Set div value of WebElement with Selenium Webdriver - xpath

I want to set new value of div element by using Selenium FirefoxDriver in Java:
<div my-div-name="lastname">
I have successfully retrieved the div element (as WebElement) by use of XPATH expression and have also been able to get current value Smith by use of getText() method. However, there is no setText() method of an WebElement. So I have in stead tried to execute JavaScript:
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].value = 'Foo Bar'", element);
but nothing happens. New getText() call still returns Smith.
Any tip on how to set the value successfully?

Solution is to set innerHTML property like this:
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].innerHTML = arguments[1]", element, text);
I have tried to do this several times, but i wrote innerHtml and not innerHTML so be aware of casing when setting the property.


How to take xpath to Get Text from class inside th

I have the following XPath :
And I'm trying to get the text from it with the following command :
String LabelName = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[#class='ui-jqgrid htable']/thead/tr/th//text()")).getText()
But it's not printing text, the result is blank. Could you help me please ?
The text() in your xpath does not qualify as an element. Your element ends at //table[#class='ui-jqgrid-htable']/thead/tr/th. Try using getText() for this XPath.
Also, a table would have many headers. Using findElement will only return the first one.
If you want to get all headers use
and loop through the list to getText of individual element.

Selenium search bar protected ? " undefined local element or method"

I am using selenium trying to send a key to a search bar.
This is the code of the search bar.
<input type="text" value="XXXXXXX" onblur="ga('send', 'event',
'Search', 'Champ_de_recherche');" name="champs" id="input_search" aria-
label="Recherche" autocapitalize="none" autocorrect="off">
I am unable to locate it with selenium using name / css / class or id selector
element = element.find_element(:id, "input_search")
element = element.find_element(:name, "champs")
both are returning "undefined local variable or method `element' for main:Object (NameError)"
any guess ?
I think it looks like an issue with your code, e.g.:
element = element.find_element
More specifically this bit:
Shouldn't that be:
(or similar) ?
It's saying that you don't have element defined before attempting to call those methods. If you aren't trying to find a child element from an element, use the find_element method off of your driver instance

Finding xpath for an element loaded by Ajax-json response using class and text

I have an element like
<td class="google-visualization-table-th gradient google-visualization-table-sorthdr">
Project Name
<span class="google-visualization-table-sortind">▼</span>
I tried
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[contains(#class, 'google-visualization-table-th') and normalize-space(text()) = 'Project Name']")
But its not working. Basically its code for Column header and I need to recognize each column header and print if the heading exist or not.
We do not know which version of XPath you are using, but depending on the exact version, text() means different things.
I suspect that the text content of span(the weird character ▼) is also part of td/text(). This is because text() does not mean:
Return the rext nodes of the context node
In this case it means:
Return the text nodes of the context node and the text nodes of all its decendants.
Use contains() also in the second half of the predicate:
//td[contains(#class, 'google-visualization-table-th') and contains(.,'Project Name')]
Its resolved now, element was not getting identified because they were getting loaded in an iframe. I used the below code o switch to iframe and then did usual operations to track the elements.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 200);
By by ="iframe id");
try {
Thanks everyone for the help.

Capture selected value from list using webdriver and Ruby

I'm using selenium webdriver with ruby. I've written a script that will fill in a form. One field is a dropdown list. What I would like to do is capture the value I selected in the list.
For example: If I had a list of cars and I selected Honda I would like to capture the value in the field (Honda) and place it in a variable for me to use later.
I hope I'm making sense.
You can use below code select list items:
cars_select = driver.find_element(:id=> "cars_list")
//use id of your dropdownlist
options = cars_select.find_elements(:tag_name=>"option")
options.each do |el|
if (el.value == "Honda")
var selected_car = el.value;
If you are selecting from dropdown with:
browser.select_list(id: 'some_id').option(text: 'some_value').select
Then you can store that value in a variable, like below:
var1=browser.select_list(id: 'some_id').option(text: 'some_value').value
Hope this will work. If not, then provide your dropdown part html, and explain more. I am using watir-webdriver, try if this work for selenium-webdriver.

Extract part of HTML document in jQuery

I want to make an AJAX call to an HTML-returning page, extract part of the HTML (using jQuery selectors), and then use that part in my jQuery-based JavaScript.
The AJAX retrieval is pretty simple. This gives me the entire HTML document in the "data" parameter of the callback function.
What I don't understand is how to handle that data in a useful way. I'd like to wrap it in a new jQuery object and then use a selector (via find() I believe) to get just the part I want. Once I have that I'll be passing it off to another JavaScript object for insertion into my document. (This delegation is why I'm not using jQuery.load() in the first place).
The get() examples I see all seem to be variations on this:
...which, if I understand it correctly, inserts the entire returned document into the selected element. Not only is that suspicious (doesn't this insert the <head> etc?) but it's too coarse for what I want.
Suggestions on alternate ways to do this are most welcome.
You can use your standard selector syntax, and pass in the data as the context for the selector. The second parameter, data in this case, is our context.
$.post("getstuff.php", function(data){
var mainDiv = $("#mainDiv", data); // finds <div id='mainDiv'>...</div>
}, "html");
This is equivalent to doing:
Depending on how you're planning on using this, $.load() may be a better route to take, as it allows both a URL and a selector to filter the resulting data, which is passed directly into the element the method was called on:
$("#mylocaldiv").load("getstuff.php #mainDiv");
This would load the contents of <div id='mainDiv'>...</div> in getstuff.php into our local page element <div id='mylocaldiv'>...</div>.
You could create a div and then put the HTML in that, like this…
var div = $("<div>").html(data);
...and then filter the data like this…
var content = $("#content", div.get(0));
…and then use that.
This may look dangerous as you're creating an element and putting arbitrary HTML into it, but it's not: anything dangerous (like a script tag) will only be executed when it's inserted into the document. Here, we insert the data into an element, but that element is never put into the document; only if we insert content into the document would anything be inserted, and even then, only anything in content would be inserted.
You can use load on a new element, and pass that to a function:
function handle(element){
var div = $('<div/>');
div.load('/help a', function(){handle(div);});
You may want to look at the dataFilter() parameter of the $.ajax method. It lets you do operations on the results before they are passed out.
You can do the thing this way
data : data
function (response) {
var page_content = $('.page-content',response).get(0);
Here in the console.log you will see the inner HTML of the expected/desired portion from the response. Then you can use it as your wish
