The compound object is not applicable - scheme

I'm writing a small plotting utility for MIT-Scheme. Source: [plotlib].
At the top level is the (make-plot output mode args) function that takes in an output device object, the plotting mode, and a list containing the parameters for the kind of plot specified in the mode.
I will use the function (range start stop increment) to generate lists from inclusive start to exclusive stop for each increment. (range -1 1 .1) creates the list (-1 -.9 -.8 ... .9).
make-plot works for its other modes, but does not work when called with 'vector-field-plot
(define window (make-graphics-device 'win32))
(define (vector-field-plot device color xrange yrange func)
(let* ((cords (append-all (map (lambda (i)
(map (lambda (j)
(cond ((eq? j '()) '())
(else (cons i j))))
(input (map (lambda (point)
(list (car point) (cdr point)
(car (func (car point) (cdr point)))
(cdr (func (car point) (cdr point)))))
(draw-vector-list device color input)))
;This is the part of make-plot that is called for
;(make-plot window 'vector-field-plot '(args))
((eq? mode 'vector-field-plot)
;does not work yet
(let* ((bg-color (car args))
(grid-color (cadr args))
(line-color (caddr args))
(xrange (car (cadddr args)))
(yrange (cadr (cadddr args)))
(func (cddr (cadddr args))))
(clear output bg-color);sets background to white
(coord-grid-cart output grid-color);prints Cartesian coordinate grid
(vector-field-plot output line-color xrange yrange func)))))
;calls vector-field-plot with parameters given to make-plot
;I have left out some function definitions here, they are in the source file
;but you can assume all of those work correctly for this section
One mode of make-plot prints vector fields, It calls the function (vector-field-plot output line-color xrange yrange func) With xrange and yrange being lists of numbers like '(-1 -.9 ... 1) and a func of the form (lambda (x y) (cons x y)). If I use:
(make-plot window 'vector-field-plot (list "white" "black" "red"
(list (range -1 1 .1) (range -1 1 .1)
(lambda (x y) (cons (* -.1 y) (* -.1 x))))))
It returns The object (#[compound procedure ]) is not applicable.
But if I use:
(vector-field-plot window "red" (range -1 1 .1) (range -1 1 .1)
(lambda (x y) (cons (* -.1 y) (* .1 x))))
It displays the correct plot (a circular vector field) in the graphics window.

The error is because the expression to get the function outside the list of arguments returns a list containing the function, not the function itself.
You should change:
(func (cddr (cadddr args))))
(func (caddr (cadddr args))))

I am trying to resolve the LNK1168 error on Windows 10 that is identical to the one you described in a question a few months ago. I have no other way of contacting you, and since you've obviously coded since then, I assume you've fixed the issue.
What did you do to fix it?


Scheme Error Unknown Identifier: map when using higher order function

Essentially, I am trying to write a scheme method which will use the map function to cube every item in a list. so it would go from '(1 2 3 4) to '(1 8 27 64). Here is my current code:
(define (cube-all lst)
(map (lambda (x) (* (* x x) x)) lst)
This is the error message:
SchemeError: unknown identifier: map
Current Eval Stack:
0: map
1: (cube-all (quote (1 2 3 4)))
2: (println (cube-all (quote (1 2 3 4))))
Is this due to improper syntax? Or do I have to do something else with map?
Edit: println is another function which just displays the answer
If you are constrained to using the 'scheme' mentioned in a comment then you can't use map.
But ... you can write map:
(define (reverse l)
(define (reverse-loop lt into)
(if (null? lt)
(reverse-loop (cdr lt) (cons (car lt) into))))
(reverse-loop l '()))
(define (map f l)
(define (map-loop lt into)
(if (null? lt)
(reverse into)
(map-loop (cdr lt) (cons (f (car lt)) into))))
(map-loop l '()))
(define (cube-all lst)
(map (lambda (x) (* (* x x) x)) lst))
(cube-all '(1 2 3))

Scheme program to get average not recognizing last number

I've created this super simple program to take a list from the console and return the average. For whatever reason I always get an error message saying the last number of the list is not a number. Here's my code:
(define getline (lambda ()
(read-line (current-input-port))
(define getlist (lambda ()
(let ((input (getline)))
(if (not (equal? input "end"))
(cons input (getlist))
' ()
(define x (getlist))
(define (sum x)
(if (null? x)
(+ (car x) (sum (cdr x)))))
(define (average x)
(/ (sum x) (length x)))
(display (average x) (current-output-port))
You don't mention what scheme implementation you're using, but read-line functions usually return a string. You have to convert those strings to numbers first to be able to add them:
(define x (map string->number (getlist)))
or else
(define (sum x)
(if (null? x)
(+ (string->number (car x)) (sum (cdr x)))))
or something else along those lines.

scheme, sicp, solution 3.19, procedure with infinite loop works in case it is provided as argument

could someone help me with clarification to one of the possible solution to exercise 3.19. the procedure mystery is infinite loop in case list cycle is given as argument. nevertheless when we use procedure eq? to check if list contains the cycle, it works and provides true value.
(define (last-pair x)
(if (null? (cdr x))
(last-pair (cdr x))
(define (make-cycle x)
(set-cdr! (last-pair x) x)
(define (mystery x)
(define (loop x y)
(if (null? x)
(let ((temp (cdr x)))
(set-cdr! x y)
(loop temp x)
(loop x '())
(define t (list 1 2 3))
(define w (make-cycle t))
(eq? (mystery t) t)
it looks like magic. I would appreciate for any help.
mystery reverses an array "in-place" by repeatedly snipping off the cdr of each entry and replacing that with the cdr of the previous x.
If this list has no loop, then it will end up reversed by the time you get back to the original '(). If there is a loop, you'll have the original array's pointer.
This is definitely a tricky to understand issue. If you make a box-and-pointer diagram it will definitely help and you'll only need to draw 3 diagrams.
Automatically Generating Diagrams of Lists
In the process of doing SICP myself, I found myself wanting a way to visualize list mutation (and to skip the numerous "draw a list diagram of..." exercises). I wrote a small function for doing so and I thought you might find it helpful if I shared it.
These diagrams are an example of this function being run on x each time loop (within the mystery function) is ran.
The following code is what I used for generating these diagrams. I wrote this code as a Scheme novice, but it's very simple to use: the function (list->graphviz) accepts a parameter lst which is the list you'd like a diagram of, as well as an optional argument graph-name which gives the graph a special name.
(define* (list->graphviz lst #:optional graph-name)
"""Convert a list into a set of Graphviz instructions
`lst' is the list you'd like a diagram of
`graph-name` is an optional parameter indicating the name you'd like to give the graph."""
(define number 0)
(define result "")
(define ordinals '())
(define (result-append! str)
(set! result (string-append result str)))
(define* (nodename n #:optional cell)
(format #f "cons~a~a" n (if cell (string-append ":" cell) "")))
(define* (build-connector from to #:optional from-cell)
(format #f "\t~a -> ~a;~%" (nodename from from-cell) (nodename to)))
(define (build-shape elt)
(define (build-label cell)
(cond ((null? cell) "/");; "∅") ; null character
((pair? cell) "*");; "•") ; bullet dot character
(else (format #f "~a" cell))))
(set! number (+ number 1))
(format #f "\t~a [shape=record,label=\"<car> ~a | <cdr> ~a\"];~%"
(nodename number)
(build-label (car elt))
(build-label (cdr elt))))
(define* (search xs #:optional from-id from-cell)
(let ((existing (assq xs ordinals)))
;; if we're not dealing with a pair, don't bother making a shape
((not (pair? xs)) (result-append! "\tnothing [shape=polygon, label=\"not a pair\"]\n"))
((pair? existing)
(result-append! (build-connector from-id (cdr existing) from-cell)))
(result-append! (build-shape xs))
(set! ordinals (assq-set! ordinals xs number))
(let ((parent-id number))
;; make a X->Y connector
(if (number? from-id)
(result-append! (build-connector from-id parent-id from-cell)))
;; recurse
(if (pair? (car xs)) (search (car xs) parent-id "car"))
(if (pair? (cdr xs)) (search (cdr xs) parent-id "cdr"))))))))
(search lst)
(string-append "digraph " graph-name " {\n" result "}\n"))
;;;;;;;;; Here is where `mystery' begins ;;;;;;;;;;;
(define t '(1 2 3))
(set-cdr! (cddr t) t)
(define (mystery x)
(define (loop x y graph-num)
(display (list->graphviz x (format #f "graph~a" graph-num)))
(if (null? x)
(let ((temp (cdr x)))
(set-cdr! x y)
(loop temp x (+ 1 graph-num)))))
(loop x '() 0))
(mystery t)
The code above code generates Graphviz graph description statements, which must then be processed by dot (Graphviz) to be rendered to a graphical format.
For example, you can run the code above and pipe it into dot:
$ scheme generate_box_ptr.scm | dot -o -Tps
This command generates a postscript file which has the advantage of separating each list into it's own page if you've run list->graphviz more than once. dot can also output PNGs, PDFs and many other file formats as the manpage describes.

Product of squares of odd elements in list in Scheme

I wanted to write a code in Scheme that writes the square odd elements in list.For example (list 1 2 3 4 5) for this list it should write 225.For this purpose i write this code:
(define (square x)(* x x))
(define (product-of-square-of-odd-elements sequence)
(cond[(odd? (car sequence)) '() (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence))]
[else ((square (car sequence)) (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence)))]))
For run i write this (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (list 1 2 3 4 5))
and i get error like this:
car: contract violation
expected: pair?
given: '()
What should i do to make this code to run properly? Thank you for your answers.
First of all, you need to do proper formatting:
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (product-of-square-of-odd-elements sequence)
[(odd? (car sequence))
'() (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence))]
((square (car sequence)) (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence)))]))
Now there are multiple issues with your code:
You are trying to work recursively on a sequence, but you are missing a termination case: What happens when you pass '() - the empty sequence? This is the source of your error: You cannot access the first element of an empty sequence.
You need to build up your result somehow: Currently you're sending a '() into nirvana in the first branch of your cond and put a value into function call position in the second.
So let's start from scratch:
You process a sequence recursively, so you need to handle two cases:
(define (fn seq)
(if (null? seq)
;; termination case
;; recursive case
Let's take the recursive case first: You need to compute the square and multiply it with the rest of the squares (that you'll compute next).
(* (if (odd? (car seq)
(square (car seq))
(fn (cdr seq)))
In the termination case you have no value to square. So you just use the unit value of multiplication: 1
This is not a good solution, as you can transform it into a tail recursive form and use higher order functions to abstract the recursion altogether. But I think that's enough for a start.
With transducers:
(define prod-square-odds
(let ((prod-square-odds
((compose (filtering odd?)
(mapping square)) *)))
(lambda (lst)
(foldl prod-square-odds 1 lst))))
(prod-square-odds '(1 2 3 4 5))
; ==> 225
It uses reusable transducers:
(define (mapping procedure)
(lambda (kons)
(lambda (e acc)
(kons (procedure e) acc))))
(define (filtering predicate?)
(lambda (kons)
(lambda (e acc)
(if (predicate? e)
(kons e acc)
You can decompose the problem into, for example:
Skip the even elements
Square each element
take the product of the elements
With this, an implementation is naturally expressed using simpler functions (most of which exist in Scheme) as:
(define product-of-square-of-odd-elements (l)
(reduce * 1 (map square (skip-every-n 1 l))))
and then you implement a helper function or two, like skip-every-n.

How to do square in RACKET

Here is my code:
(define (squares 1st)
(let loop([1st 1st] [acc 0])
(if (null? 1st)
(loop (rest 1st) (* (first 1st) (first 1st) acc)))))
My test is:
(test (sum-squares '(1 2 3)) => 14 )
and it's failed.
The function input is a list of number [1 2 3] for example, and I need to square each number and sum them all together, output - number.
The test will return #t, if the correct answer was typed in.
This is rather similar to your previous question, but with a twist: here we add, instead of multiplying. And each element gets squared before adding it:
(define (sum-squares lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(+ (* (first lst) (first lst))
(sum-squares (rest lst)))))
As before, the procedure can also be written using tail recursion:
(define (sum-squares lst)
(let loop ([lst lst] [acc 0])
(if (empty? lst)
(loop (rest lst) (+ (* (first lst) (first lst)) acc)))))
You must realize that both solutions share the same structure, what changes is:
We use + to combine the answers, instead of *
We square the current element (first lst) before adding it
The base case for adding a list is 0 (it was 1 for multiplication)
As a final comment, in a real application you shouldn't use explicit recursion, instead we would use higher-order procedures for composing our solution:
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(define (sum-squares lst)
(apply + (map square lst)))
Or even shorter, as a one-liner (but it's useful to have a square procedure around, so I prefer the previous solution):
(define (sum-squares lst)
(apply + (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) lst)))
Of course, any of the above solutions works as expected:
(sum-squares '())
=> 0
(sum-squares '(1 2 3))
=> 14
A more functional way would be to combine simple functions (sum and square) with high-order functions (map):
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (sum lst) (foldl + 0 lst))
(define (sum-squares lst)
(sum (map square lst)))
I like Benesh's answer, just modifying it slightly so you don't have to traverse the list twice. (One fold vs a map and fold)
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (square-y-and-addto-x x y) (+ x (square y)))
(define (sum-squares lst) (foldl square-y-and-addto-x 0 lst))
Or you can just define map-reduce
(define (map-reduce map-f reduce-f nil-value lst)
(if (null? lst)
(map-reduce map-f reduce-f (reduce-f nil-value (map-f (car lst))))))
(define (sum-squares lst) (map-reduce square + 0 lst))
racket#> (define (f xs) (foldl (lambda (x b) (+ (* x x) b)) 0 xs))
racket#> (f '(1 2 3))
Without the use of loops or lamdas, cond can be used to solve this problem as follows ( printf is added just to make my exercises distinct. This is an exercise from SICP : exercise 1.3):
;; Takes three numbers and returns the sum of squares of two larger number
;; a,b,c -> int
;; returns -> int
(define (sum_sqr_two_large a b c)
((and (< a b) (< a c)) (sum-of-squares b c))
((and (< b c) (< b a)) (sum-of-squares a c))
((and (< c a) (< c b)) (sum-of-squares a b))
;; Sum of squares of numbers given
;; a,b -> int
;; returns -> int
(define (sum-of-squares a b)
(printf "ex. 1.3: ~a \n" (+ (square a)(square b)))
;; square of any integer
;; a -> int
;; returns -> int
(define (square a)
(* a a)
;; Sample invocation
(sum_sqr_two_large 1 2 6)
