Codeigniter csrf token not in post array - codeigniter

When posting a form with a csrf token, $this->input->post("csrf_token") is empty.
I could post a duplicate csrf_token using another field name. But that looks a bit unnecessary.
Is there (another) way to get it?
All is done using AJAX. So first of all, a token must be requested, and is provided using a json template, populating it this way:
$data["json"] = array(
"csrf_token" => $this->security->get_csrf_hash()
Using that token, a ajax POST request is done, sending user login, password. If ?debugis added to the request url, and the ENVIRONMENT is not production, the complete post request parameters are added to the json output. Like so:
if( !is_null($this->input->get("debug")) && ENVIRONMENT != 'production'){
$debug = TRUE;
$data["json"]["post"] = $this->input->post();
And I get:
"post": {
"un": "test",
"pw": "test"
Adding $data["json"]["old_token"] = $this->input->post("csrf_token");gives me "old_token": null
The Cross-site request forgery itself, works as expected: no token, wrong token or expired token gives an error. So Codigniter does receive the token as a supposed to. It seems to be removed from the post data.

After some poking around, I've found the answer. The security class removes the token from the POST array: unset($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name]); (core/Security.php in csrf_verify() at line 234)
I won't change that line, to be sure the controller keeps functioning after updating Codeigniter.


Laravel 5.5 Request is empty in Restful controller

I have such a route in my routes/web.php
Route::resource('/api/surveys', 'SurveyController');
As documentation says, it creates all needed routes for API. This is a function, that gets executed when I go for /api/surveys route:
public function index()
$request = request();
if(!$request->hasHeader('token')) {
return "No auth token found.";
$tokenCheck = $this->userService->isTokenValid($request->header('token'));
if($tokenCheck !== true) {
return $tokenCheck;
return $this->surveyService->all();
What it does, it checks if token header parameter is set, if not, it returns an error, if yes, it checks if token is valid and etc. if everything is OK, it should return surveys from database.
public function surveys() {
$request = \Request::create('/api/surveys', 'GET');
$request->headers->set('Accept', 'application/json');
$request->headers->set('token', \Cookie::get('token'));
$response = \Route::dispatch($request);
I have a website, that should use that API I just created to get all survey records. I create a new request object, set header "token" with token I get from a cookie and then try to dispatch and get a response. But the problem is that everytime I get "No auth token found." error. That means $request->hasHeader('token') returns false, even tough I set it here in my request. If I print_r $request->all() in Restful controller, I get an empty array.
I tried Postman to access this API with token parameter, and it works fine in postman, but here, it seems that Request disappears while it travels to API controller.
What I did wrong here?
When you manually create a request and dispatch it, that works to get the routing to call the correct controller, however that does not affect the request that is bound in the container.
When your "fake" request is handled by the api controller, the request that it pulls out of the container is the original "real" request that was made by the user.
Instead of dispatching the route with your new request, you will need to app()->handle($request) the new request. This, however, will completely replace the original "real" request with your new "fake" request, so everything from the original request will be lost.
Having said all that, this method of consuming your own api is discouraged, even by Taylor. You can read his comment on this Github issue. So, consuming your own api like this may work, but you may also run into some other unforeseen issues.
The more appropriate solution would be to extract out the logic called by the api routes to another class, and then call that extracted logic from both your api routes and your web routes.

How to protect against CSRF on a static site?

I have a static website, being served from a CDN, that communicates with an API via AJAX. How do I protect against CSRF?
Since I do not have control over how the static website is served, I cannot generate a CSRF token when someone loads my static website (and insert the token into forms or send it with my AJAX requests). I could create a GET endpoint to retrieve the token, but it seems like an attacker could simply access that endpoint and use the token it provides?
Is there an effective way to prevent against CSRF with this stack?
Additional details: authentication is completely separate here. Some of the API requests for which I want CSRF protection are authenticated endpoints, and some are public POST requests (but I want to confirm that they are coming from my site, not someone else's)
I could create a GET endpoint to retrieve the token, but it seems like an attacker could simply access that endpoint and use the token it provides?
Correct. But CSRF tokens are not meant to be secret. They only exist to confirm an action is performed in the order expected by one user (e.g. a form POST only follows a GET request for the form). Even on a dynamic website an attacker could submit their own GET request to a page and parse out the CSRF token embedded in a form.
CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into submitting a malicious request. It inherits the identity and privileges of the victim to perform an undesired function on the victim's behalf.
It's perfectly valid to make an initial GET request on page load to get a fresh token and then submit it with the request performing an action.
If you want to confirm the identity of the person making the request you'll need authentication, which is a separate concern from CSRF.
My solution is as follows
Client [static html]
// Call script to GET Token and add to the form
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(resp => {
if (resp.token) {
const csrf = document.createElement('input'); = "csrf";
csrf.type = "hidden";
csrf.value = resp.token;
The above can be modified to target a pre-existing csrf field. I use this to add to may pages with forms. The script assumes the first form on the page is the target so this would also need to be changed if required.
On the server to generate the CSRF (Using PHP : assumes > 7)
[CSRFTOKEN is defined in a config file. Example]
$root_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? false;
$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? false;
// Check that script was called by page from same origin
// and generate token if valid. Save token in SESSION and
// return to client
$token = false;
if ($root_domain &&
$referrer &&
parse_url($referrer, PHP_URL_HOST) == $root_domain) {
$token = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
header('Content-Type: application/json');
die(json_encode(['token' => $token]));
Finally in the code that processes the form
// Included for clarity - this would typically be in a config
define('CSRFTOKEN', '__csrftoken');
$root_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? false;
$referrer = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', PHP_URL_HOST);
// Check submission was from same origin
if ($root_domain !== $referrer) {
// Invalid attempt
// Extract and validate token
$token = $_POST[CSRFTOKEN] ?? false;
$sessionToken = $_SESSION[CSRFTOKEN] ?? false;
if (!empty($token) && $token === $sessionToken) {
// Request is valid so process it
// Invalidate the token
There is very good explanation for same, Please check
from my understanding it seems static site won't face any issue with CSRF due to CORS restriction, if we have added X-Requested-With flag.
There is one more issue i would like to highlight here, How to protect your api which is getting called from Mobile app as well as Static site?
As api is publicly exposed and you want to make sure only allowed user's should be calling it.
There is some check we can add at our API service layer for same
1) For AJAX request(From Static site) check for requesting domain, so only allowed sites can access it
2) For Mobile request use HMAC token, read more here

How I can modify response (JSON instead of redirection) if user is already logged in in laravel 5.2?

First look at this. I have solved that problem by getting XSRF-TOKEN token from request cookie.
$token = $request->input('_token') ? : $request->header('X-CSRF-TOKEN');
// By Me - Start
if($token == null) {
$token = $request->cookie('XSRF-TOKEN');
// By Me - End
This works fine. But my problem is that if user is get logged in once, then on requesting again from .net app, I'm getting html(view) response. I want to update that response as JSON response. I have tried to debug. But I can't find any function from where I can modify that response. If any one knows the solution or alternative way, it will be appreciated.

How to get session token after successful authentication?

After successful authentication via a form post sign-in, I need to be able to use the same session token within the response to do another post to a protected route, but this time using XMLHttpRequest.
How would I get the session token, considering that the successful authentication response has already passed.
The session token is stored in a laravel_session cookie, assuming default Laravel settings (see config/session.php).
You can read the cookie in javascript using document.cookie. For example:
function readCookie(name)
var matches = document.cookie.match('(^|; )'+name+'=([^;]*)');
if (matches) {
return decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);
return null;
var token = readCookie('laravel_session');

In codeigniter, How to get the token returned from google login as parameter to controller?

I am working with AuthSub to view portfolios of google finance api on codeigniter framework.
after successful login of google it redirects to the url we provide.
I have provided url like:
google will append its token like:
How can I get it inside a function token() inside google controller.
I don't know that you have control over "how" it gives it to you. For a controller parameter, you'll need to redirect after the Auth callback "gives" you the token. This is probably unnecessary though, as you can simply grab it out of the query string.
$token = $this->input->get('token');
if ($token)
// Option 1: redirect to a controller action that
// takes the token as the parameter
// Option 2: do something directly with the token
// right now (why bother redirecting?)
die('Access token? We didn\'t get no access token!');
Storing the token in the session or database is an alternative to the redirect, but the redirect would how to "get the token as parameter to controller" like you ask.
Just extract the token, and route it to controller of your choice.
You can extract the params like this
$params = "";
$parsed = parse_url($params);
$pieces = explode("=", $parsed['query']);
$searchIndex = array_search("token", $pieces);
if($searchIndex) {
$token = $pieces[$searchIndex+1];
//now use it as you need
Note: The code above will only work, if there is only single parameter on the url, or else not.
