Efficient tree implementation in MATLAB - performance

Tree class in MATLAB
I am implementing a tree data structure in MATLAB. Adding new child nodes to the tree, assigning and updating data values related to the nodes are typical operations that I expect to execute. Each node has the same type of data associated with it. Removing nodes is not necessary for me. So far, I've decided on a class implementation inheriting from the handle class to be able to pass references to nodes around to functions that will modify the tree.
Edit: December 2nd
First of all, thanks for all the suggestions in the comments and answers so far. They have already helped me to improve my tree class.
Someone suggested trying digraph introduced in R2015b. I have yet to explore this, but seeing as it does not work as a reference parameter similarly to a class inheriting from handle, I am a bit sceptical how it will work in my application. It is also at this point not yet clear to me how easy it will be to work with it using custom data for nodes and edges.
Edit: (Dec 3rd) Further information on the main application: MCTS
Initially, I assumed the details of the main application would only be of marginal interest, but since reading the comments and the answer by #FirefoxMetzger, I realise that it has important implications.
I am implementing a type of Monte Carlo tree search algorithm. A search tree is explored and expanded in an iterative manner. Wikipedia offers a nice graphical overview of the process:
In my application I perform a large number of search iterations. On every search iteration, I traverse the current tree starting from the root until a leaf node, then expand the tree by adding new nodes, and repeat. As the method is based on random sampling, at the start of each iteration I do not know which leaf node I will finish at on each iteration. Instead, this is determined jointly by the data of nodes currently in the tree, and the outcomes of random samples. Whatever nodes I visit during a single iteration have their data updated.
Example: I am at node n which has a few children. I need to access data in each of the children and draw a random sample that determines which of the children I move to next in the search. This is repeated until a leaf node is reached. Practically I am doing this by calling a search function on the root that will decide which child to expand next, call search on that node recursively, and so on, finally returning a value once a leaf node is reached. This value is used while returning from the recursive functions to update the data of the nodes visited during the search iteration.
The tree may be quite unbalanced such that some branches are very long chains of nodes, while others terminate quickly after the root level and are not expanded further.
Current implementation
Below is an example of my current implementation, with example of a few of the member functions for adding nodes, querying the depth or number of nodes in the tree, and so on.
classdef stree < handle
% A class for a tree object that acts like a reference
% parameter.
% The tree can be traversed in both directions by using the parent
% and children information.
% New nodes can be added to the tree. The object will automatically
% keep track of the number of nodes in the tree and increment the
% storage space as necessary.
properties (SetAccess = private)
% Hold the data at each node
Node = { [] };
% Index of the parent node. The root of the tree as a parent index
% equal to 0.
Parent = 0;
num_nodes = 0;
size_increment = 1;
maxSize = 1;
function [obj, root_ID] = stree(data, init_siz)
% New object with only root content, with specified initial
% size
obj.Node = repmat({ data },init_siz,1);
obj.Parent = zeros(init_siz,1);
root_ID = 1;
obj.num_nodes = 1;
obj.size_increment = init_siz;
obj.maxSize = numel(obj.Parent);
function ID = addnode(obj, parent, data)
% Add child node to specified parent
if obj.num_nodes < obj.maxSize
% still have room for data
idx = obj.num_nodes + 1;
obj.Node{idx} = data;
obj.Parent(idx) = parent;
obj.num_nodes = idx;
% all preallocated elements are in use, reserve more memory
obj.Node = [
obj.Parent = [
obj.num_nodes = obj.num_nodes + 1;
obj.maxSize = numel(obj.Parent);
ID = obj.num_nodes;
function content = get(obj, ID)
%% GET Return the contents of the given node IDs.
content = [obj.Node{ID}];
function obj = set(obj, ID, content)
%% SET Set the content of given node ID and return the modifed tree.
obj.Node{ID} = content;
function IDs = getchildren(obj, ID)
% GETCHILDREN Return the list of ID of the children of the given node ID.
% The list is returned as a line vector.
IDs = find( obj.Parent(1:obj.num_nodes) == ID );
IDs = IDs';
function n = nnodes(obj)
% NNODES Return the number of nodes in the tree.
% Equal to root + those whose parent is not root.
n = 1 + sum(obj.Parent(1:obj.num_nodes) ~= 0);
assert( obj.num_nodes == n);
function flag = isleaf(obj, ID)
% ISLEAF Return true if given ID matches a leaf node.
% A leaf node is a node that has no children.
flag = ~any( obj.Parent(1:obj.num_nodes) == ID );
function depth = depth(obj,ID)
% DEPTH return depth of tree under ID. If ID is not given, use
% root.
if nargin == 1
ID = 0;
if obj.isleaf(ID)
depth = 0;
children = obj.getchildren(ID);
NC = numel(children);
d = 0; % Depth from here on out
for k = 1:NC
d = max(d, obj.depth(children(k)));
depth = 1 + d;
However, performance at times is slow, with operations on the tree taking up most of my computation time. What specific ways would there be to make the implementation more efficient? It would even be possible to change the implementation to something else than the handle inheritance type if there are performance gains.
Profiling results with current implementation
As adding new nodes to the tree is the most typical operation (along with updating the data of a node), I did some profiling on that.
I ran the profiler on the following benchmarking code with Nd=6, Ns=10.
function T = benchmark(Nd, Ns)
% Tree benchmark. Nd: tree depth, Ns: number of nodes per layer
% Initialize tree
T = stree(rand, 10000);
add_layers(1, Nd);
function add_layers(node_id, num_layers)
if num_layers == 0
child_id = zeros(Ns,1);
for s = 1:Ns
% add child to current node
child_id(s) = T.addnode(node_id, rand);
% recursively increase depth under child_id(s)
add_layers(child_id(s), num_layers-1);
Results from the profiler:
R2015b performance
It has been discovered that R2015b improves the performance of MATLAB's OOP features. I redid the above benchmark and indeed observed an improvement in performance:
So this is already good news, although further improvements are of course accepted ;)
Reserving memory differently
It was also suggested in the comments to use
obj.Node = [obj.Node; data; cell(obj.size_increment - 1,1)];
to reserve more memory rather than the current approach with repmat. This improved performance slightly. I should note that my benchmark code is for dummy data, and since the actual data is more complicated this is likely to help. Thanks! Profiler results below:
Questions on even further increasing performance
Perhaps there is an alternative way to maintain memory for the tree that is more efficient? Sadly, I typically don't know ahead of time how many nodes there will be in the tree.
Adding new nodes and modifying the data of existing nodes are the most typical operations I do on the tree. As of now, they actually take up most of the processing time of my main application. Any improvements on these functions would be most welcome.
Just as a final note, I would ideally like to keep the implementation as pure MATLAB. However, options such as MEX or using some of the integrated Java functionalities may be acceptable.

TL:DR You deep copy the entire data stored on each insertation, initialize the parent and Node cell bigger then what you expect to need.
Your data does have a tree structure, however you are not utilising this in your implementation. Instead the implemented code is a computational hungry version of a look up table (actually 2 tables), that stores the data and the relational data for the tree.
The reasons I am saying this are the following:
To insert you call stree.addnote(parent, data), which will store all data in the tree object stree's fields Node = {} and Parent = []
you seem to know prior which element in your tree you want to access as the search code is not given (if you use stree.getchild(ID) for it I have some bad news)
once you processed a node you trace it back using find() which is a list search
By no means does that mean the implementation is clumsy for the data, it may even be the best, depending on what you are doing. However it does explain your memory allocation issues and gives hints on how to resolve them.
Keep Data as lookup table
One of the ways to store data is to keep the underlying look up table. I would only do this, if you know the ID of the first element you want to modify without searching for it. This case allows you to make your structure more efficient in two steps.
First initialise your arrays bigger then what you expect you need to store the data. If the look up table's capacity is exceeded, a new one is initialized, which is X fields larger, and a deep-copy of the old data is made. If you need to expand capcity once or twice (during all insertations) it might not be an issue, but in your case a deep copy is made for ever insertation!
Second I would change the internal structure and merge the two tables Node and Parent. The reason for this is that back-propagation in your code takes O(depth_from_root * n), where n is the number of nodes in your table. This is because find() will iterate over the entire table for each parent.
Instead you can implement something similar to
table = cell(n,1) % n bigger then expected value
end_pointer = 1 % simple pointer to the first free value
function insert(data,parent_ID)
if end_pointer < numel(table)
content.data = data;
content.parent = parent_ID;
table{end_pointer} = content;
end_pointer = end_pointer + 1;
% need more space, make sure its enough this time
table = [table cell(end_pointer,1)];
function content = get_value(ID)
content = table(ID);
This instantly gives you access to the parent's ID without the need to find() it first, saving n iterations each step, so afford becomes O(depth). If you do not know your initial node, then you have to find() that one, which costs O(n).
Note that this structure has no need for is_leaf(), depth(), nnodes() or get_children(). If you still need those I need more insight in what you want to do with your data, as this highly influences a proper structure.
Tree Structure
This structure makes sense, if you never know the first node's ID and thus allways have to search for it.
The benefit is that the search for an arbitrary note works with O(depth), so searching is O(depth) instead of O(n) and back propagating is O(depth^2) instead of O(depth + n). Note that depth can be anything from log(n) for a perfectly balanced tree, that may be possible depending on your data, to n for the degenerated tree, that just is a linked list.
However to suggest something proper I would require more insight, as every tree structure kind of has its own nich. From what I can see so far, I'd suggest an unbalanced tree, that is 'sorted' by the simple order given by a nodes wanted parent. This may be further optimized depending on
is it possible to define a total order on your data
how do you treat double values (same data appearing twice)
what scale is your data (thousands, millions, ...)
is a lookup / search allways paired with back propagation
how long are the chains of 'parent-child' on your data (or how balanced and deep will the tree be using this simple order)
is there allways just one parent or is the same element inserted twice with different parents
I'll happily provide example code for above tree, just leave me a comment.
In your case an unbalanced tree (that is construted paralell to doing the MCTS) seems to be the best option. The code below assumes that the data is split in state and score and further that a state is unique. If it isn't this will still work, however there is a possible optimisation to increase MCTS preformance.
classdef node < handle
% A node for a tree in a MCTS
state = {}; %some state of the search space that identifies the node
score = 0;
childs = cell(50,1);
num_childs = 0;
function obj = node(state)
% for a new node simulate a score using MC
obj.score = simulate_from(state); % TODO implement simulation state -> finish
obj.state = state;
function value = update(obj)
% update the this node using MC recursively
if obj.num_childs == numel(obj.childs)
% there are to many childs, we have to expand the table
obj.childs = [obj.childs cell(obj.num_childs,1)];
if obj.do_exploration() || obj.num_childs == 0
% explore a potential state
state_to_explore = obj.explore();
%check if state has already been visited
terminate = false;
idx = 1;
while idx <= obj.num_childs && ~terminate
if obj.childs{idx}.state_equals(state_to_explore)
terminate = true;
idx = idx + 1;
%preform the according action based on search
if idx > obj.num_childs
% state has never been visited
% this action terminates the update recursion
% and creates a new leaf
obj.num_childs = obj.num_childs + 1;
obj.childs{obj.num_childs} = node(state_to_explore);
value = obj.childs{obj.num_childs}.calculate_value();
% state has been visited at least once
value = obj.childs{idx}.update();
% exploit what we know already
best_idx = 1;
for idx = 1:obj.num_childs
if obj.childs{idx}.score > obj.childs{best_idx}.score
best_idx = idx;
value = obj.childs{best_idx}.update();
value = obj.calculate_value();
function state = explore(obj)
%select a next state to explore, that may or may not be visited
function bool = do_exploration(obj)
% decide if this node should be explored or exploited
function bool = state_equals(obj, test_state)
% returns true if the nodes state is equal to test_state
function update_score(obj, value)
% updates the score based on some value
function calculate_value(obj)
% returns the value of this node to update previous nodes
A few comments on the code:
depending on the setup the obj.calculate_value() might not be needed. E.g. if it is some value that can be computed by evaluating the child's scores alone
if a state can have multiple parents it makes sense to reuse the note object and cover it in the structure
as each node knows all its children a subtree can be easily generated using node as root node
searching the tree (without any update) is a simple recursive greedy search
depending on the branching factor of your search, it might be worth to visit each possible child once (upon initialization of the node) and later do randsample(obj.childs,1) for exploration as this avoids copying / reallocating of the child array
the parent property is encoded as the tree is updated recursively, passing value to the parent upon finishing the update for a node
The only time I reallocate memory is when a single node has more then 50 childs any I only do reallocation for that individual node
This should run a lot faster, as it just worries about whatever part of the tree is chosen and does not touch anything else.

I know that this might sound stupid... but how about keeping the number of free nodes instead of total number of nodes? This would require comparison against a constant (which is zero), which is single property access.
One other voodoo improvement would be moving .maxSize near .num_nodes, and placing both those before the .Node cell. Like this their position in memory won't change relative to the beginning of the object because of the growth of .Node property (the voodoo here being me guessing the internal implementation of objects in MATLAB).
Later Edit When I profiled with the .Node moved at the end of the property list, the bulk of the execution time was consumed by extending the .Node property, as expected (5.45 seconds, compared to 1.25 seconds for the comparison you mentioned).

You can try to allocate a number of elements that is proportional to the number of elements you have actually filled: this is the standard implementation for std::vector in c++
obj.Node = [obj.Node; data; cell(q * obj.num_nodes,1)];
I don't remember exactly but in MSCC q is 1 while it is .75 for GCC.
This is a solution using Java. I don't like it very much, but it does its job. I implemented the example you extracted from wikipedia.
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
% Let's create our example tree
top = DefaultMutableTreeNode([11,21])
n1 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([7,10])
n2 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([2,4])
n2 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([5,6])
n3 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([2,3])
n3 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([3,3])
n1 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([4,8])
n2 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([1,2])
n2 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([2,3])
n2 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([2,3])
n1 = DefaultMutableTreeNode([0,3])
% Element to look for, your implementation will be recursive
searching = [0 1 1];
idx = 1;
node(idx) = top;
for item = searching,
% Java transposes the matrices, remember to transpose back when you are reading
node(idx+1) = node(idx).getChildAt(item);
idx = idx + 1;
% We made a new test...
newdata = [0, 1]
newnode = DefaultMutableTreeNode(newdata)
% ...so we expand our tree at the last node we searched
% The change has to be propagated (this is where your recursion returns)
for it=length(node):-1:1,
val = itnode.getUserObject()'
newitemdata = val + newdata
% Let's see if the new values are correct
searching = [0 1 1 0];
idx = 1;
node(idx) = top;
for item = searching,
node(idx+1) = node(idx).getChildAt(item);
idx = idx + 1;


How to adapt Fenwick tree to answer range minimum queries

Fenwick tree is a data-structure that gives an efficient way to answer to main queries:
add an element to a particular index of an array update(index, value)
find sum of elements from 1 to N find(n)
both operations are done in O(log(n)) time and I understand the logic and implementation. It is not hard to implement a bunch of other operations like find a sum from N to M.
I wanted to understand how to adapt Fenwick tree for RMQ. It is obvious to change Fenwick tree for first two operations. But I am failing to figure out how to find minimum on the range from N to M.
After searching for solutions majority of people think that this is not possible and a small minority claims that it actually can be done (approach1, approach2).
The first approach (written in Russian, based on my google translate has 0 explanation and only two functions) relies on three arrays (initial, left and right) upon my testing was not working correctly for all possible test cases.
The second approach requires only one array and based on the claims runs in O(log^2(n)) and also has close to no explanation of why and how should it work. I have not tried to test it.
In light of controversial claims, I wanted to find out whether it is possible to augment Fenwick tree to answer update(index, value) and findMin(from, to).
If it is possible, I would be happy to hear how it works.
Yes, you can adapt Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees) to
Update value at a given index in O(log n)
Query minimum value for a range in O(log n) (amortized)
We need 2 Fenwick trees and an additional array holding the real values for nodes.
Suppose we have the following array:
index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
value 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 4 2 5 2 2 3 1 0
We wave a magic wand and the following trees appear:
Note that in both trees each node represents the minimum value for all nodes within that subtree. For example, in BIT2 node 12 has value 0, which is the minimum value for nodes 12,13,14,15.
We can efficiently query the minimum value for any range by calculating the minimum of several subtree values and one additional real node value. For example, the minimum value for range [2,7] can be determined by taking the minimum value of BIT2_Node2 (representing nodes 2,3) and BIT1_Node7 (representing node 7), BIT1_Node6 (representing nodes 5,6) and REAL_4 - therefore covering all nodes in [2,7]. But how do we know which sub trees we want to look at?
Query(int a, int b) {
int val = infinity // always holds the known min value for our range
// Start traversing the first tree, BIT1, from the beginning of range, a
int i = a
while (parentOf(i, BIT1) <= b) {
val = min(val, BIT2[i]) // Note: traversing BIT1, yet looking up values in BIT2
i = parentOf(i, BIT1)
// Start traversing the second tree, BIT2, from the end of range, b
i = b
while (parentOf(i, BIT2) >= a) {
val = min(val, BIT1[i]) // Note: traversing BIT2, yet looking up values in BIT1
i = parentOf(i, BIT2)
val = min(val, REAL[i]) // Explained below
return val
It can be mathematically proven that both traversals will end in the same node. That node is a part of our range, yet it is not a part of any subtrees we have looked at. Imagine a case where the (unique) smallest value of our range is in that special node. If we didn't look it up our algorithm would give incorrect results. This is why we have to do that one lookup into the real values array.
To help understand the algorithm I suggest you simulate it with pen & paper, looking up data in the example trees above. For example, a query for range [4,14] would return the minimum of values BIT2_4 (rep. 4,5,6,7), BIT1_14 (rep. 13,14), BIT1_12 (rep. 9,10,11,12) and REAL_8, therefore covering all possible values [4,14].
Since a node represents the minimum value of itself and its children, changing a node will affect its parents, but not its children. Therefore, to update a tree we start from the node we are modifying and move up all the way to the fictional root node (0 or N+1 depending on which tree).
Suppose we are updating some node in some tree:
If new value < old value, we will always overwrite the value and move up
If new value == old value, we can stop since there will be no more changes cascading upwards
If new value > old value, things get interesting.
If the old value still exists somewhere within that subtree, we are done
If not, we have to find the new minimum value between real[node] and each tree[child_of_node], change tree[node] and move up
Pseudocode for updating node with value v in a tree:
while (node <= n+1) {
if (v > tree[node]) {
if (oldValue == tree[node]) {
v = min(v, real[node])
for-each child {
v = min(v, tree[child])
} else break
if (v == tree[node]) break
tree[node] = v
node = parentOf(node, tree)
Note that oldValue is the original value we replaced, whereas v may be reassigned multiple times as we move up the tree.
Binary Indexing
In my experiments Range Minimum Queries were about twice as fast as a Segment Tree implementation and updates were marginally faster. The main reason for this is using super efficient bitwise operations for moving between nodes. They are very well explained here. Segment Trees are really simple to code so think about is the performance advantage really worth it? The update method of my Fenwick RMQ is 40 lines and took a while to debug. If anyone wants my code I can put it on github. I also produced a brute and test generators to make sure everything works.
I had help understanding this subject & implementing it from the Finnish algorithm community. Source of the image is http://ioinformatics.org/oi/pdf/v9_2015_39_44.pdf, but they credit Fenwick's 1994 paper for it.
The Fenwick tree structure works for addition because addition is invertible. It doesn't work for minimum, because as soon as you have a cell that's supposed to be the minimum of two or more inputs, you've lost information potentially.
If you're willing to double your storage requirements, you can support RMQ with a segment tree that is constructed implicitly, like a binary heap. For an RMQ with n values, store the n values at locations [n, 2n) of an array. Locations [1, n) are aggregates, with the formula A(k) = min(A(2k), A(2k+1)). Location 2n is an infinite sentinel. The update routine should look something like this.
def update(n, a, i, x): # value[i] = x
i += n
a[i] = x
# update the aggregates
while i > 1:
i //= 2
a[i] = min(a[2*i], a[2*i+1])
The multiplies and divides here can be replaced by shifts for efficiency.
The RMQ pseudocode is more delicate. Here's another untested and unoptimized routine.
def rmq(n, a, i, j): # min(value[i:j])
i += n
j += n
x = inf
while i < j:
if i%2 == 0:
i //= 2
x = min(x, a[i])
i = i//2 + 1
if j%2 == 0:
j //= 2
x = min(x, a[j-1])
j //= 2
return x

In random draw: how to insure that a value is not re-drawn too soon

When drawing in random from a set of values in succession, where a drawn value is allowed to
be drawn again, a given value has (of course) a small chance of being drawn twice (or more) in immediate succession, but that causes an issue (for the purposes of a given application) and we would like to eliminate this chance. Any algorithmic ideas on how to do so (simple/efficient)?
Ideally we would like to set a threshold say as a percentage of the size of the data set:
Say the size of the set of values N=100, and the threshold T=10%, then if a given value is drawn in the current draw, it is guaranteed not to show up again in the next N*T=10 draws.
Obviously this restriction introduces bias in the random selection. We don't mind that a
proposed algorithm introduces further bias into the randomness of selection, what really
matters for this application is that the selection is just random enough to appear so
for a human observer.
As an implementation detail, the values are stored as database records, so database table flags/values can be used, or maybe external memory structures. Answers about the abstract case are welcome too.
I just hit this other SO question here, which has good overlap with my own. Going through the good points there.
Here's an implementation that does the whole process in O(1) (for a single element) without any bias:
The idea is to treat the last K elements in the array A (which contains all the values) like a queue, we draw a value from the first N-k values in A, which is the random value, and swap it with an element in position N-Pointer, when Pointer represents the head of the queue, and it resets to 1 when it crosses K elements.
To eliminate any bias in the first K draws, the random value will be drawn between 1 and N-Pointer instead of N-k, so this virtual queue is growing in size at each draw until reaching the size of K (e.g. after 3 draws the number of possible values appear in A between indexes 1 and N-3, and the suspended values appear in indexes N-2 to N.
All operations are O(1) for drawing a single elemnent and there's no bias throughout the entire process.
void DrawNumbers(val[] A, int K)
N = A.size;
random Rnd = new random;
int Drawn_Index;
int Count_To_K = 1;
int Pointer = K;
while (stop_drawing_condition)
if (Count_To_K <= K)
Drawn_Index = Rnd.NextInteger(1, N-Pointer);
Drawn_Index = Rnd.NextInteger(1, N-K)
Print("drawn value is: " + A[Drawn_Index])
Swap(A[Drawn_Index], A[N-Pointer])
if (Pointer < 1) Pointer = K;
My previous suggestion, by using a list and an actual queue, is dependent on the remove method of the list, which I believe can be at best O(logN) by using an array to implement a self balancing binary tree, as the list has to have direct access to indexes.
void DrawNumbers(list N, int K)
queue Suspended_Values = new queue;
random Rnd = new random;
int Drawn_Index;
while (stop_drawing_condition)
if (Suspended_Values.count == K)
Drawn_Index = Rnd.NextInteger(1, N.size) // random integer between 1 and the number of values in N
Print("drawn value is: " + N[Drawn_Index]);
I assume you have an array, A, that contains the items you want to draw. At each time period you randomly select an item from A.
You want to prevent any given item, i, from being drawn again within some k iterations.
Let's say that your threshold is 10% of A.
So create a queue, call it drawn, that can hold threshold items. Also create a hash table that contains the drawn items. Call the hash table hash.
i = Get random item from A
if (i in hash)
// we have drawn this item recently. Don't draw it.
if (drawn.count == k)
// remove oldest item from queue
temp = drawn.dequeue();
// and from the hash table
// add new item to queue and hash table
} while (forever);
The hash table exists solely to increase lookup speed. You could do without the hash table if you're willing to do a sequential search of the queue to determine if an item has been drawn recently.
Say you have n items in your list, and you don't want any of the k last items to be selected.
Select at random from an array of size n-k, and use a queue of size k to stick the items you don't want to draw (adding to the front and removing from the back).
All operations are O(1).
---- clarification ----
Give n items, and a goal of not redrawing any of the last k draws, create an array and queue as follows.
Create an array A of size n-k, and put n-k of your items in the list (chosen at random, or seeded however you like).
Create a queue (linked list) Q and populate it with the remaining k items, again in random order or whatever order you like.
Now, each time you want to select an item at random:
Choose a random index from your array, call this i.
Give A[i] to whomever is asking for it, and add it to the front of Q.
Remove the element from the back of Q, and store it in A[i].
Everything is O(1) after the array and linked list are created, which is a one-time O(n) operation.
Now, you might wonder, what do we do if we want to change n (i.e. add or remove an element).
Each time we add an element, we either want to grow the size of A or of Q, depending on our logic for deciding what k is (i.e. fixed value, fixed fraction of n, whatever...).
If Q increases then the result is trivial, we just append the new element to Q. In this case I'd probably append it to the end of Q so that it gets in play ASAP. You could also put it in A, kicking some element out of A and appending it to the end of Q.
If A increases, you can use a standard technique for increasing arrays in amortized constant time. E.g., each time A fills up, we double it in size, and keep track of the number of cells of A that are live. (look up 'Dynamic Arrays' in Wikipedia if this is unfamiliar).
Set-based approach:
If the threshold is low (say below 40%), the suggested approach is:
Have a set and a queue of the last N*T generated values.
When generating a value, keep regenerating it until it's not contained in the set.
When pushing to the queue, pop the oldest value and remove it from the set.
// once we're generated more than N*T elements,
// we need to start removing old elements
if queue.size >= N*T
element = queue.pop
// keep trying to generate random values until it's not contained in the set
value = getRandomValue()
while set.contains(value)
return value
If the threshold is high, you can just turn the above on its head:
Have the set represent all values not in the last N*T generated values.
Invert all set operations (replace all set adds with removes and vice versa and replace the contains with !contains).
if queue.size >= N*T
element = queue.pop
// we can now just get a random value from the set, as it contains all candidates,
// rather than generating random values until we find one that works
value = getRandomValueFromSet()
// value = getRandomValue()
//while !set.contains(value)
return value
Shuffled-based approach: (somewhat more complicated that the above)
If the threshold is a high, the above may take long, as it could keep generating values that already exists.
In this case, some shuffle-based approach may be a better idea.
Shuffle the data.
Repeatedly process the first element.
When doing so, remove it and insert it back at a random position in the range [N*T, N].
Let's say N*T = 5 and all possible values are [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
Then we first shuffle, giving us, let's say, [4,3,8,9,2,6,7,1,10,5].
Then we remove 4 and insert it back in some index in the range [5,10] (say at index 5).
Then we have [3,8,9,2,4,6,7,1,10,5].
And continue removing the next element and insert it back, as required.
An array is fine if we don't care about efficient a whole lot - to get one element will cost O(n) time.
To make this efficient we need to use an ordered data structure that supports efficient random position inserts and first position removals. The first thing that comes to mind is a (self-balancing) binary search tree, ordered by index.
We won't be storing the actual index, the index will be implicitly defined by the structure of the tree.
At each node we will have a count of children (+ 1 for itself) (which needs to be updated on insert / remove).
An insert can be done as follows: (ignoring the self-balancing part for the moment)
// calling function
insert(node, value)
insert(node, N*T, value)
insert(node, offset, value)
// node.left / node.right can be defined as 0 if the child doesn't exist
leftCount = node.left.count - offset
rightCount = node.right.count
// Since we're here, it means we're inserting in this subtree,
// thus update the count
// Nodes to the left are within N*T, so simply go right
// leftCount is the difference between N*T and the number of nodes on the left,
// so this needs to be the new offset (and +1 for the current node)
if leftCount < 0
insert(node.right, -leftCount+1, value)
// generate a random number,
// on [0, leftCount), insert to the left
// on [leftCount, leftCount], insert at the current node
// on (leftCount, leftCount + rightCount], insert to the right
sum = leftCount + rightCount + 1
random = getRandomNumberInRange(0, sum)
if random < leftCount
insert(node.left, offset, value)
else if random == leftCount
// we don't actually want to update the count here
newNode = new Node(value)
newNode.count = node.count + 1
// TODO: swap node and newNode's data so that node's parent will now point to newNode
newNode.right = node
newNode.left = null
insert(node.right, -leftCount+1, value)
To visualize inserting at the current node:
If we have something like:
/ \
2 3
And we want to insert 5 where 1 is now, it will do this:
/ \
2 3
Note that when a red-black tree, for example, performs operations to keep itself balanced, none of these involve comparisons, so it doesn't need to know the order (i.e. index) of any already-inserted elements. But it will have to update the counts appropriately.
The overall efficiency will be O(log n) to get one element.
I'd put all "values" into a "list" of size N, then shuffle the list and retrieve values from the top of the list. Then you "insert" the retrieved value at a random position with any index >= N*T.
Unfortunately I'm not truly a math-guy :( So I simply tried it (in VB, so please take it as pseudocode ;) )
Public Class BiasedRandom
Private prng As New Random
Private offset As Integer
Private l As New List(Of Integer)
Public Sub New(ByVal size As Integer, ByVal threshold As Double)
If threshold <= 0 OrElse threshold >= 1 OrElse size < 1 Then Throw New System.ArgumentException("Check your params!")
offset = size * threshold
' initial fill
For i = 0 To size - 1
' shuffle "Algorithm p"
For i = size - 1 To 1 Step -1
Dim j = prng.Next(0, i + 1)
Dim tmp = l(i)
l(i) = l(j)
l(j) = tmp
End Sub
Public Function NextValue() As Integer
Dim tmp = l(0)
l.Insert(prng.Next(offset, l.Count + 1), tmp)
Return tmp
End Function
End Class
Then a simple check:
Public Class Form1
Dim z As Integer = 10
Dim k As BiasedRandom
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
k = New BiasedRandom(z, 0.5)
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim j(z - 1)
For i = 1 To 10 * 1000 * 1000
j(k.NextValue) += 1
End Sub
End Class
And when I check out the distribution it looks okay enough for an unarmed eye ;)
After thinking about RonTeller's argumentation, I have to admit that he is right. I don't think that there is a performance friendly way to achieve the wanted and to pertain a good (not more biased than required) random order.
I came to the follwoing idea:
Given a list (array whatever) like this:
0123456789 ' not shuffled to make clear what I mean
We return the first element which is 0. This one must not come up again for 4 (as an example) more draws but we also want to avoid a strong bias. Why not simply put it to the end of the list and then shuffle the "tail" of the list, i.e. the last 6 elements?
We now return the 1 and repeat the above steps.
And so on and so on. Since removing and inserting is kind of unnecessary work, one could use a simple array and a "pointer" to the actual element. I have changed the code from above to give a sample. It's slower than the first one, but should avoid the mentioned bias.
Public Function NextValue() As Integer
Static current As Integer = 0
' only shuffling a part of the list
For i = current + l.Count - 1 To current + 1 + offset Step -1
Dim j = prng.Next(current + offset, i + 1)
Dim tmp = l(i Mod l.Count)
l(i Mod l.Count) = l(j Mod l.Count)
l(j Mod l.Count) = tmp
current += 1
Return l((current - 1) Mod l.Count)
End Function
Finally (hopefully), I think the solution is quite simple. The below code assumes that there is an array of N elements called TheArray which contains the elements in random order (could be rewritten to work with sorted array). The value DelaySize determines how long a value should be suspended after it has been drawn.
Public Function NextValue() As Integer
Static current As Integer = 0
Dim SelectIndex As Integer = prng.Next(0, TheArray.Count - DelaySize)
Dim ReturnValue = TheArray(SelectIndex)
TheArray(SelectIndex) = TheArray(TheArray.Count - 1 - current Mod DelaySize)
TheArray(TheArray.Count - 1 - current Mod DelaySize) = ReturnValue
current += 1
Return ReturnValue
End Function

Check if a tree is a mirror image?

Given a binary tree which is huge and can not be placed in memory, how do you check if the tree is a mirror image.
I got this as an interview question
If a tree is a mirror image of another tree, the inorder traversal of one tree would be reverse of another.
So just do inorder traversal on the first tree and a reverse inorder traversal on another and check if all the elements are the same.
I can't take full credit for this reply of course; a handful of my colleagues helped with some assumptions and for poking holes in my original idea. Much thanks to them!
We can't have the entire tree in memory, so it's not ideal to use recursion. Let's assume, for simplicity's sake, that we can only hold a maximum of two nodes in memory.
We know n, the total number of levels in our tree.
We can perform seeks on the data with respect to the character or line position it's in.
The data that is on disk is ordered by depth. That is to say, the first entry on disk is the root, and the next two are its children, and the next four are its children's children, and so forth.
There are cases in which the data is perfectly mirrored, and cases in which it isn't. Blank data interlaced with non-blank data is considered "acceptable", unless otherwise specified.
We have freedom over using any data type we wish so long as the values can be compared for equivalence. Testing for object equivalence may not be ideal, so let's assume we're comparing primitives.
"Mirrored" means mirrored between the root's children. To use different terminologies, the grandparent's left child is mirrored with its right child, and the left child (parent)'s left child is mirrored with the grandparent's right child's right child. This is illustrated in the graph below; the matching symbols represent the mirroring we want to check for.
P* P*
C1& C2^ C3^ C4&
We know how many nodes on each level we should expect when we're reading from disk - some multiple of 2k. We can establish a double loop to iterate over the total depth of the tree, and the count of the nodes in each level. Inside of this, we can simply compare the outermost values for equivalence, and short-circuit if we find an unequal value.
We can determine the location of each outer location by using multiples of 2k. The leftmost child of any level will always be 2k, and the rightmost child of any level will always be 2k+1-1.
Small Proof: Outermost nodes on level 1 are 2 and 3; 21 = 2, 21+1-1 = 22-1 = 3. Outermost nodes on level 2 are 4 and 7; 22 = 4, 22+1-1 = 23-1 = 7. One could expand this all the way to the nth case.
int k, i;
for(k = 1; k < n; k++) { // Skip root, trivially mirrored
for(i = 0; i < pow(2, k) / 2; i++) {
if(node_retrieve(i + pow(2, k)) != node_retrieve(pow(2, (k+1)-i)) {
return false;
return true;
This sort of question is a great interview question because, more than likely, they want to see how you would approach this problem. This approach may be horrible, it may be immaculate, but an employer would want you to take your time, draw things on a piece of paper or whiteboard, and ask them questions about how the data is stored, how it can be read, what limitations there are on seeks, etc etc.
It's not the coding aspect that interviewers are interested in, but the problem solving aspect.
Recursion is easy.
struct node {
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int payload;
int is_not_mirror(struct node *one, struct node *two)
if (!one && !two) return 0;
if (!one) return 1;
if (!two) return 1;
if (compare(one->payload, two->payload)) return 1;
if (is_not_mirror(one->left, two->right)) return 1;
if (is_not_mirror(one->right, two->left)) return 1;
return 0;

Create Balanced Binary Search Tree from Sorted linked list

What's the best way to create a balanced binary search tree from a sorted singly linked list?
How about creating nodes bottom-up?
This solution's time complexity is O(N). Detailed explanation in my blog post:
Two traversal of the linked list is all we need. First traversal to get the length of the list (which is then passed in as the parameter n into the function), then create nodes by the list's order.
BinaryTree* sortedListToBST(ListNode *& list, int start, int end) {
if (start > end) return NULL;
// same as (start+end)/2, avoids overflow
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
BinaryTree *leftChild = sortedListToBST(list, start, mid-1);
BinaryTree *parent = new BinaryTree(list->data);
parent->left = leftChild;
list = list->next;
parent->right = sortedListToBST(list, mid+1, end);
return parent;
BinaryTree* sortedListToBST(ListNode *head, int n) {
return sortedListToBST(head, 0, n-1);
You can't do better than linear time, since you have to at least read all the elements of the list, so you might as well copy the list into an array (linear time) and then construct the tree efficiently in the usual way, i.e. if you had the list [9,12,18,23,24,51,84], then you'd start by making 23 the root, with children 12 and 51, then 9 and 18 become children of 12, and 24 and 84 become children of 51. Overall, should be O(n) if you do it right.
The actual algorithm, for what it's worth, is "take the middle element of the list as the root, and recursively build BSTs for the sub-lists to the left and right of the middle element and attach them below the root".
Best isn't only about asynmptopic run time. The sorted linked list has all the information needed to create the binary tree directly, and I think this is probably what they are looking for
Note that the first and third entries become children of the second, then the fourth node has chidren of the second and sixth (which has children the fifth and seventh) and so on...
in psuedo code
read three elements, make a node from them, mark as level 1, push on stack
read three elemeents and make a node of them
mark as level 1
push on stack
loop while top two enties on stack have same level (n)
make node of top two entries, mark as level n + 1, push on stack
while elements remain in list
(with a bit of adjustment for when there's less than three elements left or an unbalanced tree at any point)
At any point, there is a left node of height N on the stack. Next step is to read one element, then read and construct another node of height N on the stack. To construct a node of height N, make and push a node of height N -1 on the stack, then read an element, make another node of height N-1 on the stack -- which is a recursive call.
Actually, this means the algorithm (even as modified) won't produce a balanced tree. If there are 2N+1 nodes, it will produce a tree with 2N-1 values on the left, and 1 on the right.
So I think #sgolodetz's answer is better, unless I can think of a way of rebalancing the tree as it's built.
Trick question!
The best way is to use the STL, and advantage yourself of the fact that the sorted associative container ADT, of which set is an implementation, demands insertion of sorted ranges have amortized linear time. Any passable set of core data structures for any language should offer a similar guarantee. For a real answer, see the quite clever solutions others have provided.
What's that? I should offer something useful?
How about this?
The smallest possible meaningful tree in a balanced binary tree is 3 nodes.
A parent, and two children. The very first instance of such a tree is the first three elements. Child-parent-Child. Let's now imagine this as a single node. Okay, well, we no longer have a tree. But we know that the shape we want is Child-parent-Child.
Done for a moment with our imaginings, we want to keep a pointer to the parent in that initial triumvirate. But it's singly linked!
We'll want to have four pointers, which I'll call A, B, C, and D. So, we move A to 1, set B equal to A and advance it one. Set C equal to B, and advance it two. The node under B already points to its right-child-to-be. We build our initial tree. We leave B at the parent of Tree one. C is sitting at the node that will have our two minimal trees as children. Set A equal to C, and advance it one. Set D equal to A, and advance it one. We can now build our next minimal tree. D points to the root of that tree, B points to the root of the other, and C points to the... the new root from which we will hang our two minimal trees.
How about some pictures?
With our image of a minimal tree as a node...
[B = Tree][C][A][D][-]
And then
[Tree A][C][Tree B]
Except we have a problem. The node two after D is our next root.
[B = Tree A][C][A][D][-][Roooooot?!]
It would be a lot easier on us if we could simply maintain a pointer to it instead of to it and C. Turns out, since we know it will point to C, we can go ahead and start constructing the node in the binary tree that will hold it, and as part of this we can enter C into it as a left-node. How can we do this elegantly?
Set the pointer of the Node under C to the node Under B.
It's cheating in every sense of the word, but by using this trick, we free up B.
Alternatively, you can be sane, and actually start building out the node structure. After all, you really can't reuse the nodes from the SLL, they're probably POD structs.
So now...
And... Wait a sec. We can use this same trick to free up C, if we just let ourselves think of it as a single node instead of a tree. Because after all, it really is just a single node.
We can further generalize our tricks.
We are missing a critical step!
Becomes :
Obviously, the algorithm can be cleaned up considerably, but I thought it would be interesting to demonstrate how one can optimize as you go by iteratively designing your algorithm. I think this kind of process is what a good employer should be looking for more than anything.
The trick, basically, is that each time we reach the next midpoint, which we know is a parent-to-be, we know that its left subtree is already finished. The other trick is that we are done with a node once it has two children and something pointing to it, even if all of the sub-trees aren't finished. Using this, we can get what I am pretty sure is a linear time solution, as each element is touched only 4 times at most. The problem is that this relies on being given a list that will form a truly balanced binary search tree. There are, in other words, some hidden constraints that may make this solution either much harder to apply, or impossible. For example, if you have an odd number of elements, or if there are a lot of non-unique values, this starts to produce a fairly silly tree.
Render the element unique.
Insert a dummy element at the end if the number of nodes is odd.
Sing longingly for a more naive implementation.
Use a deque to keep the roots of completed subtrees and the midpoints in, instead of mucking around with my second trick.
This is a python implementation:
def sll_to_bbst(sll, start, end):
"""Build a balanced binary search tree from sorted linked list.
This assumes that you have a class BinarySearchTree, with properties
'l_child' and 'r_child'.
sll: sorted linked list, any data structure with 'popleft()' method,
which removes and returns the leftmost element of the list. The
easiest thing to do is to use 'collections.deque' for the sorted
start: int, start index, on initial call set to 0
end: int, on initial call should be set to len(sll)
A balanced instance of BinarySearchTree
This is a python implementation of solution found here:
if start >= end:
return None
middle = (start + end) // 2
l_child = sll_to_bbst(sll, start, middle)
root = BinarySearchTree(sll.popleft())
root.l_child = l_child
root.r_child = sll_to_bbst(sll, middle+1, end)
return root
Instead of the sorted linked list i was asked on a sorted array (doesn't matter though logically, but yes run-time varies) to create a BST of minimal height, following is the code i could get out:
typedef struct Node{
struct Node *left;
int info;
struct Node *right;
Node_t* Bin(int low, int high) {
Node_t* node = NULL;
int mid = 0;
if(low <= high) {
mid = (low+high)/2;
node = CreateNode(a[mid]);
printf("DEBUG: creating node for %d\n", a[mid]);
if(node->left == NULL) {
node->left = Bin(low, mid-1);
if(node->right == NULL) {
node->right = Bin(mid+1, high);
return node;
}//if(low <=high)
else {
return NULL;
Node_t* CreateNode(int info) {
Node_t* node = malloc(sizeof(Node_t));
memset(node, 0, sizeof(Node_t));
node->info = info;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
// call function for an array example: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, it gets you desired
// result
HTH Somebody..
This is the pseudo recursive algorithm that I will suggest.
createTree(treenode *root, linknode *start, linknode *end)
if(start == end or start = end->next)
while(ptrdouble != end and ptrdouble->next !=end)
//ptrsignle will now be at the middle element.
treenode cur_node=Allocatememory;
cur_node->data = ptrsingle->data;
if(root = null)
root = cur_node;
if(cur_node->data (less than) root->data)
createTree(cur_node, start, ptrSingle);
createTree(cur_node, ptrSingle, End);
Root = null;
The inital call will be createtree(Root, list, null);
We are doing the recursive building of the tree, but without using the intermediate array.
To get to the middle element every time we are advancing two pointers, one by one element, other by two elements. By the time the second pointer is at the end, the first pointer will be at the middle.
The running time will be o(nlogn). The extra space will be o(logn). Not an efficient solution for a real situation where you can have R-B tree which guarantees nlogn insertion. But good enough for interview.
Similar to #Stuart Golodetz and #Jake Kurzer the important thing is that the list is already sorted.
In #Stuart's answer, the array he presented is the backing data structure for the BST. The find operation for example would just need to perform index array calculations to traverse the tree. Growing the array and removing elements would be the trickier part, so I'd prefer a vector or other constant time lookup data structure.
#Jake's answer also uses this fact but unfortunately requires you to traverse the list to find each time to do a get(index) operation. But requires no additional memory usage.
Unless it was specifically mentioned by the interviewer that they wanted an object structure representation of the tree, I would use #Stuart's answer.
In a question like this you'd be given extra points for discussing the tradeoffs and all the options that you have.
Hope the detailed explanation on this post helps:
A slightly improved implementation from #1337c0d3r in my blog.
// create a balanced BST using #len elements starting from #head & move #head forward by #len
TreeNode *sortedListToBSTHelper(ListNode *&head, int len) {
if (0 == len) return NULL;
auto left = sortedListToBSTHelper(head, len / 2);
auto root = new TreeNode(head->val);
root->left = left;
head = head->next;
root->right = sortedListToBSTHelper(head, (len - 1) / 2);
return root;
TreeNode *sortedListToBST(ListNode *head) {
int n = length(head);
return sortedListToBSTHelper(head, n);
If you know how many nodes are in the linked list, you can do it like this:
// Gives path to subtree being built. If branch[N] is false, branch
// less from the node at depth N, if true branch greater.
bool branch[max depth];
// If rem[N] is true, then for the current subtree at depth N, it's
// greater subtree has one more node than it's less subtree.
bool rem[max depth];
// Depth of root node of current subtree.
unsigned depth = 0;
// Number of nodes in current subtree.
unsigned num_sub = Number of nodes in linked list;
// The algorithm relies on a stack of nodes whose less subtree has
// been built, but whose right subtree has not yet been built. The
// stack is implemented as linked list. The nodes are linked
// together by having the "greater" handle of a node set to the
// next node in the list. "less_parent" is the handle of the first
// node in the list.
Node *less_parent = nullptr;
// h is root of current subtree, child is one of its children.
Node *h, *child;
Node *p = head of the sorted linked list of nodes;
LOOP // loop unconditionally
LOOP WHILE (num_sub > 2)
// Subtract one for root of subtree.
num_sub = num_sub - 1;
rem[depth] = !!(num_sub & 1); // true if num_sub is an odd number
branch[depth] = false;
depth = depth + 1;
num_sub = num_sub / 2;
IF (num_sub == 2)
// Build a subtree with two nodes, slanting to greater.
// I arbitrarily chose to always have the extra node in the
// greater subtree when there is an odd number of nodes to
// split between the two subtrees.
h = p;
p = the node after p in the linked list;
child = p;
p = the node after p in the linked list;
make h and p into a two-element AVL tree;
ELSE // num_sub == 1
// Build a subtree with one node.
h = p;
p = the next node in the linked list;
make h into a leaf node;
LOOP WHILE (depth > 0)
depth = depth - 1;
IF (not branch[depth])
// We've completed a less subtree, exit while loop.
// We've completed a greater subtree, so attach it to
// its parent (that is less than it). We pop the parent
// off the stack of less parents.
child = h;
h = less_parent;
less_parent = h->greater_child;
h->greater_child = child;
num_sub = 2 * (num_sub - rem[depth]) + rem[depth] + 1;
IF (num_sub & (num_sub - 1))
// num_sub is not a power of 2
h->balance_factor = 0;
// num_sub is a power of 2
h->balance_factor = 1;
IF (num_sub == number of node in original linked list)
// We've completed the full tree, exit outer unconditional loop
// The subtree we've completed is the less subtree of the
// next node in the sequence.
child = h;
h = p;
p = the next node in the linked list;
h->less_child = child;
// Put h onto the stack of less parents.
h->greater_child = less_parent;
less_parent = h;
// Proceed to creating greater than subtree of h.
branch[depth] = true;
num_sub = num_sub + rem[depth];
depth = depth + 1;
// h now points to the root of the completed AVL tree.
For an encoding of this in C++, see the build member function (currently at line 361) in https://github.com/wkaras/C-plus-plus-intrusive-container-templates/blob/master/avl_tree.h . It's actually more general, a template using any forward iterator rather than specifically a linked list.

Hashing a Tree Structure

I've just come across a scenario in my project where it I need to compare different tree objects for equality with already known instances, and have considered that some sort of hashing algorithm that operates on an arbitrary tree would be very useful.
Take for example the following tree:
/ \
/ \
/|\ |
/ | \ |
/ \
/ \
Where each O represents a node of the tree, is an arbitrary object, has has an associated hash function. So the problem reduces to: given the hash code of the nodes of tree structure, and a known structure, what is a decent algorithm for computing a (relatively) collision-free hash code for the entire tree?
A few notes on the properties of the hash function:
The hash function should depend on the hash code of every node within the tree as well as its position.
Reordering the children of a node should distinctly change the resulting hash code.
Reflecting any part of the tree should distinctly change the resulting hash code
If it helps, I'm using C# 4.0 here in my project, though I'm primarily looking for a theoretical solution, so pseudo-code, a description, or code in another imperative language would be fine.
Well, here's my own proposed solution. It has been helped much by several of the answers here.
Each node (sub-tree/leaf node) has the following hash function:
public override int GetHashCode()
int hashCode = unchecked((this.Symbol.GetHashCode() * 31 +
for (int i = 0; i < this.Children.Count; i++)
hashCode = unchecked(hashCode * 31 + this.Children[i].GetHashCode());
return hashCode;
The nice thing about this method, as I see it, is that hash codes can be cached and only recalculated when the node or one of its descendants changes. (Thanks to vatine and Jason Orendorff for pointing this out).
Anyway, I would be grateful if people could comment on my suggested solution here - if it does the job well, then great, otherwise any possible improvements would be welcome.
If I were to do this, I'd probably do something like the following:
For each leaf node, compute the concatenation of 0 and the hash of the node data.
For each internal node, compute the concatenation of 1 and the hash of any local data (NB: may not be applicable) and the hash of the children from left to right.
This will lead to a cascade up the tree every time you change anything, but that MAY be low-enough of an overhead to be worthwhile. If changes are relatively infrequent compared to the amount of changes, it may even make sense to go for a cryptographically secure hash.
Edit1: There is also the possibility of adding a "hash valid" flag to each node and simply propagate a "false" up the tree (or "hash invalid" and propagate "true") up the tree on a node change. That way, it may be possible to avoid a complete recalculation when the tree hash is needed and possibly avoid multiple hash calculations that are not used, at the risk of slightly less predictable time to get a hash when needed.
Edit3: The hash code suggested by Noldorin in the question looks like it would have a chance of collisions, if the result of GetHashCode can ever be 0. Essentially, there is no way of distinguishing a tree composed of a single node, with "symbol hash" 30 and "value hash" 25 and a two-node tree, where the root has a "symbol hash" of 0 and a "value hash" of 30 and the child node has a total hash of 25. The examples are entirely invented, I don't know what expected hash ranges are so I can only comment on what I see in the presented code.
Using 31 as the multiplicative constant is good, in that it will cause any overflow to happen on a non-bit boundary, although I am thinking that, with sufficient children and possibly adversarial content in the tree, the hash contribution from items hashed early MAY be dominated by later hashed items.
However, if the hash performs decently on expected data, it looks as if it will do the job. It's certainly faster than using a cryptographic hash (as done in the example code listed below).
Edit2: As for specific algorithms and minimum data structure needed, something like the following (Python, translating to any other language should be relatively easy).
#! /usr/bin/env python
import Crypto.Hash.SHA
class Node:
def __init__ (self, parent=None, contents="", children=[]):
self.valid = False
self.hash = False
self.contents = contents
self.children = children
def append_child (self, child):
def invalidate (self):
self.valid = False
if self.parent:
def gethash (self):
if self.valid:
return self.hash
digester = crypto.hash.SHA.new()
if self.children:
for child in self.children:
self.hash = "1"+digester.hexdigest()
self.hash = "0"+digester.hexdigest()
return self.hash
def setcontents (self):
self.valid = False
return self.contents
Okay, after your edit where you've introduced a requirement that the hashing result should be different for different tree layouts, you're only left with option to traverse the whole tree and write its structure to a single array.
That's done like this: you traverse the tree and dump the operations you do. For an original tree that could be (for a left-child-right-sibling structure):
[1, child, 2, child, 3, sibling, 4, sibling, 5, parent, parent, //we're at root again
sibling, 6, child, 7, child, 8, sibling, 9, parent, parent]
You may then hash the list (that is, effectively, a string) the way you like. As another option, you may even return this list as a result of hash-function, so it becomes collision-free tree representation.
But adding precise information about the whole structure is not what hash functions usually do. The way proposed should compute hash function of every node as well as traverse the whole tree. So you may consider other ways of hashing, described below.
If you don't want to traverse the whole tree:
One algorithm that immediately came to my mind is like this. Pick a large prime number H (that's greater than maximal number of children). To hash a tree, hash its root, pick a child number H mod n, where n is the number of children of root, and recursively hash the subtree of this child.
This seems to be a bad option if trees differ only deeply near the leaves. But at least it should run fast for not very tall trees.
If you want to hash less elements but go through the whole tree:
Instead of hashing subtree, you may want to hash layer-wise. I.e. hash root first, than hash one of nodes that are its children, then one of children of the children etc. So you cover the whole tree instead of one of specific paths. This makes hashing procedure slower, of course.
--- O ------- layer 0, n=1
/ \
/ \
--- O --- O ----- layer 1, n=2
/|\ |
/ | \ |
/ | \ |
O - O - O O------ layer 2, n=4
/ \
/ \
------ O --- O -- layer 3, n=2
A node from a layer is picked with H mod n rule.
The difference between this version and previous version is that a tree should undergo quite an illogical transformation to retain the hash function.
The usual technique of hashing any sequence is combining the values (or hashes thereof) of its elements in some mathematical way. I don't think a tree would be any different in this respect.
For example, here is the hash function for tuples in Python (taken from Objects/tupleobject.c in the source of Python 2.6):
static long
tuplehash(PyTupleObject *v)
register long x, y;
register Py_ssize_t len = Py_SIZE(v);
register PyObject **p;
long mult = 1000003L;
x = 0x345678L;
p = v->ob_item;
while (--len >= 0) {
y = PyObject_Hash(*p++);
if (y == -1)
return -1;
x = (x ^ y) * mult;
/* the cast might truncate len; that doesn't change hash stability */
mult += (long)(82520L + len + len);
x += 97531L;
if (x == -1)
x = -2;
return x;
It's a relatively complex combination with constants experimentally chosen for best results for tuples of typical lengths. What I'm trying to show with this code snippet is that the issue is very complex and very heuristic, and the quality of the results probably depend on the more specific aspects of your data - i.e. domain knowledge may help you reach better results. However, for good-enough results you shouldn't look too far. I would guess that taking this algorithm and combining all the nodes of the tree instead of all the tuple elements, plus adding their position into play will give you a pretty good algorithm.
One option of taking the position into account is the node's position in an inorder walk of the tree.
Any time you are working with trees recursion should come to mind:
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = 5381;
foreach(var node in this.BreadthFirstTraversal()) {
hash = 33 * hash + node.GetHashCode();
The hash function should depend on the hash code of every node within the tree as well as its position.
Check. We are explicitly using node.GetHashCode() in the computation of the tree's hash code. Further, because of the nature of the algorithm, a node's position plays a role in the tree's ultimate hash code.
Reordering the children of a node should distinctly change the resulting hash code.
Check. They will be visited in a different order in the in-order traversal leading to a different hash code. (Note that if there are two children with the same hash code you will end up with the same hash code upon swapping the order of those children.)
Reflecting any part of the tree should distinctly change the resulting hash code
Check. Again the nodes would be visited in a different order leading to a different hash code. (Note that there are circumstances where the reflection could lead to the same hash code if every node is reflected into a node with the same hash code.)
The collision-free property of this will depend on how collision-free the hash function used for the node data is.
It sounds like you want a system where the hash of a particular node is a combination of the child node hashes, where order matters.
If you're planning on manipulating this tree a lot, you may want to pay the price in space of storing the hashcode with each node, to avoid the penalty of recalculation when performing operations on the tree.
Since the order of the child nodes matters, a method which might work here would be to combine the node data and children using prime number multiples and addition modulo some large number.
To go for something similar to Java's String hashcode:
Say you have n child nodes.
hash(node) = hash(nodedata) +
hash(childnode[0]) * 31^(n-1) +
hash(childnode[1]) * 31^(n-2) +
<...> +
Some more detail on the scheme used above can be found here: http://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/
I can see that if you have a large set of trees to compare, then you could use a hash function to retrieve a set of potential candidates, then do a direct comparison.
A substring that would work is just use lisp syntax to put brackets around the tree, write out the identifiere of each node in pre-order. But this is computationally equivalent to a pre-order comparison of the tree, so why not just do that?
I've given 2 solutions: one is for comparing the two trees when you're done (needed to resolve collisions) and the other to compute the hashcode.
The most efficient way to compare will be to simply recursively traverse each tree in a fixed order (pre-order is simple and as good as anything else), comparing the node at each step.
So, just create a Visitor pattern that successively returns the next node in pre-order for a tree. i.e. it's constructor can take the root of the tree.
Then, just create two insces of the Visitor, that act as generators for the next node in preorder. i.e. Vistor v1 = new Visitor(root1), Visitor v2 = new Visitor(root2)
Write a comparison function that can compare itself to another node.
Then just visit each node of the trees, comparing, and returning false if comparison fails. i.e.
Function Compare(Node root1, Node root2)
Visitor v1 = new Visitor(root1)
Visitor v2 = new Visitor(root2)
Node n1 = v1.next
Node n2 = v2.next
if (n1 == null) and (n2 == null) then
return true
if (n1 == null) or (n2 == null) then
return false
if n1.compare(n2) != 0 then
return false
end loop
// unreachable
End Function
End Module
if you want to write out a string representation of the tree, you can use the lisp syntax for a tree, then sample the string to generate a shorter hashcode.
Function TreeToString(Node n1) : String
if node == null
return ""
String s1 = "(" + n1.toString()
for each child of n1
s1 = TreeToString(child)
return s1 + ")"
End Function
The node.toString() can return the unique label/hash code/whatever for that node. Then you can just do a substring comparison from the strings returned by the TreeToString function to determine if the trees are equivalent. For a shorter hashcode, just sample the TreeToString Function, i.e. take every 5 character.
End Module
I think you could do this recursively: Assume you have a hash function h that hashes strings of arbitrary length (e.g. SHA-1). Now, the hash of a tree is the hash of a string that is created as a concatenation of the hash of the current element (you have your own function for that) and hashes of all the children of that node (from recursive calls of the function).
For a binary tree you would have:
Hash( h(node->data) || Hash(node->left) || Hash(node->right) )
You may need to carefully check if tree geometry is properly accounted for. I think that with some effort you could derive a method for which finding collisions for such trees could be as hard as finding collisions in the underlying hash function.
A simple enumeration (in any deterministic order) together with a hash function that depends when the node is visited should work.
int hash(Node root) {
ArrayList<Node> worklist = new ArrayList<Node>();
int h = 0;
int n = 0;
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
Node x = worklist.remove(worklist.size() - 1);
h ^= place_hash(x.hash(), n);
return h;
int place_hash(int hash, int place) {
return (Integer.toString(hash) + "_" + Integer.toString(place)).hash();
class TreeNode
public static QualityAgainstPerformance = 3; // tune this for your needs
public static PositionMarkConstan = 23498735; // just anything
public object TargetObject; // this is a subject of this TreeNode, which has to add it's hashcode;
IEnumerable<TreeNode> GetChildParticipiants()
yield return this;
foreach(var child in Children)
yield return child;
foreach(var grandchild in child.GetParticipiants() )
yield return grandchild;
IEnumerable<TreeNode> GetParentParticipiants()
TreeNode parent = Parent;
yield return parent;
while( ( parent = parent.Parent ) != null );
public override int GetHashcode()
int computed = 0;
var nodesToCombine =
(Parent != null ? Parent : this).GetChildParticipiants()
foreach(var node in nodesToCombine)
if ( node.ReferenceEquals(this) )
computed = AddToMix(computed, PositionMarkConstant );
computed = AddToMix(computed, node.GetPositionInParent());
computed = AddToMix(computed, node.TargetObject.GetHashCode());
return computed;
AddToTheMix is a function, which combines the two hashcodes, so the sequence matters.
I don't know what it is, but you can figure out. Some bit shifting, rounding, you know...
The idea is that you have to analyse some environment of the node, depending on the quality you want to achieve.
I have to say, that you requirements are somewhat against the entire concept of hashcodes.
Hash function computational complexity should be very limited.
It's computational complexity should not linearly depend on the size of the container (the tree), otherwise it totally breaks the hashcode-based algorithms.
Considering the position as a major property of the nodes hash function also somewhat goes against the concept of the tree, but achievable, if you replace the requirement, that it HAS to depend on the position.
Overall principle i would suggest, is replacing MUST requirements with SHOULD requirements.
That way you can come up with appropriate and efficient algorithm.
For example, consider building a limited sequence of integer hashcode tokens, and add what you want to this sequence, in the order of preference.
Order of the elements in this sequence is important, it affects the computed value.
for example for each node you want to compute:
add the hashcode of underlying object
add the hashcodes of underlying objects of the nearest siblings, if available. I think, even the single left sibling would be enough.
add the hashcode of underlying object of the parent and it's nearest siblings like for the node itself, same as 2.
repeat this to with the grandparents to a limited depth.
//--------5------- ancestor depth 2 and it's left sibling;
//-------/|------- ;
//------4-3------- ancestor depth 1 and it's left sibling;
//-------/|------- ;
//------2-1------- this;
the fact that you are adding a direct sibling's underlying object's hashcode gives a positional property to the hashfunction.
if this is not enough, add the children:
You should add every child, just some to give a decent hashcode.
add the first child and it's first child and it's first child.. limit the depth to some constant, and do not compute anything recursively - just the underlying node's object's hashcode.
//----- this;
This way the complexity is linear to the depth of the underlying tree, not the total number of elements.
Now you have a sequence if integers, combine them with a known algorithm, like Ely suggests above.
This way, you will have a lightweight hash function, with a positional property, not dependent on the total size of the tree, and even not dependent on the tree depth, and not requiring to recompute hash function of the entire tree when you change the tree structure.
I bet this 7 numbers would give a hash destribution near to perfect.
Writing your own hash function is almost always a bug, because you basically need a degree in mathematics to do it well. Hashfunctions are incredibly nonintuitive, and have highly unpredictable collision characteristics.
Don't try directly combining hashcodes for Child nodes -- this will magnify any problems in the underlying hash functions. Instead, concatenate the raw bytes from each node in order, and feed this as a byte stream to a tried-and-true hash function. All the cryptographic hash functions can accept a byte stream. If the tree is small, you may want to just create a byte array and hash it in one operation.
