Making Aspectj work on a Spring servlet bean - spring-boot

I am trying to get an aspectprofiler working on a Jersey servlet registered in a spring project. The aspectprofiler is loaded, but don't notice when methods within the Jersey servlet are run.
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class App {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final SpringApplicationBuilder sab = new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConsolidatedCustomerMasterApp.class);;
public ServletRegistrationBean jerseyServlet() {
final ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(new ServletContainer(), "/*");
registration.addInitParameter(ServletProperties.JAXRS_APPLICATION_CLASS, JerseyInitialization.class.getName());
return registration;
public AspectProfiler profiler() {
return new AspectProfiler();
public class JerseyInitialization extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyInitialization() {
package com.example.package;
public class RestService {
public String test() {
return "Something";
public class AspectProfiler {
private static final DefaultApplicationProfiler PROFILER = new DefaultApplicationProfiler(
Arrays.<ProfilerOperator> asList(
new StatsdProfilerOperator(),
new LoggingProfilerOperator())
private static final String REST_MATCHER =
"execution(* com.example.package..*.*(..))";
public Object around(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return PROFILER.around(joinPoint);

On top of making the Jersey resource classes Spring #Components (and #ComponentScaning for them), you also need to make the ResourceConfig a Spring #Component also. You can see in the Spring Boot JerseyAutoConfigurer that it autowires the ResourceConfig, which it uses for the ServletContainer registration.
One thing to also note is that it creates its own ServletRegistrationBean
public ServletRegistrationBean jerseyServletRegistration() {
ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(
new ServletContainer(this.config), this.path);
return registration;
When you declare your own, you are overriding this one. You are not adding any special functionality that is not already provided, so just leave the default. Any Jersey specific configurations can be added in the file or through code configurations.
As for dependencies, I'll just assume you have all the right dependencies. The following are what I used to test
<!-- all 1.2.7.RELEASE -->
See Also:
spring-boot-sample-jersey - from project samples
ยง26.2 JAX-RS and Jersey - from Spring Boot docs


Spring Integraton RSocket and Spring RSocket interaction issues

I created a new sample and slipted the codes into client and server side.
The complete codes can be found here.
There are 3 version of server side.
server None Spring Boot app, using Spring Integration RSocket InboundGateway.
server-boot Reuse Spring RSocket autconfiguration, and created ServerRSocketConnecter through ServerRSocketMessageHanlder.
server-boot-messsagemapping Not use Spring Integration, just use Spring Boot RSocket autconfiguration, and #Controller and #MessageMapping.
There are 2 versions of client.
client, Sending messages using Spring Integration Rocket OutboundGateway.
client-requester Send messages using RSocketRequester, not use Spring Integration at all.
The client and server interaction mode is REQUEST_CHANNEL, and connect server via TCP/localhost:7000.
The application class:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try (ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(DemoApplication.class)) {
System.out.println("Press any key to exit.");;
} finally {
public ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector() {
return new ServerRSocketConnector("localhost", 7000);
public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseFlow(ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector) {
return IntegrationFlows
.<Flux<String>, Flux<String>>transform((flux) ->
Dependencies in pom.xml.
Application class.
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {, args);
// see PR:
ServerRSocketMessageHandler serverRSocketMessageHandler(RSocketStrategies rSocketStrategies) {
var handler = new ServerRSocketMessageHandler(true);
return handler;
public ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector(ServerRSocketMessageHandler serverRSocketMessageHandler) {
return new ServerRSocketConnector(serverRSocketMessageHandler);
public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseFlow(ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector) {
return IntegrationFlows
.<Flux<String>, Flux<String>>transform((flux) ->
Dependencies in pom.xml.
The applcition class.
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class UpperCaseHandler {
public Flux<String> uppercase(Flux<String> input) {
In the client, the dependencies in the pom.xml is like.
The application class:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector() {
ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector = new ClientRSocketConnector("localhost", 7000);
return clientRSocketConnector;
public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseRequestFlow(ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector) {
return IntegrationFlows
.interactionModel((message) -> RSocketInteractionModel.requestChannel)
class HelloController {
private Function<Flux<String>, Flux<String>> rsocketUpperCaseFlowFunction;
#GetMapping(value = "hello", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<String> uppercase() {
return rsocketUpperCaseFlowFunction.apply(Flux.just("a", "b", "c", "d"));
When running the client and server application, and try to access the http://localhost:8080/hello by curl.
When using server and server-boot which uses InboundGateway to handle messages, the output looks like this.
curl http://localhost:8080/hello
When using server-boot-messagemapping, the output is woking as I expected:
The application class:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class HelloController {
Mono<RSocketRequester> requesterMono;
public HelloController(RSocketRequester.Builder builder) {
this.requesterMono = builder.connectTcp("localhost", 7000);
#GetMapping(value = "hello", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<String> uppercase() {
return requesterMono.flatMapMany(
rSocketRequester -> rSocketRequester.route("/uppercase")
.data(Flux.just("a", "b", "c", "d"))
When running this client and the 3 servers, and try to access the http://localhost:8080/hello by curl.
When using server and server-boot which uses InboundGateway to handle messages, it throws a class cast exception.
When using server-boot-messagemapping, the output is woking as I expected:
I do not know where is the problem of the configuration of InboundGateway and OutboundGateway?
Thank you for such a detailed sample!
So, what I see. Both clients (plain RSocketRequester and Spring Integration) work well with plain RSocket server.
To make them working with Spring Integration server you have to do this changes:
The server side:
Add .requestElementType(ResolvableType.forClass(String.class)) into an RSockets.inboundGateway() definition, so it will know to what to convert an incoming payloads.
The client side:
.data(Flux.just("a\n", "b\n", "c\n", "d\n")).
Currently the server side of Spring Integration doesn't treat an incoming Flux as a stream of independent payloads. So, we try to connect all of them into a single value.
The new line delimiter is an indicator that we expect independent values. Spring Messaging on its side does exactly opposite: it checks for multi-value expected type and decode every element in the incoming Flux in its map() instead of an attempt for the whole Publisher decoding.
It's going to be kinda breaking change, but possibly need to consider to fix RSocketInboundGateway logic to be consistent with regular #MessageMapping for RSocket support. Feel free to raise a GH issue!

Configure Spring Boot to use Custom Access Token converter

I'm trying to get user information from the access token provided by an Identity Provider. The Identity Provider that I'm using provides it's scope in the form of a string instead of a list because of which the DefaultAccessTokenConverter doesn't work for me. As a result I wish to extend it to a CustomAccessTokenConverter to override it's extractAuthentication() method. I'm using the following in my security config to make Spring use this custom class instead of the default one:
public class SecurityConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
private CustomAccessTokenConverter customAccessTokenConverter;
// For validating the incoming access token and fetching user information from it
public ResourceServerTokenServices createResourceServerTokenServices() {
RemoteTokenServices tokenServices = new RemoteTokenServices();
tokenServices.setCheckTokenEndpointUrl(*Introspection URL*);
tokenServices.setClientId(*Client ID*);
tokenServices.setClientSecret(*Client Secret*);
return tokenServices;
public AccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter() {
return customAccessTokenConverter;
But, Spring still uses the DefaultAccessTokenConverter. What am I doing wrong? Please help me out here.
Here is what my CustomAccessTokenConverter class looks like just for reference:
public class CustomAccessTokenConverter extends DefaultAccessTokenConverter {
public OAuth2Authentication extractAuthentication(Map<String, ?> map) {
return new OAuth2Authentication(request, user);
I am using Spring Boot with the following dependencies:
ResourceTokenServices allows us to use our own AccessTokenConverter.
Simply add the following to your security config:
public ResourceServerTokenServices createResourceServerTokenServices() {
RemoteTokenServices tokenServices = new RemoteTokenServices();
tokenServices.setCheckTokenEndpointUrl(*Introspection URL*);
tokenServices.setClientId(*Client ID*);
tokenServices.setClientSecret(*Client Secret*);
return tokenServices;

Spring Data Mongodb WriteConcern working?

I have the following Spring Data MongoDb Repository Java configuration:
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages= {"com.example.repositories.mongodb"})
public class MongoConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private #Value("${}") String mongoHost;
private #Value("${mongo.port}") int mongoPort;
private #Value("${mongo.database}") String mongoDatabase;
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return mongoDatabase;
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder()
MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(mongoHost, mongoPort), options);
return client;
public #Bean PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor exceptionTranslation() {
return new PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor();
I am trying to figure out if the writeConcern is really turned on due to some jUnits not working when running repeatedly. If I place a breakpoint after the client is created above and inspect the client object I can see its property WriteConcern equals:
{w=null, wTimeout=null ms, fsync=null, journal=null}
Which suggests to me that it was not set to ACKNOWLEDGED.
Am I setting it properly and is there a way to see if the correct concern is set? None of the logger options I tried made it output.
My dependencies are:

Override Spring-Boot's GsonAutoConfiguration with custom Gson

Is there a way to override the GsonAutoConfiguration in spring-boot?
I would like to add some typeAdapter to the gson instance.
Preferably using java configurations
I've added the following to the
and the following class
public class GsonConfig {
public Gson gson() {
return new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(DateTime.class, new DateTimeTypeAdapter())
I am also using Jersey in the mix as well.
So I've also have the following code, which also didn't work.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
public class InternalApplication extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
final Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
return classes;
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
final Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<>();
singletons.add(new GsonMessageBodyProvider(
new GsonProviderOptionsBuilder()
.gson(new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(DateTime.class, new DateTimeTypeAdapter())
return singletons;
Since when does Gson have anything to with Jersey in Spring Boot? It doesn't. What you really want to do is first disable Jackson (which is the default provider). Then you can register your GsonMessageBodyProvider.
Basically all you need to do is exclude the Jackson provider from your Maven/Gradle dependencies, as the Jersey starter pulls it in
And I'm not quite sure why you are using an Application class, as Spring Boot doesn't support that for its auto-configuration. You should be using a ResourceConfig class
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyConfig() {
register(new GsonMessageBodyProvider(...));

Spring boot & Swagger 2 UI & custom requestmappinghandlermapping - mapping issue

I have own RequestMappingHandlerMapping and I am using springfox-swagger-ui. After adding my custom mapping, I am not able to achieve swagger ui at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
Any ideas?
This is my configuration.
public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping() {
return new ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping("v");
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
Here's my pom.xml:
When you override WebMvcConfigurationSupport, you are also overriding spring Boot's mvc auto configuration (WebMvcAutoConfiguration). Therefore, resources that need spring boot's configuration will not work. This is not a problem specific to swagger.
You can find more info about this here:
As the github issue suggests, there will be changes on this in the future to make it easier. Currently there are some workarounds, as suggested there.
A quick and dirty way of doing this is by copying and pasting the WebMvcAutoConfiguration class into your own class, returning your own HandlerMapping from the requestMappingHandlerMapping() method of EnableWebMvcConfiguration and registering the copy of the WebMvcAutoConfiguration as an auto configuration class. You can see instructions here:
Make sure you place your copy of the WebMvcAutoConfiguration at some package which is not component scanned and picked up automatically. It should just be registered as explained in the above link.
Also make sure you set the order of you custom HandlerMapping to 0 before returning it from the requestMappingHandlerMapping() method, like so:
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping() {
// Must be #Primary for MvcUriComponentsBuilder to work
ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping handlerMapping = new ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping("v");
PathMatchConfigurer configurer = getPathMatchConfigurer();
if (configurer.isUseSuffixPatternMatch() != null) {
if (configurer.isUseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch() != null) {
if (configurer.isUseTrailingSlashMatch() != null) {
if (configurer.getPathMatcher() != null) {
if (configurer.getUrlPathHelper() != null) {
return handlerMapping;
It works for me.
Overriding addResourceHandlers instead of registering auto-configuration.
Github Source
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
Overriding requestMappingHandlerMapping() of WebMvcConfigurationSupport will turn off spring boot's auto configuration. For adding custom MVC Components you may use WebMvcRegistrations. Like, for providing custom RequestMappingHandlerMapping, We may override getRequestMappingHandlerMapping(), with custom RequestMappingHandlerMapping, ofWebMvcRegistrationsAdapter and provide it through webMvcRegistrationsHandlerMapping(). As,
class CustomRequestMappingHandlerMapping {
public WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter webMvcRegistrationsHandlerMapping() {
return new WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter() {
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
return new ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping("v");
In Spring Boot 2.0.0, there is a simpler way to achieve this.
Create an instance of WebMvcRegistrations interface as a bean and override appropriate method to return the customized version of that object. Spring boot will read and use that instance.
In this case only the getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() needs to be overridden and a custom implementation returned
Above information is from a follow through based on the links provided by #Nazaret K.
More information at
It can be solved by using WebMvcConfigurationSupport with adding resource handlers for swagger:
public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
private String applicationName;
//...irrelevant code here
protected void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
I finally find it!
The right configuration is this:
public class VersioningMappingHandlerConfig {
public ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping customMappingHandlerMapping() {
ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping handler = new ApiVersionRequestMappingHandlerMapping("v", 1, 1);
return handler;
Note: there is no extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport and bean name is customMappingHandlerMapping
