error while loading shared libraries: - ruby

I am using imagekit gem for one of my projects to create image from html. Imagekit uses wkhtmltoimage to generate image from html.
I have installed wkhtmltoimage using gem install wkhtmltoimage-binary. But when I try running the example /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage --help I am getting following error:
/usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
I am running my Ruby on Rails 4 project on Centos 6.6 server.
Please suggest.


Heroku + MiniMagick + ImageMagick error loading libraries

I am on Heroku using a RoR app.
I am using carrierwave and with mini_magick (imagemagick).
Everything works fine on my local server.
On heroku I get the following error:
Icon Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: `identify /tmp/mini_magick20181115-4-12nnpxw.png` failed with error: identify: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It seems is not present. I have added the buildpack for imagemagick:
Any suggestions?
Okay, so after contacting support ("we don't deal with third party build packs") and lots of help from some friends, the solution is frustratingly simple (on heroku-18 stacks):
Delete the build pack.
Unless you need a different version than what ships (, which is 8:​+dfsg-16​ubuntu6.4, then just remove the pack. This worked for me on my staging environment.

Issue on installing a own written logstash plugin

I am doing my firts steps on writing my own logstash filter plugins. I followed the instructions of but I do not get it done.
I do this on my windows machine. The following has been ensured
Proper JAVA_HOME is set and its bin folder is added to PATH
JRuby is installed
Proper JRUBY_HOME is set and its bin folder is added to PATH
I did the following
Cloned and did NO source code changes on
Did a successful gem build which created the file logstash-filter-example-3.0.0.gem
Wanted to see if the plugin is working and tried to install it
Got this error message
logstash-plugin.bat install logstash-filter-example-3.0.0.gem
LoadError: no such file to load -- clamp
require at org/jruby/
require at C:/jruby-
<main> at D:\hust\playground\logstash_filter_plugin\logstash-2.4.0\logstash-2.4.0\lib\pluginmanager\main.rb:14
I am a newbie to this world. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong here?
BW Hubert

Could not find 'flat-ui.css' in any of your source paths while generating Flat UI Pro in rails app

I am integrating licensed version of flat-ui-pro with my Rails app.
For this, I am using 'designmodo-flatuipro-rails' gem
My environments are:-
OS - Windows7 32-bit
Ruby - 1.9.3p327
Rails - 4.0.0
twitter-bootstrap-rails - 2.2.8
jquery-ui-rails - 4.0.5
designmodo-flatuipro-rails -
I have generated "bootstrap_and_overrides.css" file by bootstrap generator at location "app/assets/stylesheets/". I am not using ".less" files for bootstrap.
I am also not getting Cannot detect twitter-bootstrap-rails install error
and Invalid Flat UI Pro directory error while running the flatUI generating command. It means I am inside the right FlatUI directory.
When I run the flat-ui-pro generate command rails g flatuipro:install ./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4, It is throwing a error
Could not find "./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4/css/flat-ui.css" in any of yo
ur source paths. Your current source paths are:
I am getting the same error while passing the FlatUI directory containing PSD and HTML both.
I am not understanding why generator can not recognizing flat-ui.css in the right directory.
I used differ version of gem "designmodo-flatuipro-rails", "~>" with the other version of FlatUI-Pro directory (1.2.2) but also getting the same error.
This is tree of FlatUiPro directory:-
Please reply with good suggestions.
Try changing your relative-path to the Flat-UI Pro Directory to "absolute" in the rails "generate" command, seems to work only for absolute paths!
After getting stuck very much, I found the solution.
I was hitting command in cmd-prompt:-
rails g flatuipro:install ./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4
It will work with Mac/Ubuntu OS as creator of flatui-gem explained in the issue created on github <<Link of Github Issue>>
In Windows, it is mandatory to put the flatui directory out of the project folder.
For example:-
My FlatUIPro directory saved in "D:" drive, so my command will be
rails g flatuipro:install D:/FlatUI
rails g flatuipro:install D:/FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4
Please check your Flat UI Pro directory... you really are missing demo.css for some reason. Try re-downloading the Flat UI Pro assets from designmodo

I get a LoadError when trying to about anything with a new Ruby install on Windows

I installed Ruby on Windows via RubyInstaller, with the associated DevKit.
I'm trying to run various scripts (mainly Jekyll), and I'm getting all sorts of errors about paths. For instance:
...cannot load such file -- (LoadError)
...cannot load such file -- 2.0/redcloth_scan (LoadError)
Specifically, in both those cases, I'm trying to run "redcloth.bat" and "redcarpet.bat" in the bin directory of the Ruby directory.
I feel like I'm missing something basic with paths. Note that this has never worked -- I installed the RubyInstaller, then the DevKit, then the Jekyll gem...and this is what happened.
Is there something basic about this installation that I failed to set?
We ran into the RedCloth side of this error today.
We started with this error
How to install RedCloth on Windows?
What we found was we had installed the mswin32 version of RedCloth, we first got the no such file to load.
We then went to our
Directory , added the 2.0 file and copied the file into the 2.0 directory.
We started getting another error that was similar.
We decided we would just uninstall the precompiled version of the gem, and start with the normal RedCloth-2.4.9.gem to be compiled locally with devkit.
Once this was installed, we again went to the lib dir for the gem.
CD C:/ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/RedCloth-2.4.9/lib
We created a 2.0 directory
We then copied the file file into the 2.0 directory and we no longer had the error. The server came up fine and we

Abiword on heroku

I am trying to install abiword on heroku, by wrapping it in a ruby gem.
I statically compiled a 64 bit binary for abiword using the following commands
$ ./configure --enable-shared=no --enable-static=yes
$ make
I then take the abiword binary from the above compile and place it in my ruby gem directory structure and build it.
I subsequently pushed this gem to github.
Now I try to install it on heroku.
The install works fine.
When I try to run the line of code that calls abiword raises the following error
/app/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/abiword-8f24c3c3c8ef/bin/abiword: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Now why is it trying to find a shared library. Should it not have a static copy of this library to work with.
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong.
Any help appreciated.
Couldn;t make it work. So I moved all my code to AWS EC2 directly ( bypassing heroku )
