How does Windows know I'm installing something? - windows

It's a common practice to disallow users from installing programs without elevated privileges, especially in larger companies. When the user runs the installation executable (whether .exe or .msi), the user is prompted for these admin credentials before User Access Control will allow the installation. A lot of programs that require installation take advantage of the default Windows installer .msi packaging or something similar, but an executable file could perform all the same functionalities, right?
Is it this common installation-packaging solution that tells Windows, "Hey, I'm an installer. Something is being installed."? Windows isn't analyzing the actual behavior of the executable file, right?

If your question is about asking for admin credentials, that's normal behavior when an executeable has a manifest that says it requires admin privilieges. I guess that if you say your InnoSetup requires admin privileges it will include a manifest requiring elevation, and Windows will show the elevation prompt.
There is no such thing as Windows InstallShield, in case you are thinking that InstallShield is a Microsoft Windows product. InstallShield is a 3rd party product that in many cases creates an MSI file. MSI files are marked (when built) as to whether they require elevation or not. It's the summary information strean Word Count that says whether the MSI requires elevation to install or not:

In the case of an .MSI, sure, Windows automatically knows your installing something. I think your question is more along the lines of what about anything other then an .MSI? Windows has some heuristics built in that AFAIK are managed by the application compatibility team. They do things to detect what they is a setup (like file name, process name, inspection of the summary information stream and so on ) and perform various functions such as detecting a possible failed install, asking if it was an install and if it failed and them performing application compatibility shims such as version lying and forced UAC elevation prompting.
You get to avoid this ugly world my authoring properly designed MSIs. :)

MSIs can be authored per-user or per-machine. Per-user installs won't ask for elevation by default. Per-machine installs will ask for elevation once they hit the InstallExecuteSequence.


Automatically elevate Windows setup to admin mode

We have legacy desktop native app with custom setup. The setup is signed and must be run as administrator. Current prod setup EXE that was built and signed 5 years ago is automatically elevated and run as admin on Windows 7 or 8. The setup we rebuilt now and is also signed with different cert and has the same name as old one is not automatically elevated to admin and therefore fails.
What makes Windows to run the setup EXE automatically as admin?
Signing is not related to admin privileges, so don't worry about it in that respect.
To expand on Harry Johnson's comment (which is correct), early versions of UAC on Windows used to automatically elevate programs that looked like setup programs. I don't know the exact algorithm used, but programs with setup or install in the names or descriptions were elevated. That doesn't happen any more, and on UAC programs run by admins are not elevated unless they explicitly elevate with a manifest or a run as administrator.
Without knowing where that setup.exe comes from, if you build it. or it comes with a version of a setup tool (Visual Studio?) then it's hard to say how to fix it.
If this happens to be an MSI-based install then the MSI will ask for elevation if it's marked that way. It's not clear from the question which part of the setup requires elevation, but if it's setup.exe that actually does the install, then all of it needs elevation and it needs an elevation manifest.

Create elevated console/cmdline app windows - suggestions?

Looking for suggestions on how to go about the following, i.e what would be the best language to do it in etc, third party tools are a no :(
I've been tasked to create some sort of windows shell/command line interface that will allow a standard users to install a specific set of applications (configurable by administrators) (installation requires Admin/UAC elevation) due to security restrictions the user cannot have elevated privileges so they'll be able to run the shell as a standard user and it would have hidden/encrypted credentials built in to run the installs as.
Some of the requirements are as follows:
It would need to work on Server 2008 R2, 2012 r1 and 2012 r2
The credentials used to perform the install would have to be hidden (encrypted) from the end user.
Ideally it could work by us providing some config to it prior to handing that server over to the customer and limit what it could be used to install to a particular .exe or .msi (so we know of a need to install an app, we are advised of the name of the install and can logon and can enter it into a form maybe so only that app can be installed, then hand the server over to the customer who runs the same utility or shell extension or whatever and can then install their app.
Even more ideally it was more intelligent than that and some means of ensuring any .msi was indeed installing the application that the msi name related to (seems unlikely but just in case a normal user created an .msi to grant himself further admin access as per )
Ideally its lifespan would be limited in terms of time (unsure if this could be for example to x number of days).
Any pointers on how to go about this, seems like a good challenge :)
Thanks for reading all that!
Thanks for the responses,
I managed to do this in C#, with no prior experience in the language :)
The application has 2 parts to it, a GUI and a service. It works by having the application send an install command via IPC to it's counterpart elevated service. (Thanks Hans Passant for pointing me in the right direction there). The service initiates the installer under it's own elevated account but displays the installer GUI on the users session. Files are HMACSHA1 checksum validated prior to install, on both the app and the service.
If a user requires the ability to install application in the Program Files folder, then instruct the domain administrator to give Full Control of the Program Files folder to Everyone:
Just because the default setting forbids standard users from modifying programs, doesn't mean you have to keep it that way. Windows is a secure operating system that gives you the capability to keep it secure.
If your administrator only wants some users to be able to modify the contents of the Program Files folder, then only give that permission to certain users.
The better solution is to re-design the applications so that they do not install in a (by default) protected location. Have them instead install in:
A user is always allowed to write anything in their own profile folder.

License and Distribution rights for Windows Resource (instsrv.exe)

I have a service installation that in order to get it to work on Win2k, I had to include instsrv.exe in the installer, since Win2k doesn't include sc.exe (which I use for XP and up) and instsrv.exe is not always I cannot count on it being there. (instsrv and sc are both used to create/install the service on the system).
I have not been able to find the license terms or distribution rights for instsrv however. Is there going to be a legal issue with me including this Microsoft exe in my own installer and therefore distributing it to the customers of the product? If you can point me to an actual license document for this exe it would be greatly appreciated.
The instsrv.exe program appears to come from the Windows 2003 Resource Kit, which you can download freely from Microsoft. The referenced page indicates that when you install it, you'll encounter the EULA (End User License Agreement), which would be where you'd read about the license terms regarding things like redistribution.
You should read that agreement yourself. The way I read it, you can't bundle the Kit with your installer, though you could certainly arrange to have it downloaded automatically and have its own installer invoked by yours, with your end user having to click to accept the Microsoft EULA at that time.
What about using a different approach? I believe for a simple service installation there are probably only a few registry keys or something to tweak. Maybe a simple script (Python or such?) could do the job as well.
I'm no legal expert, but is the issue the use of instsrv.exe or that it's lying on the PC until you uninstall your product?
Would it be redistribution if you craft your installer in such a way that you merely package instsrv.exe, unpackage during the install process, run it via a custom action, then let the installer cleanup process delete it from the temporary location?
As a big sidestep, you could change installers to WiX v3. They have standard custom actions to install services. You get the added Msi easily active directory integrated bonus. You could go with something else entirely but I assume this is a very last resort.
In the end, services are nothing more than registry entries in a specific format so you are not entirely limited to using those programs. You just get the bonus of blaming Microsoft if either instsrv or sc happen to blow up the registry.

Installation file names in Windows Vista

I read in this article:
That Windows detects Installers through file names, following this tip, Is it better to include setup in the file name for the installer
I mean ProductSetup.msi is better than Product.msi???
It's hard to think that Windows does this kind of detection :-)
This only applies to EXE files. If you've got an MSI file, it's up to the MSI file to specify which parts of the MSI require elevation or not.
That's news to me, but it does seem like Windows Vista treats files differently when they have "setup" in their name. It will probably just prompt you for administrative rights up front if it detects that it's an installer, which is what you'd want.
Also worth reading is How User Account Control Affects Your Application, to ensure that your setup runs as administrator embed the correct manifest into the setup EXE. This way it doesn't matter (to Vista) what your installation is called.
That said however, if you expect the application to be installed on a terminal server then if your installer is called something like SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE Terminal Server will automatically kick into "install mode". Should save you some headaches from those customers who don't know they should be in install mode first, or choose not to install via Add/Remove Programs (which also kicks install mode in automatically)

What are the advantages of installing programs in AppData like Google Chrome?

I just noticed that Chromium was installed in AppData in both Vista and XP. If Google does that and if other applications does this, than is that becuase there is some form of protection? Should we write installers that does the same thing as Google?
Windows still lacks a convention for per-user installation.
When an installer asks whether to install for the current user or all users, it really only refers to shortcut placement (Start Menu; Desktop). The actual application files still go in the system-wide %PROGRAMFILES%.
Microsoft's own ClickOnce works around this by creating a completely non-standard %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Apps (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming on Vista / Server 2008) directory, with both program files and configuration data in there.
(I'm at a loss why Microsoft couldn't add a per-user Program Files directory in Vista. For example, in OS X, you can create a ~/Applications, and the Finder will give it an appropriate icon. Apps like CrossOver and Adobe AIR automatically use that, defaulting to per-user apps. Thus, no permissions issues.)
What you probably should do: if the user is not an admin, install in the user directory; if they do, give them both options.
One advantage nobody mentioned are silent auto-updates. Chrome has an updater process that runs all the time and immediately updates your chrome installation.
I think their use-case is non-standard. They need a way to fix vulnerability issues (since it's a browser) as soon as possible. Waiting for admins approving every single update company-wide, is simply not good enough.
As far as I can tell, the only reason why Chrome installs into the Application Data folder is so that non-admin users can install it.
The Chrome installer currently does not allow the user to pick where the application is to be installed. Don't do that – instead, give the user a choice between a per-user (somewhere like App Data) and computer-wide (Program Files) installation.
Windows 7 and Windows Installer 5.0 provide real per-user installation capabilities now.
You can sort of fudge it in Vista and XP by using ~/AppData/Local or the equivalent like Chrome does. Microsoft themselves use this for the ClickOnce installers.
So at least on Windows 7 and beyond the solution is simple.
Frankly, I have yet to see the first installer that really allows both per-user and per-machine installations. Many installers offer this option in their GUI, but the setting only affects where the shortcuts etc. go -- the binaries always fo to %ProgramFiles%.
In fact, it is pretty hard to create Windows Installer packages that allow both kinds of installs, to say the least. With the advent of UAC, I'd say its is impossible: Per user installations must not require elevation, per machine installations have to. But whether an MSI package requires elevation is controlled via a bit in the summary information stream -- there is no way to have user input have impact on that.
Whether per-user or per-machine is the better choice greatly deoends on the application. For small packages, however, I tend to prefer per-user installations. Besides being slightly more user-friendly by not requiring an UAC prompt or runas, they also signalize the user that the setup will not do much harm to the computer (assuming he is a non-admin).
The Chrome installer really ought to allow global installation (with elevation) in addition to per-user. I don't want to have to maintain an installation for every user; I want to be able to centrally manage upgrades and so on. Chrome doesn't allow that.
That said, the option to install per-user is quite nice, as it means no permissions issues.
Just so you people know, Google has created an MSI installer for global system installation and management. It's located here:
I do not see anything in %PROGRAMFILES% on Win7. Looks like Chrome must be installed for each user on the machine.
Perhaps the true reason of doing this is faking number of Chrome installations by few times ! Thus making it first browser in the world !
