how to set https for naked domain? - https

I have been using openshift for quite some time. Since letsencrypt is in beta, I thought I gave it a try.
My current setup: is an alias to my openshift url - A tag points to wwwizer redirect service
I have uploaded ssl certificates to openshift. It works fine on domain However since naked domain points to, it does not use https. I believe it is a problem. I want both domains (naked as well as www variant) to use https. Is it possible? I know wwwizer has some premium plan where it might be possible, but I would like a free version if possible.
If you don't know, I can not set cname for naked domain, so I had to use A tag to wwwizer, because openshift might change IP address.
Useful link:
How to use naked GoDaddy domain with OpenShift hosting?

If you are looking for a free (1 domain) service that redirects naked domains with valid SSL certificates. I moved from wwwizer to nakedssl to redirect to an Opensift server and it works fine.

Well first of all I had to generate ssl certificate for naked domain - I set temporarily A tag for to openshift's ip and generated ssl certificate.
Now we have working certificate, but since A tag for digrin can not be set permanently, domain registrant must support naked domain redirect. More on this you can read here -> if you registrant does not support it, move to cloudfront (I will test cloudfront if my registrant will not add this feature within few months and will update this answer).


Why is my Google domain not directing to https?

I deployed an app on Heroku and set up automatic SSL configuration. According to my Heroku, my app can be accessed via https. If I use that URL, the connection is indeed secure.
I added a Synthetic Recored in my google domain to point to this url. I also added a Custom Resource Record where the Name is www, Type is CNAME, and Data is my DNS Target for the app.
I can only connect securely when I use If I use or, it is not secure. What am I doing wrong?
The comment from user2864740 is correct. I needed to update my front end to redirect to https.
Force SSL/HTTPS with mod_rewrite

masking heroku app from godaddy using cloudflare

I am trying to set up my herokupapp with my custom domain name from Godaddy. I hav gone through the process of getting it wokring using a cname through cloudflare.
Everything is working. However, when I go to my site at my browser changes the url to
Going to: and do work
I don't want this obviously, what am I doing wrong?
Don't use an A record for your root domain. Heroku doesn't provide static IP addresses, so whatever value you put there won't be valid for long.
Since you're using CloudFlare you should be able to set up a CNAME for your apex domain just like you did for your www subdomain. CloudFlare has a feature called CNAME flattening that should make a CNAME on your root domain work as expected.
Regarding your comment that the www subdomain started working, that's typical of DNS changes. They take time to propagate. Give it some time.

How to redirect my naked domain to with Google Domains and Heroku?

I host my website on heroku and my domain is managed by google domains.
I have successfully linked my domain to my heroku app. However, to go to my website, people are forced to type the exact domain . If someone just type there is an http error.
I'm searching on both google & heroku docs but i don't find anything related to this . All info i found are about subdomains.
Any idea for redirecting all http/www typo to my ?
At the core, keep in mind that and are 2 different hosts that can resolve to different IPs. Your DNS settings at Google Domains handles this. Either direct both of them to Heroku or simply direct "www" to Heroku via the CNAME record that they give you and then use Google Domains forwarding feature to forward all non-www traffic to
In the Synthetic records, choose Subdomain forward, fill # in Subdomain, then in the Destination URL, also choose Forward path and then ADD

Website redirect setting for https:// prefixed naked domain

I have a site registered on Google Domains and deployed on an Azure VM, HTTPS enforced via the IIS webconfig file. It all works fine, except for 1 piece: results in "this page cannot be displayed, unexpectedly closed the connection." works fine, as does the unsecure naked domain redirect (; it redirects to the https://www prefixed link, I have set this up this Permanent redirect in Google domains).
Given the above, what setting (on my Azure VM SSL binding, or Google Domains, more likely) could I change to make sure if someone types in, they will reach it?
Do you have a binding listening on port 443 to This should solve the issue.

How to generate a www LetsEncrypt certificate using laravel forge?

I provisioned a server using forge and set the domain to And I generate a LetsEncrypt certificate for that server and set the site to run on http2. It was perfectly fine.
However, I need to make the server accessible via now. So I set a CNAME record to route to But I got an error This site can’t provide a secure connection when I try to access the site via So I try to generate a new certificate for but forge reply First domain does not match root domain on site.
How can I solve the problem?
Thank you.
