lsearch $finalList $i] == -1} {
lappend finalList $i
proc useArrayMethod {selectionList} {
array set tally {}
foreach selection $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
incr tally($i)
set finalList [array names tally]
return $finalList
proc useStructSetMethod {selectionList} {
set finalList {}
foreach selection $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
struct::set include finalList $i
return $finalList
# Performs the benchmark on a method
proc bench {methodName} {
set selectionList {1:10 5:20 10:30 4:30}
set timeInfo [time {$methodName $selectionList} 1000]
puts "$methodName - $timeInfo"
# main
bench removeDupMethod
bench searchBeforInsertMethod
bench useArrayMethod
bench useStructSetMethod
The result:
removeDupMethod - 281.961364 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 93.984991 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 122.354889 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 576.293311 microseconds per iteration
Your second method, searchBeforInsertMethod, is the fastest.
useArrayMethod, which uses an array to ensure uniqueness, comes in second. This is to say that the TCL's built-in list commands are very optimized.
To my surprise, the useStructSetMethod is the slowest. I thought a library command should be optimized, but I was wrong.
I took Siyb's hint and replace:
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
set range [split $selection :]
set start [lindex $selection 0]
set end [lindex $selection 1]
And see a dramatic increase in speed:
removeDupMethod - 9.337442 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 5.528975999999999 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 6.8120519999999996 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 5.774831 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 6.105141 microseconds per iteration
The fastest is still searchBeforInsertMethod, the speed increase is nearly 17 times.
useStructSetMethod now rises to take second place
Update 2
Per potrzebie's request, I added 5000:6000 to the beginning and the numbers do not change much:
removeDupMethod - 10.826106 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 6.296769 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 7.752042 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 6.910305999999999 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 7.274724 microseconds per iteration
I have tried using lsort -unique $list instead of lrmdups. On my box, this is the fastest method:
proc useNative {selectionList} {
foreach selection $selectionList {
regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
lappend finalList $i
set finalList [lsort -unique $finalList]
return $finalList
removeDupMethod - 171.573 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 58.264 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 96.109 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 386.889 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 41.556 microseconds per iteration
EDIT: using split instead of the regular expression speeds up things as well (if the regex is actually part of your problem):
useNative - 20.938 microseconds per iteration
EDIT2: try adding -integer as a lsort parameter, should speed up things a little as well, if your are planning on sorting integers that is

How should I find nearest neighbors for every element in a list?

I have two sets of integers A and B (size of A less than or equal to B), and I want to answer the question, "How close is A to B?". The way I want to answer this question is by producing a measure of how far you have to go from a given a in A to find a b in B.
The specific measure I want to produce does the following: for each a, find the closest b, the only catch being that once I match a b with an a, I can no longer use that b to match any other a's. (EDIT: the algorithm I'm trying to implement will always prefer a shorter match. So if b is the nearest neighbor to more than one a, pick the a nearest to b. I'm not sure what to do if more than one a has the same distance to b, right now I'm picking the a that precedes b, but that's quite arbitrary and not necessarily optimal.) The measure that I'll for make these sets, the final product, is a histogram showing the number of pairs in the vertical axis and the distance of the pairs in the x-axis.
So if A = {1, 3, 4} and B = {1, 5, 6, 7}, I will get the following a,b pairs: 1,1, 4,5, 3,6. For these data, the histogram should show one pair with distance zero, one pair with distance 1, and one pair with distance 3.
(The actual size of these sets has an upper bound around 100,000 elements, and I read them in from disk already sorted low to high. The integers range from 1 to ~20,000,000. EDIT: also, the elements of A and B are unique, i.e. no repeated elements.)
The solution I've come up with feels a bit clunky. I'm using Perl, but the problem is more or less language agnostic.
First I make a hash, with one key for each number that appears in the union of A and B and values indicating whether each number appears in A, B, or both, e.g. $hash{5} = {a=>1, b=>1} if the number 5 appears in both data-sets. (If it only appeared in A, you'd have $hash{5} = {a=>1}.)
Next, I iterate over A to find all the hash elements that appear in A and B, mark them in the measure, and remove them from the hash.
Then, I sort all the hash keys and make each element of the hash point to its nearest neighbors, like a linked list, where a given hash element now looks like $hash{6} = {b=>1, previous=>4, next=>8}. The linked list doesn't know whether the next and previous elements are in A or B.
Then I loop over pair distances starting at d=1, and find all pairs with distance d, mark them, remove them from the hash, until there are no more elements of A to match.
The loop looks like this:
for ($d=1; #a > 0; $d++) {
#left = ();
foreach $a in #a {
$next = $a;
# find closest b ahead of $a, stop searching if you pass $d
while (exists $hash{$next}{next} && $next - $a < $d) {
$next = $hash{$next}{next};
if ($next is in B && $next - $a == $d) {
# found a pair at distance $d
mark_in_measure($a, $next);
# do same thing looking behind $a
$prev = $a;
# you didn't find a match for $a
push #left, $a;
#a = #left;
This loop obviously prefers pairs that match b's that appear later than a's; I can't tell whether there's a sensible way to decide whether later is better than prior (better in terms of getting closer pairs). The main optimization I'm interested in is processing time.
Sounds like you have a particular case of the Assignment Problem (finding a minimum matching in a weighted bipartite graph).
The algorithm to solve the assignment problem is too slow for you at O(N^3) but I'm pretty sure there you can shave some of this complexity off by exploiting your particular weight function or how you only want a histogram instead of the exact matching.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use diagnostics;
my #mat;
my #out_mat;
my $spaces = 6;
my $precision = 0;
my $N = 10;
my $M = 12;
my $r = 100;
my #array1; my #array2;
for my $i (1..$N) {
push #array1, sprintf( "%.${precision}f", rand($r) );
for my $i (1..$M) {
push #array2, sprintf( "%.${precision}f", rand($r) );
##array1 = ( 1, 3, 4); # $mat[i]->[j] = abs( array1[i] - array2[j] )
##array2 = ( 1, 5, 6, 7);
# 1 5 6 7
# 1 [ 0* 4 5 6 ]
# 3 [ 2 2* 3 4 ]
# 4 [ 3 1 2* 3 ]
my $min_size = $#array1 < $#array2 ? $#array1 : $#array2;
my $max_size = $#array1 > $#array2 ? $#array1 : $#array2;
for (my $i = 0; $i < #array1; $i++){
my #weight_function;
for (my $j = 0; $j < #array2; $j++){
my $dif = sprintf( "%.${precision}f", abs ($array1[$i] - $array2[$j]) );
#my $dif = sprintf( "%.${precision}f", ($array1[$i] - $array2[$j])**2 );
push #weight_function, $dif;
push #mat, \#weight_function;
print "\n\#out_mat index = [";
for my $index (#out_mat) {
printf("%${spaces}d", $index);
print " ]\n";
print "\#out_mat values = [";
my %hash;
for my $i (0 .. $max_size){
my $j = $out_mat[$i];
last if ( $i > $min_size and $#array1 < $#array2 );
next if ( $j > $min_size and $#array1 > $#array2 );
my $dif = $mat[$i]->[$j];
printf( "%${spaces}.${precision}f", $dif );
$hash{ $dif } { $i } { 'index_array1' } = $i;
$hash{ $dif } { $i } { 'index_array2' } = $j;
$hash{ $dif } { $i } { 'value_array1' } = $array1[$i];
$hash{ $dif } { $i } { 'value_array2' } = $array2[$j];
print " ]\n\n";
my $soma_da_dif = 0;
foreach my $min_diferenca ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash ){
foreach my $k ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$hash{$min_diferenca}} ){
$soma_da_dif += $min_diferenca;
my $index_array1 = $hash{ $min_diferenca } { $k } { 'index_array1' };
my $index_array2 = $hash{ $min_diferenca } { $k } { 'index_array2' };
my $value_array1 = $hash{ $min_diferenca } { $k } { 'value_array1' };
my $value_array2 = $hash{ $min_diferenca } { $k } { 'value_array2' };
printf( " index (%${spaces}.0f,%${spaces}.0f), values (%${spaces}.${precision}f,%${spaces}.${precision}f), dif = %${spaces}.${precision}f\n",
$index_array1, $index_array2, $value_array1, $value_array2, $min_diferenca );
print "\n\nSum = $soma_da_dif\n";
#------------------ New-Package ------------------#
{ # start scope block
package Algorithm::Munkres;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw( assign );
our $VERSION = '0.08';
... <---- copy all the 'package Algorithm::Munkres' here
return $minval;
1; # don't forget to return a true value from the file
} # end scope block

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

Lately I have been playing a game on my iPhone called Scramble. Some of you may know this game as Boggle. Essentially, when the game starts you get a matrix of letters like so:
The goal of the game is to find as many words as you can that can be formed by chaining letters together. You can start with any letter, and all the letters that surround it are fair game, and then once you move on to the next letter, all the letters that surround that letter are fair game, except for any previously used letters. So in the grid above, for example, I could come up with the words LOB, TUX, SEA, FAME, etc. Words must be at least 3 characters, and no more than NxN characters, which would be 16 in this game but can vary in some implementations. While this game is fun and addictive, I am apparently not very good at it and I wanted to cheat a little bit by making a program that would give me the best possible words (the longer the word the more points you get).
I am, unfortunately, not very good with algorithms or their efficiencies and so forth. My first attempt uses a dictionary such as this one (~2.3MB) and does a linear search trying to match combinations with dictionary entries. This takes a very long time to find the possible words, and since you only get 2 minutes per round, it is simply not adequate.
I am interested to see if any Stackoverflowers can come up with more efficient solutions. I am mostly looking for solutions using the Big 3 Ps: Python, PHP, and Perl, although anything with Java or C++ is cool too, since speed is essential.
Adam Rosenfield, Python, ~20s
John Fouhy, Python, ~3s
Kent Fredric, Perl, ~1s
Darius Bacon, Python, ~1s
rvarcher, VB.NET, ~1s
Paolo Bergantino, PHP (live link), ~5s (~2s locally)
My answer works like the others here, but I'll post it because it looks a bit faster than the other Python solutions, from setting up the dictionary faster. (I checked this against John Fouhy's solution.) After setup, the time to solve is down in the noise.
grid = "fxie amlo ewbx astu".split()
nrows, ncols = len(grid), len(grid[0])
# A dictionary word that could be a solution must use only the grid's
# letters and have length >= 3. (With a case-insensitive match.)
import re
alphabet = ''.join(set(''.join(grid)))
bogglable = re.compile('[' + alphabet + ']{3,}$', re.I).match
words = set(word.rstrip('\n') for word in open('words') if bogglable(word))
prefixes = set(word[:i] for word in words
for i in range(2, len(word)+1))
def solve():
for y, row in enumerate(grid):
for x, letter in enumerate(row):
for result in extending(letter, ((x, y),)):
yield result
def extending(prefix, path):
if prefix in words:
yield (prefix, path)
for (nx, ny) in neighbors(path[-1]):
if (nx, ny) not in path:
prefix1 = prefix + grid[ny][nx]
if prefix1 in prefixes:
for result in extending(prefix1, path + ((nx, ny),)):
yield result
def neighbors((x, y)):
for nx in range(max(0, x-1), min(x+2, ncols)):
for ny in range(max(0, y-1), min(y+2, nrows)):
yield (nx, ny)
Sample usage:
# Print a maximal-length word and its path:
print max(solve(), key=lambda (word, path): len(word))
Edit: Filter out words less than 3 letters long.
Edit 2: I was curious why Kent Fredric's Perl solution was faster; it turns out to use regular-expression matching instead of a set of characters. Doing the same in Python about doubles the speed.
The fastest solution you're going to get will probably involve storing your dictionary in a trie. Then, create a queue of triplets (x, y, s), where each element in the queue corresponds to a prefix s of a word which can be spelled in the grid, ending at location (x, y). Initialize the queue with N x N elements (where N is the size of your grid), one element for each square in the grid. Then, the algorithm proceeds as follows:
While the queue is not empty:
Dequeue a triple (x, y, s)
For each square (x', y') with letter c adjacent to (x, y):
If s+c is a word, output s+c
If s+c is a prefix of a word, insert (x', y', s+c) into the queue
If you store your dictionary in a trie, testing if s+c is a word or a prefix of a word can be done in constant time (provided you also keep some extra metadata in each queue datum, such as a pointer to the current node in the trie), so the running time of this algorithm is O(number of words that can be spelled).
[Edit] Here's an implementation in Python that I just coded up:
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self, parent, value):
self.parent = parent
self.children = [None] * 26
self.isWord = False
if parent is not None:
parent.children[ord(value) - 97] = self
def MakeTrie(dictfile):
dict = open(dictfile)
root = TrieNode(None, '')
for word in dict:
curNode = root
for letter in word.lower():
if 97 <= ord(letter) < 123:
nextNode = curNode.children[ord(letter) - 97]
if nextNode is None:
nextNode = TrieNode(curNode, letter)
curNode = nextNode
curNode.isWord = True
return root
def BoggleWords(grid, dict):
rows = len(grid)
cols = len(grid[0])
queue = []
words = []
for y in range(cols):
for x in range(rows):
c = grid[y][x]
node = dict.children[ord(c) - 97]
if node is not None:
queue.append((x, y, c, node))
while queue:
x, y, s, node = queue[0]
del queue[0]
for dx, dy in ((1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)):
x2, y2 = x + dx, y + dy
if 0 <= x2 < cols and 0 <= y2 < rows:
s2 = s + grid[y2][x2]
node2 = node.children[ord(grid[y2][x2]) - 97]
if node2 is not None:
if node2.isWord:
queue.append((x2, y2, s2, node2))
return words
Example usage:
d = MakeTrie('/usr/share/dict/words')
print(BoggleWords(['fxie','amlo','ewbx','astu'], d))
['fa', 'xi', 'ie', 'io', 'el', 'am', 'ax', 'ae', 'aw', 'mi', 'ma', 'me', 'lo', 'li', 'oe', 'ox', 'em', 'ea', 'ea', 'es', 'wa', 'we', 'wa', 'bo', 'bu', 'as', 'aw', 'ae', 'st', 'se', 'sa', 'tu', 'ut', 'fam', 'fae', 'imi', 'eli', 'elm', 'elb', 'ami', 'ama', 'ame', 'aes', 'awl', 'awa', 'awe', 'awa', 'mix', 'mim', 'mil', 'mam', 'max', 'mae', 'maw', 'mew', 'mem', 'mes', 'lob', 'lox', 'lei', 'leo', 'lie', 'lim', 'oil', 'olm', 'ewe', 'eme', 'wax', 'waf', 'wae', 'waw', 'wem', 'wea', 'wea', 'was', 'waw', 'wae', 'bob', 'blo', 'bub', 'but', 'ast', 'ase', 'asa', 'awl', 'awa', 'awe', 'awa', 'aes', 'swa', 'swa', 'sew', 'sea', 'sea', 'saw', 'tux', 'tub', 'tut', 'twa', 'twa', 'tst', 'utu', 'fama', 'fame', 'ixil', 'imam', 'amli', 'amil', 'ambo', 'axil', 'axle', 'mimi', 'mima', 'mime', 'milo', 'mile', 'mewl', 'mese', 'mesa', 'lolo', 'lobo', 'lima', 'lime', 'limb', 'lile', 'oime', 'oleo', 'olio', 'oboe', 'obol', 'emim', 'emil', 'east', 'ease', 'wame', 'wawa', 'wawa', 'weam', 'west', 'wese', 'wast', 'wase', 'wawa', 'wawa', 'boil', 'bolo', 'bole', 'bobo', 'blob', 'bleo', 'bubo', 'asem', 'stub', 'stut', 'swam', 'semi', 'seme', 'seam', 'seax', 'sasa', 'sawt', 'tutu', 'tuts', 'twae', 'twas', 'twae', 'ilima', 'amble', 'axile', 'awest', 'mamie', 'mambo', 'maxim', 'mease', 'mesem', 'limax', 'limes', 'limbo', 'limbu', 'obole', 'emesa', 'embox', 'awest', 'swami', 'famble', 'mimble', 'maxima', 'embolo', 'embole', 'wamble', 'semese', 'semble', 'sawbwa', 'sawbwa']
Notes: This program doesn't output 1-letter words, or filter by word length at all. That's easy to add but not really relevant to the problem. It also outputs some words multiple times if they can be spelled in multiple ways. If a given word can be spelled in many different ways (worst case: every letter in the grid is the same (e.g. 'A') and a word like 'aaaaaaaaaa' is in your dictionary), then the running time will get horribly exponential. Filtering out duplicates and sorting is trivial to due after the algorithm has finished.
For a dictionary speedup, there is one general transformation/process you can do to greatly reduce the dictionary comparisons ahead of time.
Given that the above grid contains only 16 characters, some of them duplicate, you can greatly reduce the number of total keys in your dictionary by simply filtering out entries that have unattainable characters.
I thought this was the obvious optimization but seeing nobody did it I'm mentioning it.
It reduced me from a dictionary of 200,000 keys to only 2,000 keys simply during the input pass. This at the very least reduces memory overhead, and that's sure to map to a speed increase somewhere as memory isn't infinitely fast.
Perl Implementation
My implementation is a bit top-heavy because I placed importance on being able to know the exact path of every extracted string, not just the validity therein.
I also have a few adaptions in there that would theoretically permit a grid with holes in it to function, and grids with different sized lines ( assuming you get the input right and it lines up somehow ).
The early-filter is by far the most significant bottleneck in my application, as suspected earlier, commenting out that line bloats it from 1.5s to 7.5s.
Upon execution it appears to think all the single digits are on their own valid words, but I'm pretty sure thats due to how the dictionary file works.
Its a bit bloated, but at least I reuse Tree::Trie from cpan
Some of it was inspired partially by the existing implementations, some of it I had in mind already.
Constructive Criticism and ways it could be improved welcome ( /me notes he never searched CPAN for a boggle solver, but this was more fun to work out )
updated for new criteria
use strict;
use warnings;
# this package manages a given path through the grid.
# Its an array of matrix-nodes in-order with
# Convenience functions for pretty-printing the paths
# and for extending paths as new paths.
# Usage:
# my $p = Prefix->new(path=>[ $startnode ]);
# my $c = $p->child( $extensionNode );
# print $c->current_word ;
package Prefix;
use Moose;
has path => (
isa => 'ArrayRef[MatrixNode]',
is => 'rw',
default => sub { [] },
has current_word => (
isa => 'Str',
is => 'rw',
lazy_build => 1,
# Create a clone of this object
# with a longer path
# $o->child( $successive-node-on-graph );
sub child {
my $self = shift;
my $newNode = shift;
my $f = Prefix->new();
# Have to do this manually or other recorded paths get modified
push #{ $f->{path} }, #{ $self->{path} }, $newNode;
return $f;
# Traverses $o->path left-to-right to get the string it represents.
sub _build_current_word {
my $self = shift;
return join q{}, map { $_->{value} } #{ $self->{path} };
# Returns the rightmost node on this path
sub tail {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{path}->[-1];
# pretty-format $o->path
sub pp_path {
my $self = shift;
my #path =
map { '[' . $_->{x_position} . ',' . $_->{y_position} . ']' }
#{ $self->{path} };
return "[" . join( ",", #path ) . "]";
# pretty-format $o
sub pp {
my $self = shift;
return $self->current_word . ' => ' . $self->pp_path;
# Basic package for tracking node data
# without having to look on the grid.
# I could have just used an array or a hash, but that got ugly.
# Once the matrix is up and running it doesn't really care so much about rows/columns,
# Its just a sea of points and each point has adjacent points.
# Relative positioning is only really useful to map it back to userspace
package MatrixNode;
use Moose;
has x_position => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
has y_position => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
has value => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
has siblings => (
isa => 'ArrayRef[MatrixNode]',
is => 'rw',
default => sub { [] }
# Its not implicitly uni-directional joins. It would be more effient in therory
# to make the link go both ways at the same time, but thats too hard to program around.
# and besides, this isn't slow enough to bother caring about.
sub add_sibling {
my $self = shift;
my $sibling = shift;
push #{ $self->siblings }, $sibling;
# Convenience method to derive a path starting at this node
sub to_path {
my $self = shift;
return Prefix->new( path => [$self] );
package Matrix;
use Moose;
has rows => (
isa => 'ArrayRef',
is => 'rw',
default => sub { [] },
has regex => (
isa => 'Regexp',
is => 'rw',
lazy_build => 1,
has cells => (
isa => 'ArrayRef',
is => 'rw',
lazy_build => 1,
sub add_row {
my $self = shift;
push #{ $self->rows }, [#_];
# Most of these functions from here down are just builder functions,
# or utilities to help build things.
# Some just broken out to make it easier for me to process.
# All thats really useful is add_row
# The rest will generally be computed, stored, and ready to go
# from ->cells by the time either ->cells or ->regex are called.
# traverse all cells and make a regex that covers them.
sub _build_regex {
my $self = shift;
my $chars = q{};
for my $cell ( #{ $self->cells } ) {
$chars .= $cell->value();
$chars = "[^$chars]";
return qr/$chars/i;
# convert a plain cell ( ie: [x][y] = 0 )
# to an intelligent cell ie: [x][y] = object( x, y )
# we only really keep them in this format temporarily
# so we can go through and tie in neighbouring information.
# after the neigbouring is done, the grid should be considered inoperative.
sub _convert {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $v = $self->_read( $x, $y );
my $n = MatrixNode->new(
x_position => $x,
y_position => $y,
value => $v,
$self->_write( $x, $y, $n );
return $n;
# go through the rows/collums presently available and freeze them into objects.
sub _build_cells {
my $self = shift;
my #out = ();
my #rows = #{ $self->{rows} };
for my $x ( 0 .. $#rows ) {
next unless defined $self->{rows}->[$x];
my #col = #{ $self->{rows}->[$x] };
for my $y ( 0 .. $#col ) {
next unless defined $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];
push #out, $self->_convert( $x, $y );
for my $c (#out) {
for my $n ( $self->_neighbours( $c->x_position, $c->y_position ) ) {
$c->add_sibling( $self->{rows}->[ $n->[0] ]->[ $n->[1] ] );
return \#out;
# given x,y , return array of points that refer to valid neighbours.
sub _neighbours {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my #out = ();
for my $sx ( -1, 0, 1 ) {
next if $sx + $x < 0;
next if not defined $self->{rows}->[ $sx + $x ];
for my $sy ( -1, 0, 1 ) {
next if $sx == 0 && $sy == 0;
next if $sy + $y < 0;
next if not defined $self->{rows}->[ $sx + $x ]->[ $sy + $y ];
push #out, [ $sx + $x, $sy + $y ];
return #out;
sub _has_row {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
return defined $self->{rows}->[$x];
sub _has_cell {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
return defined $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];
sub _read {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
return $self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y];
sub _write {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $v = shift;
$self->{rows}->[$x]->[$y] = $v;
return $v;
use Tree::Trie;
sub readDict {
my $fn = shift;
my $re = shift;
my $d = Tree::Trie->new();
# Dictionary Loading
open my $fh, '<', $fn;
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
# Commenting the next line makes it go from 1.5 seconds to 7.5 seconds. EPIC.
next if $line =~ $re; # Early Filter
$d->add( uc($line) );
return $d;
sub traverseGraph {
my $d = shift;
my $m = shift;
my $min = shift;
my $max = shift;
my #words = ();
# Inject all grid nodes into the processing queue.
my #queue =
grep { $d->lookup( $_->current_word ) }
map { $_->to_path } #{ $m->cells };
while (#queue) {
my $item = shift #queue;
# put the dictionary into "exact match" mode.
my $cword = $item->current_word;
my $l = length($cword);
if ( $l >= $min && $d->lookup($cword) ) {
push #words,
$item; # push current path into "words" if it exactly matches.
next if $l > $max;
# put the dictionary into "is-a-prefix" mode.
siblingloop: foreach my $sibling ( #{ $item->tail->siblings } ) {
foreach my $visited ( #{ $item->{path} } ) {
next siblingloop if $sibling == $visited;
# given path y , iterate for all its end points
my $subpath = $item->child($sibling);
# create a new path for each end-point
if ( $d->lookup( $subpath->current_word ) ) {
# if the new path is a prefix, add it to the bottom of the queue.
push #queue, $subpath;
return \#words;
sub setup_predetermined {
my $m = shift;
my $gameNo = shift;
if( $gameNo == 0 ){
$m->add_row(qw( F X I E ));
$m->add_row(qw( A M L O ));
$m->add_row(qw( E W B X ));
$m->add_row(qw( A S T U ));
return $m;
if( $gameNo == 1 ){
$m->add_row(qw( D G H I ));
$m->add_row(qw( K L P S ));
$m->add_row(qw( Y E U T ));
$m->add_row(qw( E O R N ));
return $m;
sub setup_random {
my $m = shift;
my $seed = shift;
srand $seed;
my #letters = 'A' .. 'Z' ;
for( 1 .. 4 ){
my #r = ();
for( 1 .. 4 ){
push #r , $letters[int(rand(25))];
$m->add_row( #r );
# Here is where the real work starts.
my $m = Matrix->new();
setup_predetermined( $m, 0 );
#setup_random( $m, 5 );
my $d = readDict( 'dict.txt', $m->regex );
my $c = scalar #{ $m->cells }; # get the max, as per spec
print join ",\n", map { $_->pp } #{
traverseGraph( $d, $m, 3, $c ) ;
Arch/execution info for comparison:
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 # 2.50GHz
cache size : 6144 KB
Memory usage summary: heap total: 77057577, heap peak: 11446200, stack peak: 26448
total calls total memory failed calls
malloc| 947212 68763684 0
realloc| 11191 1045641 0 (nomove:9063, dec:4731, free:0)
calloc| 121001 7248252 0
free| 973159 65854762
Histogram for block sizes:
0-15 392633 36% ==================================================
16-31 43530 4% =====
32-47 50048 4% ======
48-63 70701 6% =========
64-79 18831 1% ==
80-95 19271 1% ==
96-111 238398 22% ==============================
112-127 3007 <1%
128-143 236727 21% ==============================
More Mumblings on that Regex Optimization
The regex optimization I use is useless for multi-solve dictionaries, and for multi-solve you'll want a full dictionary, not a pre-trimmed one.
However, that said, for one-off solves, its really fast. ( Perl regex are in C! :) )
Here is some varying code additions:
sub readDict_nofilter {
my $fn = shift;
my $re = shift;
my $d = Tree::Trie->new();
# Dictionary Loading
open my $fh, '<', $fn;
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
$d->add( uc($line) );
return $d;
sub benchmark_io {
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese :hireswallclock );
# generate a random 16 character string
# to simulate there being an input grid.
my $regexen = sub {
my #letters = 'A' .. 'Z' ;
my #lo = ();
for( 1..16 ){
push #lo , $_ ;
my $c = join '', #lo;
$c = "[^$c]";
return qr/$c/i;
cmpthese( 200 , {
filtered => sub {
readDict('dict.txt', $regexen->() );
unfiltered => sub {
s/iter unfiltered filtered
unfiltered 8.16 -- -94%
filtered 0.464 1658% --
ps: 8.16 * 200 = 27 minutes.
You could split the problem up into two pieces:
Some kind of search algorithm that will enumerate possible strings in the grid.
A way of testing whether a string is a valid word.
Ideally, (2) should also include a way of testing whether a string is a prefix of a valid word – this will allow you to prune your search and save a whole heap of time.
Adam Rosenfield's Trie is a solution to (2). It's elegant and probably what your algorithms specialist would prefer, but with modern languages and modern computers, we can be a bit lazier. Also, as Kent suggests, we can reduce our dictionary size by discarding words that have letters not present in the grid. Here's some python:
def make_lookups(grid, fn='dict.txt'):
# Make set of valid characters.
chars = set()
for word in grid:
words = set(x.strip() for x in open(fn) if set(x.strip()) <= chars)
prefixes = set()
for w in words:
for i in range(len(w)+1):
return words, prefixes
Wow; constant-time prefix testing. It takes a couple of seconds to load the dictionary you linked, but only a couple :-) (notice that words <= prefixes)
Now, for part (1), I'm inclined to think in terms of graphs. So I'll build a dictionary that looks something like this:
graph = { (x, y):set([(x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2)]), }
i.e. graph[(x, y)] is the set of coordinates that you can reach from position (x, y). I'll also add a dummy node None which will connect to everything.
Building it's a bit clumsy, because there's 8 possible positions and you have to do bounds checking. Here's some correspondingly-clumsy python code:
def make_graph(grid):
root = None
graph = { root:set() }
chardict = { root:'' }
for i, row in enumerate(grid):
for j, char in enumerate(row):
chardict[(i, j)] = char
node = (i, j)
children = set()
graph[node] = children
add_children(node, children, grid)
return graph, chardict
def add_children(node, children, grid):
x0, y0 = node
for i in [-1,0,1]:
x = x0 + i
if not (0 <= x < len(grid)):
for j in [-1,0,1]:
y = y0 + j
if not (0 <= y < len(grid[0])) or (i == j == 0):
This code also builds up a dictionary mapping (x,y) to the corresponding character. This lets me turn a list of positions into a word:
def to_word(chardict, pos_list):
return ''.join(chardict[x] for x in pos_list)
Finally, we do a depth-first search. The basic procedure is:
The search arrives at a particular node.
Check if the path so far could be part of a word. If not, don't explore this branch any further.
Check if the path so far is a word. If so, add to the list of results.
Explore all children not part of the path so far.
def find_words(graph, chardict, position, prefix, results, words, prefixes):
""" Arguments:
graph :: mapping (x,y) to set of reachable positions
chardict :: mapping (x,y) to character
position :: current position (x,y) -- equals prefix[-1]
prefix :: list of positions in current string
results :: set of words found
words :: set of valid words in the dictionary
prefixes :: set of valid words or prefixes thereof
word = to_word(chardict, prefix)
if word not in prefixes:
if word in words:
for child in graph[position]:
if child not in prefix:
find_words(graph, chardict, child, prefix+[child], results, words, prefixes)
Run the code as:
grid = ['fxie', 'amlo', 'ewbx', 'astu']
g, c = make_graph(grid)
w, p = make_lookups(grid)
res = set()
find_words(g, c, None, [], res, w, p)
and inspect res to see the answers. Here's a list of words found for your example, sorted by size:
['a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'm', 'o', 's', 't',
'u', 'w', 'x', 'ae', 'am', 'as', 'aw', 'ax', 'bo',
'bu', 'ea', 'el', 'em', 'es', 'fa', 'ie', 'io', 'li',
'lo', 'ma', 'me', 'mi', 'oe', 'ox', 'sa', 'se', 'st',
'tu', 'ut', 'wa', 'we', 'xi', 'aes', 'ame', 'ami',
'ase', 'ast', 'awa', 'awe', 'awl', 'blo', 'but', 'elb',
'elm', 'fae', 'fam', 'lei', 'lie', 'lim', 'lob', 'lox',
'mae', 'maw', 'mew', 'mil', 'mix', 'oil', 'olm', 'saw',
'sea', 'sew', 'swa', 'tub', 'tux', 'twa', 'wae', 'was',
'wax', 'wem', 'ambo', 'amil', 'amli', 'asem', 'axil',
'axle', 'bleo', 'boil', 'bole', 'east', 'fame', 'limb',
'lime', 'mesa', 'mewl', 'mile', 'milo', 'oime', 'sawt',
'seam', 'seax', 'semi', 'stub', 'swam', 'twae', 'twas',
'wame', 'wase', 'wast', 'weam', 'west', 'amble', 'awest',
'axile', 'embox', 'limbo', 'limes', 'swami', 'embole',
'famble', 'semble', 'wamble']
The code takes (literally) a couple of seconds to load the dictionary, but the rest is instant on my machine.
My attempt in Java. It takes about 2 s to read file and build trie, and around 50 ms to solve the puzzle. I used the dictionary linked in the question (it has a few words that I didn't know exist in English such as fae, ima)
0 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util - Reading the dictionary
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util - Finish reading the dictionary
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: FAM
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: FAME
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: FAMBLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: FAE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: IMA
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: ELI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: ELM
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: ELB
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AXIL
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AXILE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AXLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AMI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AMIL
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AMLI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AME
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AMBLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AMBO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MIX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MILE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MILO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MAW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MEW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MEWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MESA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: MWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMBO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LIMBU
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LEI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LEO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LOB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: LOX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: OIME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: OIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: OLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: OLM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: EMIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: EMBOLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: EMBOX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: EAST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAF
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAMBLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WEAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WEM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAS
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WASE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: WAST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: BLEO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: BLO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: BOIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: BOLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: BUT
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AWEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: ASE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: ASEM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: AST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEMI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEMBLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SWAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SWAMI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SAW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: SAWT
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: STU
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: STUB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TWAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TWAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TWAS
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TUB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver - Found: TUX
Source code consists of 6 classes. I'll post them below (if this is not the right practice on StackOverflow, please tell me).
package gineer.bogglesolver;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Main
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);
public static void main(String[] args)
Solver solver = new Solver(4,
"FXIE" +
"AMLO" +
"EWBX" +
package gineer.bogglesolver;
import gineer.bogglesolver.trie.Trie;
import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Constants;
import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Solver
private char[] puzzle;
private int maxSize;
private boolean[] used;
private StringBuilder stringSoFar;
private boolean[][] matrix;
private Trie trie;
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Solver.class);
public Solver(int size, String puzzle)
trie = Util.getTrie(size);
matrix = Util.connectivityMatrix(size);
maxSize = size * size;
stringSoFar = new StringBuilder(maxSize);
used = new boolean[maxSize];
if (puzzle.length() == maxSize)
this.puzzle = puzzle.toCharArray();
logger.error("The puzzle size does not match the size specified: " + puzzle.length());
this.puzzle = puzzle.substring(0, maxSize).toCharArray();
public void solve()
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
private void traverseAt(int origin)
used[origin] = true;
//Check if we have a valid word
if ((stringSoFar.length() >= Constants.MINIMUM_WORD_LENGTH) && (trie.containKey(stringSoFar.toString())))
{"Found: " + stringSoFar.toString());
//Find where to go next
for (int destination = 0; destination < maxSize; destination++)
if (matrix[origin][destination] && !used[destination] && trie.containPrefix(stringSoFar.toString() + puzzle[destination]))
used[origin] = false;
stringSoFar.deleteCharAt(stringSoFar.length() - 1);
package gineer.bogglesolver.trie;
import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Constants;
class Node
Node[] children;
boolean isKey;
public Node()
isKey = false;
children = new Node[Constants.NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET];
public Node(boolean key)
isKey = key;
children = new Node[Constants.NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET];
Method to insert a string to Node and its children
#param key the string to insert (the string is assumed to be uppercase)
#return true if the node or one of its children is changed, false otherwise
public boolean insert(String key)
//If the key is empty, this node is a key
if (key.length() == 0)
if (isKey)
return false;
isKey = true;
return true;
{//otherwise, insert in one of its child
int childNodePosition = key.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
if (children[childNodePosition] == null)
children[childNodePosition] = new Node();
return true;
return children[childNodePosition].insert(key.substring(1));
Returns whether key is a valid prefix for certain key in this trie.
For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell", "hello" return true
#param prefix the prefix to check
#return true if the prefix is valid, false otherwise
public boolean containPrefix(String prefix)
//If the prefix is empty, return true
if (prefix.length() == 0)
return true;
{//otherwise, check in one of its child
int childNodePosition = prefix.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
return children[childNodePosition] != null && children[childNodePosition].containPrefix(prefix.substring(1));
Returns whether key is a valid key in this trie.
For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell" return false
#param key the key to check
#return true if the key is valid, false otherwise
public boolean containKey(String key)
//If the prefix is empty, return true
if (key.length() == 0)
return isKey;
{//otherwise, check in one of its child
int childNodePosition = key.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
return children[childNodePosition] != null && children[childNodePosition].containKey(key.substring(1));
public boolean isKey()
return isKey;
public void setKey(boolean key)
isKey = key;
package gineer.bogglesolver.trie;
public class Trie
Node root;
public Trie()
this.root = new Node();
Method to insert a string to Node and its children
#param key the string to insert (the string is assumed to be uppercase)
#return true if the node or one of its children is changed, false otherwise
public boolean insert(String key)
return root.insert(key.toUpperCase());
Returns whether key is a valid prefix for certain key in this trie.
For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell", "hello" return true
#param prefix the prefix to check
#return true if the prefix is valid, false otherwise
public boolean containPrefix(String prefix)
return root.containPrefix(prefix.toUpperCase());
Returns whether key is a valid key in this trie.
For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell" return false
#param key the key to check
#return true if the key is valid, false otherwise
public boolean containKey(String key)
return root.containKey(key.toUpperCase());
package gineer.bogglesolver.util;
public class Constants
public static final int NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET = 26;
public static final char LETTER_A = 'A';
public static final int MINIMUM_WORD_LENGTH = 3;
public static final int DEFAULT_PUZZLE_SIZE = 4;
package gineer.bogglesolver.util;
import gineer.bogglesolver.trie.Trie;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Util
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);
private static Trie trie;
private static int size = Constants.DEFAULT_PUZZLE_SIZE;
Returns the trie built from the dictionary. The size is used to eliminate words that are too long.
#param size the size of puzzle. The maximum lenght of words in the returned trie is (size * size)
#return the trie that can be used for puzzle of that size
public static Trie getTrie(int size)
if ((trie != null) && size == Util.size)
return trie;
trie = new Trie();
Util.size = size;"Reading the dictionary");
final File file = new File("dictionary.txt");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
final int maxSize = size * size;
while (scanner.hasNext())
String line = scanner.nextLine().replaceAll("[^\\p{Alpha}]", "");
if (line.length() <= maxSize)
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
logger.error("Cannot open file", e);
}"Finish reading the dictionary");
return trie;
static boolean[] connectivityRow(int x, int y, int size)
boolean[] squares = new boolean[size * size];
for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++)
for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++)
final int calX = x + offsetX;
final int calY = y + offsetY;
if ((calX >= 0) && (calX < size) && (calY >= 0) && (calY < size))
squares[calY * size + calX] = true;
squares[y * size + x] = false;//the current x, y is false
return squares;
Returns the matrix of connectivity between two points. Point i can go to point j iff matrix[i][j] is true
Square (x, y) is equivalent to point (size * y + x). For example, square (1,1) is point 5 in a puzzle of size 4
#param size the size of the puzzle
#return the connectivity matrix
public static boolean[][] connectivityMatrix(int size)
boolean[][] matrix = new boolean[size * size][];
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
matrix[y * size + x] = connectivityRow(x, y, size);
return matrix;
I think you will probably spend most of your time trying to match words that can't possibly be built by your letter grid. So, the first thing I would do is try to speed up that step and that should get you most of the way there.
For this, I would re-express the grid as a table of possible "moves" that you index by the letter-transition you are looking at.
Start by assigning each letter a number from your entire alphabet (A=0, B=1, C=2, ... and so forth).
Let's take this example:
h b c d
e e g h
l l k l
m o f p
And for now, lets use the alphabet of the letters we have (usually you'd probably want to use the same whole alphabet every time):
b | c | d | e | f | g | h | k | l | m | o | p
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Then you make a 2D boolean array that tells whether you have a certain letter transition available:
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <- from letter
| b c d e f g h k l m o p
0 b | T T T T
1 c | T T T T T
2 d | T T T
3 e | T T T T T T T
4 f | T T T T
5 g | T T T T T T T
6 h | T T T T T T T
7 k | T T T T T T T
8 l | T T T T T T T T T
9 m | T T
10 o | T T T T
11 p | T T T
to letter
Now go through your word list and convert the words to transitions:
hello (6, 3, 8, 8, 10):
6 -> 3, 3 -> 8, 8 -> 8, 8 -> 10
Then check if these transitions are allowed by looking them up in your table:
[6][ 3] : T
[3][ 8] : T
[8][ 8] : T
[8][10] : T
If they are all allowed, there's a chance that this word might be found.
For example the word "helmet" can be ruled out on the 4th transition (m to e: helMEt), since that entry in your table is false.
And the word hamster can be ruled out, since the first (h to a) transition is not allowed (doesn't even exist in your table).
Now, for the probably very few remaining words that you didn't eliminate, try to actually find them in the grid the way you're doing it now or as suggested in some of the other answers here. This is to avoid false positives that result from jumps between identical letters in your grid. For example the word "help" is allowed by the table, but not by the grid.
Some further performance improvement tips on this idea:
Instead of using a 2D array, use a 1D array and simply compute the index of the second letter yourself. So, instead of a 12x12 array like above, make a 1D array of length 144. If you then always use the same alphabet (i.e. a 26x26 = 676x1 array for the standard english alphabet), even if not all letters show up in your grid, you can pre-compute the indices into this 1D array that you need to test to match your dictionary words. For example, the indices for 'hello' in the example above would be
hello (6, 3, 8, 8, 10):
42 (from 6 + 3x12), 99, 104, 128
-> "hello" will be stored as 42, 99, 104, 128 in the dictionary
Extend the idea to a 3D table (expressed as a 1D array), i.e. all allowed 3-letter combinations. That way you can eliminate even more words immediately and you reduce the number of array lookups for each word by 1: For 'hello', you only need 3 array lookups: hel, ell, llo. It will be very quick to build this table, by the way, as there are only 400 possible 3-letter-moves in your grid.
Pre-compute the indices of the moves in your grid that you need to include in your table. For the example above, you need to set the following entries to 'True':
(0,0) (0,1) -> here: h, b : [6][0]
(0,0) (1,0) -> here: h, e : [6][3]
(0,0) (1,1) -> here: h, e : [6][3]
(0,1) (0,0) -> here: b, h : [0][6]
(0,1) (0,2) -> here: b, c : [0][1]
Also represent your game grid in a 1-D array with 16 entries and have the table pre-computed in 3. contain the indices into this array.
I'm sure if you use this approach you can get your code to run insanely fast, if you have the dictionary pre-computed and already loaded into memory.
BTW: Another nice thing to do, if you are building a game, is to run these sort of things immediately in the background. Start generating and solving the first game while the user is still looking at the title screen on your app and getting his finger into position to press "Play". Then generate and solve the next game as the user plays the previous one. That should give you a lot of time to run your code.
(I like this problem, so I'll probably be tempted to implement my proposal in Java sometime in the next days to see how it would actually perform... I'll post the code here once I do.)
Ok, I had some time today and implemented this idea in Java:
class DictionaryEntry {
public int[] letters;
public int[] triplets;
class BoggleSolver {
// Constants
final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 5; // up to 2^5 = 32 letters
final int BOARD_SIZE = 4; // 4x4 board
final int[] moves = {-BOARD_SIZE-1, -BOARD_SIZE, -BOARD_SIZE+1,
-1, +1,
// Technically constant (calculated here for flexibility, but should be fixed)
DictionaryEntry[] dictionary; // Processed word list
int maxWordLength = 0;
int[] boardTripletIndices; // List of all 3-letter moves in board coordinates
DictionaryEntry[] buildDictionary(String fileName) throws IOException {
BufferedReader fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String word = fileReader.readLine();
ArrayList<DictionaryEntry> result = new ArrayList<DictionaryEntry>();
while (word!=null) {
if (word.length()>=3) {
word = word.toUpperCase();
if (word.length()>maxWordLength) maxWordLength = word.length();
DictionaryEntry entry = new DictionaryEntry();
entry.letters = new int[word.length() ];
entry.triplets = new int[word.length()-2];
int i=0;
for (char letter: word.toCharArray()) {
entry.letters[i] = (byte) letter - 65; // Convert ASCII to 0..25
if (i>=2)
entry.triplets[i-2] = (((entry.letters[i-2] << ALPHABET_SIZE) +
entry.letters[i-1]) << ALPHABET_SIZE) +
word = fileReader.readLine();
return result.toArray(new DictionaryEntry[result.size()]);
boolean isWrap(int a, int b) { // Checks if move a->b wraps board edge (like 3->4)
return Math.abs(a%BOARD_SIZE-b%BOARD_SIZE)>1;
int[] buildTripletIndices() {
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int a=0; a<BOARD_SIZE*BOARD_SIZE; a++)
for (int bm: moves) {
int b=a+bm;
if ((b>=0) && (b<board.length) && !isWrap(a, b))
for (int cm: moves) {
int c=b+cm;
if ((c>=0) && (c<board.length) && (c!=a) && !isWrap(b, c)) {
int[] result2 = new int[result.size()];
int i=0;
for (Integer r: result) result2[i++] = r;
return result2;
// Variables that depend on the actual game layout
int[] board = new int[BOARD_SIZE*BOARD_SIZE]; // Letters in board
boolean[] possibleTriplets = new boolean[1 << (ALPHABET_SIZE*3)];
DictionaryEntry[] candidateWords;
int candidateCount;
int[] usedBoardPositions;
DictionaryEntry[] foundWords;
int foundCount;
void initializeBoard(String[] letters) {
for (int row=0; row<BOARD_SIZE; row++)
for (int col=0; col<BOARD_SIZE; col++)
board[row*BOARD_SIZE + col] = (byte) letters[row].charAt(col) - 65;
void setPossibleTriplets() {
Arrays.fill(possibleTriplets, false); // Reset list
int i=0;
while (i<boardTripletIndices.length) {
int triplet = (((board[boardTripletIndices[i++]] << ALPHABET_SIZE) +
board[boardTripletIndices[i++]]) << ALPHABET_SIZE) +
possibleTriplets[triplet] = true;
void checkWordTriplets() {
candidateCount = 0;
for (DictionaryEntry entry: dictionary) {
boolean ok = true;
int len = entry.triplets.length;
for (int t=0; (t<len) && ok; t++)
ok = possibleTriplets[entry.triplets[t]];
if (ok) candidateWords[candidateCount++] = entry;
void checkWords() { // Can probably be optimized a lot
foundCount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<candidateCount; i++) {
DictionaryEntry candidate = candidateWords[i];
for (int j=0; j<board.length; j++)
if (board[j]==candidate.letters[0]) {
usedBoardPositions[0] = j;
if (checkNextLetters(candidate, 1, j)) {
foundWords[foundCount++] = candidate;
boolean checkNextLetters(DictionaryEntry candidate, int letter, int pos) {
if (letter==candidate.letters.length) return true;
int match = candidate.letters[letter];
for (int move: moves) {
int next=pos+move;
if ((next>=0) && (next<board.length) && (board[next]==match) && !isWrap(pos, next)) {
boolean ok = true;
for (int i=0; (i<letter) && ok; i++)
ok = usedBoardPositions[i]!=next;
if (ok) {
usedBoardPositions[letter] = next;
if (checkNextLetters(candidate, letter+1, next)) return true;
return false;
// Just some helper functions
String formatTime(long start, long end, long repetitions) {
long time = (end-start)/repetitions;
return time/1000000 + "." + (time/100000) % 10 + "" + (time/10000) % 10 + "ms";
String getWord(DictionaryEntry entry) {
char[] result = new char[entry.letters.length];
int i=0;
for (int letter: entry.letters)
result[i++] = (char) (letter+97);
return new String(result);
void run() throws IOException {
long start = System.nanoTime();
// The following can be pre-computed and should be replaced by constants
dictionary = buildDictionary("C:/TWL06.txt");
boardTripletIndices = buildTripletIndices();
long precomputed = System.nanoTime();
// The following only needs to run once at the beginning of the program
candidateWords = new DictionaryEntry[dictionary.length]; // WAAAY too generous
foundWords = new DictionaryEntry[dictionary.length]; // WAAAY too generous
usedBoardPositions = new int[maxWordLength];
long initialized = System.nanoTime();
for (int n=1; n<=100; n++) {
// The following needs to run again for every new board
initializeBoard(new String[] {"DGHI",
long solved = System.nanoTime();
// Print out result and statistics
System.out.println("Precomputation finished in " + formatTime(start, precomputed, 1)+":");
System.out.println(" Words in the dictionary: "+dictionary.length);
System.out.println(" Longest word: "+maxWordLength+" letters");
System.out.println(" Number of triplet-moves: "+boardTripletIndices.length/3);
System.out.println("Initialization finished in " + formatTime(precomputed, initialized, 1));
System.out.println("Board solved in "+formatTime(initialized, solved, 100)+":");
System.out.println(" Number of candidates: "+candidateCount);
System.out.println(" Number of actual words: "+foundCount);
System.out.println("Words found:");
int w=0;
System.out.print(" ");
for (int i=0; i<foundCount; i++) {
if (w==10) {
System.out.println(); System.out.print(" ");
} else
if (i<foundCount-1) System.out.print(", ");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new BoggleSolver().run();
Here are some results:
For the grid from the picture posted in the original question (DGHI...):
Precomputation finished in 239.59ms:
Words in the dictionary: 178590
Longest word: 15 letters
Number of triplet-moves: 408
Initialization finished in 0.22ms
Board solved in 3.70ms:
Number of candidates: 230
Number of actual words: 163
Words found:
eek, eel, eely, eld, elhi, elk, ern, erupt, erupts, euro
eye, eyer, ghi, ghis, glee, gley, glue, gluer, gluey, glut
gluts, hip, hiply, hips, his, hist, kelp, kelps, kep, kepi
kepis, keps, kept, kern, key, kye, lee, lek, lept, leu
ley, lunt, lunts, lure, lush, lust, lustre, lye, nus, nut
nuts, ore, ort, orts, ouph, ouphs, our, oust, out, outre
outs, oyer, pee, per, pert, phi, phis, pis, pish, plus
plush, ply, plyer, psi, pst, pul, pule, puler, pun, punt
punts, pur, pure, puree, purely, pus, push, put, puts, ree
rely, rep, reply, reps, roe, roue, roup, roups, roust, rout
routs, rue, rule, ruly, run, runt, runts, rupee, rush, rust
rut, ruts, ship, shlep, sip, sipe, spue, spun, spur, spurn
spurt, strep, stroy, stun, stupe, sue, suer, sulk, sulker, sulky
sun, sup, supe, super, sure, surely, tree, trek, trey, troupe
troy, true, truly, tule, tun, tup, tups, turn, tush, ups
urn, uts, yeld, yelk, yelp, yelps, yep, yeps, yore, you
your, yourn, yous
For the letters posted as the example in the original question (FXIE...)
Precomputation finished in 239.68ms:
Words in the dictionary: 178590
Longest word: 15 letters
Number of triplet-moves: 408
Initialization finished in 0.21ms
Board solved in 3.69ms:
Number of candidates: 87
Number of actual words: 76
Words found:
amble, ambo, ami, amie, asea, awa, awe, awes, awl, axil
axile, axle, boil, bole, box, but, buts, east, elm, emboli
fame, fames, fax, lei, lie, lima, limb, limbo, limbs, lime
limes, lob, lobs, lox, mae, maes, maw, maws, max, maxi
mesa, mew, mewl, mews, mil, mile, milo, mix, oil, ole
sae, saw, sea, seam, semi, sew, stub, swam, swami, tub
tubs, tux, twa, twae, twaes, twas, uts, wae, waes, wamble
wame, wames, was, wast, wax, west
For the following 5x5-grid:
it gives this:
Precomputation finished in 240.39ms:
Words in the dictionary: 178590
Longest word: 15 letters
Number of triplet-moves: 768
Initialization finished in 0.23ms
Board solved in 3.85ms:
Number of candidates: 331
Number of actual words: 240
Words found:
aero, aery, ahi, air, airt, airth, airts, airy, ear, egest
elhi, elint, erg, ergo, ester, eth, ether, eye, eyen, eyer
eyes, eyre, eyrie, gel, gelt, gelts, gen, gent, gentil, gest
geste, get, gets, gey, gor, gore, gory, grey, greyest, greys
gyre, gyri, gyro, hae, haet, haets, hair, hairy, hap, harp
heap, hear, heh, heir, help, helps, hen, hent, hep, her
hero, hes, hest, het, hetero, heth, hets, hey, hie, hilt
hilts, hin, hint, hire, hit, inlet, inlets, ire, leg, leges
legs, lehr, lent, les, lest, let, lethe, lets, ley, leys
lin, line, lines, liney, lint, lit, neg, negs, nest, nester
net, nether, nets, nil, nit, ogre, ore, orgy, ort, orts
pah, pair, par, peg, pegs, peh, pelt, pelter, peltry, pelts
pen, pent, pes, pest, pester, pesty, pet, peter, pets, phi
philter, philtre, phiz, pht, print, pst, rah, rai, rap, raphe
raphes, reap, rear, rei, ret, rete, rets, rhaphe, rhaphes, rhea
ria, rile, riles, riley, rin, rye, ryes, seg, sel, sen
sent, senti, set, sew, spelt, spelter, spent, splent, spline, splint
split, stent, step, stey, stria, striae, sty, stye, tea, tear
teg, tegs, tel, ten, tent, thae, the, their, then, these
thesp, they, thin, thine, thir, thirl, til, tile, tiles, tilt
tilter, tilth, tilts, tin, tine, tines, tirl, trey, treys, trog
try, tye, tyer, tyes, tyre, tyro, west, wester, wry, wryest
wye, wyes, wyte, wytes, yea, yeah, year, yeh, yelp, yelps
yen, yep, yeps, yes, yester, yet, yew, yews, zero, zori
For this I used the TWL06 Tournament Scrabble Word List, since the link in the original question no longer works. This file is 1.85MB, so it's a little bit shorter. And the buildDictionary function throws out all words with less than 3 letters.
Here are a couple of observations about the performance of this:
It's about 10 times slower than the reported performance of Victor Nicollet's OCaml implementation. Whether this is caused by the different algorithm, the shorter dictionary he used, the fact that his code is compiled and mine runs in a Java virtual machine, or the performance of our computers (mine is an Intel Q6600 # 2.4MHz running WinXP), I don't know. But it's much faster than the results for the other implementations quoted at the end of the original question. So, whether this algorithm is superior to the trie dictionary or not, I don't know at this point.
The table method used in checkWordTriplets() yields a very good approximation to the actual answers. Only 1 in 3-5 words passed by it will fail the checkWords() test (See number of candidates vs. number of actual words above).
Something you can't see above: The checkWordTriplets() function takes about 3.65ms and is therefore fully dominant in the search process. The checkWords() function takes up pretty much the remaining 0.05-0.20 ms.
The execution time of the checkWordTriplets() function depends linearly on the dictionary size and is virtually independent of board size!
The execution time of checkWords() depends on the board size and the number of words not ruled out by checkWordTriplets().
The checkWords() implementation above is the dumbest first version I came up with. It is basically not optimized at all. But compared to checkWordTriplets() it is irrelevant for the total performance of the application, so I didn't worry about it. But, if the board size gets bigger, this function will get slower and slower and will eventually start to matter. Then, it would need to be optimized as well.
One nice thing about this code is its flexibility:
You can easily change the board size: Update line 10 and the String array passed to initializeBoard().
It can support larger/different alphabets and can handle things like treating 'Qu' as one letter without any performance overhead. To do this, one would need to update line 9 and the couple of places where characters are converted to numbers (currently simply by subtracting 65 from the ASCII value)
Ok, but I think by now this post is waaaay long enough. I can definitely answer any questions you might have, but let's move that to the comments.
Surprisingly, no one attempted a PHP version of this.
This is a working PHP version of John Fouhy's Python solution.
Although I took some pointers from everyone else's answers, this is mostly copied from John.
$boggle = "fxie
$alphabet = str_split(str_replace(array("\n", " ", "\r"), "", strtolower($boggle)));
$rows = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $boggle));
$dictionary = file("C:/dict.txt");
$prefixes = array(''=>'');
$words = array();
$regex = '/[' . implode('', $alphabet) . ']{3,}$/S';
foreach($dictionary as $k=>$value) {
$value = trim(strtolower($value));
$length = strlen($value);
if(preg_match($regex, $value)) {
for($x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) {
$letter = substr($value, 0, $x+1);
if($letter == $value) {
$words[$value] = 1;
} else {
$prefixes[$letter] = 1;
$graph = array();
$chardict = array();
$positions = array();
$c = count($rows);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$l = strlen($rows[$i]);
for($j = 0; $j < $l; $j++) {
$chardict[$i.','.$j] = $rows[$i][$j];
$children = array();
$pos = array(-1,0,1);
foreach($pos as $z) {
$xCoord = $z + $i;
if($xCoord < 0 || $xCoord >= count($rows)) {
$len = strlen($rows[0]);
foreach($pos as $w) {
$yCoord = $j + $w;
if(($yCoord < 0 || $yCoord >= $len) || ($z == 0 && $w == 0)) {
$children[] = array($xCoord, $yCoord);
$graph['None'][] = array($i, $j);
$graph[$i.','.$j] = $children;
function to_word($chardict, $prefix) {
$word = array();
foreach($prefix as $v) {
$word[] = $chardict[$v[0].','.$v[1]];
return implode("", $word);
function find_words($graph, $chardict, $position, $prefix, $prefixes, &$results, $words) {
$word = to_word($chardict, $prefix);
if(!isset($prefixes[$word])) return false;
if(isset($words[$word])) {
$results[] = $word;
foreach($graph[$position] as $child) {
if(!in_array($child, $prefix)) {
$newprefix = $prefix;
$newprefix[] = $child;
find_words($graph, $chardict, $child[0].','.$child[1], $newprefix, $prefixes, $results, $words);
$solution = array();
find_words($graph, $chardict, 'None', array(), $prefixes, $solution);
Here is a live link if you want to try it out. Although it takes ~2s in my local machine, it takes ~5s on my webserver. In either case, it is not very fast. Still, though, it is quite hideous so I can imagine the time can be reduced significantly. Any pointers on how to accomplish that would be appreciated. PHP's lack of tuples made the coordinates weird to work with and my inability to comprehend just what the hell is going on didn't help at all.
EDIT: A few fixes make it take less than 1s locally.
Not interested in VB? :) I couldn't resist. I've solved this differently than many of the solutions presented here.
My times are:
Loading the dictionary and word prefixes into a hashtable: .5 to 1 seconds.
Finding the words: averaging under 10 milliseconds.
EDIT: Dictionary load times on the web host server are running about 1 to 1.5 seconds longer than my home computer.
I don't know how badly the times will deteriorate with a load on the server.
I wrote my solution as a web page in .Net.
I'm using the dictionary referenced in the original question.
Letters are not reused in a word. Only words 3 characters or longer are found.
I'm using a hashtable of all unique word prefixes and words instead of a trie. I didn't know about trie's so I learned something there. The idea of creating a list of prefixes of words in addition to the complete words is what finally got my times down to a respectable number.
Read the code comments for additional details.
Here's the code:
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Partial Class boggle_Default
'Bob Archer, 4/15/2009
'To avoid using a 2 dimensional array in VB I'm not using typical X,Y
'coordinate iteration to find paths.
'I have locked the code into a 4 by 4 grid laid out like so:
' abcd
' efgh
' ijkl
' mnop
'To find paths the code starts with a letter from a to p then
'explores the paths available around it. If a neighboring letter
'already exists in the path then we don't go there.
'Neighboring letters (grid points) are hard coded into
'a Generic.Dictionary below.
'Paths is a list of only valid Paths found.
'If a word prefix or word is not found the path is not
'added and extending that path is terminated.
Dim Paths As New Generic.List(Of String)
'NeighborsOf. The keys are the letters a to p.
'The value is a string of letters representing neighboring letters.
'The string of neighboring letters is split and iterated later.
Dim NeigborsOf As New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)
'BoggleLetters. The keys are mapped to the lettered grid of a to p.
'The values are what the user inputs on the page.
Dim BoggleLetters As New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)
'Used to store last postition of path. This will be a letter
'from a to p.
Dim LastPositionOfPath As String = ""
'I found a HashTable was by far faster than a Generic.Dictionary
' - about 10 times faster. This stores prefixes of words and words.
'I determined 792773 was the number of words and unique prefixes that
'will be generated from the dictionary file. This is a max number and
'the final hashtable will not have that many.
Dim HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords As New Hashtable(792773)
'Stores words that are found.
Dim FoundWords As New Generic.List(Of String)
'Just to validate what the user enters in the grid.
Dim ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters As Boolean = False
Public Sub BuildAndTestPathsAndFindWords(ByVal ThisPath As String)
'Word is the word correlating to the ThisPath parameter.
'This path would be a series of letters from a to p.
Dim Word As String = ""
'The path is iterated through and a word based on the actual
'letters in the Boggle grid is assembled.
For i As Integer = 0 To ThisPath.Length - 1
Word += Me.BoggleLetters(ThisPath.Substring(i, 1))
'If my hashtable of word prefixes and words doesn't contain this Word
'Then this isn't a word and any further extension of ThisPath will not
'yield any words either. So exit sub to terminate exploring this path.
If Not HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.ContainsKey(Word) Then Exit Sub
'The value of my hashtable is a boolean representing if the key if a word (true) or
'just a prefix (false). If true and at least 3 letters long then yay! word found.
If HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords(Word) AndAlso Word.Length > 2 Then Me.FoundWords.Add(Word)
'If my List of Paths doesn't contain ThisPath then add it.
'Remember only valid paths will make it this far. Paths not found
'in the HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords cause this sub to exit above.
If Not Paths.Contains(ThisPath) Then Paths.Add(ThisPath)
'Examine the last letter of ThisPath. We are looking to extend the path
'to our neighboring letters if any are still available.
LastPositionOfPath = ThisPath.Substring(ThisPath.Length - 1, 1)
'Loop through my list of neighboring letters (representing grid points).
For Each Neighbor As String In Me.NeigborsOf(LastPositionOfPath).ToCharArray()
'If I find a neighboring grid point that I haven't already used
'in ThisPath then extend ThisPath and feed the new path into
'this recursive function. (see recursive.)
If Not ThisPath.Contains(Neighbor) Then Me.BuildAndTestPathsAndFindWords(ThisPath & Neighbor)
End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonBoggle_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonBoggle.Click
'User has entered the 16 letters and clicked the go button.
'Set up my Generic.Dictionary of grid points, I'm using letters a to p -
'not an x,y grid system. The values are neighboring points.
NeigborsOf.Add("a", "bfe")
NeigborsOf.Add("b", "cgfea")
NeigborsOf.Add("c", "dhgfb")
NeigborsOf.Add("d", "hgc")
NeigborsOf.Add("e", "abfji")
NeigborsOf.Add("f", "abcgkjie")
NeigborsOf.Add("g", "bcdhlkjf")
NeigborsOf.Add("h", "cdlkg")
NeigborsOf.Add("i", "efjnm")
NeigborsOf.Add("j", "efgkonmi")
NeigborsOf.Add("k", "fghlponj")
NeigborsOf.Add("l", "ghpok")
NeigborsOf.Add("m", "ijn")
NeigborsOf.Add("n", "ijkom")
NeigborsOf.Add("o", "jklpn")
NeigborsOf.Add("p", "klo")
'Retrieve letters the user entered.
BoggleLetters.Add("a", Me.TextBox1.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("b", Me.TextBox2.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("c", Me.TextBox3.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("d", Me.TextBox4.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("e", Me.TextBox5.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("f", Me.TextBox6.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("g", Me.TextBox7.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("h", Me.TextBox8.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("i", Me.TextBox9.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("j", Me.TextBox10.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("k", Me.TextBox11.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("l", Me.TextBox12.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("m", Me.TextBox13.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("n", Me.TextBox14.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("o", Me.TextBox15.Text.ToLower.Trim())
BoggleLetters.Add("p", Me.TextBox16.Text.ToLower.Trim())
'Validate user entered something with a length of 1 for all 16 textboxes.
For Each S As String In BoggleLetters.Keys
If BoggleLetters(S).Length <> 1 Then
ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters = True
Exit For
End If
'If input is not valid then...
If ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters Then
'Present error message.
'Else assume we have 16 letters to work with and start finding words.
Dim SB As New StringBuilder
Dim Time As String = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString())
Dim NumOfLetters As Integer = 0
Dim Word As String = ""
Dim TempWord As String = ""
Dim Letter As String = ""
Dim fr As StreamReader = Nothing
fr = New System.IO.StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/boggle/dic.txt"))
'First fill my hashtable with word prefixes and words.
'HashTable(PrefixOrWordString, BooleanTrueIfWordFalseIfPrefix)
While fr.Peek <> -1
Word = fr.ReadLine.Trim()
TempWord = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To Word.Length - 1
Letter = Word.Substring(i, 1)
'This optimization helped quite a bit. Words in the dictionary that begin
'with letters that the user did not enter in the grid shouldn't go in my hashtable.
'I realize most of the solutions went with a Trie. I'd never heard of that before,
'which is one of the neat things about SO, seeing how others approach challenges
'and learning some best practices.
'However, I didn't code a Trie in my solution. I just have a hashtable with
'all words in the dicitonary file and all possible prefixes for those words.
'A Trie might be faster but I'm not coding it now. I'm getting good times with this.
If i = 0 AndAlso Not BoggleLetters.ContainsValue(Letter) Then Continue While
TempWord += Letter
If Not HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.ContainsKey(TempWord) Then
HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.Add(TempWord, TempWord = Word)
End If
End While
SB.Append("Number of Word Prefixes and Words in Hashtable: " & HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.Count.ToString())
SB.Append("<br />")
SB.Append("Loading Dictionary: " & Time & " - " & String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString()))
SB.Append("<br />")
Time = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString())
'This starts a path at each point on the grid an builds a path until
'the string of letters correlating to the path is not found in the hashtable
'of word prefixes and words.
SB.Append("Finding Words: " & Time & " - " & String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString()))
SB.Append("<br />")
SB.Append("Num of words found: " & FoundWords.Count.ToString())
SB.Append("<br />")
SB.Append("<br />")
SB.Append(String.Join("<br />", FoundWords.ToArray()))
'Output results.
Me.LiteralBoggleResults.Text = SB.ToString()
Me.PanelBoggleResults.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
End Class
As soon as I saw the problem statement, I thought "Trie". But seeing as several other posters made use of that approach, I looked for another approach just to be different. Alas, the Trie approach performs better. I ran Kent's Perl solution on my machine and it took 0.31 seconds to run, after adapting it to use my dictionary file. My own perl implementation required 0.54 seconds to run.
This was my approach:
Create a transition hash to model the legal transitions.
Iterate through all 16^3 possible three letter combinations.
In the loop, exclude illegal transitions and repeat visits to the
same square. Form all the legal 3-letter sequences and store them in a hash.
Then loop through all words in the dictionary.
Exclude words that are too long or short
Slide a 3-letter window across each word and see if it is among the 3-letter combos from step 2. Exclude words that fail. This eliminates most non-matches.
If still not eliminated, use a recursive algorithm to see if the word can be formed by making paths through the puzzle. (This part is slow, but called infrequently.)
Print out the words I found.
I tried 3-letter and 4-letter sequences, but 4-letter sequences slowed the program down.
In my code, I use /usr/share/dict/words for my dictionary. It comes standard on MAC OS X and many Unix systems. You can use another file if you want. To crack a different puzzle, just change the variable #puzzle. This would be easy to adapt for larger matrices. You would just need to change the %transitions hash and %legalTransitions hash.
The strength of this solution is that the code is short, and the data structures simple.
Here is the Perl code (which uses too many global variables, I know):
use Time::HiRes qw{ time };
sub readFile($);
sub findAllPrefixes($);
sub isWordTraceable($);
sub findWordsInPuzzle(#);
my $startTime = time;
# Puzzle to solve
my #puzzle = (
F, X, I, E,
A, M, L, O,
E, W, B, X,
A, S, T, U
my $minimumWordLength = 3;
my $maximumPrefixLength = 3; # I tried four and it slowed down.
# Slurp the word list.
my $wordlistFile = "/usr/share/dict/words";
my #words = split(/\n/, uc(readFile($wordlistFile)));
print "Words loaded from word list: " . scalar #words . "\n";
print "Word file load time: " . (time - $startTime) . "\n";
my $postLoad = time;
# Define the legal transitions from one letter position to another.
# Positions are numbered 0-15.
# 0 1 2 3
# 4 5 6 7
# 8 9 10 11
# 12 13 14 15
my %transitions = (
-1 => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],
0 => [1,4,5],
1 => [0,2,4,5,6],
2 => [1,3,5,6,7],
3 => [2,6,7],
4 => [0,1,5,8,9],
5 => [0,1,2,4,6,8,9,10],
6 => [1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11],
7 => [2,3,6,10,11],
8 => [4,5,9,12,13],
9 => [4,5,6,8,10,12,13,14],
10 => [5,6,7,9,11,13,14,15],
11 => [6,7,10,14,15],
12 => [8,9,13],
13 => [8,9,10,12,14],
14 => [9,10,11,13,15],
15 => [10,11,14]
# Convert the transition matrix into a hash for easy access.
my %legalTransitions = ();
foreach my $start (keys %transitions) {
my $legalRef = $transitions{$start};
foreach my $stop (#$legalRef) {
my $index = ($start + 1) * (scalar #puzzle) + ($stop + 1);
$legalTransitions{$index} = 1;
my %prefixesInPuzzle = findAllPrefixes($maximumPrefixLength);
print "Find prefixes time: " . (time - $postLoad) . "\n";
my $postPrefix = time;
my #wordsFoundInPuzzle = findWordsInPuzzle(#words);
print "Find words in puzzle time: " . (time - $postPrefix) . "\n";
print "Unique prefixes found: " . (scalar keys %prefixesInPuzzle) . "\n";
print "Words found (" . (scalar #wordsFoundInPuzzle) . ") :\n " . join("\n ", #wordsFoundInPuzzle) . "\n";
print "Total Elapsed time: " . (time - $startTime) . "\n";
sub readFile($) {
my ($filename) = #_;
my $contents;
if (-e $filename) {
# This is magic: it opens and reads a file into a scalar in one line of code.
# See
$contents = do { local( #ARGV, $/ ) = $filename ; <> } ;
else {
$contents = '';
return $contents;
# Is it legal to move from the first position to the second? They must be adjacent.
sub isLegalTransition($$) {
my ($pos1,$pos2) = #_;
my $index = ($pos1 + 1) * (scalar #puzzle) + ($pos2 + 1);
return $legalTransitions{$index};
# Find all prefixes where $minimumWordLength <= length <= $maxPrefixLength
# $maxPrefixLength ... Maximum length of prefix we will store. Three gives best performance.
sub findAllPrefixes($) {
my ($maxPrefixLength) = #_;
my %prefixes = ();
my $puzzleSize = scalar #puzzle;
# Every possible N-letter combination of the letters in the puzzle
# can be represented as an integer, though many of those combinations
# involve illegal transitions, duplicated letters, etc.
# Iterate through all those possibilities and eliminate the illegal ones.
my $maxIndex = $puzzleSize ** $maxPrefixLength;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxIndex; $i++) {
my #path;
my $remainder = $i;
my $prevPosition = -1;
my $prefix = '';
my %usedPositions = ();
for (my $prefixLength = 1; $prefixLength <= $maxPrefixLength; $prefixLength++) {
my $position = $remainder % $puzzleSize;
# Is this a valid step?
# a. Is the transition legal (to an adjacent square)?
if (! isLegalTransition($prevPosition, $position)) {
# b. Have we repeated a square?
if ($usedPositions{$position}) {
else {
$usedPositions{$position} = 1;
# Record this prefix if length >= $minimumWordLength.
$prefix .= $puzzle[$position];
if ($prefixLength >= $minimumWordLength) {
$prefixes{$prefix} = 1;
push #path, $position;
$remainder -= $position;
$remainder /= $puzzleSize;
$prevPosition = $position;
} # end inner for
} # end outer for
return %prefixes;
# Loop through all words in dictionary, looking for ones that are in the puzzle.
sub findWordsInPuzzle(#) {
my #allWords = #_;
my #wordsFound = ();
my $puzzleSize = scalar #puzzle;
WORD: foreach my $word (#allWords) {
my $wordLength = length($word);
if ($wordLength > $puzzleSize || $wordLength < $minimumWordLength) {
# Reject word as too short or too long.
elsif ($wordLength <= $maximumPrefixLength ) {
# Word should be in the prefix hash.
if ($prefixesInPuzzle{$word}) {
push #wordsFound, $word;
else {
# Scan through the word using a window of length $maximumPrefixLength, looking for any strings not in our prefix list.
# If any are found that are not in the list, this word is not possible.
# If no non-matches are found, we have more work to do.
my $limit = $wordLength - $maximumPrefixLength + 1;
for (my $startIndex = 0; $startIndex < $limit; $startIndex ++) {
if (! $prefixesInPuzzle{substr($word, $startIndex, $maximumPrefixLength)}) {
next WORD;
if (isWordTraceable($word)) {
# Additional test necessary: see if we can form this word by following legal transitions
push #wordsFound, $word;
return #wordsFound;
# Is it possible to trace out the word using only legal transitions?
sub isWordTraceable($) {
my $word = shift;
return traverse([split(//, $word)], [-1]); # Start at special square -1, which may transition to any square in the puzzle.
# Recursively look for a path through the puzzle that matches the word.
sub traverse($$) {
my ($lettersRef, $pathRef) = #_;
my $index = scalar #$pathRef - 1;
my $position = $pathRef->[$index];
my $letter = $lettersRef->[$index];
my $branchesRef = $transitions{$position};
BRANCH: foreach my $branch (#$branchesRef) {
if ($puzzle[$branch] eq $letter) {
# Have we used this position yet?
foreach my $usedBranch (#$pathRef) {
if ($usedBranch == $branch) {
next BRANCH;
if (scalar #$lettersRef == $index + 1) {
return 1; # End of word and success.
push #$pathRef, $branch;
if (traverse($lettersRef, $pathRef)) {
return 1; # Recursive success.
else {
pop #$pathRef;
return 0; # No path found. Failed.
I know I'm super late but I made one of these a while ago in PHP - just for fun too...
Found 75 words (133 pts) in 0.90108 seconds
Gives some indication of what the program is actually doing - each letter is where it starts looking through the patterns while each '.' shows a path that it has tried to take. The more '.' there are the further it has searched.
Let me know if you want the code... it is a horrible mix of PHP and HTML that was never meant to see the light of day so I dare not post it here :P
I spent 3 months working on a solution to the 10 best point dense 5x5 Boggle boards problem.
The problem is now solved and laid out with full disclosure on 5 web pages. Please contact me with questions.
The board analysis algorithm uses an explicit stack to pseudo-recursively traverse the board squares through a Directed Acyclic Word Graph with direct child information, and a time stamp tracking mechanism. This may very well be the world's most advanced lexicon data structure.
The scheme evaluates some 10,000 very good boards per second on a quad core. (9500+ points)
Parent Web Page:
DeepSearch.c -
Component Web Pages:
Optimal Scoreboard -
Advanced Lexicon Structure -
Board Analysis Algorithm -
Parallel Batch Processing -
This comprehensive body of work will only interest a person who demands the very best.
Does your search algorithm continually decrease the word list as your search continues?
For instance, in the search above there are only 13 letters that your words can start with (effectively reducing to half as many starting letters).
As you add more letter permutations it would further decrease the available word sets decreasing the searching necessary.
I'd start there.
I'd have to give more thought to a complete solution, but as a handy optimisation, I wonder whether it might be worth pre-computing a table of frequencies of digrams and trigrams (2- and 3-letter combinations) based on all the words from your dictionary, and use this to prioritise your search. I'd go with the starting letters of words. So if your dictionary contained the words "India", "Water", "Extreme", and "Extraordinary", then your pre-computed table might be:
'IN': 1
'WA': 1
'EX': 2
Then search for these digrams in the order of commonality (first EX, then WA/IN)
First, read how one of the C# language designers solved a related problem:
Like him, you can start with a dictionary and the canonacalize words by creating a dictionary from an array of letters sorted alphabetically to a list of words that can be spelled from those letters.
Next, start creating the possible words from the board and looking them up. I suspect that will get you pretty far, but there are certainly more tricks that might speed things up.
I suggest making a tree of letters based on words. The tree would be composed of a letter structs, like this:
letter: char
isWord: boolean
Then you build up the tree, with each depth adding a new letter. In other words, on the first level there'd be the alphabet; then from each of those trees, there'd be another another 26 entries, and so on, until you've spelled out all the words. Hang onto this parsed tree, and it'll make all possible answers faster to look up.
With this parsed tree, you can very quickly find solutions. Here's the pseudo-code:
For each letter:
if the struct representing it on the current depth has isWord == true, enter it as an answer.
Cycle through all its neighbors; if there is a child of the current node corresponding to the letter, recursively call BEGIN on it.
This could be sped up with a bit of dynamic programming. For example, in your sample, the two 'A's are both next to an 'E' and a 'W', which (from the point they hit them on) would be identical. I don't have enough time to really spell out the code for this, but I think you can gather the idea.
Also, I'm sure you'll find other solutions if you Google for "Boggle solver".
Just for fun, I implemented one in bash.
It is not super fast, but reasonable.
Hilarious. I nearly posted the same question a few days ago due to the same damn game! I did not however because just searched google for boggle solver python and got all the answers I could want.
I realize this question's time has come and gone, but since I was working on a solver myself, and stumbled onto this while googling about, I thought I should post a reference to mine as it seems a bit different from some of the others.
I chose to go with a flat array for the game board, and to do recursive hunts from each letter on the board, traversing from valid neighbor to valid neighbor, extending the hunt if the current list of letters if a valid prefix in an index. While traversing the notion of the current word is list of indexes into board, not letters that make up a word. When checking the index, the indexes are translated to letters and the check done.
The index is a brute force dictionary that's a bit like a trie, but allows for Pythonic queries of the index. If the words 'cat' and 'cater' are in the list, you'll get this in the dictionary:
d = { 'c': ['cat','cater'],
'ca': ['cat','cater'],
'cat': ['cat','cater'],
'cate': ['cater'],
'cater': ['cater'],
So if the current_word is 'ca' you know that it is a valid prefix because 'ca' in d returns True (so continue the board traversal). And if the current_word is 'cat' then you know that it is a valid word because it is a valid prefix and 'cat' in d['cat'] returns True too.
If felt like this allowed for some readable code that doesn't seem too slow. Like everyone else the expense in this system is reading/building the index. Solving the board is pretty much noise.
The code is at It is intentionally vertical and naive with lots of explicit validity checking because I wanted to understand the problem without crufting it up with a bunch of magic or obscurity.
I wrote my solver in C++. I implemented a custom tree structure. I'm not sure it can be considered a trie but it's similar. Each node has 26 branches, 1 for each letter of the alphabet. I traverse the branches of the boggle board in parallel with the branches of my dictionary. If the branch does not exist in the dictionary, I stop searching it on the Boggle board. I convert all the letters on the board to ints. So 'A' = 0. Since it's just arrays, lookup is always O(1). Each node stores if it completes a word and how many words exist in its children. The tree is pruned as words are found to reduce repeatedly searching for the same words. I believe pruning is also O(1).
CPU: Pentium SU2700 1.3GHz
RAM: 3gb
Loads dictionary of 178,590 words in < 1 second.
Solves 100x100 Boggle (boggle.txt) in 4 seconds. ~44,000 words found.
Solving a 4x4 Boggle is too fast to provide a meaningful benchmark. :)
Fast Boggle Solver GitHub Repo
Given a Boggle board with N rows and M columns, let's assume the following:
N*M is substantially greater than the number of possible words
N*M is substantially greater than the longest possible word
Under these assumptions, the complexity of this solution is O(N*M).
I think comparing running times for this one example board in many ways misses the point but, for the sake of completeness, this solution completes in <0.2s on my modern MacBook Pro.
This solution will find all possible paths for each word in the corpus.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Example usage: ./boggle-solver --board "fxie amlo ewbx astu"
autoload :Matrix, 'matrix'
autoload :OptionParser, 'optparse'
DEFAULT_CORPUS_PATH = '/usr/share/dict/words'.freeze
# Functions
def filter_corpus(matrix, corpus, min_word_length)
board_char_counts =
matrix.each { |c| board_char_counts[c] += 1 }
max_word_length = matrix.row_count * matrix.column_count
boggleable_regex = /^[#{board_char_counts.keys.reduce(:+)}]{#{min_word_length},#{max_word_length}}$/{ |w| w.match boggleable_regex }.select do |w|
word_char_counts =
w.each_char { |c| word_char_counts[c] += 1 }
word_char_counts.all? { |c, count| board_char_counts[c] >= count }
def neighbors(point, matrix)
i, j = point
([i-1, 0].max .. [i+1, matrix.row_count-1].min).inject([]) do |r, new_i|
([j-1, 0].max .. [j+1, matrix.column_count-1].min).inject(r) do |r, new_j|
neighbor = [new_i, new_j]
neighbor.eql?(point) ? r : r << neighbor
def expand_path(path, word, matrix)
return [path] if path.length == word.length
next_char = word[path.length]
viable_neighbors = neighbors(path[-1], matrix).select do |point|
!path.include?(point) && matrix.element(*point).eql?(next_char)
viable_neighbors.inject([]) do |result, point|
result + expand_path(path.dup << point, word, matrix)
def find_paths(word, matrix)
result = []
matrix.each_with_index do |c, i, j|
result += expand_path([[i, j]], word, matrix) if c.eql?(word[0])
def solve(matrix, corpus, min_word_length: 3)
boggleable_corpus = filter_corpus(matrix, corpus, min_word_length)
boggleable_corpus.inject({}) do |result, w|
paths = find_paths(w, matrix)
result[w] = paths unless paths.empty?
# Script
options = { corpus_path: DEFAULT_CORPUS_PATH }
option_parser = do |opts|
opts.banner = 'Usage: boggle-solver --board <value> [--corpus <value>]'
opts.on('--board BOARD', String, 'The board (e.g. "fxi aml ewb ast")') do |b|
options[:board] = b
opts.on('--corpus CORPUS_PATH', String, 'Corpus file path') do |c|
options[:corpus_path] = c
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Shows usage') do
STDOUT.puts opts
unless options[:board]
STDERR.puts option_parser
exit false
unless File.file? options[:corpus_path]
STDERR.puts "No corpus exists - #{options[:corpus_path]}"
exit false
rows = options[:board].downcase.scan(/\S+/).map{ |row| row.scan(/./) }
raw_corpus = File.readlines(options[:corpus_path])
corpus ={ |w| w.downcase.rstrip }.uniq.sort
solution = solve(Matrix.rows(rows), corpus)
solution.each_pair do |w, paths|
STDOUT.puts w
paths.each do |path|
STDOUT.puts "\t" +{ |point| point.inspect }.join(', ')
STDOUT.puts "TOTAL: #{solution.count}"
This solution also gives the direction to search in the given board
1. Uses trie to save all the word in the english to fasten the search
2. The uses DFS to search the words in Boggle
Found "pic" directions from (4,0)(p) go → →
Found "pick" directions from (4,0)(p) go → → ↑
Found "pickman" directions from (4,0)(p) go → → ↑ ↑ ↖ ↑
Found "picket" directions from (4,0)(p) go → → ↑ ↗ ↖
Found "picked" directions from (4,0)(p) go → → ↑ ↗ ↘
Found "pickle" directions from (4,0)(p) go → → ↑ ↘ →
from collections import defaultdict
from nltk.corpus import words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
english_words = words.words()
# If you wan to remove stop words
# stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
# english_words = [w for w in english_words if w not in stop_words]
boggle = [
['c', 'n', 't', 's', 's'],
['d', 'a', 't', 'i', 'n'],
['o', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'l'],
['s', 'i', 'k', 'n', 'd'],
['p', 'i', 'c', 'l', 'e']
# Instead of X and Y co-ordinates
# better to use Row and column
lenc = len(boggle[0])
lenr = len(boggle)
# Initialize trie datastructure
trie_node = {'valid': False, 'next': {}}
# lets get the delta to find all the nighbors
neighbors_delta = [
(-1,-1, "↖"),
(-1, 0, "↑"),
(-1, 1, "↗"),
(0, -1, "←"),
(0, 1, "→"),
(1, -1, "↙"),
(1, 0, "↓"),
(1, 1, "↘"),
def gen_trie(word, node):
"""udpates the trie datastructure using the given word"""
if not word:
if word[0] not in node:
node[word[0]] = {'valid': len(word) == 1, 'next': {}}
# recursively build trie
gen_trie(word[1:], node[word[0]])
def build_trie(words, trie):
"""Builds trie data structure from the list of words given"""
for word in words:
gen_trie(word, trie)
return trie
def get_neighbors(r, c):
"""Returns the neighbors for a given co-ordinates"""
n = []
for neigh in neighbors_delta:
new_r = r + neigh[0]
new_c = c + neigh[1]
if (new_r >= lenr) or (new_c >= lenc) or (new_r < 0) or (new_c < 0):
n.append((new_r, new_c, neigh[2]))
return n
def dfs(r, c, visited, trie, now_word, direction):
"""Scan the graph using DFS"""
if (r, c) in visited:
letter = boggle[r][c]
visited.append((r, c))
if letter in trie:
now_word += letter
if trie[letter]['valid']:
print('Found "{}" {}'.format(now_word, direction))
neighbors = get_neighbors(r, c)
for n in neighbors:
dfs(n[0], n[1], visited[::], trie[letter], now_word, direction + " " + n[2])
def main(trie_node):
"""Initiate the search for words in boggle"""
trie_node = build_trie(english_words, trie_node)
# print the board
print("Given board")
for i in range(lenr):print (boggle[i])
print ('\n')
for r in range(lenr):
for c in range(lenc):
letter = boggle[r][c]
dfs(r, c, [], trie_node, '', 'directions from ({},{})({}) go '.format(r, c, letter))
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have implemented a solution in OCaml. It pre-compiles a dictionary as a trie, and uses two-letter sequence frequencies to eliminate edges that could never appear in a word to further speed up processing.
It solves your example board in 0.35ms (with an additional 6ms start-up time which is mostly related to loading the trie into memory).
The solutions found:
["swami"; "emile"; "limbs"; "limbo"; "limes"; "amble"; "tubs"; "stub";
"swam"; "semi"; "seam"; "awes"; "buts"; "bole"; "boil"; "west"; "east";
"emil"; "lobs"; "limb"; "lime"; "lima"; "mesa"; "mews"; "mewl"; "maws";
"milo"; "mile"; "awes"; "amie"; "axle"; "elma"; "fame"; "ubs"; "tux"; "tub";
"twa"; "twa"; "stu"; "saw"; "sea"; "sew"; "sea"; "awe"; "awl"; "but"; "btu";
"box"; "bmw"; "was"; "wax"; "oil"; "lox"; "lob"; "leo"; "lei"; "lie"; "mes";
"mew"; "mae"; "maw"; "max"; "mil"; "mix"; "awe"; "awl"; "elm"; "eli"; "fax"]
A Node.JS JavaScript solution. Computes all 100 unique words in less than a second which includes reading dictionary file (MBA 2012).
var fs = require('fs')
var Node = function(value, row, col) {
this.value = value
this.row = row
this.col = col
var Path = function() {
this.nodes = []
Path.prototype.push = function(node) {
return this
Path.prototype.contains = function(node) {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (this.nodes[i] === node) {
return true
return false
Path.prototype.clone = function() {
var path = new Path()
path.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0)
return path
Path.prototype.to_word = function() {
var word = ''
for (var i = 0, ii = this.nodes.length; i < ii; ++i) {
word += this.nodes[i].value
return word
var Board = function(nodes, dict) {
// Expects n x m array.
this.nodes = nodes
this.words = []
this.row_count = nodes.length
this.col_count = nodes[0].length
this.dict = dict
Board.from_raw = function(board, dict) {
var ROW_COUNT = board.length
, COL_COUNT = board[0].length
var nodes = []
// Replace board with Nodes
for (var i = 0, ii = ROW_COUNT; i < ii; ++i) {
for (var j = 0, jj = COL_COUNT; j < jj; ++j) {
nodes[i].push(new Node(board[i][j], i, j))
return new Board(nodes, dict)
Board.prototype.toString = function() {
return JSON.stringify(this.nodes)
Board.prototype.update_potential_words = function(dict) {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.row_count; i < ii; ++i) {
for (var j = 0, jj = this.col_count; j < jj; ++j) {
var node = this.nodes[i][j]
, path = new Path()
Board.prototype.on_board = function(row, col) {
return 0 <= row && row < this.row_count && 0 <= col && col < this.col_count
Board.prototype.get_unsearched_neighbours = function(path) {
var last_node = path.nodes[path.nodes.length - 1]
var offsets = [
[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, +1]
, [ 0, -1], [ 0, +1]
, [+1, -1], [+1, 0], [+1, +1]
var neighbours = []
for (var i = 0, ii = offsets.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var offset = offsets[i]
if (this.on_board(last_node.row + offset[0], last_node.col + offset[1])) {
var potential_node = this.nodes[last_node.row + offset[0]][last_node.col + offset[1]]
if (!path.contains(potential_node)) {
// Create a new path if on board and we haven't visited this node yet.
return neighbours
Board.prototype.dfs_search = function(path) {
var path_word = path.to_word()
if (this.dict.contains_exact(path_word) && path_word.length >= 3) {
var neighbours = this.get_unsearched_neighbours(path)
for (var i = 0, ii = neighbours.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var neighbour = neighbours[i]
var new_path = path.clone()
if (this.dict.contains_prefix(new_path.to_word())) {
var Dict = function() {
this.dict_array = []
var dict_data = fs.readFileSync('./web2', 'utf8')
var dict_array = dict_data.split('\n')
for (var i = 0, ii = dict_array.length; i < ii; ++i) {
dict_array[i] = dict_array[i].toUpperCase()
this.dict_array = dict_array.sort()
Dict.prototype.contains_prefix = function(prefix) {
// Binary search
return this.search_prefix(prefix, 0, this.dict_array.length)
Dict.prototype.contains_exact = function(exact) {
// Binary search
return this.search_exact(exact, 0, this.dict_array.length)
Dict.prototype.search_prefix = function(prefix, start, end) {
if (start >= end) {
// If no more place to search, return no matter what.
return this.dict_array[start].indexOf(prefix) > -1
var middle = Math.floor((start + end)/2)
if (this.dict_array[middle].indexOf(prefix) > -1) {
// If we prefix exists, return true.
return true
} else {
// Recurse
if (prefix <= this.dict_array[middle]) {
return this.search_prefix(prefix, start, middle - 1)
} else {
return this.search_prefix(prefix, middle + 1, end)
Dict.prototype.search_exact = function(exact, start, end) {
if (start >= end) {
// If no more place to search, return no matter what.
return this.dict_array[start] === exact
var middle = Math.floor((start + end)/2)
if (this.dict_array[middle] === exact) {
// If we prefix exists, return true.
return true
} else {
// Recurse
if (exact <= this.dict_array[middle]) {
return this.search_exact(exact, start, middle - 1)
} else {
return this.search_exact(exact, middle + 1, end)
var board = [
['F', 'X', 'I', 'E']
, ['A', 'M', 'L', 'O']
, ['E', 'W', 'B', 'X']
, ['A', 'S', 'T', 'U']
var dict = new Dict()
var b = Board.from_raw(board, dict)
console.log(JSON.stringify(b.words.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.length - b.length
So I wanted to add another PHP way of solving this, since everyone loves PHP.
There's a little bit of refactoring I would like to do, like using a regexpression match against the dictionary file, but right now I'm just loading the entire dictionary file into a wordList.
I did this using a linked list idea. Each Node has a character value, a location value, and a next pointer.
The location value is how I found out if two nodes are connected.
1 2 3 4
11 12 13 14
21 22 23 24
31 32 33 34
So using that grid, I know two nodes are connected if the first node's location equals the second nodes location +/- 1 for the same row, +/- 9, 10, 11 for the row above and below.
I use recursion for the main search. It takes a word off the wordList, finds all the possible starting points, and then recursively finds the next possible connection, keeping in mind that it can't go to a location it's already using (which is why I add $notInLoc).
Anyway, I know it needs some refactoring, and would love to hear thoughts on how to make it cleaner, but it produces the correct results based on the dictionary file I'm using. Depending on the number of vowels and combinations on the board, it takes about 3 to 6 seconds. I know that once I preg_match the dictionary results, that will reduce significantly.
ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', 20);
ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', 1024);
ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', 1024);
class Node {
var $loc;
function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
$next = null;
class Boggle {
var $root;
var $locList = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34);
var $wordList = [];
var $foundWords = [];
function __construct($board) {
// Takes in a board string and creates all the nodes
$node = new Node($board[0]);
$node->loc = $this->locList[0];
$this->root = $node;
for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($board); $i++) {
$node->next = new Node($board[$i]);
$node->next->loc = $this->locList[$i];
$node = $node->next;
// Load in a dictionary file
// Use regexp to elimate all the words that could never appear and load the
// rest of the words into wordList
$handle = fopen("dict.txt", "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
// process the line read.
$line = trim($line);
if (strlen($line) > 2) {
$this->wordList[] = trim($line);
} else {
// error opening the file.
echo "Problem with the file.";
function isConnected($node1, $node2) {
// Determines if 2 nodes are connected on the boggle board
return (($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 1) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 1) ||
($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 9) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 10) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 11) ||
($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 9) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 10) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 11)) ? true : false;
function find($value, $notInLoc = []) {
// Returns a node with the value that isn't in a location
$current = $this->root;
while($current) {
if ($current->value == $value && !in_array($current->loc, $notInLoc)) {
return $current;
if (isset($current->next)) {
$current = $current->next;
} else {
return false;
function findAll($value) {
// Returns an array of nodes with a specific value
$current = $this->root;
$foundNodes = [];
while ($current) {
if ($current->value == $value) {
$foundNodes[] = $current;
if (isset($current->next)) {
$current = $current->next;
} else {
return (empty($foundNodes)) ? false : $foundNodes;
function findAllConnectedTo($node, $value, $notInLoc = []) {
// Returns an array of nodes that are connected to a specific node and
// contain a specific value and are not in a certain location
$nodeList = $this->findAll($value);
$newList = [];
if ($nodeList) {
foreach ($nodeList as $node2) {
if (!in_array($node2->loc, $notInLoc) && $this->isConnected($node, $node2)) {
$newList[] = $node2;
return (empty($newList)) ? false : $newList;
function inner($word, $list, $i = 0, $notInLoc = []) {
foreach($list as $node) {
$notInLoc[] = $node->loc;
if ($list2 = $this->findAllConnectedTo($node, $word[$i], $notInLoc)) {
if ($i == (strlen($word) - 1)) {
return true;
} else {
return $this->inner($word, $list2, $i, $notInLoc);
return false;
function findWord($word) {
if ($list = $this->findAll($word[0])) {
return $this->inner($word, $list);
return false;
function findAllWords() {
foreach($this->wordList as $word) {
if ($this->findWord($word)) {
$this->foundWords[] = $word;
function displayBoard() {
$current = $this->root;
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {
echo $current->value . " " . $current->next->value . " " . $current->next->next->value . " " . $current->next->next->next->value . "<br />";
if ($i < 3) {
$current = $current->next->next->next->next;
function randomBoardString() {
return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 16)), 0, 16);
$myBoggle = new Boggle(randomBoardString());
$x = microtime(true);
$y = microtime(true);
echo ($y-$x);
I know I am really late at the party but I have implemented, as a coding exercise, a boggle solver in several programming languages (C++, Java, Go, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Julia, Lua, PHP, Perl) and I thought that someone might be interested in those, so I leave link here:
Here is the solution Using Predefined words in NLTK toolkit
NLTK has nltk.corpus package in that we have package called words and it contains more than 2Lakhs English words you can simply use all into your program.
Once creating your matrix convert it into a character array and perform this code
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import words
from collections import Counter
def possibleWords(input, charSet):
for word in input:
dict = Counter(word)
flag = 1
for key in dict.keys():
if key not in charSet:
flag = 0
if flag == 1 and len(word)>5: #its depends if you want only length more than 5 use this otherwise remove that one.
word_list = words.words()
# prints 236736
charSet = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'n', 'v', 't']
possibleWords(word_list, charSet)
I hope you get it.
Here is my java implementation:
Trie build took 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds, 532 milliseconds
Word searching took 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 92 milliseconds
eel eeler eely eer eke eker eld eleut elk ell
elle epee epihippus ere erept err error erupt eurus eye
eyer eyey hip hipe hiper hippish hipple hippus his hish
hiss hist hler hsi ihi iphis isis issue issuer ist
isurus kee keek keeker keel keeler keep keeper keld kele
kelek kelep kelk kell kelly kelp kelper kep kepi kept
ker kerel kern keup keuper key kyl kyle lee leek
leeky leep leer lek leo leper leptus lepus ler leu
ley lleu lue lull luller lulu lunn lunt lunule luo
lupe lupis lupulus lupus lur lure lurer lush lushly lust
lustrous lut lye nul null nun nupe nurture nurturer nut
oer ore ort ouphish our oust out outpeep outpeer outpipe
outpull outpush output outre outrun outrush outspell outspue outspurn outspurt
outstrut outstunt outsulk outturn outusure oyer pee peek peel peele
peeler peeoy peep peeper peepeye peer pele peleus pell peller
pelu pep peplus pepper pepperer pepsis per pern pert pertussis
peru perule perun peul phi pip pipe piper pipi pipistrel
pipistrelle pipistrellus pipper pish piss pist plup plus plush ply
plyer psi pst puerer pul pule puler pulk pull puller
pulley pullus pulp pulper pulu puly pun punt pup puppis
pur pure puree purely purer purr purre purree purrel purrer
puru purupuru pus push puss pustule put putt puture ree
reek reeker reeky reel reeler reeper rel rely reoutput rep
repel repeller repipe reply repp reps reree rereel rerun reuel
roe roer roey roue rouelle roun roup rouper roust rout
roy rue ruelle ruer rule ruler rull ruller run runt
rupee rupert rupture ruru rus rush russ rust rustre rut
shi shih ship shipper shish shlu sip sipe siper sipper
sis sish sisi siss sissu sist sistrurus speel speer spelk
spell speller splurt spun spur spurn spurrer spurt sput ssi
ssu stre stree streek streel streeler streep streke streperous strepsis
strey stroup stroy stroyer strue strunt strut stu stue stull
stuller stun stunt stupe stupeous stupp sturnus sturt stuss stut
sue suer suerre suld sulk sulker sulky sull sully sulu
sun sunn sunt sunup sup supe super superoutput supper supple
supplely supply sur sure surely surrey sus susi susu susurr
susurrous susurrus sutu suture suu tree treey trek trekker trey
troupe trouper trout troy true truer trull truller truly trun
trush truss trust tshi tst tsun tsutsutsi tue tule tulle
tulu tun tunu tup tupek tupi tur turn turnup turr
turus tush tussis tussur tut tuts tutu tutulus ule ull
uller ulu ululu unreel unrule unruly unrun unrust untrue untruly
untruss untrust unturn unurn upper upperer uppish uppishly uppull uppush
upspurt upsun upsup uptree uptruss upturn ure urn uro uru
urus urushi ush ust usun usure usurer utu yee yeel
yeld yelk yell yeller yelp yelper yeo yep yer yere
yern yoe yor yore you youl youp your yourn yoy
I used the dictionary and character matrix at the beginning of this thread. The code was run on my MacBookPro, below is some information about the machine.
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,1
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B0E
SMC Version (system): 1.68f96
I solved this too, with Java. My implementation is 269 lines long and pretty easy to use. First you need to create a new instance of the Boggler class and then call the solve function with the grid as a parameter. It takes about 100 ms to load the dictionary of 50 000 words on my computer and it finds the words in about 10-20 ms. The found words are stored in an ArrayList, foundWords.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class Boggler {
private ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> roundWords = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<Word> foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();
private char[][] letterGrid = new char[4][4];
private String letters;
public Boggler() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
URL path = GUI.class.getResource("words.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(path.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()), "iso-8859-1"));
String line;
while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if(line.length() < 3 || line.length() > 10) {
public ArrayList<Word> getWords() {
return this.foundWords;
public void solve(String letters) {
this.letters = "";
this.foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();
for(int i = 0; i < letters.length(); i++) {
if(!this.letters.contains(letters.substring(i, i + 1))) {
this.letters += letters.substring(i, i + 1);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
this.letterGrid[i][j] = letters.charAt(i * 4 + j);
this.roundWords = new ArrayList<String>();
String pattern = "[" + this.letters + "]+";
for(int i = 0; i < this.words.size(); i++) {
if(this.words.get(i).matches(pattern)) {
for(int i = 0; i < this.roundWords.size(); i++) {
Word word = checkForWord(this.roundWords.get(i));
if(word != null) {
private Word checkForWord(String word) {
char initial = word.charAt(0);
ArrayList<LetterCoord> startPoints = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for(char[] row: this.letterGrid) {
x = 0;
for(char letter: row) {
if(initial == letter) {
startPoints.add(new LetterCoord(x, y));
ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = null;
for(int initialTry = 0; initialTry < startPoints.size(); initialTry++) {
letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();
x = startPoints.get(initialTry).getX();
y = startPoints.get(initialTry).getY();
LetterCoord initialCoord = new LetterCoord(x, y);
letterLoop: for(int letterIndex = 1; letterIndex < word.length(); letterIndex++) {
LetterCoord lastCoord = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1);
char currentChar = word.charAt(letterIndex);
ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterLocations = getNeighbours(currentChar, lastCoord.getX(), lastCoord.getY());
if(letterLocations == null) {
return null;
for(int foundIndex = 0; foundIndex < letterLocations.size(); foundIndex++) {
if(letterIndex != word.length() - 1 && true == false) {
char nextChar = word.charAt(letterIndex + 1);
int lastX = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getX();
int lastY = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getY();
ArrayList<LetterCoord> possibleIndex = getNeighbours(nextChar, lastX, lastY);
if(possibleIndex != null) {
if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {
continue letterLoop;
} else {
return null;
} else {
if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {
continue letterLoop;
if(letterCoords != null) {
if(letterCoords.size() == word.length()) {
Word w = new Word(word);
return w;
} else {
return null;
if(letterCoords != null) {
Word foundWord = new Word(word);
return foundWord;
return null;
public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getNeighbours(char letterToSearch, int x, int y) {
ArrayList<LetterCoord> neighbours = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();
for(int _y = y - 1; _y <= y + 1; _y++) {
for(int _x = x - 1; _x <= x + 1; _x++) {
if(_x < 0 || _y < 0 || (_x == x && _y == y) || _y > 3 || _x > 3) {
if(this.letterGrid[_y][_x] == letterToSearch && !neighbours.contains(new LetterCoord(_x, _y))) {
neighbours.add(new LetterCoord(_x, _y));
if(neighbours.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return neighbours;
class Word {
private String word;
private ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();
public Word(String word) {
this.word = word;
public boolean addCoords(int x, int y) {
LetterCoord lc = new LetterCoord(x, y);
if(!this.letterCoords.contains(lc)) {
return true;
return false;
public void addList(ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords) {
this.letterCoords = letterCoords;
public String toString() {
String outputString = this.word + " ";
for(int i = 0; i < letterCoords.size(); i++) {
outputString += "(" + letterCoords.get(i).getX() + ", " + letterCoords.get(i).getY() + ") ";
return outputString;
public String getWord() {
return this.word;
public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getList() {
return this.letterCoords;
class LetterCoord extends ArrayList {
private int x;
private int y;
public LetterCoord(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return this.x;
public int getY() {
return this.y;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(!(o instanceof LetterCoord)) {
return false;
LetterCoord lc = (LetterCoord) o;
if(this.x == lc.getX() &&
this.y == lc.getY()) {
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 29 * hash + this.x;
hash = 24 * hash + this.y;
return hash;
I solved this in c. It takes around 48 ms to run on my machine (with around 98% of the time spent loading the dictionary from disk and creating the trie). The dictionary is /usr/share/dict/american-english which has 62886 words.
Source code
I solved this perfectly and very fast. I put it into an android app. View the video at the play store link to see it in action.
Word Cheats is an app that "cracks" any matrix style word game. This app was built
to to help me cheat at word scrambler. It can be used for word searches,
ruzzle, words, word finder, word crack, boggle, and more!
It can be seen here
View the app in action in the video
