How clone duplicate existing project in SonarQube - sonarqube

I have one Project in SonarQube with some history and some Confirmed Issues and I need split this project, because of two versions of source code, but I need the history and Issue changes in both projects. How to do this? It is possible somehow clone, duplicate existing Project to another one with different name?

Cloning or duplicating a project is not supported.
You can use the Time machine functionality of SQ to "recreate" the past analyses of the project under another name but it won't recreate the history of changes on issues.


Git: Branch with removed projects still show up in Azure

I have a solution working on a specific version of an input file, and want to parallel work on a branch on a new version of this file.
In this new version, certain logic projects aren't being used anymore, and therefore I want to remove them from the solution.
When I create the new branch and delete these projects in visual studio they are still showing up on Azure devops. When I check the initial branch out I need to manually add them back to the solution.
How do I let them work independently, so when I change branch these projects are not being used anymore and then added again?

Sonar refuses to analize multimodule project

I have upgraded from Sonar 5.3 to 6.2 and a project X is giving me some weird errors at the sonar stage of the jenkins job (altough build finishes as STABLE).
The project is a standard multimodule maven java project.
Entering the project dashboard a single message appears on screen:
"No analysis has been performed since creation. The only available
section is the configuration."
But in the upper-right corner the red "FAILED" tag shows up. That leads to the Background tasks of the project and there is the failed task with this error log:
The project "" is already defined in SonarQube
but not as a module of project "". If you really want to
stop directly analysing project "", please
first delete it from SonarQube and then relaunch the analysis of
project ""
I do not want to delete the project and lose the historical data.
So the question is: How can i add a project Y (that is a submodule of project X but Sonar does not recognize it) as a submodule of project X?
The parent project is the only one that has been analyzed through jenkins jobs.
Your problem is not that Sonar can't figure out your submodules, but the root issue is that there is another project/module with the same name conflicting with the project you are analyzing now. It happens, for example, when you extract a submodule as a standalone library and moves it as a root project and try to analyse the new project. Since it is a new project, but sometime in the past you had another project/module with the exact same name, it won't be able to finish the process. I have found three ways to fix this:
Delete the old project, if it is possible
This is a option that I use when I have analysed mistakenly new projects (with wrong parameters for example) or when I am migrating servers and still have some wrong configuration in place. You can do this in the project's Configuration/Administration menu, 'Delete project'.
Rename the old projects keys
This is my default option, since usually what I want is just keep the old analyses data for old submodules that we are moving to other projects or promoting to root modules. You can do this in the project's Configuration/Administration menu, 'Update key' option.
Updating your current project's keys
This option I use when the submodules conflict with other valid submodules (It can happen when you have different teams creating small libraries that happen to have the same keys). You can do this in two steps. First you need to update your project's keys following the option 2. The next step is to go to your project and update the modules and submodules names using the key sonar.moduleKey. The default value for this is : similar to sonar.projectKey, as especified here. Following these steps you won't lose all your records and old analyses.
I hope it helps.

Is it possible for sonarqube to store the rules in git along with the source code of the project?

Is it possible for sonarqube to store the rules in git along with the source code of the project?
In other words, is it possible to versioned rules for different branches of the project?
Is it possible to store a profile in Git?
Yes. You can export a profile to file using the Back up feature. (Note that rule customizations aren't included)
Is it possible to have SonarQube store profiles in Git?
No. During analysis your SCM will be queried for blame information, but no part of the SonarQube ecosystem performs commits.
Is it possible to version your profiles and apply different versions to different branches of a project?
Yes, but why would you want to?
There's no point in re-analyzing branches that aren't changing. Which implies that if you improve/tighten your standards, you don't want to apply those higher standards to the new development that's going on in your branches.
"But new rules would raise all kinds of new issues in our branches & I don't want to have to address them because we're not doing new development there, just fixes." I can hear you saying.
Sure, but if you're using a recent version of SonarQube (>=6.3) then those new issues will be raised with a date that matches the blame date of the line. I.E. they won't be raised as leak period issues, but as old issues. Since you're presumably keeping the leak period clean on your branches, this should all work out.
But to answer your question, there's really no need to store old profiles in SCM, just peel off copies in SonarQube and assign them to the appropriate branch projects.
But if you insist on doing this via backups checked in to SCM be aware that you'll need to reconstitute (re-import) your profiles into SonarQube prior to analysis. You can't just point an analysis at a file containing a list of rules and expect it to work.

Keep project history when transforming project in module in SONARQUBE

I recently attempted to change a sonar project into another project module.
I found out in SONAR-4245 that the existing project has to be delete in order to have it in a module.
However, I would like to keep the project history.
Is that possible ?
Unfortunately that's not possible, and we don't plan to make it possible for the moment.

How to restart project in Xcode with Bitbucket

I currently have an Xcode project which has a remote in the organizer for a Bithucket repository. I want to start the project over with a fresh template. However I do not want to lose all my previous commits I just want a brand new project in Xcode but to Bitbucket it should just be like another commit. How do I go about in doing this? I would like instructions on what I do in Xcode and what I do in Bitbucket. Thanks in advance!
I've never used the built in git client in XCode, but one idea would be to create the new project, migrate over the .git folder and .gitignore (if there is one) together with the source files and resources you may need.
I'm bit curious to why you'd want to create a new project.
I'd also recommend using the terminal version of git, but that's just an aside.
It sounds like you might actually want a new project hosted on BitBucket. You have unlimited private repositories; use them.
If for some reason you want to use an anti-pattern, you could just create a separate branch for each of your products. It is much better to just create another repository for new projects though. Otherwise, it is not clear what you are tracking in the repo.
