Can I choose version of Server-side compiler Google Swiffy? - google-swiffy

The server-side compiler always uses the most recent version, but I want to choose the version (for example v5.3) that I want. How can I do that?


What would the "right" way to use a local build of cmake without tampering with the system one?

There is a current "vogue" in some categories of software (I have observed it with 3D software), to force the use of the last library or tool, making them the facto incompatible with (not so) old distribution. e.g.:
some (non free) recent slicers for resin printing are incompatible
with my 2019!!!(doh) linux mint because it was build with a more
recent version of glibc, or even
I looks like I won't be able to build the last release version of
openscad, because it requires a more recent version of cmake...
So, in this last case, I thought I should be able to make a local built of the more recent cmake, but I didn't find an alt-install make's tag like with python, for an example (in python, make alt-install will install in /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin which would break your system.

How does one find what C++11 features have been implemented given a GLIBCXX version

Given a GLIBCXX version of the stdc++ library (example GLIBCXX_3.4.17) given this version, where would one find documentation which specifies what features have been implemented?
Further is there a way to which given the SO NAME version will provide the this same document.
I am working on an embedded system which has an existing version of libstdc++; unfortunately the supplied cross compiler (g++) is at a greater version than what the stdc++ library on the target supports. Upgrading the stdc++ library on the target is not an option. Before I write a lot of code, to only find that it does not run on the target; I would like to know beforehand what is and is not supported.
I have found the GNU Documentation to be useful; however, I am hoping there is a document in which one can get what has been implemented given the symbol version and/or the SO NAME and I just have somehow missed it.
Thanks for any help in advance
given this version, where would one find documentation which specifies what features have been implemented?
You can map a GLIBCXX_A.B.C symbol version to a GCC release by checking
N.B. that won't be precise, because e.g. GCC 5.1 and GCC 5.2 both use GLIBCXX_3.4.21 in the shared library. To tell them apart check the __GLIBCXX__ macro defined by the libstdc++ headers, also documented on that page.
The manuals for libstdc++ releases are at[X.Y.Z]/libstdc++/manual/
Within that manual is a status table showing the implementation status for each standard, the table for C++11 support in GCC 5.3.0 is at
Before I write a lot of code, to only find that it does not run on the target; I would like to know beforehand what is and is not supported.
It's not enough to simply avoid using features that aren't supported by the library on the target system. If you link with the cross-compiler then it will depend on the from that cross-compiler, and will fail to run on the target system if it only has an older
Upgrading the stdc++ library on the target is not an option.
Then you either need to link statically (creating large executables) or downgrade your cross-compiler to match the target. Or at least force it to use the headers and dynamic library from the same version as found on the target (by overriding the header and library search paths to point to copies of the older files), although that might not work, as the newer g++ might not be able to compile the older headers if they contain some invalid C++ that the older g++ didn't diagnose.

How to integrate a custom clang into Xcode 5?

What is the best way to integrate a custom clang toolchain
into Xcode5?
I tried to replace the standard clang with mine and got many errors about missing header files.
You can't. Apple patches Clang before it ships it with XCode, to accept certain options that the IDE uses when calling Clang.
You can always use a non-XCode project build system and build outside the IDE. Or use a different IDE.
If you still want to try, it sounds like you didn't configure Clang correctly to find all your system's header files. You need to configure Clang to use the ones you want using
or something like this. Inspect LLVM's configure --help output on the real options and what they should be, I can't seem to find any decent documentation currently.

what does shared library .so.5 mean?

I have compile a shared library(libcurl). Finally I found it generated "".
".so" means a shared library. But what does the number 5 means?
How can I generate library without number 5? just like ""
Most fundamentally, it's simply a version number. If the version number increases from, say 5 to 6, then it's supposed to indicate that all previous programs that were linked against version 5 are binary-incompatible with version 6 and thus need to be recompiled. For example, if a function was removed from version 6 then clearly any application that used it wouldn't work any longer, so it's clearly unsafe for the application to automatically switch to the newer library version. Bug fixes to an existing function, on the other hand, wouldn't require that the application be recompiled or ported and thus it's safe to use the .5 version with dynamically loading even thought the application was compiled against "a previous version (which is, um, still 5)".
In practice it's a bit more messy, as different people use the version number in different ways (often increasing it when they really didn't need to).
The libtool project has a much more strict, and helpful, guide about when you should update the library version number.
In the end, you should not generate a library without the version number. It's a promise to your users about whether the library is binary compatible in the future or not.

One has to provide four different libraries with Visual Studio?

This post and this post says that with Visual Studio, the run time library can be static/dynamic, and it shouldn't be mixed. Even one can have debugging version/release version for the library. And there are four possibilities (static/dynamic and debug/release).
So, with Visual Studio, the library provider has to provide four different versions of the same library?
I tried to link CppUnit test (debug) with release build library, and I got an error. So, I wondered normally library provider might need to provide all the possible combination of libraries.
under normal cicrcumstances you only provide a realease version. Then you have the option for static/dynamic. In the case of static, you don't have to provide anything since it's static: your lib already contains all functions from the crt it needs. In case of dynamic, it also depends: if you expect your clients to build applications using your lib, they already should have the required lib on their build machine. Else, yes, you can provide them with a crt installer for the dynamic release version (or just ship the corresponding dlls but that's considered rather bad practice)
Also if I remember correctly, you cannot redistribute the debug versions of VS's debug libraries, so in the end this would mean the library provider should only provide one version.
This is really the case with ANY C++ library (we have the same 4 options in our Unix side builds).
Please note that you only have to provide the debug versions if you intend them to be used by other developers, who will need them to debug - otherwise, for end users, you can only provide optimized ones.
