Zuul proxy is not working with utf-8 urls - utf-8

I have a spring cloud app with Zuul proxy. My zuul proxy doesn't work with UTF-8 urls. How should I configure it?
This will work in my microservice, without proxy.
However when its behind a proxy
the гандан_тикет will come as ??????_????? into the microservice.


Spring cloud gateway does not forward HTTPS correctly

I've recently migrated a microservices backend to Spring boot v2.6.1 + spring cloud v2021.0.0 (old version was v2.2.1.RELEASE).
Previously, the setup included a discovery server (Eureka), a gateway (Zuul) and various microservices accessible externally via the gateway. All of these were TLS/secure port enabled so all requests (discovery, registration, gateway forwarding etc) required SSL trust store configuration.
Since Zuul is no longer supported in this version, I am switching to Spring cloud gateway, with the following application.properties setup:
server.port = 8080
eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone = http://localhost:8761/eureka/
spring.application.name= gateway-service
Without ssl universally disabled, I can access a first service URL via that gateway without issue. With SSL enabled, I can access the first service directly and again no issue:
{ "message": "Hello World!" }
However, the gateway is not correctly forwarding the requests either via the correct protocol or with the correct client certificate. I am getting the below error response instead of "Hello World" message:
Bad Request This combination of host and port requires TLS.
(It's worth noting that the Eureka secure port is disabled, and registration/registry fetch is done via HTTP due to issues logged at Error setting custom trust store for Eureka Discovery client by overriding DiscoveryClient.DiscoveryClientOptionalArgs
Ok, this comes down to how the microservices register with Eureka.
Although FIRST-SERVICE was also setup with security.require-ssl=true for direct access it was also necessary to register with Eureka with SSL enabled.
Adding the settings below to application.properties fixed the issue without any changes needed for the gateway configuration:

Zuul proxy and ssl

I have a Spring boot project that is setup as a zuul proxy that is functioning as a api gateway for my rest services. I am now having problems with https which makes sense because I haven't configured https yet. One solution is to run nginx on port 443 and then forward all requests to the zuul proxy however that is extra overhead. So that is no solution.
Do I have to configure the zuul proxy to use the certificates or do I have to configure all the individual rest services?
What does the zuul proxy do with incoming requests? Does it forward the request or create a new one?
Possible duplicated, if this answer helps you please someone marks as duplicated this questions else let me know what is the difference? . Error when Zuul routing to a HTTPS url

Spring boot Oauth2 SSO with Zuul proxy and multiple clients (native, mobile, web)

I'm currently working on a project that uses Zuul to proxy requests to both API endpoints as well as client resources. There is an angular app that is being served from the same endpoint as the Zuul proxy as outlined in this guide. I have the need for additional clients, specifically a desktop application.
I'm not sure I understand how Zuul proxy handles requests and I think there are several paths to get to where I want to go, I'm just not sure what the correct one is.
Here is what I have surmised thus far:
Option 1: Extract the Zuul proxy and SSO capabilities to it's own server. Then create a new UI server which is behind the gateway server. Follow this up with creating a new client application server which handles the authentication of the desktop client.
Option 2: Extract the Zuul proxy and SSO capabilities to it's own server. Serve the current angular app from its own server NOT behind the proxy and change the authorization flow to something different (implicit). Alter Zuul proxy and SSO configuration to ignore requests that already have a bearer token in the header.
If I go with option 2 then I don't understand how to register with the Zuul gateway client that I already am providing the authorization header with my requests so all it should be doing then is proxying my requests to the correct microservices.
Final Questions:
Which option is the most optimal one?
If an access token is already acquired (directly from the auth server using implicit flow) then how does Zuul need to be configured to not try and acquire the access token using the jsessionid?

Spring Boot & ELB - How do I make the load balancer redirect http to https?

I have deployed a Spring Boot application via Elastic Beanstalk. I'm using a load balancer, so this is the flow (as far as I understand):
Internet/Browser request ---HTTPS---> Load Balancer ---HTTP---> Spring Boot App Server
So essentially, the SSL terminates at the load balancer and the app server just deals with plain old HTTP.
But in the case of a HTTP request from the browser, I would like the load balancer to automatically redirect to HTTPS.
There are several questions about this issue:
Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat behind AWS ELB - HTTPS redirect
How to redirect automatically to https with Spring Boot
Spring Boot redirect HTTP to HTTPS
But none of the answers to these questions make sense to me. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but all the answers basically make the Spring Boot app only server HTTPS request (for example when using http.requiresChannel().anyRequest().requiresSecure()).
However, this goes against the flow because I'm perfectly fine with the SSL terminating at the load balancer and the Spring Boot app server just dealing with HTTP. So if I require SSL at the spring boot level, then I'll need to do an end-to-end SSL connection, which isn't really required for my application.
I have also used the following properties, which don't seem to help either:
With the help of this article, I was finally able to figure out how to do this for a Spring Boot app in an ELB environment.
I had to create a conf file in src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/nginx/conf.d. I just called it myconf.conf.
In myconf.conf, I put this code in:
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.my-site.com;
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != "https") {
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://$server_name$REQUEST_URI permanent;
Also, make sure that both HTTP and HTTPS listeners are open for the load balancer.
Additionally, my spring boot app only opens up HTTP since the load balancer already terminates SSL.
AWS Load balancer cannot handle redirection. You may do it via your server or by using cloudfront distributions.

Spring Cloud Zuul: how to add route without restart

I am writing microservices with Spring Cloud.
I'm also using Zuul as the API Gateway which routes some URLs to destination services which are not registered into Eureka.
When a new route needed to be added to Zuul, we often edit the application.yml file and then restart the Zuul server.
I was wondering is there a way to add new route into Zuul without restarting the Zuul server?
I found this link useful but it only works for services registed in Erueka.
