Batch command XCOPY prompts me: Is the destination file or directory - windows

When I run this file:
xcopy .\*.odt .\
I am prompted to specify what is:
xcopy .\*.odt .\
Does .\ specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
In my case when it find the .odt file to copy the file and place in the same directory but with new name Is there approach to avoid the prompting since I always want destination to be a file not directory.

Any .odt file (being in .zip format in fact) is a binary file, see OpenDocument Document Representation
As a collection of several sub-documents within a package, each of which stores part of the complete document. This is the common
representation of OpenDocument documents. It uses filename extensions
such as .odt, .ott, .ods, .odp ... etc. The package is a
standard ZIP file with different filename extensions and with a
defined structure of sub-documents. Each sub-document within a package
has a different document root and stores a particular aspect of the
XML document. All types of documents (e.g. text and spreadsheet
documents) use the same set of document and sub-document definitions.
Therefore, you need to treat it as a binary file (read copy /?):
copy /B .\*.odt .\
Above command would work smoothly only if there will be only one file with extension .odt. Otherwise, it will prompt you for Overwrite .\ (Yes/No/All):. To stay on the safe side:
from command line for %G in (.\*.odt) do copy /B "%G" ".\"
from a batch script for %%G in (.\*.odt) do copy /B "%%G" ".\"
%~nG (or in batch %%~nG) explanation: read Parameter Extensions.


Rename multiple files with batch windows

I need to rename a group of .pdf files
In the \Source folder I have the files:
I have to rename them in the \Destination folder like this:
so I need to insert some fixed parts:
before the name
in the middle of the name
at the end of the name.
Using the command:
cd \Source
copy "\Source" "\Destination"
cd \Destination
ren *.pdf 11111111-?????????-ggg-hhh???-dddd.*
the result is:
the bbbbbbbbb string disappears
can you help me?
By using the following command Copy the files from Source to Destination :
copy "/Source_folder" "/Destination_folder"
Go in /Destination folder
cd "/Destination_folder"
And then ren the file names by the following command :
ren *.pdf ???-new_filename_part.*
(The question mark (?) is also a wildcard, but it represents a character of the original file name. So, in the syntax, we're using three question marks, which means that the output file name will include the first three characters of the original file (which works as a unique identifier to avoid duplication)
(According to your logic you can change the new filenames by using some RegExpressions or some variables)

Get file names with complete path in a single txt file using shell script || windows

So I have multiple folders ordered/sorted by date (could be any other parameter as well)
inside each folder there are sub folders named as numbers and inside each folder there is a "single" test.css file (extension is constant name can be different i.e all files are .css).
so for example sample folder structure can be something like this
- project/05.09.2010/00/test.css
- project/05.09.2010/01/test.css
- project/05.09.2010/03/test.css
- project/05.09.2010/09/test.css
- project/07.10.2013/01/test.css
- project/07.10.2013/05/test.css
Requirement: I want to loop through all folders in order of date and folder number and get list of .css file name in a txt file.
for e.g for above case my output should be:
file 'project/05.09.2010/00/test.css'
file 'project/05.09.2010/01/test.css'
file 'project/05.09.2010/03/test.css'
file 'project/05.09.2010/09/test.css'
file 'project/07.10.2013/01/test.css'
file 'project/07.10.2013/05/test.css'
I will be performing certain task on those css files later in the same script.
I need code to run in windows batch file.
I am new to shell scripting and have no idea how to approach this scenario.
As #Stephan stated, dir /s /b "*.css" will work. However, it does not output it into a text file. This should work:
cd "C:\parent directory"
rem set parent directory to the parent directory
dir /s /b "*.css" > "%userprofile%\Desktop\cssfiles.txt
This will find all of the .css files and put their names into a text file on your desktop.

Recusively copy files of a specific pattern and recreate the folders hierarchy

How can I copy a set of files by a specific pattern from a set of deeply structured folders recursively into another folder? Also I need to recreate the folder hierarchy from source folder in the target folder (only that folders, which contain copied files). I need to use standard Windows command-line tools.
This question looks like this one: How can I recursively copy files of a specific pattern into a single flat folder on Windows? ; but in my case I want to keep folder structure, so this script will not do this:
for /r %x in (*.dll, *pdb) do copy "%x" targetDir\
The decision is:
FOR /r %x in (PATTERN) DO
(if not exist TARGET_DIR%~px mkdir TARGET_DIR%~px) & (copy %~x c:\\TARGET_DIR%~px)
So, the "secret" is in %~px command which gives relative path of copied file, so we should create this relative path in target dir.

Copy single file instead of entire directory in windows batch

Let's suppose that I am in some directory with two subdirectories, a and b. a has two files in it: t1.txt and t2.txt. That is, I have the following directory structure:
I want to copy the file t1.txt from the a directory into the b directory.
I tried the following command
copy /b a/t1.txt b/t1.txt
but it copies the entire a directory into the b directory.
Why does this happen, and how can I make it so that only the t1.txt file is copied?
When copying to a new directory, you only need to specify the new directory. So
copy /b a\t1.txt b
should work.
That said, I don't think additionally specifying the file name would cause the error you've described -- the official help text says "Destination can consist of a drive letter and colon, a folder name, a file name, or a combination of these," which to me implies that how you have it is fine.
I've also reversed the slashes -- were you using forward slashes in your batch file or is that a typo in the post? Maybe that was the problem?

How to continuously run a exe within a batch file with different parameters

I have an exe application that takes in 2 parameters. One is a input file path with an specific extension (e.g. *.jpg) and Second is the output file path.
Now in a folder, I have let's say 100 jpeg images which I want to pass in continuously and saved the output with the same file name as the input (extension will be different, the exe does the conversion).
Any idea how do I write a batch file to achieve this?
Thanks and Regards,
Try this:
#FOR %%1 IN (%1) DO convert %%1 %2\%%n1.png
To be used as:
bulkconvert c:\test\*.jpg c:\test
It'll call convert for each file that matches the search pattern c:\test*.jpg and a 2nd parameter will be provided with the path provided as batch's 2nd parameter (note: there is not the trailing backslash) with the same file name but with extension png.
As reference: How to get folder path from file path with CMD
