How to assign a value returned from a function to a variable in GDB script? - debugging

For example, consider the following debugging session:
(gdb) break foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4004f1: file tst.c, line 5.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/tst
Breakpoint 1, foo () at tst.c:5
5 return ary[i++];
(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0 foo () at tst.c:5
Value returned is $1 = 1
(gdb) cont
Breakpoint 1, foo () at tst.c:5
5 return ary[i++];
(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0 foo () at tst.c:5
Value returned is $2 = 3
After executing a finish command, I get the return value assigned to a
convenience variable (e.g. $1 or $2). Unfortunately, every time the command
is executed, the value is assigned to a different variable. That's the problem,
I cannot write a script which examines the returned value cause I don't know
what variable the value was assigned to.
Why do I need that? I want to set a breakpoint at a certain function but to
stop program execution only if the function has returned a specific value. Something
like this:
break foo
if ($return_value != 42)
So the question is: Is there any way to examine in a script the value returned
from a function?

This isn't easy to do from the gdb CLI. Maybe it is impossible purely using the traditional CLI -- because you can have inferior control commands like finish in a breakpoint's commands. This is a longstanding gdb issue.
However, like most automation problems in gdb, it can be solved using the Python API. Now, unfortunately, this approach requires a bit of work on your part.
Essentially what you want to do is subclass the Python FinishBreakpoint class to have it do what you want. In particular you want to write a new command that will set a regular breakpoint in some function; then when this breakpoint is hit, it will instantiate your new FinishBreakpoint class. Your class will have a stop method that will use the return_value of the finish breakpoint as you like.

The first part of your question is straightforward: just use $ to access the most recent value in gdb's value history.
From GDB: Value History
The values printed are given history numbers by which you can refer to them. These are successive integers starting with one. print shows you the history number assigned to a value by printing ‘$num = ’ before the value; here num is the history number.
To refer to any previous value, use ‘$’ followed by the value's history number. The way print labels its output is designed to remind you of this. Just $ refers to the most recent value in the history, and $$ refers to the value before that. $$n refers to the nth value from the end.
But, executing commands following a finish command in a breakpoint command list may not currently be possible; see Tom Tromey's answer for a workaround.


How does "FOO= myprogram" in bash make "if(getent("FOO"))" return true in C?

I recently ran into a C program that makes use of an environmental variable as a flag to change the behavior of a certain part of the program:
if (getenv("FOO")) do_this_if_foo();
You'd then request the program by prepending the environment variable, but without actually setting it to anything:
FOO= mycommand myargs
Note that the intention of this was to trigger the flag - if you didn't want the added operation, you just wouldn't include the FOO=. However, I've never seen an environment variable set like this before. Every example I can find of prepended variables sets a value, FOO=bar mycommand myargs, rather than leaving it empty like that.
What exactly is happening here, that allows this flag to work without being set? And are there potential issues with implementing environmental variables like this?
The bash manual says:
A variable may be assigned to by a statement of the form
If value is not given, the variable is assigned the null string.
Note that "null" (in the sense of e.g. JavaScript null) is not a thing in the shell. When the bash manual says "null string", it means an empty string (i.e. a string whose length is zero).
When a simple command is executed, the shell performs the following expansions, assignments, and redirections, from left to right.
If no command name results, the variable assignments affect the current shell environment. Otherwise, the variables are added to the environment of the executed command and do not affect the current shell environment.
So all FOO= mycommand does is set the environment variable FOO to the empty string while executing mycommand. This satisfies if (getenv("FOO")) because it only checks for the presence of the variable, not whether it has a (non-empty) value.
Of course, any other value would work as well: FOO=1 mycommand, FOO=asdf mycommand, etc.
FOO= is just setting the variable to null (to be precise it's setting the variable to a zero-byte string, which thus returns a pointer to a NUL terminator - thanks #CharlesDuffy). Given the code you posted it could be FOO='bananas'and produce the same behavior. It's very odd to write code that way though. The common reason to set a variable on the command line is to pass a value for that variable into the script, e.g. to set debugging or logging level flags is extremely common, e.g. (pseudocode):
debug=1 logLevel=3 myscript
myscript() {
if (debug == 1) {
if (loglevel > 0) {
printf "Entering myscript()\n" >> log
if (logLevel > 1) {
printf "Arguments: %s\n" "$*" >> log
Having just a "variable exists" test is a bit harder to work with because then you have to specifically unset the variable to clear the flag instead of just setting FOO=1 when you want to do something and otherwise your script doesn't care when FOO is null or 0 or unset or anything else.

Get the list/stack of commands, without using BASH_SOURCE and BASH_LINENO to read them from the executed files

Just like getting the function calls with ${FUNCNAME[#]}, is there a way to get the commands? BASH_COMMAND can only be used to get the last command (it's not an array, just a string).
I know I can achieve that by using BASH_SOURCE and BASH_LINENO to read the right line from the right file, but it does not work in case of evals (see my other, less-specific question Get the contents of an expanded expression given to eval through Bash internals)
Is there another way?
What is your intent? If you want to print a stack trace, you can use the Bash builtin command caller, like this:
dump_trace() {
local frame=0 line func source n=0
while caller "$frame"; do
done | while read line func source; do
((n++ == 0)) && {
printf 'Stack trace:\n'
printf '%4s at %s\n' " " "$func ($source:$line)"
From Bash manual:
caller [expr]
Returns the context of any active subroutine call (a shell function or
a script executed with the . or source builtins).
Without expr, caller displays the line number and source filename of
the current subroutine call. If a non-negative integer is supplied as
expr, caller displays the line number, subroutine name, and source
file corresponding to that position in the current execution call
stack. This extra information may be used, for example, to print a
stack trace. The current frame is frame 0.
The return value is 0 unless the shell is not executing a subroutine
call or expr does not correspond to a valid position in the call
See the full logging/error handling implementation here:
Simple answer: there's no way to do that in Bash.
Related to the linked question and eval: Zsh seems to handle evals better, with variables and arrays such as EVAL_LINENO, zsh_eval_context and others.
This array contains the names of the functions, sourced files, and (if EVAL_LINENO is set) eval commands. currently being executed. The first element is the name of the function using the parameter.
The standard shell array zsh_eval_context can be used to determine the type of shell construct being executed at each depth: note, however, that is in the opposite order, with the most recent item last, and it is more detailed, for example including an entry for toplevel, the main shell code being executed either interactively or from a script, which is not present in $funcstack.
See man zshall for more details.

Customizing bash completion output: each suggestion on a new line

When you type something, you often use bash autocompletion: you start writing a command, for example, and you type TAB to get the rest of the word.
As you have probably noticed, when multiple choices match your command, bash displays them like this :
foobar#myserv:~$ admin-
admin-addrsync admin-adduser admin-delrsync admin-deluser admin-listsvn
admin-addsvn admin-chmod admin-delsvn admin-listrsync
I'm looking for a solution to display each possible solution on a new line, similar to the last column on a ls -l. Ever better, it would be perfect if I could apply a rule like this: "if you find less than 10 suggestions, display them one by line, if more => actual display".
bash prior to version 4.2 doesn't allow any control over the output format of completions, unfortunately.
Bash 4.2+ allows switching to 1-suggestion-per-line output globally, as explained in Grisha Levit's helpful answer, which also links to a clever workaround to achieve a per-completion-function solution.
The following is a tricky workaround for a custom completion.
Solving this problem generically, for all defined completions, would be much harder (if there were a way to invoke readline functions directly, it might be easier, but I haven't found a way to do that).
To test the proof of concept below:
Save to a file and source it (. file) in your interactive shell - this will:
define a command named foo (a shell function)
whose arguments complete based on matching filenames in the current directory.
(When foo is actually invoked, it simply prints its argument in diagnostic form.)
Invoke as:
foo [fileNamePrefix], then press tab:
If between 2 and 9 files in the current directory match, you'll see the desired line-by-line display.
Otherwise (1 match or 10 or more matches), normal completion will occur.
Completion only works properly when applied to the LAST argument on the command line being edited.
When a completion is actually inserted in the command line (once the match is unambiguous), NO space is appended to it (this behavior is required for the workaround).
Redrawing the prompt the first time after printing custom-formatted output may not work properly: Redrawing the command line including the prompt must be simulated and since there is no direct way to obtain an expanded version of the prompt-definition string stored in $PS1, a workaround (inspired by is used, which should work in typical cases, but is not foolproof.
Defines and assigns a custom completion shell function to the command of interest.
The custom function determines the matches and, if their count is in the desired range, bypasses the normal completion mechanism and creates custom-formatted output.
The custom-formatted output (each match on its own line) is sent directly to the terminal >/dev/tty, and then the prompt and command line are manually "redrawn" to mimic standard completion behavior.
See the comments in the source code for implementation details.
# Define the command (function) for which to establish custom command completion.
# The command simply prints out all its arguments in diagnostic form.
foo() { local a i=0; for a; do echo "\$$((i+=1))=[$a]"; done; }
# Define the completion function that will generate the set of completions
# when <tab> is pressed.
# Only works properly if <tab> is pressed at the END of the command line,
# i.e., if completion is applied to the LAST argument.
_complete_foo() {
local currToken="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" matches matchCount
# Collect matches, providing the current command-line token as input.
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -ra matches <<<"$(compgen -A file "$currToken")"
# Count matches.
# Output in custom format, depending on the number of matches.
if (( matchCount > 1 && matchCount < 10 )); then
# Output matches in CUSTOM format:
# print the matches line by line, directly to the terminal.
printf '\n%s' "${matches[#]}" >/dev/tty
# !! We actually *must* pass out the current token as the result,
# !! as it will otherwise be *removed* from the redrawn line,
# !! even though $COMP_LINE *includes* that token.
# !! Also, by passing out a nonempty result, we avoid the bell
# !! signal that normally indicates a failed completion.
# !! However, by passing out a single result, a *space* will
# !! be appended to the last token - unless the compspec
# !! (mapping established via `complete`) was defined with
# !! `-o nospace`.
COMPREPLY=( "$currToken" )
# Finally, simulate redrawing the command line.
# Obtain an *expanded version* of `$PS1` using a trick
# inspired by
# !! This is NOT foolproof, but hopefully works in most cases.
expandedPrompt=$(PS1="$PS1" debian_chroot="$debian_chroot" "$BASH" --norc -i </dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n '${s/^\(.*\)exit$/\1/p;}')
printf '\n%s%s' "$expandedPrompt" "$COMP_LINE" >/dev/tty
else # Just 1 match or 10 or more matches?
# Perform NORMAL completion: let bash handle it by
# reporting matches via array variable `$COMPREPLY`.
COMPREPLY=( "${matches[#]}" )
# Map the completion function (`_complete_foo`) to the command (`foo`).
# `-o nospace` ensures that no space is appended after a completion,
# which is needed for our workaround.
complete -o nospace -F _complete_foo -- foo
bash 4.2+ (and, more generally, applications using readline 6.2+) support this with the use of the completion-display-width variable.
The number of screen columns used to display possible matches when performing completion. The value is ignored if it is less than 0 or greater than the terminal screen width. A value of 0 will cause matches to be displayed one per line. The default value is -1.
Run the following to set the behavior for all completions1 for your current session:
bind 'set completion-display-width 0'
Or modify your ~/.inputrc2 file to have:
set completion-display-width 0
to change the behavior for all new shells.
1 See here for a method for controlling this behavior for individual custom completion functions.
2 The search path for the readline init file is $INPUTRC, ~/.inputrc, /etc/inputrc so modify the file appropriate for you.

Elegant way to run shell command from ruby script and fail on shell command error

I know something like this is possible
out = `echo 1`
$?.to_i == 0 or raise “Failed"
Yet I’m unable to merge these 2 statements, so that the output will be captured into a variable and the command will fail (also printing the captured output) if the shell command returns with error.
Preferably into a 1 lines, if possible. Something like
out = `echo 1` && $?.to_i == 0 or raise “Failed. Output:” + out
only prettier.
Look at the Open3 class. It has a number of methods that will let you do what you want.
In particular, capture2 is the closest to what you're doing. From the docs:
::capture2 captures the standard output of a command.
stdout_str, status = Open3.capture2([env,] cmd... [, opts])
Pay attention to that optional env parameter. Without that your called application will have no environment information so you might want to consider passing in the ENV hash, allowing the child to have the same environment settings as the running code. If you want to restrict what is passed you can selectively add key/value pairs to a hash, or use ENV.dup then delete selected key/value pairs.

Shell scripting return values not correct, why?

In a shell script I wrote to test how functions are returning values I came across an odd unexpected behavior. The code below assumes that when entering the function fnttmpfile the first echo statement would print to the console and then the second echo statement would actually return the string to the calling main. Well that's what I assumed, but I was wrong!
fntmpfile() {
echo "This is my temp file dude!"
echo "$TMPFILE"
retval=$(fntmpfile "$mainname")
echo "main retval=$retval"
What actually happens is the reverse. The first echo goes to the calling function and the second echo goes to STDOUT. why is this and is there a better way....
main retval=This is my temp file dude!
The whole reason for this test is because I am writing a shell script to do some database backups and decided to use small functions to do specific things, ya know make it clean instead of spaghetti code. One of the functions I was using was this:
log_to_console() {
# arg1 = calling function name
# arg2 = message to log
printf "$1 - $2\n"
The whole problem with this is that the function that was returning a string value is getting the log_to_console output instead depending on the order of things. I guess this is one of those gotcha things about shell scripting that I wasn't aware of.
No, what's happening is that you are running your function, and it outputs two lines to stdout:
This is my temp file dude!
When you run it $(), bash will intercept the output and store it in the value. The string that is stored in the variable contains the first linebreak (the last one is removed). So what is really in your "retval" variable is the following C-style string:
"This is my temp file dude!\n/tmp/main.4059"
This is not really returning a string (can't do that in a shell script), it's just capturing whatever output your function returns. Which is why it doesn't work. Call your function normally if you want to log to console.
