How to work with MAVEN and SBT in two different projects? - maven

I'm working in a project that uses MAVEN. And another project which uses Play Framework and SBT, this uses the first project as dependency. But how can I resolve the dependencies of the first project into the second project ? Since that SBT doesn't read pom.xml natively. And how to make this maintainable ? I mean, I don't want to have to maintain two different files all the time, I want to this integration to be smooth.
My current approach
I'm cloning/pulling the first project, resolving its dependencies with maven, as I normally would do it with maven, right ? Also I'm getting my first project as dependency from Amazon S3 with aws-maven.
And then I just set in my second project to use my local maven repository.
Is this a good approach ? I think it is because I can combine the best of two technologies. But I might missing some point here. Please advice.
I tried to use some plugins (1,2) from sbt to read my pom.xml file but I have faced several issues (1,2) which makes me to give up trying to use them and go forward with a more native solution.
What do you guys think ? Any suggestion or advice ?

Since you publish your first project to S3, you might want to use this plugin for your second project:
Which do the same thing as the aws-maven plugin. So you can get the first project as dependency of the second project and be able to work with them on other environment as well.


The idea behind using maven to compile source code

I am currently starting my adventure with Maven, and I actually don't understand the idea behind using it to automate compilation of my source code. For the time being I am working on small projects with up to 15-20 classes, and 1 main method in the "app" class. Could someone please give me the explanation with examples, when it's necesarry (or recommended) to use build automatation tool to compile the source code and how could I benefit from using it regarding source code compilation?
Thank you very much in advance!
I was looking for different answers and I have a lot of work to do but since I've seen this question, as a Maven fanboy, I couldn't resist anymore and this below is my answer.
First of all, I agree with JF Meier which answered before me, but I think the answer can be improved.
IMO you have to consider Maven not just as a build tool, but as a multi-purpose tool which can help you to do very different things. The best 3, for me are:
Compiler. Obviously. Maven allows you to easily compile giant projects with a lot of submodules, even if some of these modules are interdependent one with each other.
Dependency and repository manager. Maven allows you to automatically download third party software and bind this downlaod to the build. This is immediately understandable if you think to framework or api dependencies from big corps (Apache found., Spark, Spring, Hibernate and so on ...) but it's really powerful in every enterprise context.
Example: you have a Maven project (let's say project A) which manages requests coming from a webservice and provides responses. This Maven project relys on another Maven project (let's say project B) which actually generates webservice jar and uploads it to a company repository. Well, when you have to add a field or a method to the webservice you just have to implements new software in project B, upload it the repo and change the version in Maven poms in both project A and B. VoilĂ : now EVERY developer of the company just have to "mvn clean install" project A to have the new version.
Sources and code automatic generator. Since Maven 2.x are available a lot of plugins (from Apache found. and others) which allow you to generate code and sources (tipically xml files) starting from little to none implementations.
Example 1: CXF plugin is commonly used to generate java classes from xml or xsd files.
Example 2: JAXWS plugin is commonly used to generate wsdl from SOAP webservice implementations or implementation starting from wsdl file.
Do you feel the power now?
The question is not very specific, but I will try to answer.
Usually, you want your source code to end up in a jar or war, so that you can use it as a library or run it somewhere (e.g. on an application server).
Maven not only compiles the classes you have and creates the final artifact (jar, war), but also handles your dependencies, e.g. the libraries your project depends upon.

Continuous Integration terms and definitions (TeamCity)

So I am new to the continuous integration world and of course, like everyone else, have been thrown into the task of setting it up and integrating it.
My company is .NET based and handles MVC applications, regular websites, form applications, as well as windows services. We have a ton of solutions in our repository and most of these solutions have trouble building in our CI that I am testing out (TeamCity). My local PC being the testing server.
Anyways, I have been reviewing a ton of documentation regarding TeamCity on their confluence pages but a lot of it is very technical and I'm getting tired of reading things more than once. So with that being said, there were some terms and concepts that I was a little confused on that I was hoping someone could explain pretty plainly maybe with an example.
Build Parameters -
I understand what parameters are and know what they are used for. Why would I use one in a build?
2.Snapshot dependencies -
What are these and When should I use them? I am having trouble visualizing this.
Artifact Dependencies -
I understand what artifacts are, I don't know why a project would need them to build however.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
I could give you some examples.
Build Parameters
It gives you a way to configure your build. For example, you may want to control your build version in Teamcity. You can use build parameters to specify major, minor version (with default value) for your build.
Personally, I try to avoid to use it as we should control configuration in source code or somewhere.
Snapshot dependencies
It is mostly used to build a chain of builds. For example, you have two builds. One is building source and other one is deploying to development environment. If you want to trigger deployment build after each source code build is successful, you need to add snapshot dependency to deployment build.
Artifact Dependencies
The same example as above, you want to deploy the artifact build in other build. In this situation, you need to use artifact dependency to copy the artifact into deployment build to upload somewhere etc.
Or sometimes you may have different projects, some projects are common libraries. If you don't have a artifact repository, you can use artifact dependency when those common libraries are required by other projects.

How to easily copy/rename/remove files with Maven (as in Ant)

I am working on a project and using Maven to build it. The project is a quite big Java web application and it is supposed to work with both Mysql and Oracle databases.
The problem is that there are some specific annotations related to either of the two databases in the source code, plus some other differences, so that I am forced to manually comment/uncomment part of the code before building the application for one of the two databases.
Basically what I would like to achieve is to have my build script, maybe via a Maven profile, to automatically switch the source classes before building depending on the database I want my war to work against.
Putting it simply, the idea is to have and MyClass.mysql, and depending on my build profile I should move one of the two in the source dir, rename it MyClass and build. This should be done for some packages, classes, and also configuration files.
Is there any way I can achieve it via "pure" Maven? The only solution I came across till now is to use an antrun plugin and reference an Ant build.xml inside of it.
Thank you,
A pure maven solution would be to develop your own maven plugin. Depending on your requirements this can be an overkill, however it is not hard at all, you can see how to achieve this here.
This is a limitation of Maven. One of Maven's purposes is to not have a build script. You should simply use the plugins as available, and setup your project the right way, and magically, everything will build!
There is one solution: Use Ant. Well, not to redo your whole project with Ant, but with the antrun plugin, you can run a few Ant tasks at various phases of your Maven build life cycle.
It's been a long, long time since I've used this, so I am not going to try to write a test pom.xml, but I don't remember it being very difficult to use.
Of course, the correct Maven solution is to divide your project up into "common core" code, and then a separate Oracle and MySql client that uses the "common core". By the way, I hope you're not patching source code. Instead, you're using a properties file to do this for you.

How to have different build task and dependency "on-demand" with Maven

Hi there i need some information or general tips on a problem with maven.
We just migrated one big eclipse project into 4 maven project. (Thats one step in the good direction!)
We were building that/those project with an ant script (build.xml) We were selecting the task to do "on-demand"
To keep it simple here are the 4 project : Core, Client, Server, Admin.
Each of those maven project build into a jar. This have been establish and it is working perfectly. Core is a dependency to Client and Server.
We use Jenkins-CI and Artifactory on a remote server.
I need to create some kind of "parent project" that will build all those other maven project and add some task "on demand" that we were doing with an ant script.
Exemple: We want to build locally (So we don't use jenkins and artifactory on this side) for our developper so they can test manually their update (yes we have no test for now, we are working on a legacy system). On this build, we do not want to obfuscate the code or sign our jar..etc
We also want a "customer build" (The real release that we push on the server, so it does use jenkins and artifactory) That will add some task on some of the 4 project like obfuscating the code, signing the jar ..etc
For this "customer build", we need to be able to select our dependency of a library "on-the-fly" or more like "On demand". Our program is an extension to another software and all our customer don't use the same version. To make it simple the library "y" can be y-2.0.1.jar or y-2.0.2.jar.. etc
All of those "task" i need can be done in different maven-plugin with no problem.
Question: What would be a good practice to solve my problem. We would really like to get rid of our ant script. Also we are cleaning a big big dirty project so i would like a clean solution without a lots of duplicated stuff or lots of manually task to do each time we want to build either locally or on the remote server for our customer.
Idea: I though i could use different maven profile in all those 4 project as i saw there:
Ant to Maven - multiple build targets But i will have a seriously huge pom.xml for each project with lots of duplicated stuff so I really don't like this idea. I though we could have a parent maven project but this would contain no code so i think I'm wrong with this idea also.
Thank for answering and for your time!
Going with Maven Profiles is the right thing to do for this kind of customization. Then you'll probably have developerProfile and releaseProfile or such.
And yes, your poms will be big and complicated.
Looks like your demands are a little bit to much for what Maven can provide out-of-the-box, and it's not the best tool for doing highly-customized builds. Since (as I understand) you are on pretty early days with your new build infrastucture, I'd advice to look at Gradle. You could reuse your ant tasks and both Jenkins-CI and Artifactory work great with Gradle.

Maven plugin to check if a module's build it recent, and skip if thats the case

I have a huge multi-module project , which is being built using maven.
Most of them are core modules , which are used in other modules for various purposes.
But , 9 of 10 times, there is no change in the core modules and there is just some change in the depending modules.
Sometimes, there might be a small change in 1 core module of the many.
The issue is, I want maven to know, if the current build in target folder of the core modules is the latest accroding to the code, i.e no changes were made to the core for that.If thats the case, then I want maven to skip building that module during the maven phases.except the assembly plugin phase, which takes care of assembling all my modules at one place.
Is there a neat way to do this.I.e some maven plugin already taking care of stuff like this??
Some light on this will be great help.
May be you can use the maven incremental build plugin or use Hudson/Jenkins to do an incremtal build.
Just use Hudson - it will scan your source repository for changes and only run a build once that has occurred. It works well with Maven out of the box too.
