Windows Task Scheduler cannot run batch with special characters in filename - windows

I have a batch script which makes a backup of my SQL databases. It runs perfectly when I manually run the script! The filename looks like SRVNAME_PRJ123!abc=CITY!Database=DBNAME
But when I create a scheduled task, it does not work! CMD says that SRVNAME_PRJ123!abc is not a command or cannot be found. As you can see after the first equal sign (=) in the filename everthing is truncated.
It seems like that the task scheduler thinks that the filename is command, but I need this special characters in the filename.
Is there a way to make this work?

I can replicate this behavior. I expected that quoting the filename would solve it, but apparently it doesn't. The only way I found so far to make this work is to escape the = sign in the filename by inserting a ^: SRVNAME_PRJ123!abc^=CITY!Database=DBNAME
Strangely enough, when running from a command prompt, quoting works, but escaping doesn't.


Rust std::process with special characters

I've got a very simple rust program but its not doing quite what I'd expect. Running on Windows, using a powershell prompt, I can do the following to display the path:
echo "%PATH%"
and I have a simple Rust program with:
.expect("ls command failed to start");
The command will launch and run, but it outputs:
instead of the path contents, like I'd expect. Other commands which don't use special characters seem to work as expected, so I suspect its related to handling them but I don't see a way in Rust to make the command any more primitive than it already is.
I've tried various formatting but it either fails to run the command or does the same.
I also tried using $env:path, but this always fails to run from Rust with a cannot find the path specified error.
Are there any suggestions for handling this? I could write the contents to a file and run the file instead, but running these types of commands from other languages directly works fine so I think it should work from Rust as well.
Managed to get the expected results from by using:
let out = Command::new("cmd")
.arg("echo %PATH%")
.expect("ls command failed to start");
I think the question got interpreted a bit differently, as getting the path was just an example of a larger issue I was seeing. Updating with the above solved my larger issue as well.
As the comment by French says: Spawning the process does not include the Powershell-environment, which would expand %PATH% to it's actual content before launching the process.
You need to get the content of PATH via std::env yourself or lookup the Powershell documentation on how to launch a subprocess inside a powershell-session.
As others have mentioned, it's not the special characters, it's the fact that those special characters are interpreted by powershell before the "echo" program runs at all.
Using as a reference for how to look up environment variables, try something like this:
use std::env;
fn main() {
let cur_path = env::var("PATH").unwrap();
println!("Environment is: {}", cur_path);
You can try this here:
You can then feed cur_path into your "Command::new" if you wish. The trick is that powershell substitutes that argument BEFORE launching echo, which you may not have known, whereas when you execute the echo program directly, you have to do that substitution yourself.

Bash file running fine manually but on cronjob stops

I've created a bash file that queries my database and then updates some tables.
When I run it manually everything goes smoothly but when I run it with a cronjob it runs the first query and then stops before it goes into a loop.
After looking into it on the net I found a few things that may be the issue but from my side everything looks in order.
So what I did:
Checked if #!/bin/bash is included in my bash at the start and it is.
Checked that the path is correct in the cronjob. My cronjob below
0-59/5 * * * * cd /path/path2/bashLocation/; ./
The loop is in the format of
for ID in ${IDS//,/ }
do something
This works fine tested manually. My IDS are in string format that why I split it with //,/.(Works fine)
I log all outputs in a log file but it doesn't show any error.
Has anyone encountered this issue before or has any ideas how to fix the issue?
If the command you are running in cron has percent signs ('%'), they need to be escaped with a backslash. I've been bitten by this. From the manpage: "Percent-signs (%) in the command, unless escaped with backslash () ..."
The $PATH variable may be different when run from cron. Try putting something like this at the beginning of your script: export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Try running bash explicitly, i.e. rather than ./ in crontab, try /bin/bash
I don't know how helpful this may be to some people but I noticed when I printenv shell in my logs it printed that it was bin/sh even if I define it at the top of my script and run it as a bash file.
So what I did was changed all parts of my code that where not supported by shell and my conjob works fine.
So I assume that conjob does not support bash files. (Didn't find anything on the internet about this.)
Why it runs in /bin/sh I don't know.
Hope someone finds this helpful.

Bash: How to create a test mode that displays commands instead of executing them

I have a bash script that executes a series of commands, some involving redirection. See cyrus-mark-ham-spam.
I want the script to have a test mode, where all the commands run are printed instead of executing them. As you can see, I have tried to do that by just putting "echo" on the front of each command in test mode.
Unfortunately this doesn't deal with redirection - any redirections are still done, so the program leaves lots of temp files littered about the place when run in test mode.
I have tried various ways to get round this, like quoting the whole command and passing it to a function that either prints it or runs it, but either the redirections work in test mode, or they don't work in run mode.
I thought this must have come up before, and wonder if there is a known solution which does not involve every command being repeated with an if TEST round the pair?
Please note, this is NOT a duplicate of show commands without executing them because neither that question, nor its answers, covers redirection (which is the essence of this question).
I see that it is not a duplicate but there is not general solution to this. You need to look at each command separately.
As long as the command doesn't use arguments enclosed in spaces, like
cmd -a -b -c > filename
, you can quote it:
echo 'cmd -a -b -c > filename'
But real life code is more complex, sure.

Bash adding unknown extra characters to command in script

I am currently trying to create a script that executes a program 100 times, with different parameters, typically pretty simple, but it's adding strange characters into the output filename that is passed into the command call for the program, the script i have written goes as follows
for i in {1..100}
do ./generaterandomizedlist 10 input/input_10_$i.txt
I've taken a small screenshot of the output file name here
(extra characters are not recognized by chrome so simply pasting the name doesn't work)
It doesn't do this when i manually call the command issued in the script, any ideas?
Your script has some stray CRs in it. Use dos2unix or tr to fix it.

Double-quoted string not working when I run an .au3 file in the command prompt

My script writes a file path for uploading a file. I ran the same script in two different ways. It runs properly in the first way, but fails in the second way.
$sPath="C:\ProgramData\Cisco Systems\Screen and Clean\ISB7K_2K\Configuration\op_and_settings_config.bin"
ControlSetText("[TITLE:Open]", "", "[ID:1148]", $sPath)
First way: When I ran the script using the Script Editor; it sent/wrote the proper file path.
Second way: When I called the same script from cmd.exe, it sent/ wrote only the file name (not complete file path). How can I fix this?
In the spirit of Xenobiologist's comment, when you have a quoted string in the command line (your cmd.exe scenario), you need to wrap those in single quotes; the interface can throw a hissy fit (pardon the technical term) if you try to pass a string with single quotes.
Use $sPath='"C:\ProgramData\Cisco Systems\Screen and Clean\ISB7K_2K\Configuration\op_and_settings_config.bin"'
