Advanced search in laravel - laravel

I am trying to implementing a search in my application, specifically it checks a table in my database against certain parameters specified by the user.
For example if my user wants to return a list of records created with the last 7 days. Then he types last 7 days or last seven days in the search bar.
My issue now is being able to change string like this into a valid date that can be used in a where when checking my database.
The number can also be random as in the user can simply type last 2 days or last two days or last 100 days or last hundred days, inputs like week 25 and last month should also be allowed.
Instead of creating multiple drop downs and input boxes to allow the user to select form the front end i would like to do something much simpler like this.
My question now is that is there a feature or a package in laravel that already takes care of this?
If there isn't how would i go about doing something like that??

I think what you need to look up is "NLP" or "Natural Language Processing". There are many libraries and API's within the field that can help you out so that you don't reinvent the wheel (so to speak).
Here is a package in Laravel: Laravel Aylien Wrapper or nlp-tools, but there are many others for PHP in general.
Just do a quick search or look around at Mashape to find some examples.


How do i extract multiple tables(35-40 tables) from a html website into one excel file?

Currently, am trying to retrieve data from this page: , as you can see, there are 4 quarters in a year, and for each quarter, there is a different table. I wish to extract the table but currently, i am unable to automate the process, only able to take one. On top of that, i wish to add two columns to the retrieved data table which is "Quarter" and "Year". Any suggestions? Attached photos are my workflow and my excel.
Get the number of years/ loop through the years (or start with the 1st year up to the last year).
For each year try to get the data via data scraping (the elements exist, just hidden/not expanded ; do one table datascraping for data modelling and reuse it within the loop). For the datascraping you need to change the selector, to make it usable for all tables by using the year and the quarter (just a generic example, like * year * quarter *). Columns are the same for all tables.
I haven't seen details within the website menu or within the page, is good to check if robots are allowed to scrape for data
Above would be the quickest way. More complex with FindChidren activity.

Complex search query from 2 documents

I'm new to Elasticsearch and I need to execute a complex query, but I need some help.
Here is my use case:
I would like to recommend a new place to each of my users everyday.
The place must be opened this week day
The chosen place must be near of the user (closer places have higher score)
The place should not be one of the last 10 places a user have already been/suggested (if a place has already been visited by a user in his last 10 visits, this place should have a lower score)
My first guess is to have 2 documents types as follow:
opening_days (array with week days the place opens)
location geo position of the place
Given a user with position [lat, lon] and id user_1, what could be the search query to execute to retrieve X places sorted by score? (better score is near of user and not in the 10 last places a user have already been).
This query seems to be a basic but I can't figure out how to "mix" data from user_history and from place to get places I want.
But that's not all!
With this query, if I want to attribute to each user a place I need 3 steps:
retrieve all users (with their position)
for each user, search for the best place
once I have this place, add it to the user_history
This seems very time consuming task. Is it possible to simplify it with less Elasticsearch queries?
For instance, having something like this:
retrieving for each user his best place (with 1 query, search for all users and find them the best place)
add the place to the history
Or event better:
retrieving for each user his best place and add it to the history (with 1 query, perform all the 3 tasks above)
I don't know if it's possible to create queries that complex. That's why I need your help to tell me if it's possible and how it could be accomplished.

Count how many times one post has been read

Is it possible to show how many times one post has been read? In WordPress there is a plug-in,
I don't know whether there is such a plug-in in Anypic of Parse to count the times?
Of course it will be nice if it can display who has read a post as well.
I'm not sure which language you working on.
But anyway you need to create:
Array column in
And then just make query to add his name when viewWillAppear
Now you can count the array to get integer number for views and you can display their names from the array.
Two options are;
Add a viewcount column and increment it whenever needed.
Add an actions table which consist all actions within your webpage or app. This way you can store more data(custom analytics) in it like button pressing etc.. When you want to check the viewcount you can just count objects with specific type. For iOS SDK countObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock does this job.

Redis Data Structure to Store All Clicks for All Links

I'm trying to set up a system in which ALL links posted by users and clicked by their followers are stored in redis in such a way that the following requirements are met:
Able to get (for example, 10%) most clicked links within a time-frame (can be either today, this week, all time, or custom).
Able to query all users who posted the same link.
Since we already used many keys, the ideal is that we store all this in a single Redis key.
Can encode value to JSON if needed.
Here is what I came up so far:
-I use a single Redis Hash with each fields are single hour, so that in one day, that hash will contain 24 fields.
-In each field, I store a JSON encoded from an array with format:
array("timestamp1" => array($url1, $url2, ...)
, "timestamp2" => array($url3, $url4, ...)
, ..., ...);
-The complete structure is this hash:
[01/01/2010 00:00] => JSON(...),
[01/01/2010 01:00] => JSON(...),
This way, I can get all the clicks on any URL within any time-frame.
However, I can't seem to reuse this hash for getting all the users who posted the URL.
The question is: Is there any better way to do?
Updated 07/30/2011: I'm currently storing the minutes, the hours, the days, weeks, months, and years in the same hash.
So, one click is stored in many fields at once:
- in the field for the minute (format YmdHi)
- in the field for the hour (format YmdH)
- in the field for the day (format Ymd)
- in the field for the week (format YW)
- in the field for the month (format Ym)
- in the field for the year (format Y).
That's way, when trying to get a specific timeframe, I could only access the necessary fields withouth looping through the hours.
For example, if I need clicks from 07/26/2011 20:00 to 07/28/2011 02:00, I only need to query 7 fields: 1 field for the full day of 07/27/2011, 4 fields for the hours from 20:00 to 23:00 on 07/26, and then 2 more fields for hours from 00:00 to 01:00 on 07/28
If you drop the third requirement it becomes a lot easier. A lot of people seem to think that you should always use hashes instead of keys, but this stems from misunderstanding of a post about using hashes to improve performance in a particular limited set of circumstances.
To get the most clicked links, create a sorted set for each hour or day, with the value being the link and score being clicks set using ZINCRBY. Use ZCARD and ZREVRANGEBYSCORE to get the top 10%. It is simplest if the set holds all links in the system, though there are strategies you can use to drop less popular items from the set if necessary.
To get all users posting a link, store a set of users for each link. You could do this with JSON and a key or hash storing details for the link, but a set makes updating and querying easier.
I recommend using some bucket strategy like hashing Keys or keeping records of Link to User month wise as you don't have control on size of data structure how huge it may grow . There will be millions of user visiting a particular link . Now to get the details of all the user again it will be of no use if thrown at once . I believe what can be done is maintain counter or some metadata that act like current state and then maintain an archival storage not to be in mem. or go for a memory grid like GemFire

RSS functioning problem

I need to create an RSS feed for our information system, which is written in PHP.
I had no problems with the RSS 2.0 specification, nor with the creation of RSS feed generator. Items for the feed are to be fetched from a large table containing lots of records, so it will take a lot of time to get all the necessary information from this table. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the following scheme:
To show 5 latest items to new
For the existing subscribers – to
show only those items which have
been added since their last view of
the feed.
I have no problems with the first condition: I can simply use the LIMIT clause
to limit the number of fetched rows. Something like this:
$items = function_select(“SELECT * FROM some_table ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 5);
But this creates the following problem: Suppose there are real feed subscribers who have already read the items from 1 up to 10. After they've been away for some period of time new items have been created; say, 10 new items.
During their next check-in we want them to see all the new 10 items, but not all at once. They will see only the last 5 ones (from 16 up to 20), but not all 10 of them. The items from 11 up to 15 will be omitted.
I suppose that in order to succeed in solving this problem there should be a kind of a flag to be sent to feed. For example: pubDate of the lasted fetched item. Twitter's feed uses something similar. However, that link is hand-made. How could it be done another way?
Please let me know if you have any ideas. If you have any example ready (no matter in what language) just share a link with me. I would appreciate it greatly.
Thank you in advance.
Standard RSS feeds don't render different content to different users. They simply always provide the most recent few items (often 10), and rely on the RSS reader to poll them often enough that they don't miss any updates. Unless you have a particularly compelling reason not to do this, this is the simplest and most effective mechanism.
