Towers of Hanoi, Ruby conditional - ruby

I'm having trouble with my first if conditional, which checks to make sure the the new piece added is smaller than the one under/before it. My Towers of Hanoi game worked fine until I added it. Below is my code:
arrays = [[5,4,3,2,1],[],[]]
win = false
while win != true
puts "Choose a top piece: (1, 2, 3) "
top = gets.to_i
puts "Which stack to place this piece? (1, 2, 3)"
stack = gets.to_i
if (arrays[stack-1] == nil) ||
(arrays[stack-1][arrays[stack-1].count-1] > arrays[top-1][arrays[top-1][arrays[top-1].count]])
"You need to follow the rules."
print arrays
if arrays[1] == [5,4,3,2,1] || arrays[2] == [5,4,3,2,1]
print "You're a winner!"
win = true
Below is the error I get. How do I perform my check and deal with my nil value arrays in a concise manner?
towers_hanoi:13:in `[]': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError)
from towers_hanoi:13:in `<main>'

Use the empty? method to determine if an array is empty. FYI, though, if you want to see if a variable has a nil value, use nil?
Also, the last method will help a ton here and subtracting 1 from the inputs right away will make the code more readable. Try this:
arrays = [[5,4,3,2,1],[],[]]
win = false
while win != true
puts "Choose a top piece: (1, 2, 3) "
stack_from = gets.to_i - 1
puts "Which stack to place this piece? (1, 2, 3)"
stack_to = gets.to_i - 1
if (arrays[stack_to].empty?) ||
(arrays[stack_to].last > arrays[stack_from].last)
"You need to follow the rules."
print arrays
if arrays[1] == [5,4,3,2,1] || arrays[2] == [5,4,3,2,1]
print "You're a winner!"
win = true

There are a lot of strange things going on in that if statement.
Definitely use Array#empty? to check if an array if empty. An empty array is not nil.
Secondly some of your array bracketing is way too convoluted, I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish here but you are definitely going to be checking if nil > number in some cases:
(arrays[stack-1][arrays[stack-1].count-1] > arrays[top-1][arrays[top-1][arrays[top-1].count]])
I doubt this is what you are trying to do (since it will throw an error). I would take a minute to think about your logic and refactor. In Towers of Hanoi, you only need to worry about checking if the piece you are moving is less than the LAST piece on the stack you are moving to (which represents the top).
Use Array#last and you will be on your way to a much simpler solution.


Optimize print output where i use check on zero. Ruby

Currently, I'm having print like this
print ((stamp_amount[0], 'first mark') unless stamp_amount[0].zero?), (', ' if !stamp_amount[0].zero? && !stamp_amount[1].zero?),
((stamp_amount[1], 'second mark') unless stamp_amount[1].zero?)
stamp_amount is an array with 2 integer values
Let's say in the current situation stamp_amount[0] = 10 and stamp_amount[1] = 3
Output preview:
10 first mark, 3 second mark
So if stamp_amount[0] = 0 the 10 first mark, part won't be show. Same if stamp_amount[1] = 0 the , 3 second mark part won't be shown
For me, it seems a little bit incorrect in terms of theory. Could you please suggest me the more correct or less painful print of this? :)
Your code is trying to join a sequence of up to two elements with a separator. The joining is a solved problem, see Array#join.
The problem can be then reduced to "how can I produce the correct sequence, given my stamp_amount input". Now this can be done in a thousand ways. Here's one:
def my_print(stamp_amount)
ary = [
!stamp_amount[0].zero? && stamp_amount[0],
!stamp_amount[1].zero? && stamp_amount[1],
].select{|elem| elem }
ary.join(', ')
my_print([10, 3]) # => "10, 3"
my_print([0, 3]) # => "3"
my_print([10, 0]) # => "10"
my_print([0, 0]) # => ""
Here's another
ary = []
ary << stamp_amount[0] unless stamp_amount[0].zero?
ary << stamp_amount[1] unless stamp_amount[1].zero?
ary.join(', ')
Here's yet another. This version can handle stamp_amount of any length.
ary = stamp_amount.reject(&:zero?)
ary.join(', ')
I'd go with the third, but the second one may be the easiest to understand for a beginner.
Use the select, as an alternative to reject (shown in part 3 of the answer by Sergio Tulentsev). It is just asa readable, and depending on the context and on the future changes to the code, you may prefer one versus the other.
puts{ |a| ! }.join(", ")
A few examples of inputs and outputs are:
stamp_amount output
10, 3 10, 3
10, 0 10
0, 3 3
0, 0 (prints an empty line, because the selected array is empty)
You're calculating zero? on index points more often than is needed, but the first thing I would look at refactoring here is the readability of the code. It might be nicer to calculate the message to print outside of the print method and explain what is happening with variable names.
# rubocop is going to complain about variable assignment like this
first_amount, second_amount = *stamp_amount
We can actually use the reason rubocop prefers the .zero? over == 0 or .empty? method to guide our development. zero? is in essence just empty? but it communicates the meaning of what you are attempting to do in a better manner. I would use this reasoning when assigning strings to variables that explain what they are doing.
some_name_that_explains_what_this_is_0 = "#{first_amount} piecu centu marka"
some_name_that_explains_what_this_is_1 = "#{second_amount} tris centu marka"
Your current code is confusing as you have the possibility of printing a string like "10 tris centu marka" which does not make lexical sense and probably not what you are after considering tis evaluates to 'second mark', which would pose an issue if the first value is zero. We also could reject zero integers before we start converting them to strings.
array = [1, 0].reject(&:zero?)
Now we can take the array and do something like:
string = []
array.each_with_index { |e, i| string << "#{e} #{} mark" }
message = string.join(', ')
# ord class
class Ordinalize
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def ordinalize
def mapping
# acounting for zero index
['first', 'second']
where we are calculating the ordinalization and letting our new class handle the sentence structure for us.
[1, 0] => "1 first mark"
[0, 1] => "1 first mark"
[1, 2] => "1 first mark, 2 second mark"

Simple program but so very stuck- Loops in Ruby

I have to write a program which asks the user to enter a number.
The program keeps on asking the user for a number until the user types 'Stop'
at which point the sum of the numbers that the user has entered should be printed.
I've tried many,many things and none of my ideas work.
This is what I have - but I can that it isn't correct. What am I doing wrong?
I've only used while loops and arrays
total_user_input = []
# As long as the user inputs a number, the program will keep putting Give me a number
# and then adding that number to the total_user_input array.
puts "Give me a number: "
while user_input = gets.chomp.to_i
#add the input to the array total_user_input
puts "Give me a number: "
# If the user however types stop, then the loop is broken and we jump down to the
# sum bit - where all of the numbers in the total_user_input array are added together
# and printed. End of program!
if user_input == "stop"
sum = 0
total_user_input.each { |num|
sum += num
puts sum
The output isn't as it should be.
As others have identified the problems with your code let me suggest how you might reorganize it. Ruby provides many ways to execute loops but you many find it desirable to primarily relay on the method Kernel#loop and the keyword break. (As you will learn in time, loop is particularly convenient when used with enumerators.)
def sum_numbers
tot = 0
loop do
print 'Gimme a number: '
s = gets.chomp
break if s == 'Stop'
tot += s.to_i
The keyword break can optionally take an argument (though why that is not mentioned in the doc I cannot say), in which case it (if a literal) or its value (if a variable or method) is returned by loop. Here one would generally see
break tot if s == 'Stop'
without the final line, tot. As the loop returns tot and that is the last calculation performed by the method, the method will return the final value of tot.
You could have instead written
return tot if user_input == 'Stop'
but I think most coders believe best practice dictates that one should not return from a method from within a loop (or from within nested loops) unless there is a good reason for doing so.
Some small points:
I used print rather than puts to that the user's entry will be shown on the same line as the prompt.
I used s (for "string") rather than user_input because it reduces the chance of spelling mistakes (e.g., user_imput), speeds reading, and (possibly a foible of mine), looks neater. True, s is not descriptive, but one only has to remember its meaning for three consecutive lines of code. Others may disagree.
You could write, break if s.downcase == 'stop' if you want, say, 'stop' or 'STOP' to have the same effect as 'Stop'.
'23O3'.to_i #=> 23 (that's an an oh, not a zero), so in real life you'd want to confirm that either 'Stop' or the string representation of a number had been typed.
This is how I would do this preferring to use loop do end syntax with a break when it should. Also added a bit more text so user knows what's happening.
total_user_input = []
puts 'Give me a number or "stop" to end: '
loop do
user_input = gets.chomp
total_user_input << user_input.to_i
puts "Give me a number: "
break if user_input.downcase == "stop"
puts "Total entered: #{total_user_input.inject(&:+)}" unless total_user_input.empty?
puts 'goodbye!'
Note these few things:
get.chomp.to_i will convert every input to integer. ("stop" or any non integer string will be 0)
Arrangement of the flow is quite messy.
total_user_input = []
puts "Give me a number: "
while user_input = gets.chomp.strip
sum = 0
total_user_input.each { |num|
sum += num
puts sum
if user_input == "stop"
Hope you understand this.

Guessing game for ruby

I'm currently trying to create a simply made guessing game, In the code there will be three set number (for now) that a person has to guess. If he/she guesses all the numbers correctly it puts, "Congrats, you win!"
Now as a beginning test i just wanted the user to guess one number correctly and the code gives back correct or incorrect.
random_guess = [1, 3, 5]
puts "Please Pick a number, 1-5"
pick_num = gets.chomp
if pick_num == random_guess = true
puts "Correct!"
puts "Incorrect!"
(I know this code is very beginner, i'm very new to ruby.) for some reason every time i run this program it puts incorrect.
Your if statement is wrong. It should be:
if random_guess.include? pick_num.to_i
Note that if you leave off the to_i the equality check will always fail because you're comparing the integer 3 against the string "3".
Just to help you a bit more. Since your end goal is to have the user guess all the numbers correctly. You can just loop on the same if statement I wrote above. And every time they guess a correct number you can remove it from the array like such:
Once the array is empty, the user has won.
Making random_guess random:
random_guess = []
3.times{random_guess << rand(1..5)}
# => [5, 1, 4] # will be random in every other iteration
Checking if the number exists, you can either use index or include?:
if random_guess.index(pick_num.to_i) # alternatively random_guess.index(pick_num.to_i)
puts "Correct!"
puts "Incorrect!"
Why is your code always printing incorrect?
You are doing if pick_num == random_guess = true, which is a blunder. What is actually happening here is:
you are assigning true to random_guess. i.e. irrespective to what value (Array) random_guess holds, you are overwriting it with true.
Then you are comparing random_guess with pick_num.
So essentially you are doing this:
if pick_num == (random_guess = true) # say pick_num = "1"
# "1" == true # which is obviously false.
The correct conditional statement should be:
if pick_num == random_guess
However this will also print false every time. Reason?
pick_num is a string.
random_guess is an array that contains integer values.
You are comparing two different object types. So its always false.
Therefore the right way to solve this is checking whether the user entered value exists in the Array. For that you can use Array#index or Array#include?. Hence the statement in my proposed solution:
if random_guess.index(pick_num.to_i)
NOTE: pick_num.to_i converts pick_num (a character) into an integer. This is required as your array contains only integers and not characters.

Checking for prime number in ruby

I am trying to write a method that takes a number and checks if its a prime number. After doing some research a fast way to check is to divide the number by every number between 2 and sqrt(number we are checking). I want my method to return true if it is a prime number and false if it isn't.
So I tried to write code that made logical sense to me but I am getting an error. Here's what I have written:
def PrimeTime(num)
counter = 2
while counter <= Math.sqrt(num).ceil
(counter == Math.sqrt(num).ceil) ? "false"
(num % counter == 0) ? "true" : counter += 1
This gives me
(eval):429: (eval):429: compile error (SyntaxError)
(eval):422: syntax error, unexpected '\n'
Rewritten code
def prime?(num)
(2..Math.sqrt(num).ceil).to_a.each do |number|
if num % number == 0
return false
return true
FYI, this is not homework. I am going through coderbyte problems. Any help is appreciated!
The proximate issue you are facing is, this is not valid Ruby: (counter == Math.sqrt(num).ceil) ? "false"
?, as an operator, is a part of the trinary operator ... ? ... : ..., and always comes in pair with a :, as you write in your next line. Then again, overuse of trinary operator is also not good. You also have a problem with control flow: after evaluating "true", the loop will continue, counter won't change, and you got an infinite loop.
I suggest you work out what the algorithm should be. Write it in English, if necessary. Then make sure you convert it to Ruby correctly.
Also, Ruby methods should be in snake case (lowercase with underscores between words), so PrimeTime is not a good name. I suggest prime? (as question marks are also allowed in identifiers) if you will be returning a boolean value (true or false). If you are returning a string (as you seem to be trying to do), try check_for_primality or something similar (without the question mark).
Also... if remainder is zero, the number is not prime. I think you have your tests switched around.
If you are still stumped:
def prime?(num); (2..Math.sqrt(num)).each do |counter|; if (num % counter == 0); return false end end; true; end
EDIT On rewritten code: break & return false doesn't do what you want. They are both control statements; if you break, return won't happen. Even if it did, if the break wasn't there, it would have been better to write and, or at least &&, not & (binary and).
Your logic is still wrong though: PrimeTime(16) is true, for example, is not really what I'd expect from a primality testing function.
In my opinion, your making this way more complicated than it should be. Here's the code that I would advise using.
require 'prime'
Its that simple. And if you want to make your own method
require 'prime'
def prime?(num)
Ruby comes with predefined classes such as Prime. All you have to do is to require that class into your project.
require 'prime'
Than, you can use some of the Prime methods such as first to get first x prime elements:
Prime.first(5) # Ret => [2, 3, 5, 6, 11]
Or you could do something like this:
Prime.each(100) do |prime|
p prime # Ret => [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ..., 97]
I hope this may helpful to you.. via miksiii
You can do it without Math.sqrt this way:
def is_prime?(number)
(2..number-1).each {|n| return false if number <= 1 || number % n == 0}
return true

How to run a simple Ruby script

I would like to make a program that checks to see if the number you enter is an even number. Sort of like making a leap year program but for any number divisible by 2.
Something along the lines of:
num = gets.chomp
while num != 0
if (num%2) == 0
puts 'yess'
puts 'nooo'
I knows there's something easy that I need to change for it to run.
(btw I just started learning Ruby yesterday!)
There are two problems here.
First being something that others have put, you need to make sure you turn the input into an integer using ".to_i" on your num variable.
Secondly, this code puts you into an infinite loop since you are using a "while" loop.
Since the number is only input once, you get stuck in the "while" loop forever no matter what the input is. Basically, "num" never stops being not 0.
You'd be better off using an if..else statement. Something like:
num = gets.chomp.to_i
if num != 0
if (num%2) == 0
puts 'yess'
puts 'nooo'
puts "that's 0, dude"
Integers have two methods for this. They are even? and odd?.
You can use this in your if statement as so:
if num.even?
puts 'yess'
puts 'nooo'
However, an easier way to write this is with ternary expressions:
puts num.even? ? "yes" : "no"
However, make sure num is an Integer. Anything coming from gets will be a String. So, you should be doing num = gets.chomp.to_i. Anything that is not a number, like "h", will return 0.
"5".to_i #=> 5
"h".to_i #=> 0
