Doing something to all files in an entire tree - bash

The scenario is that I want to convert all of my music files from .mp3 to .ogg. They are in a folder called "Music". In this folder there are folders and files. The files are .mp3s. The directories may contain .mp3s or directories which further contain .mp3s or directories, and so on. This is because some artists have albums which have parts and some do not, etc.
I want to write a script that converts each file using avconv.
Basically, what I am going to do is manually cd into every directory and run the following:
for file in $(ls); do avconv -i $file `echo \`basename $file .mp3\`.ogg`; done
This successfully gets me what I want. However, this is not great as I have a lot of folders, and manually going into each of them and executing this is slow.
My question, then, is how do I write a script that runs this in any directory that has .mp3s, and then goes into any subdirectory it finds and recursively calls itself? My intuition tells me to use Perl or Python because of the complex nature of this.
Thanks for any suggestions!

I'm not familiar with avconv but assuming your command is:
avconv -i inputname outputname
And you want to convert all inputname.mp3 to inputname.ogg in their original directories below Music, then the following should work in bash:
while read -r fname; do
avconv -i "$fname" "${fname%.mp3}.ogg"
done < <(find /path/to/Music -type f -name "*.mp3")
Note: this does not remove the original .mp3, and the space between < < is required. Also note, for file in $(ls) is filled with potential for errors.

You can do it with bash in one liner:
First you find all files (of type file (-type f) ) that match next pattern "*.mp3". To read each one you use 'while' and invoke avconf.
For exchange extension I prefer 'sed' command, that keep folder so you don't need the 'cd' command.
Notice that you must put quotes on $FN variable because it can contain spaces.
find -type f -iname "*.mp3" | while read "FN" ; do avconf -i "$FN" $(echo "$FN" | sed 's/\.mp3/\.ogg/g') ; done

find <music-folder> -type f -name '*.mp3' | \
xargs -I{} bash -c 'mp3="$0"; ogg="${mp3%.mp3}.ogg"; avconv -i "$mp3" "$ogg";' {}
This should survive in cases of "weird" filenames with spaces, quotes and other strange symbols within.

You can list directories with absolute paths and recursively cd into every directory using find $PWD -type d syntax:
Just inside from Music directory run:
for d in $(find $PWD -type d)
cd $d
for file in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f)
echo $file
avconv -i $file `echo \`basename $file .mp3\`.ogg`


Iterate over files in a subfolder

new here, learning bash for first time.
I'm trying to iterate over files named "list.txt" placed in subfolders, manipulate and create a new files, under the same subfolder. The nest could be like this:
As product_names is completly random, I would like to iterate over all list.txt files with unix cms like sed/grep/cut and create a new file, under the same random product_names folders.
for f in $( find . -name 'list.txt'); do for list in $f; do cat $f | cut -d']' -f2- > "$f/new_file.txt" ; done ; done
I can access files into the nest using find command. How can I redirect output in the right subfolder if the product_names is random?
This script is intended to work in the root folder, pointing and working with entime path "inventory". $f access to inventory/product_names1/list.txt but I need the output in inventory/product_names1. How can I redirect correctly if I don't have the right value/variable?
You can either use parameter expansion to remove the file name from the path, or you can iterate over all the directories and only work on them if they contain the list.txt file.
for list in inventory/*/list.txt ; do
echo "$list" "$new"
# OR
for dir in inventory/* ; do
if [[ -f $dir/list.txt ]] ; then
echo "$dir"/list.txt "$dir"/new_list.txt
find can not only find files but also execute commands when a file is found:
find . -type f -name 'list.txt' -execdir sh -c 'cut -d"]" -f2 list.txt > new_file.txt' \;
-type f condition added to skip directories named list.txt. If some of your list.txt files can be symbolic links and you want to consider them too, use -type f,l with GNU find. With other find you may need to use \(-type f -o -type l\).
-execdir runs the command in the directory where the file was found.
By default find does not print when -execdir is used. If you need it add the -print command:
find . -type f -name 'list.txt' -execdir sh -c 'cut -d"]" -f2 list.txt > new_file.txt' \; -print

Recursively Rename Files and Directories with Bash on macOS

I'm writing a script that will perform some actions, and one of those actions is to find all occurrences of a string in both file names and directory names, and replace it with another string.
I have this so far
find . -name "*foo*" -type f -depth | while read file; do
mv "$file" "$newpath"
This works fine as long as the path to the file doesn't also contain foo, but that isn't guaranteed.
I feel like the way to approach this is to ONLY change the file names first, then go back through and change the directory names, but even then, if you have a structure that has more than one directory with foo in it, it will not work properly.
Is there a way to do this with built in macOS tools? (I say built-in, because this script is going to be distributed to some other folks in our organization and it can't rely on any packages to be installed).
Separating the path_name from the file_name, something like.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r file; do
path_name="${file%/*}"; printf 'Path is %s\n' "$path_name"
file_name="${file#"$path_name"}"; printf 'Filename is %s\n' "$file_name"
echo mv -v "$file" "$newpath"
done < <(find . -name "*foo*" -type f)
Have a look at basename and dirname as well.
The printf's is just there to show which is the path and the filename.
The script just replace foo to bar from the file_name, It can be done with the path_name as well, just use the same syntax.
So renaming both path_name and file_name.
Or renaming the path_name and then the file_name like your idea is an option also.
mv -v "$path_name" "$new_pathname"
mv -v "${new_pathname%/*}$file_name" "$new_pathname$new_filename"
There are no additional external tool/utility used, except from the ones being used by your script.
Remove the echo If you're satisfied with the result/output.
You can use -execdir to run a command on just the filename (basename) in the relevant directory:
find . -depth -name '*foo*' -execdir bash -c 'mv -- "${1}" "${1//foo/bar}"' _ {} \;

Using bash I need to perform a find of 0 byte files but report on their existence before deletion

The history of this problem is:
I have millions of files and directories on a NAS system. I found a count of 1,095,601 empty (0 byte) files. These files used to have data but were destroyed by a predecessor not using the correct toolsets to migrate data between an XSAN and this Isilon NAS.
The files were media production data, like fonts, pdfs and image files. They are no longer useful beyond the history of their existence. Before I proceed to delete them, the production user's need a record of which files used to exist, so when they browse a project folder, they can use the unaffected files but then refer to a text file in the same directory which records which files used to also be there and thus provide reason as to why certain reference files are broken.
So how do I find files across multiple directories and delete them but first output their filename to a text file which would be saved to each relevant path location?
I am thinking along the lines of:
for file in $(find . -type f -size 0); do
echo "$file" >> /PATH/TO/FOUND/FILE/PARENT/DIR/deletedFiles.txt -print0 |
xargs -0 rm ;
To delete each empty file while leaving behind a file called deletedFiles.txt which contains the names of the deleted files, try:
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin find . -empty -type f -execdir bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} + -delete
How it works
This sets a temporary but secure path.
find .
This starts find looking in the current directory
This tells find to only look for empty files
-type f
This restricts find to looking for regular files.
-execdir bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} +
In each directory that contains an empty file, this adds the name of each empty file to the file deletedFiles.txt.
Notice the peculiar use of none in the command:
bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt' none {} +
When this command is run, bash will execute the string printf "%s\n" "$#" >>deletedFiles.txt and the arguments that follow that string are assigned to the positional parameters: $0, $1, $2, etc. When we use $#, it does not include $0. It, as is usual, expands to $1, $2, .... Thus, we add the placeholder none so that the placeholder is assigned is the $0, which we will ignore, and the complete list of file names are assigned to "$#".
This deletes each empty file.
Why not simply
find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm -v + |
sed -e 's%^removed .\./%%' -e 's/.$//' >deletedFiles.txt
If your find is too old to support -exec ... + you'll need to revert to -exec rm -v {} \; or refactor to
find . -type f -size 0 -print0 |
xargs -r -0 rm -v |
sed -e 's%^removed .\./%%' -e 's/.$//' >deletedFiles.txt
The brief sed script is to postprocess the output from rm -v which looks like
removed ‘./bar’
removed ‘./foo’
(with some funny quote characters around the file name) on my system. If you are fine with that output, of course, just omit the sed script from the pipeline.
If you know in advance which directories contain empty files, you can run the above snippet individually in those directories. Assuming you saved the snippet above as a script (with a proper shebang and execute permissions) named find-empty, you could simply use
for path in /path/to/first /path/to/second/directory /path/to/etc; do
cd "$path" && find-empty
This will only work if you have absolute paths (if not, you can run the body of the loop in a subshell by adding parentheses around it).
If you want to inspect all the directories in a tree, change the script to print to standard output instead (remove >deletedFiles.txt from the script) and try something like
find /path/to/tree -type d -exec sh -c '
t=$(mktemp -t find-emptyXXXXXXXX)
cd "$1" &&
find-empty | grep . >"$t" &&
mv "$t" deletedFiles.txt ||
rm "$t"' _ {} \;
This uses a temporary file so as to avoid updating the timestamp of directories which do not contain any empty files. The grep . is used purely for side effect; if any (non-empty) lines are printed, it will return success, whereas otherwise, it will report failure; this way, we know whether or not to move the temporary file to the target directory.
With prompting from #JonathanLeffler I have succeeded with the following:
## call this script with: find . -type f -empty -exec {} +
for file in "$#"
file2="$(basename "$file")"
echo "$file2" >> "$(dirname "$file")"/deletedFiles.txt
rm "$file"
This means I retain a trace of the removed files in a deletedFiles.txt flag file in each respective directory for the users to see when files are missing. That way, they can pursue going back to archive CD's to retrieve these deleted files, which are hopefully not 0 byte files.
Thanks to #John1024 for the suggestion of using the empty flag rather than size.

Moving files with an extension into a location

How could I move all .txt files from a folder and all included folders into a target directory .
And preferably rename them to the folder they where included in, although thats not that important. I'm not exactly familiar with bash.
To recursively move files, combine find with mv.
find src/dir/ -name '*.txt' -exec mv -t target/dir/ -- {} +
Or if on a UNIX system without GNU's version of find, such as macOS, use:
find src/dir/ -name '*.txt' -exec mv -- {} target/dir/ ';'
To rename the files when you move them it's trickier. One way is to have a loop that uses "${var//from/to}" to replace all occurrences of from with to in $var.
find src/dir/ -name '*.txt' -print0 | while IFS= read -rd $'\0' file; do
mv -- "$file" target/dir/"${file//\//_}"
This is ugly because from is a slash, which needs to be escaped as \/.
See also:
Unix.SE: Understanding IFS= read -r line
BashFAQ: How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Try this:
find source -name '*.txt' | xargs -I files mv files target
This will work faster than any option with -exec, since it will not invoke a singe mv process for every file which needs to be moved.
If it's just one level:
mv *.txt */*.txt target/directory/somewhere/.

Bash: recursively copy and rename files

I have a lot of files whose names end with '_100.jpg'. They spread in nested folder / sub-folders. Now I want a trick to recursively copy and rename all of them to have a suffix of '_crop.jpg'. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with bash scripting so don't know the exact way to do this thing. I googled and tried the 'find' command with the '-exec' para but with no luck.
Plz help me. Thanks.
find bar -iname "*_100.jpg" -printf 'mv %p %p\n' \
| sed 's/_100\.jpg$/_crop\.jpg/' \
| while read l; do eval $l; done
if you have bash 4
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/*_100.jpg; do
echo mv "$file" "${file/_100.jpg/_crop.jpg}"
or using find
find . -type f -iname "*_100.jpg" | while read -r FILE
echo mv "${FILE}" "${FILE/_100.jpg/_crop.jpg}"
This uses a Perl script that you may have already on your system. It's sometimes called prename instead of rename:
find /dir/to/start -type f -iname "*_100.jpg" -exec rename 's/_100/_crop' {} \;
You can make the regexes more robust if you need to protect filenames that have "_100" repeated or in parts of the name you don't want changed.
