Broadcast text using eddystone url layout (or altbeacon) - ibeacon

I have a 16 length string that I would like to broadcast as the identifier, which the app uses to do certain actions.
Relatively new to the different beacon layouts, so would love to get the right opinion. I was thinking of doing it the following ways
hex encode the string and use it as identifier in eddystone url layout
But the 16 length takes up 32 bytes and doesn't help
Another option is to use altbeacon library like below.
byte[] dataBytes = new String("16 length string").getBytes()
Identifier identifier = Identifier.fromBytes(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.length, false);
I am not sure either works mainly because of the 16 length string. Is there a better way to achieve or do it at all in first place?


create a URL shortener with Base 62?

I understood the process to shorten the URL with base 62 at How do I create a URL shortener?.
Steps given are
Think of an alphabet we want to use. In your case, that's [a-zA-Z0-9]. It contains 62 letters.
Take an auto-generated, unique numerical key (the auto-incremented id of a MySQL table for example).
For this example, I will use 12510 (125 with a base of 10).
Now you have to convert 12510 to X62 (base 62)
My question is why not just create unique numerical key and return it ? What is the advantage of concerting numerical key > Base 62 > then Finally some alphanumeric number ?
Is it because final alphanumeric number will be much smaller than unique numerical key ?
Yes. The idea is to make it short and usable in a URL. A number in base 62 will use fewer characters than the same number in base 10. Notice also that URL shorteners use short hosts, such as
I can see you understand that, yes, a number written in base 62 takes less characters than a number in base 10 just like a number in base 10 takes less characters than a number in base 2 (e.g. 0101 is 3 characters longer than just '5').
So, I'll answer specifically "Why".
Sometimes a link is shortened to be more visually pleasing. A company worried about their public perception likely doesn't want their links to look like an error code due to how long they are so they resort to shortening. That's why some url shortening services allow you to add your own "vanity url" which customizes the domain name, so that a link can be shortened and branded.
Other times a link is shortened to minimize character count when working with constraints, like Twitter. For example, at my company we shortened the links in our automated Twilio messages because SMS messages that contain more than 160 characters are technically 2 concatenated messages so it is more expensive to send.
And finally if the link is being shared through a medium that cannot be directly clicked on (e.g. verbally, on paper), making it shorter makes it much easier to type into an address bar manually. (Imagine trying to type the url to this SO question when someone is reading it to you.) I assume this is also at least partially why the base used for these links usually stop at around 62. If you start including other arbitrary characters to higher the base and consequentially make the link marginally shorter, it'll become harder to communicate, read and type. ("" vs "🈲}♠ "

Calculated checksums are different for identical byte array content

With the same byte array, the result of performing a checksum using .NET Core 3.0's SHA512Managed class is different than the result of using the built-in shasum app in MacOS.
I've triple-checked the byte array is unmodified/identical by iterating over every byte position using File.ReadAllBytes().
Process in code:
var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
var data = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(data, 0, (int)stream.Length);
var sha = new SHA512Managed();
var checksum = sha.ComputeHash(data);
At the command line:
shasum -a512 ./myfile.dat
I'm receiving a good (expected) checksum value from the shasum utility, the iHex app from the AppStore, and the website "".
I'm receiving a bad value from the .NET code above and from the a different website "". Both of which produce the identical bad result!
Is there more than one implementation of the SHA512 algorithm? Since I'm comparing byte arrays, there should be no nonsense involving character encoding, right? Is there something about compiling or reading back an embedded resource in MacOS I should know about?
Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

About protobuf repeating varint decoding

I use charles and got a protobuf http message from other iOS applications. Now I want to genereate the same http packet but the output is not the same.
My protobuf file:
message TTCreateConversationBody
repeated uint32 imUid1 = 2;
I'm using objective-c:
TTCreateConversationBody *body = [TTCreateConversationBody new];
GPBUInt32Array *arr = [[GPBUInt32Array alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
[arr addValue:123123];
[arr addValue:9999999];
body.imUid1Array = arr;
and my output, charles decode it as a length-delimited string:
it's raw data and mine:
What's the correct protobuf file format?
They're actually both valid... ish.
This comes down to "packed" fields; without "packed", your two integers are encoded as
[header, varint][value][header, varint][value]
where-as with "packed", it becomes
[header, string][length][value][value]
note: the actual values look very different in the two runs... I'm assuming that is accidental.
To quote from the specification:
Protocol buffer parsers must be able to parse repeated fields that were compiled as packed as if they were not packed, and vice versa. This permits adding [packed=true] to existing fields in a forward- and backward-compatible way.
So: serializers should write the layout that is defined by whether your data is "packed" or not, but decoders must be able to handle it either way. Some libraries, when encountering data that should be "packed": determine which layout will actually be shorter, and make the final decision based on that. In reality, this can be approximated to "use packed encoding whenever there's at least two items".

Silverlight: Encoding a webClient stream

I've been trying to get this to work, but I'm very frustrated at this point. I am a beginner in this field, so maybe I'm just making mistakes.
What I need to do is to take in a website .html and store it into a txt file. Now the problem is that this website is in Russian (encoding windows-1251) and Silverlight only supports 3 encodings. So in order to bypass that limitation, I got my hands on an encoding class that transfers the stream into a byte array and then tries to pull the correctly encoded string from the text. The problem with this is that
1) I try to ensure that webClient recieves a Unicode encoded stream, because the other ones do not seem to create a retrievable string, but it still doesn't seem to work.
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wc_LoadCompleted);
wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(site));
2) I fear that when I store the html into a txt file using streamWriter, the encoding is, yet again, somehow screwed up.
3) The encoding class is not doing its job.
Encoding rus = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251);
Encoding eng = Encoding.Unicode;
byte[] bytes = rus.GetBytes(string);
textBlock1.Text = eng.GetString(bytes);
Can anyone offer any help on this matter? This huge detriment to my project. Thanks in advance,
Since you want to handle an encoding alien to Silverlight you should start with downloading using OpenReadAsync and OpenReadCompleted.
Now you should be able to take the Stream provided by the event args Result property and supply it directly to the encoding component you have acquired to generate the correct string result.

Ruby on Rails - generating style identifiers

I'm trying to generate UUIDs with the same style as urls like:
http://bit [dot] ly/aUekJP
or cloudapp ones:
http://cl [dot] ly/1hVU
which are even smaller
how can I do it?
I'm now using UUID gem for ruby but I'm not sure if it's possible to limitate the length and get something like this.
I am currently using this:
UUID.generate.split("-")[0] => b9386070
But I would like to have even smaller and knowing that it will be unique.
Any help would be pretty much appreciated :)
edit note: replaced dot letters with [dot] for workaround of banned short link
You are confusing two different things here. A UUID is a universally unique identifier. It has a very high probability of being unique even if millions of them were being created all over the world at the same time. It is generally displayed as a 36 digit string. You can not chop off the first 8 characters and expect it to be unique.
Bitly, tinyurl et-al store links and generate a short code to represent that link. They do not reconstruct the URL from the code they look it up in a data-store and return the corresponding URL. These are not UUIDS.
Without knowing your application it is hard to advise on what method you should use, however you could store whatever you are pointing at in a data-store with a numeric key and then rebase the key to base32 using the 10 digits and 22 lowercase letters, perhaps avoiding the obvious typo problems like 'o' 'i' 'l' etc
On further investigation there is a Ruby base32 gem available that implements Douglas Crockford's Base 32 implementation
A 5 character Base32 string can represent over 33 million integers and a 6 digit string over a billion.
If you are working with numbers, you can use the built in ruby methods
=> "8e45ttj"
to go back
So you don't have to store anything, you can always decode an incoming short_code.
This works ok for proof of concept, but you aren't able to avoid ambiguous characters like: 1lji0o. If you are just looking to use the code to obfuscate database record IDs, this will work fine. In general, short codes are supposed to be easy to remember and transfer from one medium to another, like reading it on someone's presentation slide, or hearing it over the phone. If you need to avoid characters that are hard to read or hard to 'hear', you might need to switch to a process where you generate an acceptable code, and store it.
I found this to be short and reliable:
def create_uuid(prefix=nil)
time = ( * 10_000_000).to_i
jitter = rand(10_000_000)
key = "#{jitter}#{time}".to_i.to_s(36)
[prefix, key].compact.join('_')
This spits out unique keys that look like this: '3qaishe3gpp07w2m'
Reduce the 'jitter' size to reduce the key size.
This is not guaranteed unique (use SecureRandom.uuid for that), but it is highly reliable: {create_uuid}.uniq.length == 10_000_000
The only way to guarantee uniqueness is to keep a global count and increment it for each use: 0000, 0001, etc.
