How to scale up named channels by having kafka as a transport layer - spring-xd

I'm using Spring XD 1.2.1 with kafka as a transport layer. I have the follow set up:
transport: kafka
concurrency: 10
minPartitionCount: 10
I have the following streams as example:
stream create f --definition "queue:foo > transform --expression=payload+'-foo' | log"
stream create b --definition "queue:bar > transform --expression=payload+'-bar' | log"
stream deploy --name f --properties "module.transform.count=2"
stream deploy --name b --properties "module.transform.count=2"
stream create r --definition "time | router --expression=payload.contains('10')?'queue:foo':'queue:bar'" --deploy
How can I scale up the first processor in the streams which "source" is a named channel? I was expecting something like 20 partitions in the transformers of the streams f and b, as long as the count is 2, and the concurrency is 10. But the number of partitions are 10.
This is working as expected when you deploy other modules that are not the first.
Should I configure the named channels in a specific way to achieve this?

The kafka partitions are controlled by the producing side.
For a mid-stream channel we can look at the "next" module and calculate the partition count by calculating its needs (concurrency*count).
With a named channel, we have no way of knowing the number of consumers (or their concurrency) so a count and concurrency of 1 is used, and so minPartitionCount is used as the partition count.
You would need to deploy the producing stream with an appropriate setting to increase the partitions:
stream deploy foo --properties module.last.producer.minPartitionCount=20
Actually - it looks like we have a bug - you can't specifiy the minPartitionCount on a named channel.
I see you have opened a JIRA Issue.


Debezium MongoDB connector does not perform initial snapshot

I am using MongoDB atlas with a sharded replica set cluster, with the Debezium MongoDB connector as described in the documentation.
This is how my current config looks like (running a standalone setup):
I can receive CDC events in kafka topic but the initial snapshot that the documentation describes is never made. I have tried with a different resulting in entirely different set of topics being created and used, but the same outcome.
The MongoDB oplog has ~2M rows, kafka topics have hardly a few thousand messages in total.
On further digging up, it seems the connector records an offset for the last position of the oplog. Is it possible to reset this offset?
It sounds to me like you're using the same connector name in your multiple deployments, which means that despite changing the configuration and trying to reset the connector's state, it continues to find the prior offsets and restores the oplog position.
There are two alternatives:
Create a new connector with a completely different connector name.
Manually clear the offsets for the connector
A lot of users prefer the first option simply because it is the easiest. Kafka records a connector's offsets based on the connector's name and therefore by simply adjusting the name of a connector will tell Kafka that the connector is completely brand new and it won't find any persisted offsets to be restored.
The second option is a bit involved because you need to first locate the Kafka topic that stores the offsets, typically this is connect-offsets by default but can be overridden. Once you know the topic, you should shutdown all connectors that are using this topic. If you adjust this topic while a connector is using it, it can lead to unexpected behavior.
Using the kafkacat tool available from Kafka, you'll want to run the following, which assumes the default connect offsets topic name, so adjust that accordingly:
$ kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t connect-offsets -C -f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k
Value (%S bytes): %s
Timestamp: %T
Partition: %p
Offset: %o\n'
This will generate some output and its important to take note of both the "Key" and "Partition". In order to reset the offsets, you're going to want to effectively write a NULL (or tombstone) into the topic using the correct "Key" and "Partition" values.
Assuming the above provided this output:
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [0] at offset 0
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [1] at offset 0
Key (52 bytes): ["source-file-01",{"filename":"/data/testdata.txt"}]
Value (15 bytes): {"position":87}
Timestamp: 1565859303551
Partition: 20
Offset: 0
You would want to execute the following command:
$ echo '["source-file-01",{"filename":"/data/testdata.txt"}]#' | \
kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t connect-offsets -P -Z -K# -p 20
In the echo statement, we specify the key followed by the key separator # defined by the kafkacat argument -K# and the -Z option which is to send an empty value as NULL. The -p argument is where the partition is to be specified and its important that the key and partition be set correctly.
After this is done, you can safely restart the connectors that used that offset topic and you should see that the connector acts like its a brand new deployment.
Be mindful that if you are working with a connector that uses a database history topic such as MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle, the database history topic will also need to be cleared as well.
As I said earlier however, its just simplier to redeploy the connector using a new name to avoid needing to do all the kafka topic magic to arrive at the same outcome.

Consumer assignment with multiple topics with Kafka Streams

Apologies if this has been already covered before here, I couldn't find anything closely related. I have this Kafka Streams app which reads from multiple topics, persist the records on a DB and then publish an event to an output topic. Pretty straightforward, it's stateless in terms of kafka local stores. (Topology below)
Topic1(T1) has 5 partitions, Topic2(T2) has a single partition. The issue here is, while consuming from two topics, if I want to go "full speed" with T1 (5 consumers), it doesn't guarantee that I will have dedicated consumers for each partition on T1. It will be distributed within the two topic partitions and I might end up with unbalanced consumers (and idle consumers), something like below:
[c1: t1p1, t1p3], [c2: t1p2, t1p5], [c3: t1p4, t2p1], [c4: (idle consumer)], [c5: (idle consumer)]
[c1: t1p1, t1p2], [c2: t1p5], [c3: t1p4, t2p1], [c4: (idle consumer)], [c5: t1p3]
With that said:
Is it a good practice having a topology that reads from multiple topics within the same KafkaStreams instance?
Is there any way to achieve a partition assignment like the following if I want go "full speed" for T1? [c1: t1p1, t2p1], [c2: t1p2], [c3: t1p3], [c4: t1p4], [c5: t1p5]
Which of the topologies below is most optimal to what I want to achieve? Or is it completely unrelated?
Option A (Current topology)
Sub-topology: 0
Source: topic1-source (topics: [TOPIC1])
--> topic1-processor
Processor: topic1-processor (stores: [])
--> topic1-sink
<-- topic1-source
Sink: topic1-sink (topic: OUTPUT-TOPIC)
<-- topic1-processor
Sub-topology: 1
Source: topic2-source (topics: [TOPIC2])
--> topic2-processor
Processor: topic2-processor (stores: [])
--> topic2-sink
<-- topic2-source
Sink: topic2-sink (topic: OUTPUT-TOPIC)
<-- topic2-processor
Option B:
Sub-topology: 0
Source: topic1-source (topics: [TOPIC1])
--> topic1-processor
Source: topic2-source (topics: [TOPIC2])
--> topic2-processor
Processor: topic1-processor (stores: [])
--> response-sink
<-- topic1-source
Processor: topic2-processor (stores: [])
--> response-sink
<-- topic2-source
Sink: response-sink (topic: OUTPUT-TOPIC)
<-- topic2-processor, topic1-processor
If I use two streams for each topic instead of a single streams with multiple topic, would that work for what I am trying to achieve?
config1.put("", "app1");
KakfaStreams stream1 = new KafkaStreams(config1, topologyTopic1);
config2.put("", "app2");
KakfaStreams stream2 = new KafkaStreams(config2, topologyTopic2);
The initial assignments you describe, would never happen with Kafka Streams (And also not with any default Consumer config). If there are 5 partitions and you have 5 consumers, each consumer would get 1 partition assigned (for a plain consumer with a custom PartitionAssignor you could do the assignment differently, but all default implementations would ensure proper load balancing).
Is it a good practice having a topology that reads from multiple topics within the same KafkaStreams instance?
There is not issue with that.
Is there any way to achieve a partition assignment like the following if I want go "full speed" for T1? [c1: t1p1, t2p1], [c2: t1p2], [c3: t1p3], [c4: t1p4], [c5: t1p5]
Depending how you write your topology, this would be the assignment Kafka Streams uses out-of-the-box. For you two options, option B would result in this assignment.
Which of the topologies below is most optimal to what I want to achieve? Or is it completely unrelated?
As mentioned above, Option B would result in the assignment above. For Option A, you could actually even use a 6th instance and each instance would processes exactly one partition (because there are two sub-topologies, you get 6 tasks, 5 for sub-topology-0 and 1 for sub-topology-1; sub-topologies are scaled out independently of each other); for Option A, you only get 5 tasks though because there is only one sub-topology and thus the maximum number of partitions of both input topic (that is 5) determines the number of tasks.
If I use two streams for each topic instead of a single streams with multiple topic, would that work for what I am trying to achieve?
Yes, it would be basically the same as Option A -- however, you get two consumer groups and thus "two application" instead of one.

Reset Spring Boot Kafka Stream Application on modifying topics

I'm using a spring-kafka to run Kafka Stream in a Spring Boot application using StreamsBuilderFactoryBean. I changed the number of partitions in some of the topics from 100 to 20 by deleting and recreating them, but now on running the application, I get the following error:
Existing internal topic MyAppId-KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-STATE-STORE-0000000092-changelog has invalid partitions: expected: 20; actual: 100. Use '' tool to clean up invalid topics before processing.
I couldn't access the class and tried calling StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.getKafkaStreams.cleanup() but it gave NullPointerException. How do I do the said cleanup?
The relevant documentation is at here.
Step 1: Local Cleanup
For Spring Boot with StreamsBuilderFactoryBean, the first step can be done by simply adding CleanerConfig to the constructor:
// Before
new StreamsBuilderFactoryBean(new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(config));
// After
new StreamsBuilderFactoryBean(new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(config), new CleanupConfig(true, true));
This enables calling the KafkaStreams.cleanUp() method on both before start() & after stop().
Step 2: Global Cleanup
For step two, with all instances of the application stopped, simply use the tool as explained in the documentation:
# In kafka directory
bin/ --application-id "MyAppId" --bootstrap-servers --input-topics x --intermediate-topics first_x,second_x,third_x --zookeeper
What this does:
For any specified input topics: Reset the application’s committed consumer offsets to "beginning of the topic" for all partitions (for consumer group
For any specified intermediate topics: Skip to the end of the topic, i.e. set the application’s committed consumer offsets for all partitions to each partition’s logSize (for consumer group
For any internal topics: Delete the internal topic (this will also delete committed the corresponding committed offsets).

SpringXD How can a processor in a stream to get data from a kafka source module

I have the following stream defined:
stream create aStream –definition “kafka –zkconnect=localhost:2181 --topic aTopic | aProcess"
My question is that how I should code aProcess so that it can receive data (in String) from the build-in kafka source module and print the data? Many thanks.
You don't need to write any code. All you need to do is specify a sink modoule in your stream definition.
stream create aStream –definition “kafka –zkconnect=localhost:2181 --topic aTopic | log" --deploy
Will write it to the STDOUT of your XD Container, or you could use the File sink to write it to a file. The only time you need to write a custom module would be to get functionality not provided by any of the out of the box source, sinks, or processors, found at

Using Kafka to import data to Hadoop

Firstly I was thinking what to use to get events into Hadoop, where they will be stored and periodically analysis would be performed on them (possibly using Ooozie to schedule periodic analysis) Kafka or Flume, and decided that Kafka is probably a better solution, since we also have a component that does event processing, so in this way, both batch and event processing components get data in the same way.
But know I'm looking for suggestions concretely how to get data out of broker to Hadoop.
I found here that Flume can be used in combination with Kafka
Flume - Contains Kafka Source (consumer) and Sink (producer)
And also found on the same page and in Kafka documentation that there is something called Camus
Camus - LinkedIn's Kafka=>HDFS pipeline. This one is used for all data at LinkedIn, and works great.
I'm interested in what would be a better (and easier, better documented solution) to do that? Also, are there any examples or tutorials how to do it?
When should I use this variants over simpler, High level consumer?
I'm opened for suggestions if there is another/better solution than this two.
You can use flume to dump data from Kafka to HDFS. Flume has kafka source and sink. Its a matter of property file change. An example is given below.
Create a kafka topic
kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 -- partitions 1 --topic testkafka
Write to the above created topic using kafka console producer
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testkafka
Configure a flume agent with the following properties
flume1.sources = kafka-source-1
flume1.channels = hdfs-channel-1
flume1.sinks = hdfs-sink-1
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.type = org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.zookeeperConnect = localhost:2181
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.topic =testkafka
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.batchSize = 100
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.channels = hdfs-channel-1
flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.type = memory = hdfs-channel-1
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.type = hdfs
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.filePrefix = test-events
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp = true
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.path = /tmp/kafka/%{topic}/%y-%m-%d
flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.capacity = 10000
flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.transactionCapacity = 1000
Save the above config file as example.conf
Run the flume agent
flume-ng agent -n flume1 -c conf -f example.conf - Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
Data will be now dumped to HDFS location under the following path
Most of the time, I see people using Camus with azkaban
You can you at the github repo of Mate1 for their implementation of Camus. It's not a tutorial but I think it could help you
