At the moment I am porting an Windows phone Silverlight application to windows mobile using the UWP Platform.
In my old code I used a function to get the ExecutingAssemblyName in the following way:
public static string ExecutingAssemblyName {
get {
string name = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
return name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(','));
now I want to get the same result in Windows mobile but the functions described in the following link do not all seem to be there in Windows mobile.. The only ones I can find are :
Does anybody now how to get the same result? Or should I start rewriting a lot of code.
Thank you already
To get the full name of an assembly, you can use the code as following (as Romasz mentioned).
In UWP, all of the app submitted to the store will be complied with .NET Native.
The .NET Native runtime doesn't include a JIT compiler. As a result,
all necessary native code must be generated in advance. A set of
heuristics is used to determine what code should be generated, but
these heuristics cannot cover all possible metaprogramming scenarios.
For more information, please refer the article Reflection and .NET Native.
In your case, I suggest you using the resource file (Resources.resw) to manage the text resource and put the file resources (like images, icons) under the Assets folder.
When creating a new app in Xamarin Forms I see these two options:
Configure your Forms App
Shared Code:
Use .NET Standard
Use Shared Library
Can someone explain the difference? I looked at the help and I am still confused. I'd appreciate if someone can give me any advice on this. Not sure if it helps but this app is self contained and no code in the app will need to be shared with any other application.
In terms of what you can achieve with both, it is the same. So, in the end, it's mostly a matter of taste.
The biggest difference is that a shared project is compiled into the app itself. It is nothing more than it says on the tin: it's a shared folder that you can use in all platform projects. Using platform-specific code is done through compiler directives.
With a .NET Standard project, you will get a physical binary. It is a project of its own. You can reuse it in other .NET Standard projects, although you already mentioned you won't be using it for that. Executing platform-specific code requires a bit different approach, using the DependencyService.
Seeing that they made a choice to replace the PCL with .NET Standard but keep the shared project points out that the shared project is here to stay for a while. I tend to like the .NET Standard library more. It feels cleaner and forces you to write cleaner code. Also, .NET Standard isn't going anywhere soon and if you decide that code should be reused down the road, you have the ability to.
A good overview, together with pros and cons can be found in the Microsoft Docs:
The Apple Extension guidance has this document on Using an embedded framework to share code
I want to share code between my Extension, and the hosting application. How do I implement the following within an Xamarin app:
Require Only App-Extension-Safe API
You must choose “Frameworks” as the destination for your embedded framework in the Copy Files build phase.
Require Only App-Extension-Safe API
Currently there is nothing in the code review/analysis or compile phase within Xamarin.iOS that will warn or prevent APIs that are not allowed within Extensions,
i.e. There are TODO notes within the healthkit.cs:
// FIXME NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE("Not available to extensions") ;
It currently is up to the C# developer to follow Apple's Guidelines. Obviously the following would cause an app to be rejected if this was within Extension code:
var a = UIKit.UIApplication.SharedApplication;
But the Some APIs Are Unavailable to App Extensions list provided by Apple is fairly concise on what is not allowed:
Understand How an App Extension Works
Personally For code sharing purposes I add a compiler directive to my Extension projects to conditional compile code that I need to remove... ("NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS", just like what is available in ObjC/Swift Extension projects)
I am starting to develop a scientific software that I hope I will be able to run on multiple platforms. My plan is to use OpenTK for the rendering of the scientific models and plots. As of the moment I have a prototype that runs on Windows using OpenTK 1.1 libraries from (a simpler version just with OpenTK and a more complicated one with OpenTK + WindwosForms). I am trying to port that prototype to Android.
It seems that the syntax using by the Xamarin.Android OpenTK library is nearly identical to the one that I am currently using for Windows (with the only difference that OpenGL -> OpenGL ES and GameWindow -> AndroidGameView) so the porting shouldn't be an issue. However, I was hoping that I could avoid a copy-paste method and get a more permanent solution having a shared OpenTK code between the Windows and the Android version.
I have read trough the Xamarin documentation about the shared vs PCL methods for cross-platform development. However, I still struggle to figure out how to set-up a Visual Studio solution with an Android and Windows project and a shared code that will include OpenTK. Is that even possible and can someone give me an example of how to do it? I did explore an example I found for rendering a rotating cube using OpenTK for a shared Android/iOS project ( but in my case I need to use a different OpenTK library for the Windows and for the Android project.
I also found this Do the Android and iOS versions of OpenTK have the same API? discussion. It is very similar to what I would like to do but in my case I am trying to setup a project for Windows and Android (for now).
Can I use only one OpenTK library (which one?) that is being called from both the Android and the Windows project and what will be the right way to set-up both projects so they share the same OpenTK code. This is the first time I am dealing with writing a cross-platform code so I am a bit lost.
Edit: I was able to get a prototype running using Shared Xamarin project and compiler flags as proposed below. Code was indeed not very pretty at places but I got over 70% code re-usability between the two platforms so it was worth the effort. This is how I used the compiler flags in case someone is looking for the same thing (credit to SKall from the Xamarin forums):
#if __ANDROID__
using OpenTK.Graphics.ES11;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
I used the #if syntax similarly where there were small differences between the syntax of the routines.
It does not seem like OpenTK has its logic inside of a PCL in the first place, so your plans on putting it there are going to get hard to achieve.
However, if you split out your code, such that most of it is contained in classes, which are not highly dependent on the underlying platform, you will be able to create a Class Library Project for each platform and link your files between the platform specific projects. Inside of the classes it contains you will use #if definitions to choose whether to use AndroidGameView or GameWindow and the same goes for other platform specific types. It will make the code ugly, but this is the alternative to PCL.
You could try to see how much of the OpenTK code compiles inside of a PCL and inject the platform specific stuff at runtime, but it will require considerably more work from you. However, it will make the code a lot more cleaner to look at.
To ease the file linking, you could make one of those Shared Projects and chuck in all of the logic in there.
Some more info about code sharing here:
Dependency injection:
Is it possible to link two Core libraries into your app?
I would like to create one Common.Core library that has login and account view models.
I would like another one Domain.Core library that has some domain view models in it.
These could be used across a couple different projects.
In my app, I do a new Setup().Initialize().
My Setup class overrides CreateApp() ...
public class Setup : MvxPhoneSetup
protected override IMvxApplication CreateApp()
return new Common.Core.App();
// TODO: can I setup a Domain.Core library here too?
I have tried doing this ...
but I'm getting a ReflectionTypeLoadException when I try to resolve a domain model from there.
Anyone tried something like this?
Yes, using multiple 'core' projects should work.
The ReflectionTypeLoadException occurring on Resolve suggests that maybe your second Assembly requires another Assembly that isn't available? Do you get the same problem with a very simple second core project? Can you get any more information about the exception? Which platform is this occurring on?
If you want to load ViewModel types from multiple assemblies, then there is a Setup method you can override - The default ViewModelLocator in MvvmCross gets its list of ViewModels from the assemblies listed in Setup - see MvxSetup.cs
(Sorry this list is in the ui project - should really be in the main core project)
For cross-platform compatibility, I don't recommend using Assembly.Load - better to use a more static method like typeof(Domain.Core.Something).Assembly
Working on 'packaged application' platforms like and (especially) xamarin.ios I don't recommend using Assembly.Load - this will only work on the iOS platforms if the assembly is referenced statically and has already been loaded - that's the reason plugins have a special bootstrap file on iOS. Also be aware that the name used in Assembly.Load is different on different platforms - eg in Android you must use the filename ending in .dll - see MvxAndroidSetup.cs. For other platforms like WP and winRT, then Assembly.Load may work more conventionally though - although I've personally spent hours/days/weeks swearing at this sort of code in the last year.
I have an existing project created using C/C++ under a development environment.
Currently we want to facelift the existing form using a Window Forms application but the problem is the existing project is using Common Runtime Library = No /CLR and Runtime Library = /MTd.
But the a Windows Forms application is using Common Runtime Library = /CLR and Runtime Library = /MDd.
Please advise if it possible to use a Windows Forms application to create a form in the existing project?
Is there any tutorial regarding this?
The comment from MSDN was:-
Caution Do not mix static and
dynamic versions of the run-time
libraries. Having more than one copy
of the run-time libraries in a process
can cause problems, because static
data in one copy is not shared with
the other copy. The linker prevents
you from linking with both static and
dynamic versions within one .exe file,
but you can still end up with two (or
more) copies of the run-time
libraries. For example, a dynamic-link
library linked with the static
(non-DLL) versions of the run-time
libraries can cause problems when used
with an .exe file that was linked with
the dynamic (DLL) version of the
run-time libraries. (You should also
avoid mixing the debug and non-debug
versions of the libraries in one
The simple answer is no. A more accurate answer is kind of, but you probably wouldn't want to.
It is possible to use Windows Forms (i.e. managed code) for your user interface and something else (e.g. non .NET/unmanaged code) for your domain logic. However I'd guess that if you're asking this question then that is going to be a bit much for you to do at the moment.
I suggest that you create a user interface with Windows Forms and then have that user interface call a native C/C++ DLL. Google for PInvoke on how to call an unmanaged dll (C/C++) from managed (.NET) code.
If you did that then you would be much better positioned to answer this question.
My company software often has to have modules which mix managed and unmanaged code and user interfaces. What we do is to separate the modules into their own executables and expose the functionality as COM localserver objects. This way, the unmanaged code can have a user interface written in managed code.
However, you need to do alot of plumbing to get it to work. We do it this way because our applications have been deployed in the field for years and it will take years to give the entire program a makeover into .NET