Does sense only work in Kibana? - elasticsearch

I am using elastic 2.0 and I am trying to access sense from the following URL:
I followed the instruction on installing sense from here:
Install marvel plugin for Elasticsearch
However I'm only able to access sense from within Kibana if I try to access it from elastic I get a blank page.
What am I missing?

sense has become a kibana app and so is Marvel 2.0. The URL you are trying will throw 404 error.
As you said the correct way to access is http://localhost:5601/app/sense considering default settings.
More on that


Setting up Elastic Enterprise Search locally

In my app, I'd like to use "Elastic App Search" functionality, especially facets. I except it work like this:
At this point, I have installed Elastic Search & Kibana (using brew) and populated it with data. I am able to run it locally and make queries.
To install the App Search (which is included in Elastic Enterprise Search), I use the following instructions:
I have done everything up to point 3.
In point 4:
I can't locate the elastic user password in the logs, I haven't set any security/passwords so far, so I guess there's no password at this moment.
I haven't seen or used any Kibana token so far. I tried to generate it, as it showed here, but it does not work for me. It seems like the default path for elasticsearch should be /usr/local/etc/elasticsearch, but I don't even have etc directory in my /usr/local. Instead, elasticsearch is inside the homebrew directory.
I can't find http_ca.crt file anywhere in my homebrew, should I enable security in elasticsearch first to generate this file?
Unlike Elastic Search and Kibana, the Elastic Enterprise Search file I downloaded in step 1 is not an application, but a regular directory. Where should I put it?
Does my approach even make sense? Is it possible to run this service locally just like I'm running ES/Kibana? Most of the examples on the Internet show how to run this service on Docker only.

Enable RBAC features in kibana alone

I want to create a new space in kibana and create a new user , attach a role with specific access and only to the space. This is a straight-forward thing with lot of docs provided by elasticsearch itself, but however there is one thing that I cannot find any clear documentation on. Does kibana support RBAC without enabling security features in elasticsearch? Is it possible to create roles in kibana without enabling security features in elasticsearch? I'm almost sure that it is not possible but since there is not direct wordings in the documents stating the above, I'm skeptical about it and hence posting here for expert suggestions.
I'm using kibana version 7.7.1. In my dashboard I'm not able to see the word "security" anywhere as described in the document. Posting a sample screenshot below.
Finally Found an official document that states the same. To answer the question, Yes Kibana doesn't support RBAC in a standalone manner. It depends on elasticsearch.

Kibana not saving dev tools history across sessions

I have Kibana plugin installed in each ES node. Kibana is behind nginx reverse proxy because it's served from /kibana/ route. Elastic is protected with SearchGuard plugin.
Question: History for dev tools/console is reset with each login (after each login, history is empty). Now, I'm not sure if I'm missing something or that's expected behaviour when SearchGuard is in use? I remember that worked well before installing SearchGuard. Not sure if it's coincidence or it's indeed related. It's saving properly during one session.
Elastic version: 6.1.3
Thank you!
It's stored in local storage under sense:editor_state in Chrome.
If it's wiped out daily or the cache is cleared, so will your searches be.
use ?load_from= in your url and save your queries in a json file... be aware of CORS if you use a web app of your own.

Elasticsearch - Is elasticsearch possible without HTTP (offline mode)

I have an app in android, ios and windows which works in offline mode. That is, content is stored in the local database. Now I am trying to implement elasticsearch on this app. Is it possible to search the data from local database when I am offline. Or, is there a way to access Elasticsearch without HTTP.
Please help me on this.
Answer is no, Since elasticsearch will be installed outside of your phone.
But one of the options could be FTS3. Its not as powerful as ES but could be solution.

Setting Up Elastic Search for my Website

I am completely new to web development and I want to set up a database search client on a website I am making because I do not want to write my own inefficient MySQL query strings. My plan is to use Elastic Search for this and my main question is:
Once my site is on a dedicated server somewhere, how do I install Elastic Search to the server, and/or what should I look for in a server so that I will be able to use Elastic Search?
You'll need a JRE, that's about it as far just getting started.
See for more details.
You'll probably want to run it as a service, If your using Windows you can download installers here.
Hit me up if you need any help.
